Community Feedback: Feature Requests

Hey, everybody!
GameSalad need your help!
Actually, we just want your opinion on a list of features we're planning on implementing within GameSalad. Just follow the link at the bottom of this post and please rank the list of features from 1 to 14. 1 being the feature you can't live without and working your way down from there.
These are ALL features we want to incorporate into GameSalad. We're working on all of them, but we'd like to know which of these is most important to YOU. So, please, take 5 minutes and fill out the survey. Thanks, everyone, for your time and your invaluable feedback!
Feedback Form: Feature Requests
GameSalad need your help!
Actually, we just want your opinion on a list of features we're planning on implementing within GameSalad. Just follow the link at the bottom of this post and please rank the list of features from 1 to 14. 1 being the feature you can't live without and working your way down from there.
These are ALL features we want to incorporate into GameSalad. We're working on all of them, but we'd like to know which of these is most important to YOU. So, please, take 5 minutes and fill out the survey. Thanks, everyone, for your time and your invaluable feedback!
Feedback Form: Feature Requests
This discussion has been closed.
Just took the survey!
Something I didn't see on the list which I added in my comments section was Universal iPhone/iPad apps. That be something great to have.
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Already completed the Survey.
Thanks for making this, yodapollo!
Great idea
So, there are things I see as important and things I don't see as important.
Not important to me...
Facebook/Twitter Integration - This is the least important to me. It's bad enough I have to compete against Angry Birds, Cut the Rope and Fruit Ninja. Heh, I don't feel like competing against Zynga too. Farmville is a lot of fun, but I don't feel like putting my energy into building up Facebook and Twitter. I hate these websites. The Internet was not meant to funnel into two websites.
In Editor Guides / Lock to Grid - This is a cool feature, but not at the expense of more lucrative features. I can work around this issue myself. I can't work around the lack of in-app purchases or multiplayer options.
Attribute Debugger - I use my "Poor man's debug" method. It works fine. Again, I can hunt down bugs. I can rebuilt games from scratch if absolutely necessary. I cannot add in-app purchases or multiplayer to GameSalad. Heh, not unless I travel to Texas and join the GameSalad staff.
Sprites - I'm not even sure what this means. If it's using little images to make bigger ones, that's too tedious. I like the drag-and-drop aspects of GameSalad. It's easier to animate. I think Vector graphics are better than sprites... but that's not on the list.
Isometric Design - I think Utopian Games posted an example of this already. It's not diamond shaped squares, but it's close enough. Not everything has to look like Farmville.
Middle ground...
TrueType Fonts - I don't need this. I actually think the font section is fine. I could create my own letters and numbers if I really want to. Although... if I could add my own custom fonts... I could add vector graphics.
Video Support - Since I can make 3D animated videos, this would dramatically improve my games. Although, with the animate behavior, I've been able to work around this limitation.
Polygon Collision - This could be useful, but I suspect it would slow down games. GameSalad already has a performance problem.
Tables/Arrays - This seems like a cool feature to have, but I've gotten so used to working around it.
• Leaderboards
• Multiplayer
• Achievements
These aren't separate options. It's one option... GAME CENTER!
Robust Text Editor - Text doesn't vertically align properly. That's a minor issue. I probably would dismiss this feature. Yet, if GameSalad had robust text editing, I could have published The Unofficial GameSalad Textbook with GameSalad. It bothers me that I had to use Xcode.
This is huge...
In-App Purchasing - I read an article today that stated in-app purchases are the majority of money raised on the iTunes App store. It's the primary source of revenue for app makers. Isn't making money the primary goal?! This is a standard Apple feature. It shouldn't even be on this list. It should be implemented as soon as possible. Use it as a way to promote the sale of "Professional" licenses.
So, what's missing?!
• Embed UIWebView
• Android Support - I don't like Google, but this would help make GameSalad popular
• Better web support
• Universal Binaries!
• Device Attribute - Date/Time. (Lots of options with such simple information.)
Performance increases are my main request. In-App purchases too will be awesome.
Also, it says rate between 1 and 10, and yet it goes up to 14 :O
Edit - silly me - it is almost 3am here - '1' is the feature you can't live without.
*is still in the slow reading class*
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Standard Apple features should take precedence over other features like Facebook. I think Game Center support is better for rankings / social networking. That makes iOS unique.
I think Twitter/Facebook score posting and GameCentre would put us on a level playing field with everyone else.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I still would like Camera control for pictures. Mic control for recording and triggers. Gps I don't necessarily need it for live tracking but maybe to grab the devices current location from time to time for later data logging.
I'd prefer to see features and items added that help us to create better games before I see the priority put on more ways to monetise. Im tired of seeing people screaming for iAds etc, just so they can bolt it onto some piece of crap theyve knocked up in an afternoon.
The name of the Software should really say where the priorities should be... its GameSalad, not MoneySalad.
So for me personally... Tables/Arrays, Leaderboards, improved Collision types, improved editor tools etc are all far more important than in-app purchasing.
