Scene blank on all projects even if blank GS file created
Hi all,
Trying to update a bunch of GS projects and have a hit an issue.
Most of the games run fine but when I try and edit a scene the window is blank.
It also has the same issue with a brand new project.
Anyone seen or know of a cure for this issue?
I am having the same problem. Did you get a fix for it?
Hi - we are trying to upgrade some projects and experiencing identical issue... anyone.. HELP !
@TheAppGuy Are you using Creator on a Mac or PC? What version of Creator and what version of the OS?
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Hi, I'm having the same issue. I just downloaded and installed GameSalad Creator 1.25.80 Free Trial and it is running on a High Sierra 10.13.1 Mac. I double click on a Scene and the window is blank. Any thoughts?
Hi and good day
Have same error in high sierra.
@aendara @inoffice have you seen this thread ?
@BlackCloak Is this the Black Cloak we all new and loved? You still hiding back there somewhere?
I have been known to read the forms from time to time. I even comment now and then. I had to drop the GS and switch to a personal account. I never left the forms just became less active.
@PhilipCC @BlackCloak is our secret sauce. He's been giving us a hand with the High Sierra fixes!