@AlchimiaStudios said:
I don't think Gs owes you anything. You're lucky you got to put 15 days of work in for free on a product that has taken a team of people years to get to this point.
I consider League of Legends lucky to have made over $2000 from me on a game that is FREE TO PLAY. Even more than that from a few of my friends that I got into the game as well.
I knew this day would come eventually. As someone who has been here a looong time, GS has tried many different monitary options and none have worked. They kept tying to avoid this but it was inevitable. Yeah people are going to be unhappy they can't get it for free anymore but free only works until you run out of other people's money. I have no problem paying and have been pro since they started it. The nice thing is if you're away like I was for a few months you can let it lapse and pick it back up again.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
I knew this day would come eventually. As someone who has been here a looong time, GS has tried many different monitary options and none have worked. They kept tying to avoid this but it was inevitable. Yeah people are going to be unhappy they can't get it for free anymore but free only works until you run out of other people's money. I have no problem paying and have been pro since they started it. The nice thing is if you're away like I was for a few months you can let it lapse and pick it back up again.
Its VERY unfortunate because I think GS is well developed and VERY well put together.
I've already started using and loving how it works.
However, making this a sub wont fix anything.
Their are other free software options and people will mostly be porting to them.
There is a much better way still.
I think you are right. I dont want to start a personal attack on you, nor do I expect one from you. I just don't agree with what you were saying so for the sake of dropping it, I'll move on.
@The_Un_Forgiven said:
I consider League of Legends lucky to have made over $2000 from me on a game that is FREE TO PLAY. Even more than that from a few of my friends that I got into the game as well.
We're introducing a new pricing plan GameSalad Basic. This plan is $19/month ($199/year) and allows unlimited access to GameSalad Creator. The only limitation on GameSalad Basic is that you cannot publish to anywhere but to Arcade.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
Yeah people are going to be unhappy they can't get it for free anymore but free only works until you run out of other people's money.
Words of wisdom right there. Its unfortunate that theres people who live in this world who want everything free and don't think about who and how the product their using is being payed for.
@Lovejoy said:
Words of wisdom right there. Its unfortunate that theres people who live in this world who want everything free and don't think about who and how the product their using is being payed for.
Its unfortunate that the entitled believe that everyone has extra money to try new things and possibly just with a glimpse of hope come ahead, not to be rich, not to be famous, but to create something from nothing and possibly, just maybe get a little something for that creation.
Its people like you that keep this world in the dark and behind.
@The_Un_Forgiven would you be happier if they charged $500+ like gamemaker or $1200(or whatever build box is) one time fee?? Or were you hoping that they just went open source? Me personally, I would pay a one time if I had access to the code and. And I never thought gs would go open. But, I would have liked a price drop say $99 for everybody...no freebies. Keep cash coming in so they can make the tool better and kick the freeloaders out. No paywalls for different service ect. I think this would be a good option.
@bktennis12 said:
The_Un_Forgiven would you be happier if they charged $500+ like gamemaker or $1200(or whatever build box is) one time fee?? Or were you hoping that they just went open source? Me personally, I would pay a one time if I had access to the code and. And I never thought gs would go open. But, I would have liked a price drop say $99 for everybody...no freebies. Keep cash coming in so they can make the tool better and kick the freeloaders out. No paywalls for different service ect. I think this would be a good option.
Not at all!!!
GS has AMAZING potential at making HEEPS! and HEEPS! of the big ones!
This is not it is all im saying.
@The_Un_Forgiven so what type of payment structure would you be happy with?? It seems like you feel that gs should be free while people are learning and developing their game and then if they want to publish it should be pay... is that kind of how you feel??
Oh, man, how I wish we lived in a fairy tale world where gumdrops and lollipops fell from the sky... and companies didn't have to make money to survive. But, sadly, we don't. Running this company takes money. And we need to make money to survive. Giving the product away for free just isn't paying the bills.
I understand your upset, @The_Un_Forgiven, and I wish you luck moving on to another cheaper alternative. But agitating here on these forums isn't helping anyone.
Thanks for the info, and Congrats, but I do have some concerns:
1) Graphene SDK is put on hold? Why? Do you think it will be release before year is over
2) Also, regarding Creator 0.15.0 and EXE support, how long do you think?
