@FallingBoxStudios said:
Last time I used GS it crashed every minute and was painfully slow, not worth the $29 a month for me. Looks like I'll be leaving.
I'm guessing that was 0.13.7. A lot has changed since then!
I agree with @Armelline
I´ts been about a week since GS last crashed for me. And i have GS open almost 24/7. I usually leave it open in the background even if i´m not working on a project.
@FallingBoxStudios you should definitely give the latest stable release a try!
Just want to say that GameSalad will regret this decision.
Today every game making software that exist out there have a free version of their software for creating and testing games.
Yes everybody have a monthly or yearly subscription model for publishing and that is absolutely right because companies need to make money, but creation and testing is free!
Changing completely to a monthly subscription without giving the ability to make and test games to your users is absolutely ridiculous decision.
No one is ever going to pay just to make and test game without knowing the software.
Unity, Corona SDK, Construct 2, Stencyl, UDK - all of the game making tools out there on the market have a free version to use and make games and they all charge for publishing but not for using their software.
That being said, you will lost a lot of your users, why you want so badly to kill your software I have no idea.
In my opinion you should have monthly or yearly subscriptions for different publishing options, like $9.99 for Arcade, $19.99 for Arcade & iOS, $29.99 for all platforms
Using the theme of GameSalad with Head chefs and cook line chefs...and all that, which is cute) my mom always said when teaching me to cook...add salt...regardless that you don't like it because your cooking for others too...
So these changes recently...a majority...at least on the actual creator has been for US...the users and...right now it tastes GREAT.
I guess an analogy for the change in pricing is having a menu with affordable prices so the patrons habe a way of affording to eat here.
The new 15 day sampler selection is better for the restaurant as it won't lose so such money because there were so many people just coming for a free meal.
As far as GS Creator still being this beta monster...well people are still not sure if this great new menu is even going to be around next year because...well they just don't seem to be letting anyone know if they are actually going to keep the doors open for much longer.
Sure would be nice to finally see that "Open" sign...GameSalad v1.0 available...where better than...on the Mac App Store...hint hint.
Thanks, I am starting to think it is not for me. Just made a goomba move from left to right on a floor as a test and the software has completely crashed twice when trying to preview taking my progress with it. I'm sure its my PC, but this is looking like a bigger uphill than I expected from all the learning and prep I did for this.
As for easily making my money back, from what I have read that seems very unlikely. I'd be quite happy to be convinced otherwise. I'm stubborn I'll try for a fair bit longer but I only have so much patients. haha
Sure, It may seem very unlikely now, but, if you put enough time and effort in, you can make a $1,000/month game. Heck, you could make a $10,000 dollar/day game. Take flappy bird for example, a simple game that made the creator a lot of money. Basically, the moral of the story, don't be so hard on your self.
@The_Un_Forgiven You know what, that got me thinking (see my last post). There are a lot of people angry about this and a lot of people thinking of quitting. This may seem like a huge change, but it's just a step further. With the extra income, they can input more code and make gamesalad even more awesomer then it already is. (awesomer, word or not? Discuss.) If you still don't think that this is a good idea, I know that there are other softwares, but, in my opinion, gamesalad is better. Hope this helps out.
@Slayre77 said:
Don't forget people like me who arent working age yet
It may be not be voluntary to quit for me
So pretty much what your saying is regardless if it was free with pay to publish, you wouldn't be able to pay for it either, so GS wouldn't of made any money anyways.
Unless of course you find some support from friends or family, which in this case could work either way free or not.
This i think was the problem. Most people were just publishing to ios and never paying anything. Moving forward I'm confident, when GS gets on a more stable footing, they will have a better idea how to work the free version. Right now i think if they did nothing, there might not be a gamesalad down the road.
GS, tell me in 2-3 months, the percentage of new accounts created.
Because many will create a new account after those 15 days expire.
A new email address = new game salat account => another 15 free days.
Free version should work like this, create and test the game only on computer!
I think many will be happy with this, so people will be encouraged to learn to use salad.
@oxido said:
GS, tell me in 2-3 months, the percentage of new accounts created.
