State of GameSalad on 6/30/2015...



  • AlchimiaStudiosAlchimiaStudios Member Posts: 1,069

    @CodeWizard said:
    Wortek Sorry you feel that way. I wish we could have our cake and eat it too. On a positive note, I think we've licked the iOS publishing difficulties that people experience trying to get apps on devices. Because of that, we'll be getting iOS publishing out to Windows very soon. And, this also means that we'll be supporting XCode free device testing as well. Oh man, I'm excited about this!

    Spending 6 hours on Intercom with one of our new customers this weekend really helped me see the friction points there and to architect a solution that really makes an impact.

    Anyway, I'm sorry you're upset Wortek. I hope you stay with us! But I understand if you don't.

    Cool, im sure this will help many who struggled with the publishing process!

    I'm excited because this sounds like I wont have to worry about Xcode versioning matching the latest iOS version.

    Follow us: Twitter - Website

  • tiger27tiger27 Member Posts: 127
    edited July 2015

    @CodeWizard @BlackCloakGS Hi. I'm going to be paying for a basic membership, but I'm unable to update due to me owning a copy of Windows that doesn't support the new update of Gamesalad. Any ideas on what to do to get the new update? Because (correct me if I'm wrong) I know only Pro can use old versions.

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    edited July 2015

    @stevej said:
    We also still plan to bring Windows 100% in-line with Mac behaviors, including advanced features like networking and pathfinding AI (which, incidentally, will be available to all users).

    Pathfinding AI nice! Do we have pathfinding AI in Mac version? Did I miss something while I was gone?

  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273

    @The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
    Pathfinding AI nice! Do we have pathfinding AI in Mac version? Did I miss something while I was gone?

    Yeah you did ! It was introduced in a meetup a few months ago!

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    edited July 2015

    So is there a behavior in there or is it coming? @Braydon_SFX

  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273

    @The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
    So is there a behavior in there or is it coming? Braydon_SFX

    You so behind ;)

    It's in one of the nightly builds. Check out the past meetups.

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    Okay i feel like a total nubile where is the thread for the meetups> @Braydon_SFX said:

    It's in one of the nightly builds. Check out the past meetups.

    Okay i feel like a total nubile...lmao where is the link to the meetups?

  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273

    @The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
    Okay i feel like a total nubile where is the thread for the meetups> Braydon_SFX said:
    Okay i feel like a total nubile...lmao where is the link to the meetups?

    Let me get it for ya. One min.

  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    edited July 2015

    @The_Gamesalad_Guru - Here's the video.

  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    edited July 2015

    Many users seem happy with the payment changes and a few are posing some concerns. I personally hate subscriptions. The more I am asked to sign subscription services the more likely I will end them or not renew them. So the annual payment suits me still (thx for keeping it).

    Not having a free version that allows testing on a device I believe is a mistake ( I only test using test builds) and I only got excited by seeing the app on a device (when I first tried GS).
    Maybe there is a clear need for GS to make more revenue...whatever it is I hope it works!

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390

    @Lovejoy said:
    When did i post that post you quoted? I honestly don't remember! :#

    This one, July 3.

    Anyway, don't worry about it. I was just having fun. Getty are not GS members... we hope?

    I thought I should point out to new members who don't realise that knocking images off the Net might get them in trouble. They assume everything they find on the Net is free. Well FM >:) .

    I find the most annoying part of this whole thread is to discover that so many people expect everything for free! ... and they keep saying it, like their rights are being taken away if they have to pay.

    Just because Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest... et al, have been stupid enough to develop a culture that expects everything they offer for free, doesn't mean that every other private entity is going to give you a free ride too?

    I don't think anyone has the right to complain about what they get for nothing!

    If you have used GS for free, you were lucky.

    If the members of the Forum helped you, you were blessed.

    GS will only continue in business and thrive if people are prepared to contribute both financially and to the community. How and what GS charge is up to GS.

