@The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
I believe socks does other stuff with GS maybe not his own games.
Yep, I am making a couple of games (which will be released just before time grinds to a halt), but the majority of my use of GS is not in game making, I've done much more visualisation / motion graphics than working on game projects - for example just spent weeks making window models that can be interactively opened and closed (on an iPad) for a secondary glazing company to use in client presentations.
Sometimes I like to crush Cornflakes with my fist, it makes me feel all powerful, as if I am a tyrannical ruler presiding over the fate of a population of small orange lifeforms.
Its a good thing to let the past be the past, everyone makes bad decisions, some worse than others, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve a second chance. Wish you good luck with a bright and fresh future!
@Socks said:
Sometimes I like to crush Cornflakes with my fist, it makes me feel all powerful, as if I am a tyrannical ruler presiding over the fate of a population of small orange lifeforms.
Yeah the mug shots should be removed. Let the past stay in the past. We all make mistakes. No one is perfect. That's life. At least @JohnPapiomitis is trying to turn his life around.
Big Smile Games Play Happy! Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
Its not about giving 2nd chance. Like I said I gave him 3 chances. Time by time he cheated people. And thats his habit. Search with his name and you can see people are always finding him. I am not trying to be rude. I gave him chance base on humanity. Now I understood that giving him chance means its big mistake.
I contact my friends and they are trying to talk with @JohnPapiomitis personally. JohnPapiomitis said that If someone comes here than he kill them with guns. I have all the evidence.
He visited forum and read all the post but still not ready to pay my $200.
@creativeapps you probably gave him 3 chances when he was still on the "dark side". I understand your anger and disbelieve, so its understandable youre trying to warn everyone. But I doubt its going to solve anything if you keep trying to convince everyone to turn him down rather than saying kind words. Give it some time, and hopefully you will get your $200 back when the time is right, maybe depths are an issue for him as well.
@creativeapps said:
Its not about giving 2nd chance. Like I said I gave him 3 chances. Time by time he cheated people. And thats his habit. Search with his name and you can see people are always finding him. I am not trying to be rude. I gave him chance base on humanity. Now I understood that giving him chance means its big mistake.
I contact my friends and they are trying to talk with JohnPapiomitis personally. JohnPapiomitis said that If someone comes here than he kill them with guns. I have all the evidence.
He visited forum and read all the post but still not ready to pay my $200.
So you were trying to send people to his home and you are stocking him online? You are one scary dude yourself.
@tmann said:
What you are witnessing here is the chaos brought about by Heroin addiction. Give John a second chance and keep any personal dealings personal.
And possibly another party who went off their meds...
Seriously Dave, you need to get over what ever issue you and creative apps had all those years ago. Too me, your the real one who just loves the stir the fire.
There is an issue and it doesn't get to be dismissed because someone was down the wrong path. Previous issues just don't get erased.
It's great that it's been turned around but a reputation doesn't change when people were ripped off.
I am sure these issues could have been dealt with in better ways and maybe there is also an English barrier. But I am surprised no mod as decided to step in and tell you to not insult and attack people on the forums. Or have removed the mug shots.
Who knows what's going on behind the scenes. Let the fire die.
This thread has gotten pretty out of hand for the gamesalad public forums if you ask me.
A lot of drug related talking, if you haven't forgotten. A lot of people on these forums are still below 18. Some even 13.
There is so much arguing its quite humorous actually. I wouldn't be surprised if this thread became closed.
In fact it should, this has gotten quite out of hand .
@Tiny_Ideas said:
Seriously Dave, you need to get over what ever issue you and creative apps had all those years ago. Too me, your the real one who just loves the stir the fire.
There is an issue and it doesn't get to be dismissed because someone was down the wrong path. Previous issues just don't get erased.
It's great that it's been turned around but a reputation doesn't change when people were ripped off.
I am sure these issues could have been dealt with in better ways and maybe there is also an English barrier. But I am surprised no mod as decided to step in and tell you to not insult and attack people on the forums. Or have removed the mug shots.