Because many will create a new account after those 15 days expire.
A new email address = new game salat account => another 15 free days.
Free version should work like this, create and test the game only on computer!
I think many will be happy with this, so people will be encouraged to learn to use salad.
They can see the IP where the request comes from. That's not hard to monitor.
It also is not hard to spoof or change it, I would guess they are grabbing info out of the system itself. I can change IP with the tap of a button, and most of the time my IP cycles randomly
You mean nothing to lose but go ahead and try to circumvent paying for something? By making multiple accounts? Not sure if that's what your saying "nothing to lose"...because becoming banned from GS would be...something to lose. I was thrown in jail for finding the simplest loophole to put a picture in a signature. I can sure say if I was GS and knew someone was doing that...(creating multiple accounts to sneak around the system) I would use the THOR sized Ban hammer on them.
15 days are not enough guys. It's gonna be very difficult for GS to bring new customers.
I'm a slow learner. It took me a year to learn Gamesalad and Game Development before coming out with my first game. By that time, I didn't mind paying for PRO subscription for a crappy GS Creator just to learn the full extent of its features, but that was before Corona became free.
I know @CodeWizard that your focus is the current customers, but you do need to get new subscribers, right? Please extend the trial period and provide free tutorials and templates inside the installer package to speed up learning by new customers.
have a question about trial version...why is there a page before the first scene of your published app which says GS trial version..no commercial use? why is it there? does it mean i can't publish a game using trial version?
Um, they can see the IP from your service provider. When you connect to any server it can see your IP. How do you think it know how to encode the packets for delivery? Besides most people don't know how to mask and IP. It's like the old saying "locks only keep the honest people out."
I actually messaged @CodeWizard with my concerns about gaming the trail version. I reckon I could get, were I to want to, well over a year of free trials before even breaking a sweat. He told me they had it covered, but for obvious reasons I'll not share what he said here. The bottom line, though, is that if someone wants to pirate your product, they will. No matter how many precautions you put in place. There literally isn't a single piece of software you can't pirate. Even when we used to have physical dongles we had to plug into our computers to use high-end software, the software still got pirated.
Either you're honest, or you're not. Either you'll pay, or you won't. As long as GameSalad take appropriate steps to stop the obvious methods of circumventing the trial periods limitation, I don't think they should waste too many resources trying to keep out the determined pirate.
Bottom line is that anyone circumventing the trail will still need to buy Pro to actually publish their game even if they create it for free, so GameSalad will still get something.
This move does nothing to help young passionate developers like me. I'm a student, and I discovered GameSalad around six months ago. I had no knowledge of programming, but had been searching for the perfect software to start making games on. I had been experimenting with free 3D game making software for many years, but wanted to get serious by making my first game. I wanted to start small with an iPhone game, and when I found GameSalad, it was perfect for me.
I started to experiment with the software and started to get my design ideas down. This took me several months, but eventually, I got to the point where I felt ready to start making my small little game. My college exams where right around the corner, so after I'd finished those, development of my game could begin.
I just finished those exams, and I come back to find out that a pay wall has been put up in front of me, with a '15 day trial'. I understand the arguments for this move, because after all, it make sense to focus on paying customers. It's not an inherently bad business decision. However, lets remember that there are many companies that adopt the free to use approach.
Epic games - offers the Unreal Engine 4 for free. Same goes with Unity and the CryEngine.
They do this probably because they feel that young game developers are the ones that are going to be forging the industry's future, and they want to empower young developers to create amazing games. Autodesk - offers all their software for free to students.
Young people using this software for free gain skills, and are likely to buy commercial licences in the future. Game Maker is also free, as is Blender, Construct 2 etc.
These sort of fees are fine if you have a job and free time, or are a company looking to make games, but it doesn't give young people the start they need. If you train young people to use your tools, they're the ones that are going to come looking for pro licences in the future.
I'll probably start making my game on the Unreal Engine 4, since it now supports 2D, and I also have experience with the previous version of the technology (since they also offered that version for free as well). Sorry guys but I'm a student, and I can't afford all these monthly costs!