Im not saying in-app purchasing shouldnt be there... Im just saying it shouldnt come at the expense of something that helps us to create better games.
Can't remember in what order I specified all of them, but something like this:
1. Robust Text Editor (I assume with ability to create dialogue between characters)
2. Video support (I'm a 3D artist and I already have lots of ideas for intros, outros and sequences inbetween
3. In-editor guides / Lock to grid. I absolutely hate not being able to snap my actors to a grid or eachother.
4. Attribute debugger
5. Polygon collision
6. Sprites
7. Table / Arrays
8. Multiplayer
9. In-app purchases
10. Leaderboards
11. Achievments
12. Facebook / Twitter
• iPhone Developer License
• GameSalad subscription
• Mac Developer License
• Mac Desktop
• iOS testing device
• Electricity
That doesn't even count possible content creation costs...
• Artwork
• Music
• Sound Effects
• Templates
Also, I think it helps with the development process and marketing of an app. Instead of releasing a "lite" game and a paid game - or messing around with promo codes - one version of the app can be created. Marketing can be focused on promoting a single app, rather than a free version and a paid version. The trick is to get to the top of the iTunes ladder. I think that's more likely with one really good app than lots of little ones.
Even if you're not interested in money, GameSalad needs to make money to stay in business. What feature on that list is most likely to sell "professional" subscriptions?
Also, complexity should be considered. Apple did most of the work for in-app purchases. The GameSalad team only needs to incorporate it. I don't think that's terribly complicated. Attributes can be created to respond to in-app purchases.
For example, if is false, display iAds. Otherwise, destroy actor.
One thing that I will be recommending is a random function that is (for lack of a better word) more random. I've been using various workarounds but they all make me think too hard
For example, in my current app, I need fifteen sets of six non-repeating random numbers in the range of 1 to 18 in order for the player to complete the game. This can be done using a combination of game.Time and mouse positions but it takes a while to figure out.
What is a "Leaderboard"?
I think i have mentioned before that I don't play games and would not know the first thing abut them.
Unfortunately, that would make my feedback kind of useless ...
The trick to all these monetising techniques is to have a good game first. In App purchases won't work for a game that people do not want to invest time in (i.e. something rubbish) - even if the barrier to entry is nothing (As you could release the game for free, for example).
Also, iAds seem to be used as an excuse to make sub-standard games. What's the point of making a game free and putting ads in them if your game will only ever be played once then immediately deleted? You will not make money this way, sorry.
The most requested feature I get for my games is to have some sort of established social features.
By established I'm talking specifically about Facebook/Twitter and GameCentre/Openfeint.
RE Twitter/Facebook - whether you personally like them or not, it's what EVERYONE uses. It allows you to post to your account, and anyone following you can see what you're playing. I think it's a brilliant way of spreading 'word of mouth' in a digital age. It's essentially free advertising for your game!
RE: GameCentre/Openfeint - Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Openfeint, but it's established. I don't like the layout, the way it's intrusive (do you want to enable openfeint? - No! Piss off!) and I think it's less friendly and attractive than GameCentre.
GameCentre is brilliant. My friends are on there. Most of my games support it. And I just prefer the interface. I personally believe this is the way to go, leaderboard wise.
These are the standards and what we needed to have in GameSalad yesterday. I can make cool little games with GameSalad right now, thanks very much. That's great! But they've all felt 'incomplete' because of the lack of established social features. It's almost like there's a checklist potential customers have:
Does it have Retina Display graphics?
Does it have GameCentre/Openfeint?
Does it have achievements (usually linked to openfeint/GameCentre)
Does it have Twitter/Facebook?
I've argued in the past that people can sell lots and lots without these social features - e.g. Grisly Manor, Bumps, tshirt's games that aren't Mini Cannon ( sorry!
But I've so come round to wanting these social features that it's not even funny. Like I said, I can make games now. I just need them to be 'complete'
Our customers (I personally prefer the term 'players') are asking for them. GameSalad's customers (us!) are asking for them so we can offer them to our players.
I'm afraid that this is my new 'Pause'. I just don't think we can wait nearly a year (as with Pause) before we see these go in. They need to be in the new builds and being tested so we can implement them within a month, two at the very, very latest.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
So, what's a quick way for GameSalad to justify the $500 cost of a "Professional" license? Add in-app purchases. This is especially important as a competitor (Corona) appears to be launching the feature this month.
Game Center is also a standard Apple feature. There really shouldn't be any discussion on this matter either. Leaderboards and Achievements should be added in the next version. Then, multiplayer / voice chat can be added in a later version of Game Salad.
It shouldn't take a year.
Apple already did the hard work. GameSalad only needs to make the connections.
When someone saves the game have all the xml files saved and release all the ram that you are using release the processor, and clear the cache(the memory cache that keeps track of the changes made in the XML).
Hope my suggestion helps the programmers at GS(Code Monkey show this post to them)
Thanks, (try to fix the leak's)