moving wall need help
i have it set up so that when 1 character moves the the other follows so the player cant go back very far but if i have it move then how do i make it so it wont let the player move past?
Best Answers
Socks London, UK.Posts: 12,822
@happygfish said:
to clarify my second comment think of it more like thisaslo i need it so the character wont bounce of the wall when it colides with the wall
Turn bounce (in the Physics attributes) down to 0 for both the wall and the character.
tatiang Posts: 11,949
So should the green actor be able to retreat back to the left? How far? How far apart should the white wall and the green actor be? Should that distance change or is it always the same value?
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aslo i need it so it wont bounce when it colides with it
the character is the actor you play as, and by player i ment the person playing, the it is the wall behind the character
to clarify my second comment think of it more like this
aslo i need it so the character wont bounce of the wall when it colides with the wall
Hallp me!!! wat do i do?
1) Explain clearly what you are wanting to do, what you tried, and what happened when your tried it (including suggestions from other members).
2) Post screenshots of your rules and/or your project file itself to provide more details about what you might be doing wrong.
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How do i post my game on here? Srry im new round here
To post a project folder or screenshot, upload it to a file-sharing site and then post the download link here.
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Which one? there are so many
Which file-sharing site? It's up to you. I use Dropbox, other people use Google Drive and MediaFire. It doesn't really matter.
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ok so i want iit so that the saftey wall actor alwas stays behind the green block, the purpous of the wall is so the gree block wont be able to go back all the way
You haven't tried this yet. It makes a difference for how you have your project set up.
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i am aware of that but that has not been my primary concern right now
do you understand what my goal is?
I think so...
When I turned off bounciness, the wall held the green actor from going back beyond it.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Did you try turning bounciness (in the Physics attributes) down to 0 for both the wall and the character ?
ok thats one part but i need the wall to say a certain distance away always
the problem is if you go backwards and hit the wall then when you try to move forward the wall will be right next to you instead of the distance i wanted it to be(The starting distance)
Did you try turning bounciness (in the Physics attributes) down to 0 for both the wall and the character - and if so did it resolve the issue to do with the actor bouncing ? it works now.jpg?dl=0
The first is how it works and the second is how it SHOULD work
or its the other way around
Those pics should help illustrate my goal
Thanks @Socks That was also a big problem that i was facing too
Did you try it, did you turn bounciness down to 0 ? And did it resolve that particular issue ?
Yes it did resolve one issue but while testing another one has appeared,the new problem is a very big problem thats why i hand drew some very beautiful art work to help figure it out
Good to hear !
Good luck with your project.
i am going to make a new question as this has an outdated explination k
When you first start it there is a distance between the green block and the white wall, that distance should only change when the green block gets closer and then reset when the green block is the desired distance away.
for example lets say the starting distance between the green block and the white wall is 10 cm. now lets say the green block goes all the way left until it hits the wall. now the green block goes right and the wall stays in the same place until the green block is 10 cm away, the the white wall now resumes moving right with the green block until the green block moves left again.
this is how i want it to be
Actually, no, it's not okay. I've merged your new thread with this one. If you need to provide more details, do so in this thread. People who are interested in helping you will read through the thread and get to this point.
In the future, consider how you word your question and how many details you're providing so that it's clear to everyone who might want to help you.
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