Monthly GameSalad Meetup Thursday May 7 at 7pm CST (01:00 GMT)
Topic: Artificial Intelligence in GameSalad
Come learn about GameSalad and meet other GameSalad creators. Chat with some of the developers behind GameSalad, including GameSalad's own Jonathan Samn (better known to some of you as CodeMonkey), Steve Jakab (a.k.a stevej), Alan Uthoff (a.k.a. BlackCloakGS), Tan Tran (a.k.a. adent42) This week there will be an extra special surprise!
Talk: RThurman from the GameSalad Forums will be presenting
Train GameSalad to Read Your Mind!
This demonstration will show how to set up GameSalad to recreate Richard Marken's famous “Mind Reading” experimental program. (A version of the original program can be found at: ) Using this setup you will be able to get GameSalad to determine a game player’s intentions -- in effect, reading the player’s mind. Using “Perceptual Control Theory” you will set up GameSalad to constantly determine which variable the user is trying to control. This “test for the controlled variable” will show us the user’s purposeful intention. It is the user’s purposeful behavior that reveals what he is concentrating on. (What is on the players mind.)
If you can't join us in person, join us online
Pinky: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky - try to take over the world! (Android) | (Android) | (Android)
Sounds great. My thoughts will be with you.
So, i only have one register user for the next meetup. What do I need to do to get more people to attend?
Free pro
But on serious note maybe do a giveaway that seems to get people.
Maybe give out "exclusive" awesome templates only for those who go to the meetup.
I think RThurman talk is interesting about A.I in GameSalad should be very interesting. Maybe a better description? Manly looking for feedback.
I'm going to attend! I just haven't had a chance to sign up.
Wouldn't miss @RThurman !
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
I am going to attend too, just didn't sign up yet either. Keen to hear @RThurman as well.
I'd really like to know the intentions of the toddlers that play my games.
I plan on going to meetup.
Friday meet ups would be great so people don't have to stay up on school or work nights(unless you work Saturday).
"Friday's... "?
Don't confuse me. It will be Friday 09.30am here, but still Thursday evening 7.00pm in Texas, right?
I was giving feedback saying meet ups should be Friday in Central standard time
I need to proof read more
@BlackCloakGS Might be better if meetups have their own advert space. I'm thinking of pushing the sidebar down a bit, and have a rectangular block as an advert for meetups and linked to the sign-up sheet. Use different image for every meetup.
I'm thinking of putting the advert here:

So people would definitely see that, and hopefully will be drawn to sign up for the event. But this is just a guess. You need to try something, to see if it works or not. If this is a go, PM me. I can whip something up for the graphics.
Dat GameSalad Research Guy
I like this idea. (Android) | (Android) | (Android)
I fully intend to attend, but I don't generally sign up until right at the start. And with them being so late at night it's easy to get sidetracked into something else and/or forget.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Awesome topic! Can't wait to assist...
So far, the meetups I've watch were very interesting and I learned a lot from them. A must IMO for anyone who want to learn good way's of using Gamesalad.
I think this is a great idea.
I think too few people notice the Meetup announcement thread.
If more members attended Meetups they would keep up to date with current developments, so it would greatly reduce the number of repetitive questions about the same subject in multiple threads.
Thank you all for the great feed back. I have added a new category meetup so the meetups will have a new home. I am still looking into if i can add it to the side bar. I think i will try a Friday meetup for June meetup.
Unrelated to the meet-up but related to the sidebar -- if it is possible to add items to it, could you also add notifications there?
Living in the UK the time can often be an issue, if the talk is at something like 2:00 in the morning you'll find most people in the UK are either drunk or asleep (but mostly drunk).
I also agree - as others have said - that the meetsups are easy to miss as they are just another one of dozens of yellow stickies. The sidebar ad is a great idea.
I can add a calendar invite link so you can added to your calendar?
@BlackCloakGS would it be possible if the meetups to be held a bit earlier than what it is currently set?
Dat GameSalad Research Guy
@apitlekays Its hard to do because we host it at the office and people are working still . Also people who want to come in person have to have time to drive to our office. We might want to have too meetups a month one at a time that works well here and another that works better for Europe ( so a Europe GameSalad Meetup). I would be happy to do the online part of a Europe meetup if some one in Europe wants to host the in person part.
Also would like to anounce that @stevej will be doing a talk about AI path finding in GameSalad after RThurman presentation.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
This forum is so great. Thanks for sharing.
Would recording the Meetups and having a section to access the videos for users be a good idea? I personality think that very valuable information about nice stuff that can be done with GameSalad are said in those sessions and it could help increase the amount of participants.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
niiiiice :-)
I also keep this thread up to date with the most recent recording. If you want to see any of the previous ones, they have their own special group on our YouTube page: here!
I just signed up, sounds very interesting. Looking forward to it. See you online
Well it's 9.30 am here and I'm still drunk and asleep!
Thank goodness for the replays.