All these rage could have been prevented, but they still have the biggest problem that is poor communication. If they made an update I think an FAQ is mandatory explaining everything. I guess they will never learn the lesson.
I agree with TechnoDave. For starters I think he is very professional. He was a little angry at the beginning but then he chilled.
As I wrote in other threads that I understand that GS wants to promote themselves. But so do our clients. There must be a compromise. Just share the splash screen. Let pro users customize it but put a "made with GS" somewhere so both pasties can be happy.
As TechnoDdave said we want GS to prosper so they can continue working in this tool that letting us to concentrate on game logic instead of Objective-C classes.
Posted by the GameSalad team in a recently closed thread
'There is only one screen. A splash screen. There is no advertisement that follows the splash screen. Our splash video plays at the beginning for 4 seconds (a standard length for any engine "powered by" screen). During this time, the engine is loading your first screen in the background. Should the first scene be very memory heavy, the engine will capture a screenshot of your initial scene and switch to that immediately following the video if your scene is not yet fully loaded.
We developed this new system in order to ensure that should your game require any more time to load, which based on our testing has very rarely been the case in this update, it would be the developer's content that was shown. We understand people did not want it to linger on the GameSalad splash screen, and so we've built in measures so it does not.
There are no forced adverts. People seem to be referring to the engine splash as a forced advert. It is, in fact, just an engine splash screen. I hope that clears things up.
At the same time, this thread has been building on speculation and doing little other than to fan flames. Feel free to discuss this material in fresh thread, this one is closed."
==== And now my comments ====
Thank you for your comments Yodapollo. Communication from the GS team is appreciated! However you did not answer the issues us pro users are having. As I am sure you have read this evening there have been many posts explaining how so many of us use GameSalad to make apps for paying clients. If you force us to have a splash screen then many of our clients will have no part in it, effectively removing GameSalad as an option for us to use.
This has nothing to do with our personal feelings. It's as simple as clients wont allow it! No way no how. Otherwise I wouldn't care about the splash screen. If Adobe tomorrow asked me to put a splash screen on ever website I designed for a client I would have to stop using their products too!
Your happy.. thats fair, and good for you. So it suits your use.
Different people use the package for different things... and to a lot of people, having the forced loading screen is a problem. Remember, there used to be an option, and some people bought into and spent time learning the software based on the premise that they could build apps with bespoke loading screens. To now take that away, is a big issue for many people.
So its a very valid point of debate for lots of people.
So just because the software suits your needs, doesnt mean that its wrong for people to voice their concerns and anger now that it doesnt suit theirs.
Im not having a pop at you... just saying that everyone has different needs and expectations....
TechnoDave said: Posted by the GameSalad team in a recently closed thread
'There is only one screen. A splash screen. There is no advertisement that follows the splash screen. Our splash video plays at the beginning for 4 seconds (a standard length for any engine "powered by" screen). During this time, the engine is loading your first screen in the background. Should the first scene be very memory heavy, the engine will capture a screenshot of your initial scene and switch to that immediately following the video if your scene is not yet fully loaded.
We developed this new system in order to ensure that should your game require any more time to load, which based on our testing has very rarely been the case in this update, it would be the developer's content that was shown. We understand people did not want it to linger on the GameSalad splash screen, and so we've built in measures so it does not.
There are no forced adverts. People seem to be referring to the engine splash as a forced advert. It is, in fact, just an engine splash screen. I hope that clears things up.
At the same time, this thread has been building on speculation and doing little other than to fan flames. Feel free to discuss this material in fresh thread, this one is closed."
==== And now my comments ====
Thank you for your comments Yodapollo. Communication from the GS team is appreciated! However you did not answer the issues us pro users are having. As I am sure you have read this evening there have been many posts explaining how so many of us use GameSalad to make apps for paying clients. If you force us to have a splash screen then many of our clients will have no part in it, effectively removing GameSalad as an option for us to use.
This has nothing to do with our personal feelings. It's as simple as clients wont allow it! No way no how. Otherwise I wouldn't care about the splash screen. If Adobe tomorrow asked me to put a splash screen on ever website I designed for a client I would have to stop using their products too!
TechnoDave, i dont have to like the screen to show it off. I guess i have had teh time to get over it and accept it. BUt do i wish it were gone ? yes i do.
I also did not have to say i was tshirtbooth because i owe GS nothing. I dont work for them i dont represent them and I am my own person.
I was just trying to get across to you to email them first b4 bashing them. They may help you out in your situation. I just dont want you to say something you cant take back. When you have not even talked to them yet to see what they can do for you.
I got angry because you made 3 posts in 5 minutes as if the house was burning down And i feel for you that is why i then told you who i was. That way you may say oh if Tshirt says email they may help then maybe i should do that.
But you didnt take it that way.
I ment NO disrespect. As i said i understand that it sucks to have the splash screen. But i guess the way i look at it is its WAY BETTER then GS direct. But for you its the same because you have clients.
So please email them and let them know your situation, i think you will be surprised at how helpful they can be.
Well put Chunky, and everyone, like I said, is entitled to their opinion, and have different needs, and uses for the tool.