Who knows what's going on behind the scenes. Let the fire die.
The mug shots were removed by a mod. i don't know John but that was not cool posting those shots. The fact that he is becoming a vigilante and stalking someone is scary in and of itself.
@creativeapps stop it. I understand your mad but no excuse to be posting someone's personal information online. There are plenty of escrow services online to prevent stuff like this from happening. In the future I suggest you use one. I suggest everyone use one until they trust the person they are working with. No matter how much I trust people that I do business with, I only prepay what I would be comfortable losing.
This thread was supposed to be an apology, and a request for forgiveness so he would earn people's trust back, not a pig pile. So either stop it or I will close the thread.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
Like I said over the years creativeapps has done strange things and to my knowlege he never made any games which I find strange as to why he hung around here.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru Yes I never made any games but I did graphics for tshirtbooth, gshelper.com, deepblueapps & many more. I serve free art in this community as well. So there is no sense of talking about I made game or not.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
So you were trying to send people to his home and you are stocking him online? You are one scary dude yourself.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru One my friend lives next to his street. I tried to contact with johnpapiomitis with call, email and skype but he never replied. I told my friend to go their and find out the situation and I dont think nothing is wrong in that.
@jonmulcahy He did that type of mistake again in past. He first did mistake and than create this type of thread. Check his history. I am going to stop now.
@JohnPapiomitis If you really feel bad and came here for apology than give my $200 back and prove yourself.
I'd like to add a little context here, creativeapps contacted me at the time this was all going on, so I was aware of how the exchange between the two transpired.
Firstly creativeapps' first language is not English, so he might struggle a little to negotiate his way through all this where native English speaker might not - (@gattoman this may well be the reason he didn't respond as might be expected to your kind offer), he does well with English but I know for a fact that he might not always be picking up on some of the cultural subtleties of English, just like I'd struggle to pick up on the cultural subtleties of his native language, even though I might be able to communicate reasonably well.
Creativeapps is from India, I know what his monthly wages are (he told me at the time of the dispute) although there's no need to share them here it's enough to say that I (living in the UK) would last about 2 days on that kind of money !! And I suspect a lot of the forum users would be too, it really isn't much by western standards, even low paid workers here in the UK wouldn't (couldn't) except such low wages, so $200 really is - comparatively - a lot of money to creativeapps, this is not the same as you and me losing $200 and putting it down to a learning experience and moving on, this was a real financial setback.
This whole thing went on for a long time, a lot of PMs back and forth, repeated attempts to resolve the issue, so in that regard it wasn't a case of creativeapps not giving him second chance, creativeapps gave him a second chance and a third chance and a fourth chance and a fifth chance and a sixth chance . . . . (so on).
And the overall tone of creativeapps approach was never "Hey, you ripped me off you &^%ing son of &^% . . . " it was incredibly reasonable, and even considerate, I will quote directly from one of his emails to John . . . "Please share your problem with me so I can keep that in mind".
So I can absolutely see creativeapps frustrations, bear in mind John, at the time, was a Sous Chef, so here was this powerful (in the context of the forums at least) person who had - effectively - stolen a lot of money from him, John refused to resolve the issue amicably, he refused to respond to emails, when he did what he said in the emails turned out to be little more than fobbing creativeapps off, shutting him up, and on one occasion demanding creativeapps sign a contract that would give all the rights of the project (the project that creativeapps had paid John to build) to John !
When creativeapps attempted to deal with this through the forums his threads were closed by other Sous Chefs, I realise this is a deal between two private individuals, but what else would you or I do, the person has taken your money, he refuses to deal with you, ignores your emails, yet is active on the forum, so you PM him, nothing, you start a thread, it is closed down . . . I can very easily imagine how this must have been incredibly frustrating.