  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610
    edited July 2015

    Here is what I think for what it's worth. Say what you like about Trey Smith and Buildbox but you can't deny he is a great marketer. When comparing the two companies I see Buildbox; great marketing crap tool, GS; crap marketing great tool.

    When I went looking for a game making tool GS got me with drag and drop, it sounded easy for someone like me with limited coding ability. Also it was free but so were the others I looked at at the time, drag and drop was the deciding factor. I wonder if I would make the same decision now. Free is free, no one rich or poor is going to pay for something they can get for free elsewhere unless you give them a damn good reason too.

    Trey Smith does that in spades. He tells them what they want to hear and gets them to part with nearly three grand without a trial. He makes them feel real comfortable and secure with all the free stuff and you get your hand held with a ton of support every step of the way from creation to marketing and sales. He makes it all sound so easy. Whether or not that is the reality is irrelevant, it's the feeling he creates and it's powerful.

    Look at GS's home page, download links everywhere and a bunch of claims most people are sceptical about. Now look at Buildbox one small download link on the top right the rest is about answering your questions. The Overview videos In the Training Videos section are brilliant, hell there is even one showing you you can make a game in 60 seconds, that's very appealing to a new user.

    I have demoed Buildbox and know GS is a much better tool by a long long shot but you wouldn't know that looking at their home page. Nothing on it enticed anyone to go further other than it was free. Making a change like this with zero marketing to promote and encourage new users to take up the product leads me to despair for GS.

    I really hope GS hasn't shot themselves in the foot or worse the head with this. I want them to be here when I come back to finish my app early next year and build more apps in the future. The signs aren't good, stopping work on the next generation software (Graphene), shedding staff and changing from free to paid all smacks of real trouble/desperation. I hope someone with deep pockets, a vision and real marketing skills comes along soon.

  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343

    I hope this ends up being a change for the better myself. The current Creator builds are...fantastic and can't complain of anything...except my big not being recognized as a bug. Hint hint...I hope your wrong as it seems to imply these recent changes maybe a last ditch effort to keep the doors open...or I would almost want imply was a great take over.

  • neomanneoman Member, BASIC Posts: 826

    @The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
    Pathfinding AI nice! Do we have pathfinding AI in Mac version?

    It's in the Nightly Version Creator 0.14.1 ...

  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    edited July 2015

    @colander said:
    I really hope GS hasn't shot themselves in the foot or worse the head with this. I want them to be here when I come back to finish my app early next year and build more apps in the future. The signs aren't good, stopping work on the next generation software (Graphene), shedding staff and changing from free to paid all smacks of real trouble/desperation. I hope someone with deep pockets, a vision and real marketing skills comes along soon.

    Even though it scares me, I agree and I really hope it is wrong.

  • waynedarbywaynedarby Member Posts: 12

    What do you have to do to get a question answered around here? I have emailed game salad 3 times with this question and posted on this thread and still no answer... I guess the marketplace is just dead then? Obviously nobody cares about it.

  • LovejoyLovejoy Member Posts: 2,078

    @waynedarby said:
    What do you have to do to get a question answered around here? I have emailed game salad 3 times with this question and posted on this thread and still no answer... I guess the marketplace is just dead then? Obviously nobody cares about it.

    Its a holiday weekend so the staff won't be at work until tomorrow. And even then, have a look at this

    dgackey Austin, TXPosts: 478KEY MASTER, HEAD CHEF, MEMBER, PRO GameSalad Employee
    6:15PM edited 6:15PM
    Yes, sorry to not crosspost that here, but we are indeed shutting down the existing Marketplace, and we will not be moving forward with the MP2.0 that had been in development. More info on this soon.


    dgackey Austin, TXPosts: 478KEY MASTER, HEAD CHEF, MEMBER, PRO GameSalad Employee
    June 30
    As part of this new focus, we are also going to be shutting down Marketplace, at least for the foreseeable future.

    More on that soon, but the reason you haven't received your statement is because we're preparing to pay out all existing sellers their accrued, unpaid royalties.

    Now settle down a bit, the world doesn't revolve around you.

    Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390

    @The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
    Did I miss something while I was gone?

    You sure did... read this whole thread and a few others... lynchings, executions, people jumping from windows (to iOS only). More gratifying violence than Age of Ultron! :o

  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    edited July 2015

    LOL @PhilipCC, yup, Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

  • LovejoyLovejoy Member Posts: 2,078

    Lets not forget about the revelation that GS is a multi-billion dollar tyrannical company taking away human rights and necessities.

    Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    I returned last week just in time to witness the but was running a construction project the last six months..70hr weeks ugh. Now I'm off for the summer :)

  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881

    Aren't you a bit old for 70hr /week construction work @The_Gamesalad_Guru ? :p

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    edited July 2015

    @LumpApps said:
    Aren't you a bit old for 70hr /week construction work The_Gamesalad_Guru ? :p

    From one old man to another.. I was the general forman..just the boss no tools involved.... :p

  • Bowhill GamesBowhill Games Member Posts: 191

    I like the changes although I would think some of the features that have been talked about for well over a year need to be implemented if you want to get your free users on your revenue stream, these are some of the features that are a must and are available in nearly any games creator.

    1) Much much faster response to bug fixes
    2) Custom collision shapes or simply ignore blank space on png files
    3) Custom fonts
    4) export of your html5 game for hosting on your own website not arcade (ok this isn't usuly supported by other game engins but has been a long talked about request)

    (site currently under construction)
  • MentalDonkeyGamesMentalDonkeyGames Member Posts: 1,276
    edited July 2015

    @Bowhill Games said:

    Number 1 is handled very well lately.

    But i do agree with you. I´m very tempted to switch to another engine just because some very basic features that should be included by now.

    The reason i´m sticking with GS is because it is a very powerful tool, and i know quite well how to use it, and i´m very inpatient when trying to learn something new.

    Mental Donkey Games
    Website - Facebook - Twitter

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,353

    @Bowhill Games said:
    I like the changes although I would think some of the features that have been talked about for well over a year need to be implemented if you want to get your free users on your revenue stream, these are some of the features that are a must and are available in nearly any games creator.

    1) Much much faster response to bug fixes
    2) Custom collision shapes or simply ignore blank space on png files
    3) Custom fonts
    4) export of your html5 game for hosting on your own website not arcade (ok this isn't usuly supported by other game engins but has been a long talked about request)

    Agreed. Next thing GameSalad need to do in my opinion is to give a clear public statement about what they are going to be focusing on over the next few months. Obviously part of it is going to be increasing the bank of learning resources, but if they really want people signing up for a monthly fee they need to address the things on your list, as well as Arcade publishing.

  • vikingviking Member, PRO Posts: 322

    Don't forget about the memory leak on the device when changing scenes! I have been waiting for six f-ing months for this bug to be fixed while my game is sitting there rotting on my hard drive. So frustrating!

  • KevinCrossKevinCross London, UKMember Posts: 1,894

    @viking said:
    Don't forget about the memory leak on the device when changing scenes! I have been waiting for six f-ing months for this bug to be fixed while my game is sitting there rotting on my hard drive. So frustrating!

    This and all of the other bugs and features that have been requested for so long is why I think you can't sell GameSalad as a whole package to everyone. It didn't seem unreasonable when you're paying for the extra features like IAP's, iAds, and whatnot. You were paying for extras to improve your game, you weren't paying for a Beta product and you weren't paying for all of the bugs. The bugs were free!

  • Bowhill GamesBowhill Games Member Posts: 191

    @Armelline couldn't agree more until these what should be standard features in a game engine are addressed I beleave Gamesalad will hemerage it's long term users rather then gain any new ones.

    I have also looked for an alternative and have been thinking of making the change to another piece of software mainly unity 2din conjunction with playmaker as it seems I can do everything I can in Gamesalad with much grater functionality.

    But tbh it's only the awesome community that Comes from being a Gamesalad member and the easy publishing to different device sizes that's keeping me using Gamesalad

    (site currently under construction)
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