I can see why people are stoked about the new system given what we were offered before, and I can also see why some are upset with the new splash screen.
I personally can overlook the splash screen myself, but I hope that in the future they offer a plan where we can eliminate that, and use our own. I'm just happy they didn't implement GS direct only.
Hopefully a new solution will arise to address the issue with the splash screen, as I'm sure GS is open to comments and ideas.
JohnPapiomitis said: Come on now, your gonna compare adobe to gs...
Yes I will compare Adobe to GS!! And here is why, many years ago Adobe started a revolution in digital design. Gamesalad in much the same way is starting a revolution in game design. I am a pro user of many products, 3D, 2D, Audio, and so on. And even though little old GameSalad is somewhat new, the ROCK! I love GameSalad!! Even though I can code and use 10 other packages to develop apps I am loving using GameSalad. To me even in it's beta form GameSalad is a pro app! So yes, I will give these guys credit and compare them to a giant like Adobe. Is they stop screwing with us pro users then they will be right up there with Adobe. But it they don't let pros be pros and use the tool with out GameSalad logos plastered on ever app we make then one on is ever going to take GameSalad as a serious design tool.
Your happy.. thats fair, and good for you. So it suits your use.
Different people use the package for different things... and to a lot of people, having the forced loading screen is a problem. Remember, there used to be an option, and some people bought into and spent time learning the software based on the premise that they could build apps with bespoke loading screens. To now take that away, is a big issue for many people.
So its a very valid point of debate for lots of people.
So just because the software suits your needs, doesnt mean that its wrong for people to voice their concerns and anger now that it doesnt suit theirs.
Im not having a pop at you... just saying that everyone has different needs and expectations....
Dont worry no offense is taking at all:) and i mean none to anyone as well. Im just seeing this as a healthy debate lol. Were all friends here.
if you want to discus your problems with other users, use the forum.
if you want to actually get an answer, use the contact us page at the bottom of every single GS page.
coming out and demanding a response on a public forum is not a very "professional" way of conducting business.
I disagree. This matter touches many GS users. So forum is much more effective than mailing to GS one by one. Furthermore by using the forum through discussion we can all come to a better solution.
if you are having a problem with YOUR account, it is not effective to start posting on the forums. I cant tell you how many times over the past year people have come online pissed and posting how their account doesn't work, and after actually using the contact us page to reach out to the people who have control over the situation, it was resolved.
like i said. if you want to discus your opinions / problems / whatever with other community members, the forum is a great place.
but if you have a problem with your account, it's a terrible place. the GS team is not monitoring every one of these threads, they have better things to do.
Yogamatta i agree the forums is a great place for everyone to come togeather. But the fact of the matter is this does not effect to many people.
Most of you guys already had the splash screen. only a handful of members are pro. So a lot of people are unhappy that there not getting NO splash screen for there 99 buck pro account.
If they did no splash screen for 2k again, would anyone buy it that did not buy it already? im not sure you would.
Now that I know there are no ads, I can live with the splash screen for my own apps. When doing client apps, I'll have to do something else so I'll just charge them more because it will take me longer to create.
If the apps I have planned are successul once released, then I'll have no problem popping the 500 bucks when it comes up for renewal. If they are not, then I just won't renew.
"My membership is up in about a month. Will I be able to publish any updates to my current games with the 0.90 version WITHOUT the new GameSalad load screen, as I was able to do with previous versions? I do not want to update my version of GameSalad if that is not the case. Can I still publish an update, or even a new app with version 0.89?"
WhyAreYouHere said: Yogamatta i agree the forums is a great place for everyone to come togeather. But the fact of the matter is this does not effect to many people.
Most of you guys already had the splash screen. only a handful of members are pro. So a lot of people are unhappy that there not getting NO splash screen for there 99 buck pro account.
If they did no splash screen for 2k again, would anyone buy it that did not buy it already? im not sure you would.
The question is if it's going to help removing the possibility for custom splash screen. They hope that splash screen will help them to brand the name so more people will use GS. But I think in long term they would benefit more from letting pro users to get the word out.
JohnPapiomitis said: You guys are starting to act like spoiled little kids now. If you dont like the splash screen, learn code and make your app with something else. Plain and simple. How easy do you want it to be, you cant have everything.
While the new GameSalad business model doesn't interfere with my master plan, I can see how it would be of significant concern to a consultant or freelancer — someone that invested a significant amount of money in GameSalad, with the intention of developing apps for others.
I don't think it's nice to insult the members of this community. Sure, there's a lot of commenting going on. There's some hostile feelings. Yet, I feel the dismay toward the forced splash screen is valid. The reason, it wasn't always this way. While today was a major step forward for me, it could be a big concern for an original Pro subscriber.
Even if I view the splash screen as tolerable, potential clients may not. What if I wanted to design and create games for others? What if a GameSalad splash-screen becomes a deal-breaker? That creates a problem.
