Stable release 1.25 is available



  • 33miles33miles Member, BASIC Posts: 71

    Thanks much for all the hard work put into this version GS and beta team! :smiley: I look forward to testing it shortly. :wink:

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390

    @Lost_Oasis_Games said:

    I also wanted to list the people who worked hard and gave so much of their time for free, from this community. Beta team @Hopscotch @Armelline @Braydon_SFX @jonmulcahy @pHghost @Dues @ETGgames @fradnor @ecocitygames @JScott .

    and @Lost_Oasis_Games too, thank you all for your contribution.

  • Machinist AppsMachinist Apps Member, PRO Posts: 65

    Sweet! How soon can we expect the 1.25 Android viewer to hit Google's Play Store?

  • weblantisweblantis Member, PRO Posts: 114

    Great work GS Team! :D

  • gameviccigamevicci Member, PRO Posts: 306
    edited April 2016

    Great news!! Rewarded videos!!!

    A couple of question guys:

    1) Are Chartboost and Revmob video reward ads available simultaneously? (So if one network has no video to serve the other network shows a video)

    2) can we use interstitial with Admob + rewarded videos with Chartboost simultaneously? Or onle one ad network start at the launch of the app?

    Thanks in advance!!

  • birdboybirdboy Member Posts: 284

    @Machinist Apps said:
    Sweet! How soon can we expect the 1.25 Android viewer to hit Google's Play Store?

    And in addition what about the Amazon App Store?

  • FrantoFranto Member Posts: 779

    @GeorgeGS Thanks for that info, I went and changed all actors to spawn at the front of the layer, although I haven't tested on android yet, in creator, the enemies spawn without even causing a bit of lag{and although performance in creator has always been good with the heavy game, the only time there was a noticeable pause was when enemies spawned, now the game doesn't even skip a beat, and enemies just appear without any lag.}

    Will be testing on android later today, but the results from creator testing are absolutely impressive, no lag period. I guess a combination of the new, refined system and putting actors in the right order so as not to mess up the scans.

  • zenfinizenfini Member Posts: 7

    In the sneak preview, run once and run sequentially were shown. Did these features make it into the final release? I don't seem them.

    Not complaining simply asking.

  • HopscotchHopscotch Member, PRO Posts: 2,782

    @zenfini, they were in and largely working. However, with the new optimization and timing changes, there seemed to be quite a bit more work to get run once and run sequentially working perfectly. So these features were taken out again and held back for a later date.

  • baboybaboy Member, PRO Posts: 93
    edited May 2016

    Very Very Great Job GS Team! Loving the build so far.

    Anyways, I need help on this. I don't know if this is a bug:

    1. I've been importing custom fonts with the same family with different stylings (ex. Univers-Std, Univers-StdCondensed, Universe-Bold). GS seems to import only one of this. Is there a workaround for me to upload all of this?

    2. Is there a way to Justify the text in the Display Text behaviour? If none, is there a workaround on this?



  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207

    hi @calebdomingo i had the same problem, and thought it was a bug, but it might be your font program fiddling with the typeface data, i use font explorer so first you'd uncheck group font family and do an export. so they are individual fonts in a typeface family. there's no way to manipulate text other than left, center and right justification.

  • zenfinizenfini Member Posts: 7
  • zenfinizenfini Member Posts: 7

    @Hopscotch , Thank you very much. I appreciate the info.

  • bufteabuftea Member Posts: 43

    @CodeWizard said:
    Windows build is up!

    Has anybody tried to update an ongoing project in Windows? Is everything ok? I ask because I know most of you use Macintosh. And also maintaining an earlier version is pretty hard on Windows with the automatic updating (see the link below)

  • Machinist AppsMachinist Apps Member, PRO Posts: 65

    I've got a custom font question. I want to use the roboto font in my application. There are places where I need Roboto-regular.tff and other places where I would like Roboto-bold.ttf. I've loaded both .tff files but am only able to select one of them. Is there a way to use both?

  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273

    @Machinist Apps said:
    I've got a custom font question. I want to use the roboto font in my application. There are places where I need Roboto-regular.tff and other places where I would like Roboto-bold.ttf. I've loaded both .tff files but am only able to select one of them. Is there a way to use both?

    Have you tried saving the file, closing the application, then reopening? It may then slow up in the drop down

  • 3absh3absh Member Posts: 601

    downloading now, can't wait :)

  • RowdyPantsRowdyPants Member Posts: 465
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
  • dimsdaledimsdale Member Posts: 499

    i'm getting my new game on Android going to portrait mode and instead of landscape.

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    @dimsdale said:
    i'm getting my new game on Android going to portrait mode and instead of landscape.

    Do you have all the scene instances set to the proper orientation? All scenes need to have the proper boxes checked as well as in the publishing system.

  • dimsdaledimsdale Member Posts: 499

    @Lost_Oasis_Games yes i do. there doesn't seem to be any options when you make an Android Build to choose orientation. The Powered by Gamesalad logo is landscape, but the game is portrait.

  • HypnorabbitHypnorabbit SingaporeMember, PRO Posts: 272

    Great update! However I'm finding that Gamesalad crashes when trying to scroll right on a table with more than 15 columns. Using Windows version and on a Surface Pro 4. Anybody got any suggestions as to what might be the problem?

  • 68kStudios68kStudios Member Posts: 219
    edited May 2016

    The table cell value update/display bug is still there on 1.25, even if it's quite rare.

    So, I still can't publish my game.

  • HypnorabbitHypnorabbit SingaporeMember, PRO Posts: 272

    Thanks strange @68kStudios. It isn't very rare for me though as it crashes whenever I'm interacting with a table in the creator with more than 15 or so columns. Oh and importing tables too.

  • HypnorabbitHypnorabbit SingaporeMember, PRO Posts: 272

    Confirmed that this table side-scrolling bug also appears on my Alienware desktop when fresh installing 1.25. New project and everything. Not quite what I would call a "stable release" unless I'm doing something particularly stupid.

  • MentalDonkeyGamesMentalDonkeyGames Member Posts: 1,276

    @Hypnorabbit these table bugs might be windows only. I have no problems on a Mac. Be sure to report them in the bug database.

    Mental Donkey Games
    Website - Facebook - Twitter

  • HopscotchHopscotch Member, PRO Posts: 2,782

    @Hypnorabbit, you are on the windows version it seems?

    It works fine for me, on small and big (900x100) tables. Different column types. Also messing around with the add/remove row/col.

    Was your table imported?

  • HypnorabbitHypnorabbit SingaporeMember, PRO Posts: 272
    edited May 2016

    @MentalDonkeyGames Thanks will report. @Hopscotch I've clean installed 1.25 Windows on two computers and had the same problem. To be sure I started new projects on both as well - created tables with more than 15 columns, scrolled sideways and the app crashes. By the way the Surface Pro is brand new so I have no clue what's up with that. Any thoughts what it could be?

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