Last time I used GS it crashed every minute and was painfully slow, not worth the $29 a month for me. Looks like I'll be leaving.
I'm guessing that was 0.13.7. A lot has changed since then!
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
I agree with @Armelline
I´ts been about a week since GS last crashed for me. And i have GS open almost 24/7. I usually leave it open in the background even if i´m not working on a project.
@FallingBoxStudios you should definitely give the latest stable release a try!
Mental Donkey Games
Website - Facebook - Twitter
Just want to say that GameSalad will regret this decision.
Today every game making software that exist out there have a free version of their software for creating and testing games.
Yes everybody have a monthly or yearly subscription model for publishing and that is absolutely right because companies need to make money, but creation and testing is free!
Changing completely to a monthly subscription without giving the ability to make and test games to your users is absolutely ridiculous decision.
No one is ever going to pay just to make and test game without knowing the software.
Unity, Corona SDK, Construct 2, Stencyl, UDK - all of the game making tools out there on the market have a free version to use and make games and they all charge for publishing but not for using their software.
That being said, you will lost a lot of your users, why you want so badly to kill your software I have no idea.
In my opinion you should have monthly or yearly subscriptions for different publishing options, like $9.99 for Arcade, $19.99 for Arcade & iOS, $29.99 for all platforms
Editing this....let me say it another way...
Using the theme of GameSalad with Head chefs and cook line chefs...and all that, which is cute) my mom always said when teaching me to cook...add salt...regardless that you don't like it because your cooking for others too...
So these changes recently...a majority...at least on the actual creator has been for US...the users and...right now it tastes GREAT.
I guess an analogy for the change in pricing is having a menu with affordable prices so the patrons habe a way of affording to eat here.
The new 15 day sampler selection is better for the restaurant as it won't lose so such money because there were so many people just coming for a free meal.
As far as GS Creator still being this beta monster...well people are still not sure if this great new menu is even going to be around next year because...well they just don't seem to be letting anyone know if they are actually going to keep the doors open for much longer.
Sure would be nice to finally see that "Open" sign...GameSalad v1.0 available...where better than...on the Mac App Store...hint hint.
Love to see an October Suprise from GS !
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I honestly cannot tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Sure, It may seem very unlikely now, but, if you put enough time and effort in, you can make a $1,000/month game. Heck, you could make a $10,000 dollar/day game. Take flappy bird for example, a simple game that made the creator a lot of money. Basically, the moral of the story, don't be so hard on your self.
@The_Un_Forgiven You know what, that got me thinking (see my last post). There are a lot of people angry about this and a lot of people thinking of quitting. This may seem like a huge change, but it's just a step further. With the extra income, they can input more code and make gamesalad even more awesomer then it already is. (awesomer, word or not? Discuss.) If you still don't think that this is a good idea, I know that there are other softwares, but, in my opinion, gamesalad is better. Hope this helps out.
Don't forget people like me who arent working age yet

It may be not be voluntary to quit for me
This is when you go to your parents and ask for support.
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
So pretty much what your saying is regardless if it was free with pay to publish, you wouldn't be able to pay for it either, so GS wouldn't of made any money anyways.
Unless of course you find some support from friends or family, which in this case could work either way free or not.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I can understand everything but $20 for basic version is ridiculous price.
This i think was the problem. Most people were just publishing to ios and never paying anything. Moving forward I'm confident, when GS gets on a more stable footing, they will have a better idea how to work the free version. Right now i think if they did nothing, there might not be a gamesalad down the road.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Agreed I hope even this new business solution works for them.
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
GS, tell me in 2-3 months, the percentage of new accounts created.
Because many will create a new account after those 15 days expire.
A new email address = new game salat account => another 15 free days.
Free version should work like this, create and test the game only on computer!
I think many will be happy with this, so people will be encouraged to learn to use salad.
They can see the IP where the request comes from. That's not hard to monitor.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
It also is not hard to spoof or change it, I would guess they are grabbing info out of the system itself. I can change IP with the tap of a button, and most of the time my IP cycles randomly
It never ceases to amaze me when people talk about gaming the system on our own forums where we can read every word.
Except the PM system of course...right ?
