March 2011 when I discovered GameSalad, the “dream maker tool” I thought to myself.
I downloaded a great game made by @UtopianGames called Running Wild, the splash screen said “made with GameSalad” so I then searched for it, downloaded it and start using it straight away.
I watched hours of tutorials from @tshirtbooth over and over to learn as much as I could also visiting the forums every day. During this time I met a lot of people on the forums, it became a second home for me.
People would talk about games, making games and sharing ideas. Everyone was so helpful and we all got on.
I made 2 games at the time which got a couple thousand downloads, nothing special but was an achievement for me seeing my games on an iPhone.
Also during this time hundreds of clones were being produced with GS (example Angry Birds, Tiny Wings, etc…) giving the engine a really bad name. Making it hard for people to get their unique game noticed.
I started making free logos but then people started abusing it, stealing logos I made for certain members, so I stopped.
I took a break from GS for a while as had to deal with some personal stuff.
I later returned to realise a bunch of people are no longer part of GS, @UtopianGames being pushed away from GS and the forum plastered with spam, I don’t know or understand the direction that GS is going and not sticking around to find out as they have introduced this pay to use our engine nonsense.
After all these years GS still lacking so many features and has become more complicated to use.
I have a free game Slime Boy on
AppStore -
GooglePlay -
Its made with GameSalad, its my final GameSalad game and this is my goodbye to GameSalad.
Special thanks to - @UtopianGames @BazookaTime @tshirtbooth @crazycam99 @timolapre1998 @LeonardDeveloper @quantumsheep @HoneyTribeStudios @tatiang @SpriteAttack @Braydon_SFX @uptimistik @beefy_clyro @gyroscope @SlickZero and to all the old school gang.
More complex to use? This makes no scene to me. Anything one does takes skill and knowledge. Gamesalad is a tool for making games/apps. Making Gamesalad completely brain dead also eliminates power options and Isolates advanced users. As a new user you can make simple games with only a hand full of knowledge but if you want to make advanced games you need to learn more. The issue is everyone wants to skip the learning process as they are in a rush. This is the tec world, things change and they change fast. Complaining about that is like wanting to be a racecar driver and complaining everyone drives too fast.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Sad to see you go.. Best of luck!
✮ FREE templates at GSinvention ✮
✮ Available for hire! ✮
Not everyone can make a living doing what they love my friend. You should collect yourself and start thinking outside the box. Use your skills and knowledge of GS and go a slightly different route, don't give it up altogether. The business world aint easy.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I'm not sure I'm understanding you here. Are you referring to the followup comments as people being negative to his leaving? I don't believe pointing out the facts is a negative thing. Should we all just pretend reality doesn't exist? I hope he finds sucesss going forward and wish him well but to blame a company or others for problems they can't control is foolish. Do I wish life was all bubble gum and lollipops? Yes I do but that's not the reality. As for the spam, where is all this spam? Gshelper is now in an agreement with GS, that is not spam. Others are providing services people wanted aka, @Hopscotch analytics and @RabidParrot social media tools. I'm tired of this everyone should be helping and doing things for me for free. How dare anyone charge for their time! They should be working for free! How dare they make a living. Don't they know my situation?! Greedy jerks, with their food, clothing and shelter!
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Sorry to see you go, good luck with whatever you do next! ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
I'm sorry... but personally I don't understand these goodbye messages ... all I hear is that GS is no good anymore, GS lacks this, lacks that... common regarding the clones, there's tons of sites that sell templates for games built with other platforms and native.. GS team is making great efforts to make this amazingly simple platform to be better every day
.. you can make amazing games with GS just takes a bit of creativity .. I created a game like this >>
Sorry to see you go. Best of luck!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Sad to see you go, @VeiraGames
All the best for the future.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
@wilsongalucho, I just think everyone has their own opinions about GS for different reasons. I think many of the people that have been around a long time are hurt or offended that GS took the totally free option away so that left them with a bad taste in their mouth.
My opinion is that GS is better than ever, moving quickly in a great direction and hopefully only good things are on the horizon. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
@VeiraGames You were very generous with the art you offered to the community. Best of luck moving forward!
@wilsongalucho The events that were mentioned happened over a period of time. So yes, all true but listing them like that makes it sound like GameSalad is going down the drain instead of the reality that the cloned games were a problem for a short while, spam was a problem and has been largely resolved, etc. Is GS no longer free? Yes, and people have varying opinions about whether that's fair or not, required for GameSalad to function properly as a viable company, etc.
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It's definitely a bummer, but turns out neither our landlord nor our employees were willing to accept high fives, hugs or even free games as payment.
Good luck with your future endeavors.
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc ·
you mean you're not doing it for the exposure?
