Transparent area around actors, are we done with this yet?
Hi all,
Is there a way to constrain the touch of an actor to the image itself rather than the actor?
IAW- if i touch the transparent area around the actor i dont want it to be selected in the game,
I read some posts since 2011, and it seems that the maximum sensitivity we get in GS is the rectangular shape around the actor.
Has this been solved or someone came up with a work around?
thanks a lot
Best Answer
Armelline Posts: 5,376
Custom collision shapes allow only the area you choose to be collidable. A slight workaround is needed for touching, though - but you can find that workaround here:
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
@Armelline Thanks man. ill go through it.
i thought of creating a pixel map (like a grid of tiny hidden actors 5X5 pixels) and use them to interact with the main actors. but im afraid it will slow down the performance.
have you ever done something like that?