So . . . tl;dr . . . I don't think creativeapps' frustrations expressed here are at all unreasonable given what he went through, what he lost, and how he was treated (like a piece of #### !!), I think it's fantastic that John has turned his life around, I really do, lots of people don't make it out of those kinds of nosedives, it's good to see him back on the forums, and I hope he finds success and happiness in the future, and I hope he sticks around the forums too, because he's a pretty damn good coder, but I think a healing process shouldn't always be about congratulations, I think part of the healing process is coming to terms with your past, honestly and openly facing some of the s*&^ you've thrown at others (and accept what they throw back!) . . . still, as other have said, the answer to all this, is for John to now simply deal with creativeapps.
Good luck to everyone involved, I hope creativeapps recovers his stolen money, and I hope John continues to move on from his dark period.
@Socks said:
I'd like to add a little context here, creativeapps contacted me at the time this was all going on, so I was aware of how the exchange between the two transpired.
Firstly creativeapps' first language is not English, so he might struggle a little to negotiate his way through all this where native English speaker might not - (@gattoman this may well be the reason he didn't respond as might be expected to your kind offer), he does well with English but I know for a fact that he might not always be picking up on some of the cultural subtleties of English, just like I'd struggle to pick up on the cultural subtleties of his native language, even though I might be able to communicate reasonably well.
Creativeapps is from India, I know what his monthly wages are (he told me at the time of the dispute) although there's no need to share them here it's enough to say that I (living in the UK) would last about 2 days on that kind of money !! And I suspect a lot of the forum users would be too, it really isn't much by western standards, even low paid workers here in the UK wouldn't (couldn't) except such low wages, so $200 really is - comparatively - a lot of money to creativeapps, this is not the same as you and me losing $200 and putting it down to a learning experience and moving on, this was a real financial setback.
This whole thing went on for a long time, a lot of PMs back and forth, repeated attempts to resolve the issue, so in that regard it wasn't a case of creativeapps not giving him second chance, creativeapps gave him a second chance and a third chance and a fourth chance and a fifth chance and a sixth chance . . . . (so on).
And the overall tone of creativeapps approach was never "Hey, you ripped me off you &^%ing son of &^% . . . " it was incredibly reasonable, and even considerate, I will quote directly from one of his emails to John . . . "Please share your problem with me so I can keep that in mind".
So I can absolutely see creativeapps frustrations, bear in mind John, at the time, was a Sous Chef, so here was this powerful (in the context of the forums at least) person who had - effectively - stolen a lot of money from him, John refused to resolve the issue amicably, he refused to respond to emails, when he did what he said in the emails turned out to be little more than fobbing creativeapps off, shutting him up, and on one occasion demanding creativeapps sign a contract that would give all the rights of the project (the project that creativeapps had paid John to build) to John !
When creativeapps attempted to deal with this through the forums his threads were closed by other Sous Chefs, I realise this is a deal between two private individuals, but what else would you or I do, the person has taken your money, he refuses to deal with you, ignores your emails, yet is active on the forum, so you PM him, nothing, you start a thread, it is closed down . . . I can very easily imagine how this must have been incredibly frustrating.
So . . . tl;dr . . . I don't think creativeapps' frustrations expressed here are at all unreasonable given what he went through, what he lost, and how he was treated (like a piece of #### !!), I think it's fantastic that John has turned his life around, I really do, lots of people don't make it out of those kinds of nosedives, it's good to see him back on the forums, and I hope he finds success and happiness in the future, and I hope he sticks around the forums too, because he's a pretty damn good coder, but I think a healing process shouldn't always be about congratulations, I think part of the healing process is coming to terms with your past, honestly and openly facing some of the s*&^ you've thrown at others (and accept what they throw back!) . . . still, as other have said, the answer to all this, is for John to now simply deal with creativeapps.
Good luck to everyone involved, I hope creativeapps recovers his stolen money, and I hope John continues to move on from his dark period.
+1 i agree john needs to step up even if it's a dollar a day until payed off or I for one would never trust him.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru & All. That guy gave me lots of trouble in past. Took my money and never returned it.
@JohnPapiomitis let me give my $200 back and finish this chapter here.