I mean not to game the system but as to literally a private messaging system.
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
yea they even state that in the GS TOS...no more than one account allowed. Right ?
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
@> @Thunder_Child said:
That does not mean they will not create accounts ... have nothing to lose anyway, because they can not use anyway gamesalad, soo...
You mean nothing to lose but go ahead and try to circumvent paying for something? By making multiple accounts? Not sure if that's what your saying "nothing to lose"...because becoming banned from GS would be...something to lose. I was thrown in jail for finding the simplest loophole to put a picture in a signature. I can sure say if I was GS and knew someone was doing that...(creating multiple accounts to sneak around the system) I would use the THOR sized Ban hammer on them.
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Web: rondorocket.com
Damn it, I was late.
15 days are not enough guys. It's gonna be very difficult for GS to bring new customers.
I'm a slow learner. It took me a year to learn Gamesalad and Game Development before coming out with my first game. By that time, I didn't mind paying for PRO subscription for a crappy GS Creator just to learn the full extent of its features, but that was before Corona became free.
I know @CodeWizard that your focus is the current customers, but you do need to get new subscribers, right? Please extend the trial period and provide free tutorials and templates inside the installer package to speed up learning by new customers.
have a question about trial version...why is there a page before the first scene of your published app which says GS trial version..no commercial use? why is it there? does it mean i can't publish a game using trial version?
@GeorgeGS said:
That's one bug you'll fix and get right the first time!
Um, they can see the IP from your service provider. When you connect to any server it can see your IP. How do you think it know how to encode the packets for delivery? Besides most people don't know how to mask and IP. It's like the old saying "locks only keep the honest people out."
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I guess it's time to actually code
I actually messaged @CodeWizard with my concerns about gaming the trail version. I reckon I could get, were I to want to, well over a year of free trials before even breaking a sweat. He told me they had it covered, but for obvious reasons I'll not share what he said here. The bottom line, though, is that if someone wants to pirate your product, they will. No matter how many precautions you put in place. There literally isn't a single piece of software you can't pirate. Even when we used to have physical dongles we had to plug into our computers to use high-end software, the software still got pirated.
Either you're honest, or you're not. Either you'll pay, or you won't. As long as GameSalad take appropriate steps to stop the obvious methods of circumventing the trial periods limitation, I don't think they should waste too many resources trying to keep out the determined pirate.
Bottom line is that anyone circumventing the trail will still need to buy Pro to actually publish their game even if they create it for free, so GameSalad will still get something.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
This move does nothing to help young passionate developers like me. I'm a student, and I discovered GameSalad around six months ago. I had no knowledge of programming, but had been searching for the perfect software to start making games on. I had been experimenting with free 3D game making software for many years, but wanted to get serious by making my first game. I wanted to start small with an iPhone game, and when I found GameSalad, it was perfect for me.
I started to experiment with the software and started to get my design ideas down. This took me several months, but eventually, I got to the point where I felt ready to start making my small little game. My college exams where right around the corner, so after I'd finished those, development of my game could begin.
I just finished those exams, and I come back to find out that a pay wall has been put up in front of me, with a '15 day trial'. I understand the arguments for this move, because after all, it make sense to focus on paying customers. It's not an inherently bad business decision. However, lets remember that there are many companies that adopt the free to use approach.
Epic games - offers the Unreal Engine 4 for free. Same goes with Unity and the CryEngine.
They do this probably because they feel that young game developers are the ones that are going to be forging the industry's future, and they want to empower young developers to create amazing games.
Autodesk - offers all their software for free to students.
Young people using this software for free gain skills, and are likely to buy commercial licences in the future.
Game Maker is also free, as is Blender, Construct 2 etc.
These sort of fees are fine if you have a job and free time, or are a company looking to make games, but it doesn't give young people the start they need. If you train young people to use your tools, they're the ones that are going to come looking for pro licences in the future.
I'll probably start making my game on the Unreal Engine 4, since it now supports 2D, and I also have experience with the previous version of the technology (since they also offered that version for free as well). Sorry guys but I'm a student, and I can't afford all these monthly costs!