Your app is using an unsafe implementation of the X509TrustManager



  • luke2125luke2125 Member, PRO Posts: 225


    So the wise decision would be to wait for 1.25 to come out, and republish the games with it......Gamesalad Staff when it's 1.25 coming out? After 5 Years of using Gamesalad, I'm saddened to say, that I will be moving to another Game Engine to suit my needs. My Pro membership expires on July 2016, but right now, I have 2 games waiting on queue for 1.25 to be released, and now I have to republish the rest of the games in Google Play. I understand that GameSalad Staff are hard working people, but it's time for me to move on.



  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    @drizzling said:
    The latest version of gamesalad has got issues with tables cell value and when update your game using 1.24.2, ur release game have a high possiblitly encountering these issues. (I tried adhoc n experience this issues in android and iOS)

    My experience with this issue has been that rules you create/move/paste/edit with 1.24 will experience this bug, but ones created before the bug was introduced will work - so long as you don't move or edit them.

    Not sure what experience others are having?

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198

    For people waiting for the latest versions, remember that the fix also works on 0.13.33 and 0.13.47. I'm also patching 0.13.40 for Windows users (I forgot that we didn't release 0.13.47 for windows users).

  • luke2125luke2125 Member, PRO Posts: 225

    Hi Adent42,

    When is version 1.25 going to be release? Thank you......



  • iKandyiKandy Imagineer of Crazy Shit New York CityMember Posts: 310

    I'm already pro. It seems people are updating their apps and still getting the warning.

  • weblantisweblantis Member, PRO Posts: 114

    @iKandy: After you updated your app you have to delete the warning for the old version. So far I've updated 11 apps and all are published and the error is gone.

  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598

    Updated, no warnings remain. You have to wait for the new apk to be processed and then log out and back into the dev portal to see warnings disappear. Stay calm and republish.

  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315

    I'm very confused - what version of GS will update these apps and make them compliant with google play? 1.24? Or are we waiting for 1.25 to release? I'm also Pro.

  • Triangularity GamesTriangularity Games Founder/Owner MarylandMember Posts: 140

    1.24 is fine to fix the google play error, but there are other issues that will be resolved in 1.25 (mentioned earlier in this thread).

  • diogoredindiogoredin Member Posts: 50

    Just found out I (we) have to change all IAP In-App-Purchases also! God why?

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408

    @diogoredin said:
    Just found out I (we) have to change all IAP In-App-Purchases also! God why?

    i know it sucks, but if you have to chance your IAP you're updating an app you made in what is now legacy software. Anytime you do such a large update in software big changes are usually required.

  • iKandyiKandy Imagineer of Crazy Shit New York CityMember Posts: 310

    Sounds like a lot of hassle all the way around. I'm afraid to even start updating.

  • RedRoboRedRobo Member, PRO Posts: 682

    I'm really surprised most people were not updating their apps at least every 6 months or so. With all the regular bug fixes etc coming thick and fast I always worry my app will end up 'un-updateable' and left behind unless I keep it fairly up-to-date.

    I know this is a massive overhead when you have lots of apps which is why I've adopted the less-is-more approach and binned off loads of not so good apps, keeping only the best.

    Would be interested to know how often on average most people update their apps?

  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274
    edited February 2016

    @strag said:
    I'm really surprised most people were not updating their apps at least every 6 months or so. With all the regular bug fixes etc coming thick and fast I always worry my app will end up 'un-updateable' and left behind unless I keep it fairly up-to-date.

    I know this is a massive overhead when you have lots of apps which is why I've adopted the less-is-more approach and binned off loads of not so good apps, keeping only the best.

    Would be interested to know how often on average most people update their apps?

    I am not really surprised considering most apps don't generate any money. I still play a bunch of games that did great when they were released but haven't been updated in years. Dungeon Raid comes to mind, thousands of five star reviews and hasn't been updated in like five years.

  • kipdevkipdev Member Posts: 275

    I'm not gonna pay $29.00 just to do an update, that (MIGHT) fix the issue...

  • GnarlyGnarly canadaMember Posts: 840

    @strag said:
    I'm really surprised most people were not updating their apps at least every 6 months or so. With all the regular bug fixes etc coming thick and fast I always worry my app will end up 'un-updateable' and left behind unless I keep it fairly up-to-date.

    I know this is a massive overhead when you have lots of apps which is why I've adopted the less-is-more approach and binned off loads of not so good apps, keeping only the best.

    Would be interested to know how often on average most people update their apps?

    If app runs well what benefit would updating your app every 6 months be???

  • RedRoboRedRobo Member, PRO Posts: 682

    @BazookaTime @gattoman It's just that GameSalad is being constantly updated. You may find in a couple of years time if your app needs updating because of new devices/sdks etc, that it no longer functions at all in the latest GameSalad. Not only that Gamesalad only currently provide downloads for the last 3 releases of the engine meaning it would be impossible to go back.

  • GnarlyGnarly canadaMember Posts: 840

    @strag said:
    @BazookaTime @gattoman It's just that GameSalad is being constantly updated. You may find in a couple of years time if your app needs updating because of new devices/sdks etc, that it no longer functions at all in the latest GameSalad. Not only that Gamesalad only currently provide downloads for the last 3 releases of the engine meaning it would be impossible to go back.

    Fair enough comment.

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

    Are we sure this has been fixed??

    I've just updated a few of my apps with the latest version of GS (v1.24.42). The apps have now been processed and I have logged out and back in but the alert remains.

    I've read that we need to dismiss the alert so I have tried that on both an updated app and one which I haven't yet submitted a fix for. Both apps now are displaying in the dashboard without an alert so it would seem to indicate dismissing the alert is doing just that, and is not indicative of whether the issue has been fixed too!

  • MarcoColMarcoCol Member, PRO Posts: 279

    One of my games was builded last with 0.98. So if I now build it, is there the risk, that something will not work anymore? I didn't use InApps, so I know that was changed later, btw. So that would be no problem...

  • MentalDonkeyGamesMentalDonkeyGames Member Posts: 1,276

    @MarcoCol said:
    One of my games was builded last with 0.98. So if I now build it, is there the risk, that something will not work anymore? I didn't use InApps, so I know that was changed later, btw. So that would be no problem...

    Just try your game with a newer version of GS and see if it works. If it does, there should be no problems.

    Mental Donkey Games
    Website - Facebook - Twitter

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    @MarcoCol said:
    One of my games was builded last with 0.98. So if I now build it, is there the risk, that something will not work anymore? I didn't use InApps, so I know that was changed later, btw. So that would be no problem...

    Make a copy of your file and open it in the new version.

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