@gattoman how long I have to wait for that?
Lmao okay he is eccentric
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Yep, I am making a couple of games (which will be released just before time grinds to a halt), but the majority of my use of GS is not in game making, I've done much more visualisation / motion graphics than working on game projects - for example just spent weeks making window models that can be interactively opened and closed (on an iPad) for a secondary glazing company to use in client presentations.
Sometimes I like to crush Cornflakes with my fist, it makes me feel all powerful, as if I am a tyrannical ruler presiding over the fate of a population of small orange lifeforms.
Its a good thing to let the past be the past, everyone makes bad decisions, some worse than others, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve a second chance. Wish you good luck with a bright and fresh future!
And they're tasty too.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
That's what I tell them just before I kill them.
I imagine you torture them with a slow soggy death in milk too.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I used to do that, but the United Nations threatened to intervene.
Welcome back @JohnPapiomitis! I am glad that you are well and wish you the best in the future! Keep moving forward, stay positive and smile every day!
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
Are you serious?
I understand your bitter but........
My offer was absolutely sincere. I'm willing to give you your 200$ back and this is your reply????
I agree.
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Yeah the mug shots should be removed. Let the past stay in the past. We all make mistakes. No one is perfect. That's life. At least @JohnPapiomitis is trying to turn his life around.
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
Its not about giving 2nd chance. Like I said I gave him 3 chances. Time by time he cheated people. And thats his habit. Search with his name and you can see people are always finding him. I am not trying to be rude. I gave him chance base on humanity. Now I understood that giving him chance means its big mistake.
I contact my friends and they are trying to talk with @JohnPapiomitis personally. JohnPapiomitis said that If someone comes here than he kill them with guns. I have all the evidence.
He visited forum and read all the post but still not ready to pay my $200.
@creativeapps you probably gave him 3 chances when he was still on the "dark side". I understand your anger and disbelieve, so its understandable youre trying to warn everyone. But I doubt its going to solve anything if you keep trying to convince everyone to turn him down rather than saying kind words. Give it some time, and hopefully you will get your $200 back when the time is right, maybe depths are an issue for him as well.
@Approw I posted here and telling him that give me money back and finish this chapter.
I am waiting for his reply in this chat.
Now do you believe me when I said weird stuff. This kind of stuff went on all the time.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
So you were trying to send people to his home and you are stocking him online? You are one scary dude yourself.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
What you are witnessing here is the chaos brought about by Heroin addiction. Give John a second chance and keep any personal dealings personal.
And possibly another party who went off their meds...
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Seriously Dave, you need to get over what ever issue you and creative apps had all those years ago. Too me, your the real one who just loves the stir the fire.
There is an issue and it doesn't get to be dismissed because someone was down the wrong path. Previous issues just don't get erased.
It's great that it's been turned around but a reputation doesn't change when people were ripped off.
I am sure these issues could have been dealt with in better ways and maybe there is also an English barrier. But I am surprised no mod as decided to step in and tell you to not insult and attack people on the forums. Or have removed the mug shots.
Who knows what's going on behind the scenes. Let the fire die.
This thread has gotten pretty out of hand for the gamesalad public forums if you ask me.
A lot of drug related talking, if you haven't forgotten. A lot of people on these forums are still below 18. Some even 13.
There is so much arguing its quite humorous actually. I wouldn't be surprised if this thread became closed.
In fact it should, this has gotten quite out of hand
The mug shots were removed by a mod. i don't know John but that was not cool posting those shots. The fact that he is becoming a vigilante and stalking someone is scary in and of itself.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@creativeapps stop it. I understand your mad but no excuse to be posting someone's personal information online. There are plenty of escrow services online to prevent stuff like this from happening. In the future I suggest you use one. I suggest everyone use one until they trust the person they are working with. No matter how much I trust people that I do business with, I only prepay what I would be comfortable losing.
This thread was supposed to be an apology, and a request for forgiveness so he would earn people's trust back, not a pig pile. So either stop it or I will close the thread.
