WIP - currently nameless mobile app
I couldn't think of a more enticing name than 'currently nameless mobile app' but anyhow, here's one of the games I'm currently working on, after seeing threads like RossmanBrothersGames' Get me Outta Here I've always wanted my very own WIP thread, all feedback - good and bad - appreciated !
EDIT: Quicktime now uploaded to the forum (and not an external site) - attached below
How is this even possible? Haha, never would guess that was made with a 2d engine. Super impressive, I always wondered what you work on.
Could see that turning into a lot of different things. Either racing, or kinda of the dodging enemies thing, looking really good.
By the way I was a little nervous downloading a video file titled XXX.mov, I think Im gonna rename it
Glad I wasn't the only one hahaha.
Impressive as always!
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Thats not Gamesalad
its not possible
Pedestrians! It screams for pedestrians!
Cool stuff @Socks!
But please get a youtube channel if you are making a WIP channel, which we are all keen to follow. I know you want it to be seen to full effect, but not over a popup ridden mediafire please!
Impressive work! I caught you at 00:16 (flying saurce z-order) >:) Congrats @Socks
Turn it into a city, have other cars. Touch the light of the other cars you explode (same for them, like TRON). See you can knock down the most pedestrians, or do the most damage.
... AND LAZERS. Just a ton of lasers as well thanks.
Best of luck, the camera work is really well done, feels very engaging.
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Love it! Lets see more.
youtube version please!
My wlan is super slow..
I already "liked" it because I know it will be something nice.
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Amazing stuff @Socks - seems like you have made Gamesalad into a 3D-engine - any chance of sharing some snippets about how you do the geometry math?
Amazing stuff @Socks! - That's mightily impressive, and awesome how you've figured out how to achieve that 3D look in GS! - How?... the?.. hell?...
Seriously! How the... I have no words.
I'm curious to see what all the excitement is about but either the link is no longer valid or my office network thinks I'm trying to download porn and has blocked the site. It says the site can't be reached.
Wonderul! Sell this to Pizza Hut or Domino's Pizza. The driver has to deliver the pizza while avoiding the other's drone.
I see you used some of the camera tricks you used in your other "experiment" - the mov file of the "centipede" you posted with the "Me and You" audio track.
I'm guessing you did the car in Blender and took images from almost 360 degrees?
Anyway, mind blown!
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That's incredible. Just wow. I can't stop watching it. I'm hypnotised by how good it looks.
Cheers everyone for the feedback !!
I've updated the first post with a Quicktime Movie uploaded directly to the forum, so you don't have to go to MediaFire or any external file hosting sites . . . . GameSalad forums has a 50MB file size limit so I had to squish the quality down a bit.
Cheers !!
Cheers, yeah, not the best movie title ! Lol, whoops !
I hate the whole . . . GameSalad > QuickTime Screen Capture > Compression > Upload to Youtube > Youtube recompresses . . . process and the quality loss, not only that but half the browsers out there won't play Youtube at 60fps and those that do play 60fps Youtube videos need to have the feature (HTML5) switched on manually . . . the whole thing is hit and miss, most times I end up with a crunchy 30fps video and haven't got a clue why
Anyhow . . . I've uploaded the movie directly to the forum, link in the first post
Cheers Riffel, yep the hovering disc is just thrown into the scene and told to chase and kill the player, I've not sorted its z-order out as yet, too busy trying to avoid getting fried
Like this ?
Quicktime attached to first post, I'm not sure if that helps !?
Cheers Dave !!!
Thanks johnnymagne . . . I might stick together a tutorial at some stage, it's not complicated, just some basic concepts to follow.
Cheers RThurman, I'll hopefully upload bits and pieces as I progress . . .
Cheers Japster !!
I've attached a Quicktime to the first post in this thread - so no need to go to an external site now (unless you need to download some porn)
I have GS z-order in my dreams
Lol thanks. I downloaded the one you attached and it looks freakin' amazing! Mind blown...
Yes, pretty much the same approach, I've improved the process a little, simplified it, but it's the same basic approach.
Cinema4D, but the modelling is pretty simple so it certainly could have been done in Blender.
360° was too 'steppy', especially when the camera - which is always floating around - reaches one of the extremes of its travel - where it basically stops for a moment before starting to come back the other way (like the peak of a sine wave), at these points you really need the angular-resolution (is that even a term?), so the car was rendered at half degree increments (720 images), but that was just for the flat car (all four wheels on the ground) - when the car is turing (up on two wheels) it is turing much faster than the camera is moving/floating, so a much smaller angular-resolution is fine**, here I only use 180 images (2° angular-resolution). Hope that makes some sense !
**by that ("a much smaller angular-resolution is fine") . . I mean this . . if you have an animated arrow turning very slowly, you will need lots of images, maybe one at every 1° change in rotation, so 360 images, whereas if the arrow is spinning around really really fast, you might only need 10 images . . make sense ?
Cheers frd !
Much better!
But still no pedestrians!
Keep it up!