3) Regarding the pricing structure, of the $199.00, wouldn't be better to have the option of exporting to Arcade and HTML 5( pure HTML no plug-in needed, etc....). I think, you will have more users inclined to get the $199.00 since you get HTML5 and they can place their games like in Facebook, etc...). Just my humble opinion, God Bless......:)
@CodeWizard said:
Oh, man, how I wish we lived in a fairy tale world where gumdrops and lollipops fell from the sky... and companies didn't have to make money to survive. But, sadly, we don't. Running this company takes money. And we need to make money to survive. Giving the product away for free just isn't paying the bills.
I understand your upset, The_Un_Forgiven, and I wish you luck moving on to another cheaper alternative. But agitating here on these forums isn't helping anyone.
A song is the best you can do ?
By the little research that ive done it seems like you would be the man that's in charge around here being the new CEO, so it would be your decision on such a drastic change to the program.
Kudos to you on taking over the business, one that was already made no less.
I can understand you must be agitated having such a person as myself poking around stating that you have made an extremely poor business decision. I would be upset too. However, I would have NEVER in my lifetime made such a poor decision as this one.
I get it, you must be saying to yourself and your colleagues "Who does this jerk think he is" The unfortunate part about it all is its pissing you off that.
One, you know im right. Two, im providing very valid points and Three, I have not paid for anything.
So here is a very small part about me, I work retail. My job is selling stuff to people and making my company a crap ton of money. Out of over 250 employes, I am currently ranked 5th in the company and sat at #1 for a good time. Ive produces numbers in my company that my Boss has never seen in the 5years he has been in the business.
Fact of the matter is, you have a good business here and your about to destroy it. I can only hope you were not the one to make this decision and look at changing it.
If you don't, I give GS 1year before a new CEO is made.
Keep one thing in mind, view GS as you would a game.
I like to use games like League of Legends, only because it is the most profitable "FREE TO PLAY" game on earth.
I believe that GS has kinda the same potential.
@The_Un_Forgiven said:
. Out of over 250 employes, I am currently ranked 5th in the company and sat at #1 for a good time. Ive produces numbers in my company that my Boss has never seen in the 5years he has been in the business.
Cool. Good job!
How many years have you been in a managerial/executive position dealing directly with the video game industry or software development again?
Of those times, have you ever been hired to salvage or significantly improve the current project?
If so, were you ever successful?
How about dealing with investors/board members?
What about releasing a game? Done that one?
If not... Well I know the perfect tool for you! You're in the right place, just not with the right attitude.
@The_Un_Forgiven spend a year on making a game and put it on the stores for free without ads or inapp purchases or any revenue, then come back and tell gs to do the same
dgackeyAustin, TXInactive, PRO, Chef EmeritusPosts: 699
To be more accurate, it would be like saying "spend somewhere in the neighborhood of 1500 - 2000 man-months making a game and put it on the stores for free", but something like that, yes
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · danm@gamesalad.com
@Icebox1910 said:
The_Un_Forgiven spend a year on making a game and put it on the stores for free without ads or inapp purchases or any revenue, then come back and tell gs to do the same
In this scenario they could have publishing options as an in-app purchase/subscription on the back of a free GameSalad creator. This to me seems like the best option. It gives free users time to learn the software (longer than 15 days), and it gives casual developers to continue working at their own pace along side their own personal commitments for free. I'm sure most of us wouldn't waste months of our time using a free GameSalad developing a game or games without the intention of later paying a fee of some kind to be able to release it.
@dgackey said:
To be more accurate, it would be like saying "spend somewhere in the neighborhood of 1500 - 2000 man-months making a game and put it on the stores for free", but something like that, yes
To be fair there's many games that have had large teams working on them and taken many months and longer to develop which have been released for free. Games that still make a good income.
@The_Un_Forgiven said:
Its people like you that keep this world in the dark and behind.
People like who? Peope who worked their butts off from nothing to get somewhere even modestly? People who maybe bring their lunch to work to save money? People who maybe are willing to sacrifice something to take a risk on themselves? Hey Pal I work for a living. Been working since I was 15. I just finished a project where I worked 70 hour weeks for 6 months and yeah I made money or should I say "yeah I EARNED money!" If your not willing to invest in yourself why should I or anyone else subsidies you? If you want something bad enough one finds a way. This is the hallmark of sucessful people. This is how the rags to riches stories start. To assume people are entitled because they worked hard and payed their dues to aquire a skill that makes them money, what ever that skill might be, is an ignorant statement.
