Do you have these problems with your game?
Hi guys,
Please tell me if you are having these problems below on your phone as well and what device you are using:
- buttons in the edges dont work well because the touches dont register.
- rewarded ads (chartboost) and banner ads (admob) are not working right now.
I would like to know this so I can tell support more people have these issues so they will do something about it.
Your help is appreciated.
1...Me too
2...Same issue
Hi, me too, chartboost rewarded ads suddenly stopped working since last week.
I managed to get chartboost videos working by adding a new app profile on chartboost website and updated the app with new app id/app sig, let me know if that works for you.
Hi Dapion,
On what phone did you test?
Thanks for the tip. Ill try it out.