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I once gave a homeless person a sandwich, he gave it back and asked me for money instead.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Would like to clear this up quick.
For me GS lack features that I need and this pay to use has left a sour taste. I didn’t start GS thinking I’m going to make a living with it but be real no one here is making a completely free game.
But thats not the reason why I’m leaving GS, theres more to life than money. I have seen so many people come and go and to me that says something. The community has changed, GS has changed and I don’t see the good side to it. (Plus all the other things I mentioned)
Yes there are some good games made with GS, there are some great templates to help people get started.
(I know, I have purchased plenty) and I wouldn’t mind giving them away for free to everyone but I wouldn’t do that because people are not here to make money.
@Lost_Oasis_Games I don’t think you get it, you’re just seeing a rant and not the feeling over the years. I’m in no rush for anything. People who are always in a rush never get anywhere.
Plus, that's illegal.
Sorry to see you go man. You've been a huge help to the community!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
I can understand if a lot of your buddies are gone there is little incentive to stay.
Like most groups people come and go.
I'm working with the homeless and needy every Tuesday night giving out hot drinks and food which we self fund and the general advise is never give money because they will use it for drugs and or alcohol.
@VeiraGames Most of the old timers have moved on due to the severe decline, I only pop by from time to time to read the gurus posts as he makes me smile.
GS simply hasn't evolved, its 4 years behind despite having 6 million dollars wasted on it and it still feels like a kids toy compared to say Corona.
Thanks for the constructive feedback, Darren. We always look forward to your visits back to the old neighborhood.
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc ·
@dgackey ...Well we are on the brink of 2016, and we've been asking for editor interface improvements such as multiple actor copy and paste, snap to grid, being able to update and see actor co-ordinates without needing to go into the actor, since 2010... so in some respects @UtopianGames comment about being 4 years behind is quite generous...
Things are improving, but theres still huge way to go.... sometimes it seems we've spent 5 years optimising the engine and load times... and not improving other areas that sorely need some loving...
Edit: ...and I didn't even mention the long overdue and much requested "otherwise" tab highlighter, or folders for actors and audio/sound files... things that improve the experience and productivity of every single GS user... || appdore twitter || appdore facebook
You seem to be treading a fine line here, both praising UtopianGames for their contribution (which is doubtless) and condemning them for 'giving the engine a really bad name' (which they - by your definition - did by copying and selling clones of - using your own example - things like Angry Birds) ?
Which do think it is ? Do you think their taking and selling of other people's creative efforts (by your own definition) gave GS a bad name, or do you think they are deserving of praise for making the templates of popular games like Angry Birds available to the GS newcomers ?
You should have seen it before he edited it !
See ya bud!
As I've said from day one of my tenure here, I can't change the stuff that happened in the past, all I can do is work on improving the product and make the future better. I believe we've done that (and then some) in the 2 years since I've been here.
The great thing about capitalism is that everyone gets to vote with their wallet. If GS saves you time, empowers you to do things you couldn't otherwise do, or simply helps you learn how to make games, you can tell us that by subscribing. And it works both ways.
We're always sad to see a customer go, no question about it. But we do the best we can to keep things moving in a positive direction.
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc ·
@VeiraGames I have worked with you several times, you are a great dude. I am sorry to see you go but I know you have moved on to bigger and better things.
Actually exposure does work when done correctly. Do you remember when GameSalad forced the GameSalad logo (splash screen) on all games made by free users but there was little to no mention of GameSalad in games made by Pro users? Common sense would say this should be the reverse, a lot of crappy games were identified as GameSalad and some truly amazing games were not tied to GameSalad at all. So the exposure of great games with GameSalad would have helped drive more people to GameSalad instead of the reverse.
@Socks I feel you're twisting things here. Those templates of Angry Birds, etc... were clones yes but what @UtopianGames were trying to do was teach you the game mechanics, like all their templates. Change it to your own art, style and gameplay, not to rip off the actual game.
Look what happened to Flappy Bird, GS was a major cloning engine during the hype of it all.
Anyway as far as I'm concerned Darren @UtopianGames was the man who pushed GS to were it is with his ideas and templates that helped hundreds of members. Just too bad GS was on a power trip and pushed him away and now they stuck in limbo. Thats what I see anyway but maybe I'm wrong.
GS was good while it lasted and I would recommend it for new starters but how it was before here was far better.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@Socks Regarding Angry Birds it was actually the GS team that 1st commissioned us to make a template for the shows they used to attend to help with initial funding, apparently all they got asked was "can it do angry birds"?
The GS team still sell our template on GSHelper today but with different art.
Of course after the agreed period had expired we changed the art and released a better version ourselves.