@The_Un_Forgiven you remind me of me. when i was about 6 years old and I wanted free candy, but my mum said I wasn't allowed any unless i paid a small fee of $2. so i screamed for the next 15 years.
however, you remind me of OLD me, about 15 years ago.
I am completely cool with this new system, sure I was in shock for a while wondering "why the heck would gamesalad do this" but i understand, gamesalad's a buisness and needs to make money.
I only make templates, mostly free templates, and im not complaining about this change. i dont even upload games to the store. so please take your negativity somewhere els.
@Finnbogg I was told by @CodeWizard you can still use the viewer to push your projects to iPad and other devices with the basic plan.
I consider League of Legends lucky to have made over $2000 from me on a game that is FREE TO PLAY. Even more than that from a few of my friends that I got into the game as well.
Your fight is as well invalid.
I knew this day would come eventually. As someone who has been here a looong time, GS has tried many different monitary options and none have worked. They kept tying to avoid this but it was inevitable. Yeah people are going to be unhappy they can't get it for free anymore but free only works until you run out of other people's money. I have no problem paying and have been pro since they started it. The nice thing is if you're away like I was for a few months you can let it lapse and pick it back up again.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Its VERY unfortunate because I think GS is well developed and VERY well put together.
I've already started using and loving how it works.
However, making this a sub wont fix anything.
Their are other free software options and people will mostly be porting to them.
There is a much better way still.
Your entitled to that opinion, I just don't share it.
You LIKED GS, it's no longer free and you don't agree with it now.
Thats debatable!
I don't work for GameSalad. Nor do I 100% agree with there actions
Glad your taking notes
You can apply here: http://gamesalad.com/jobs
I think you are right. I dont want to start a personal attack on you, nor do I expect one from you. I just don't agree with what you were saying so for the sake of dropping it, I'll move on.
Enjoy your day.
So many things wrong with that statement.
Web: rondorocket.com
@FINNBOGG from the 'state of gs' thread:
New Basic Plan
We're introducing a new pricing plan GameSalad Basic. This plan is $19/month ($199/year) and allows unlimited access to GameSalad Creator. The only limitation on GameSalad Basic is that you cannot publish to anywhere but to Arcade.
Elaborate on that please.
I think the thinning part speaks for itself...in spades.
Words of wisdom right there. Its unfortunate that theres people who live in this world who want everything free and don't think about who and how the product their using is being payed for.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Its unfortunate that the entitled believe that everyone has extra money to try new things and possibly just with a glimpse of hope come ahead, not to be rich, not to be famous, but to create something from nothing and possibly, just maybe get a little something for that creation.
Its people like you that keep this world in the dark and behind.
@The_Un_Forgiven would you be happier if they charged $500+ like gamemaker or $1200(or whatever build box is) one time fee?? Or were you hoping that they just went open source? Me personally, I would pay a one time if I had access to the code and. And I never thought gs would go open. But, I would have liked a price drop say $99 for everybody...no freebies. Keep cash coming in so they can make the tool better and kick the freeloaders out. No paywalls for different service ect. I think this would be a good option.
SocializeTwitter , **My Site ** **Play Loop Zen Free **iOS HERE, Google Play HERE
@The_Un_Forgiven you are tossing Entitled around like that.......Do you have any idea how silly you look right now.
Not at all!!!
GS has AMAZING potential at making HEEPS! and HEEPS! of the big ones!
This is not it is all im saying.
Edited to avoid a thread lock.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@The_Un_Forgiven so what type of payment structure would you be happy with?? It seems like you feel that gs should be free while people are learning and developing their game and then if they want to publish it should be pay... is that kind of how you feel??
SocializeTwitter , **My Site ** **Play Loop Zen Free **iOS HERE, Google Play HERE
Oh, man, how I wish we lived in a fairy tale world where gumdrops and lollipops fell from the sky... and companies didn't have to make money to survive. But, sadly, we don't. Running this company takes money. And we need to make money to survive. Giving the product away for free just isn't paying the bills.
I understand your upset, @The_Un_Forgiven, and I wish you luck moving on to another cheaper alternative. But agitating here on these forums isn't helping anyone.
Hi Codewizard,
Thanks for the info, and Congrats, but I do have some concerns:
1) Graphene SDK is put on hold? Why? Do you think it will be release before year is over
2) Also, regarding Creator 0.15.0 and EXE support, how long do you think?