Maybe it's more to do with the wording on the splash screen. 'Made with GameSalad' sounds rather unpro but if they changed to 'Powered by GameSalad' then it would make a world of difference (to me anyway). We'll be upgrading to Pro for future work on our App Store game RasherBasher and ideally we'd remove the splash screen. But we plead to GS to change the wording at least. Even the admin above referred to the splash as a 'powered by' screen. Does anyone else agree?
As I wrote in other threads that I understand that GS wants to promote themselves. But so do our clients. There must be a compromise. Just share the splash screen. Let pro users customize it but put a "made with GS" somewhere so both pasties can be happy.
As TechnoDdave said we want GS to prosper so they can continue working in this tool that letting us to concentrate on game logic instead of Objective-C classes.
'There is only one screen. A splash screen. There is no advertisement that follows the splash screen. Our splash video plays at the beginning for 4 seconds (a standard length for any engine "powered by" screen). During this time, the engine is loading your first screen in the background. Should the first scene be very memory heavy, the engine will capture a screenshot of your initial scene and switch to that immediately following the video if your scene is not yet fully loaded.
We developed this new system in order to ensure that should your game require any more time to load, which based on our testing has very rarely been the case in this update, it would be the developer's content that was shown. We understand people did not want it to linger on the GameSalad splash screen, and so we've built in measures so it does not.
There are no forced adverts. People seem to be referring to the engine splash as a forced advert. It is, in fact, just an engine splash screen. I hope that clears things up.
At the same time, this thread has been building on speculation and doing little other than to fan flames. Feel free to discuss this material in fresh thread, this one is closed."
==== And now my comments ====
Thank you for your comments Yodapollo. Communication from the GS team is appreciated! However you did not answer the issues us pro users are having. As I am sure you have read this evening there have been many posts explaining how so many of us use GameSalad to make apps for paying clients. If you force us to have a splash screen then many of our clients will have no part in it, effectively removing GameSalad as an option for us to use.
This has nothing to do with our personal feelings. It's as simple as clients wont allow it! No way no how. Otherwise I wouldn't care about the splash screen. If Adobe tomorrow asked me to put a splash screen on ever website I designed for a client I would have to stop using their products too!
Your happy.. thats fair, and good for you. So it suits your use.
Different people use the package for different things... and to a lot of people, having the forced loading screen is a problem. Remember, there used to be an option, and some people bought into and spent time learning the software based on the premise that they could build apps with bespoke loading screens. To now take that away, is a big issue for many people.
So its a very valid point of debate for lots of people.
So just because the software suits your needs, doesnt mean that its wrong for people to voice their concerns and anger now that it doesnt suit theirs.
Im not having a pop at you... just saying that everyone has different needs and expectations....
I also did not have to say i was tshirtbooth because i owe GS nothing. I dont work for them i dont represent them and I am my own person.
I was just trying to get across to you to email them first b4 bashing them. They may help you out in your situation. I just dont want you to say something you cant take back. When you have not even talked to them yet to see what they can do for you.
I got angry because you made 3 posts in 5 minutes as if the house was burning down
But you didnt take it that way.
I ment NO disrespect. As i said i understand that it sucks to have the splash screen. But i guess the way i look at it is its WAY BETTER then GS direct. But for you its the same because you have clients.
So please email them and let them know your situation, i think you will be surprised at how helpful they can be.
I can see why people are stoked about the new system given what we were offered before, and I can also see why some are upset with the new splash screen.
I personally can overlook the splash screen myself, but I hope that in the future they offer a plan where we can eliminate that, and use our own. I'm just happy they didn't implement GS direct only.
Hopefully a new solution will arise to address the issue with the splash screen, as I'm sure GS is open to comments and ideas.
if you want to discus your problems with other users, use the forum.
if you want to actually get an answer, use the contact us page at the bottom of every single GS page.
coming out and demanding a response on a public forum is not a very "professional" way of conducting business.
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like i said. if you want to discus your opinions / problems / whatever with other community members, the forum is a great place.
but if you have a problem with your account, it's a terrible place. the GS team is not monitoring every one of these threads, they have better things to do.
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Most of you guys already had the splash screen. only a handful of members are pro. So a lot of people are unhappy that there not getting NO splash screen for there 99 buck pro account.
If they did no splash screen for 2k again, would anyone buy it that did not buy it already? im not sure you would.
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If the apps I have planned are successul once released, then I'll have no problem popping the 500 bucks when it comes up for renewal. If they are not, then I just won't renew.
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
"My membership is up in about a month. Will I be able to publish any updates to my current games with the 0.90 version WITHOUT the new GameSalad load screen, as I was able to do with previous versions? I do not want to update my version of GameSalad if that is not the case. Can I still publish an update, or even a new app with version 0.89?"
If I hear anything I'll pass it along.
As I said earlier - there should be a compromise.
I don't think it's nice to insult the members of this community. Sure, there's a lot of commenting going on. There's some hostile feelings. Yet, I feel the dismay toward the forced splash screen is valid. The reason, it wasn't always this way. While today was a major step forward for me, it could be a big concern for an original Pro subscriber.
Even if I view the splash screen as tolerable, potential clients may not. What if I wanted to design and create games for others? What if a GameSalad splash-screen becomes a deal-breaker? That creates a problem.