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
@creativeapps I hope you get your money back. If John wants to make things right he can start by contacting you and working something out with you.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru Yes I never made any games but I did graphics for tshirtbooth, gshelper.com, deepblueapps & many more. I serve free art in this community as well. So there is no sense of talking about I made game or not.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru One my friend lives next to his street. I tried to contact with johnpapiomitis with call, email and skype but he never replied. I told my friend to go their and find out the situation and I dont think nothing is wrong in that.
@jonmulcahy He did that type of mistake again in past. He first did mistake and than create this type of thread. Check his history. I am going to stop now.
@JohnPapiomitis If you really feel bad and came here for apology than give my $200 back and prove yourself.
Someone else has accepted my offer.
I'd like to add a little context here, creativeapps contacted me at the time this was all going on, so I was aware of how the exchange between the two transpired.
Firstly creativeapps' first language is not English, so he might struggle a little to negotiate his way through all this where native English speaker might not - (@gattoman this may well be the reason he didn't respond as might be expected to your kind offer), he does well with English but I know for a fact that he might not always be picking up on some of the cultural subtleties of English, just like I'd struggle to pick up on the cultural subtleties of his native language, even though I might be able to communicate reasonably well.
Creativeapps is from India, I know what his monthly wages are (he told me at the time of the dispute) although there's no need to share them here it's enough to say that I (living in the UK) would last about 2 days on that kind of money !! And I suspect a lot of the forum users would be too, it really isn't much by western standards, even low paid workers here in the UK wouldn't (couldn't) except such low wages, so $200 really is - comparatively - a lot of money to creativeapps, this is not the same as you and me losing $200 and putting it down to a learning experience and moving on, this was a real financial setback.
This whole thing went on for a long time, a lot of PMs back and forth, repeated attempts to resolve the issue, so in that regard it wasn't a case of creativeapps not giving him second chance, creativeapps gave him a second chance and a third chance and a fourth chance and a fifth chance and a sixth chance . . . . (so on).
And the overall tone of creativeapps approach was never "Hey, you ripped me off you &^%ing son of &^% . . . " it was incredibly reasonable, and even considerate, I will quote directly from one of his emails to John . . . "Please share your problem with me so I can keep that in mind".
So I can absolutely see creativeapps frustrations, bear in mind John, at the time, was a Sous Chef, so here was this powerful (in the context of the forums at least) person who had - effectively - stolen a lot of money from him, John refused to resolve the issue amicably, he refused to respond to emails, when he did what he said in the emails turned out to be little more than fobbing creativeapps off, shutting him up, and on one occasion demanding creativeapps sign a contract that would give all the rights of the project (the project that creativeapps had paid John to build) to John !
When creativeapps attempted to deal with this through the forums his threads were closed by other Sous Chefs, I realise this is a deal between two private individuals, but what else would you or I do, the person has taken your money, he refuses to deal with you, ignores your emails, yet is active on the forum, so you PM him, nothing, you start a thread, it is closed down . . . I can very easily imagine how this must have been incredibly frustrating.
So . . . tl;dr . . . I don't think creativeapps' frustrations expressed here are at all unreasonable given what he went through, what he lost, and how he was treated (like a piece of #### !!), I think it's fantastic that John has turned his life around, I really do, lots of people don't make it out of those kinds of nosedives, it's good to see him back on the forums, and I hope he finds success and happiness in the future, and I hope he sticks around the forums too, because he's a pretty damn good coder, but I think a healing process shouldn't always be about congratulations, I think part of the healing process is coming to terms with your past, honestly and openly facing some of the s*&^ you've thrown at others (and accept what they throw back!) . . . still, as other have said, the answer to all this, is for John to now simply deal with creativeapps.
Good luck to everyone involved, I hope creativeapps recovers his stolen money, and I hope John continues to move on from his dark period.
+1 i agree john needs to step up even if it's a dollar a day until payed off or I for one would never trust him.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Agreed, even a token payment every week would be something.