3) Regarding the pricing structure, of the $199.00, wouldn't be better to have the option of exporting to Arcade and HTML 5( pure HTML no plug-in needed, etc....). I think, you will have more users inclined to get the $199.00 since you get HTML5 and they can place their games like in Facebook, etc...). Just my humble opinion, God Bless......:)
A song is the best you can do ?
By the little research that ive done it seems like you would be the man that's in charge around here being the new CEO, so it would be your decision on such a drastic change to the program.
Kudos to you on taking over the business, one that was already made no less.
I can understand you must be agitated having such a person as myself poking around stating that you have made an extremely poor business decision. I would be upset too. However, I would have NEVER in my lifetime made such a poor decision as this one.
I get it, you must be saying to yourself and your colleagues "Who does this jerk think he is" The unfortunate part about it all is its pissing you off that.
One, you know im right. Two, im providing very valid points and Three, I have not paid for anything.
So here is a very small part about me, I work retail. My job is selling stuff to people and making my company a crap ton of money. Out of over 250 employes, I am currently ranked 5th in the company and sat at #1 for a good time. Ive produces numbers in my company that my Boss has never seen in the 5years he has been in the business.
Fact of the matter is, you have a good business here and your about to destroy it. I can only hope you were not the one to make this decision and look at changing it.
If you don't, I give GS 1year before a new CEO is made.
Keep one thing in mind, view GS as you would a game.
I like to use games like League of Legends, only because it is the most profitable "FREE TO PLAY" game on earth.
I believe that GS has kinda the same potential.
Subs are dead, so will GS if this stays.
@The_Un_Forgiven Having fun with that song.
But I appreciate your opinion!
despite all the negative comments here, I fully support the new pricing policy.
All my games on Google Play
Cool. Good job!
How many years have you been in a managerial/executive position dealing directly with the video game industry or software development again?
Of those times, have you ever been hired to salvage or significantly improve the current project?
If so, were you ever successful?
How about dealing with investors/board members?
What about releasing a game? Done that one?
If not... Well I know the perfect tool for you! You're in the right place, just not with the right attitude.
Follow us: Twitter - Website
@LoveJoy looks like you've got an admirer !
It comes with my "entitled" title that i acquired by spending $300 in a year.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@The_Un_Forgiven spend a year on making a game and put it on the stores for free without ads or inapp purchases or any revenue, then come back and tell gs to do the same
To be more accurate, it would be like saying "spend somewhere in the neighborhood of 1500 - 2000 man-months making a game and put it on the stores for free", but something like that, yes
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · danm@gamesalad.com
In this scenario they could have publishing options as an in-app purchase/subscription on the back of a free GameSalad creator. This to me seems like the best option. It gives free users time to learn the software (longer than 15 days), and it gives casual developers to continue working at their own pace along side their own personal commitments for free. I'm sure most of us wouldn't waste months of our time using a free GameSalad developing a game or games without the intention of later paying a fee of some kind to be able to release it.
To be fair there's many games that have had large teams working on them and taken many months and longer to develop which have been released for free. Games that still make a good income.
People like who? Peope who worked their butts off from nothing to get somewhere even modestly? People who maybe bring their lunch to work to save money? People who maybe are willing to sacrifice something to take a risk on themselves? Hey Pal I work for a living. Been working since I was 15. I just finished a project where I worked 70 hour weeks for 6 months and yeah I made money or should I say "yeah I EARNED money!" If your not willing to invest in yourself why should I or anyone else subsidies you? If you want something bad enough one finds a way. This is the hallmark of sucessful people. This is how the rags to riches stories start. To assume people are entitled because they worked hard and payed their dues to aquire a skill that makes them money, what ever that skill might be, is an ignorant statement.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@The_Un_Forgiven you remind me of me. when i was about 6 years old and I wanted free candy, but my mum said I wasn't allowed any unless i paid a small fee of $2. so i screamed for the next 15 years.
however, you remind me of OLD me, about 15 years ago.
I am completely cool with this new system, sure I was in shock for a while wondering "why the heck would gamesalad do this" but i understand, gamesalad's a buisness and needs to make money.
I only make templates, mostly free templates, and im not complaining about this change. i dont even upload games to the store. so please take your negativity somewhere els.
gamesalad isn't a game, its a game making program. BIG difference buddy.
I reckon, I feel that everyone i piss off for no reason owes me stuff too.
id hire you to piss off people for no apparent reason. cus you seem good at it.
swear to god if mention league of legends one more time, i' m going to throw something at you