Game Center - NO EXCUSE! It should be included in the 0.9.1 update!
I just watched a YouTube video on how to add Game Center High Scores to an iPhone game. It was about 14 minutes long and a large part of the video was mostly iTunes Connect stuff.
I don't understand what's wrong with GameSalad. This is a huge warning sign to me. In the last six months there's been only one update. If you're not working on simple — yet important — stuff like this, then something is horribly wrong.
With the addition of High Scores and Achievements, GameSalad games can be more competitive. That's not just the apps in the iTunes App Store. That means more competitive against other SDKs like Corona.
There's no excuse to exclude Game Center from the next update. If simple features like that can't be added, it means that the future of this software is in doubt.
I don't understand what's wrong with GameSalad. This is a huge warning sign to me. In the last six months there's been only one update. If you're not working on simple — yet important — stuff like this, then something is horribly wrong.
With the addition of High Scores and Achievements, GameSalad games can be more competitive. That's not just the apps in the iTunes App Store. That means more competitive against other SDKs like Corona.
There's no excuse to exclude Game Center from the next update. If simple features like that can't be added, it means that the future of this software is in doubt.
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More importantly, we missed a load of "gold rushes" like iAds, Game Center, etc because now the App Store is deluded with apps and games that have those features. Facebook and Twitter are also easy to integrate, same with the guides / grid function.
There have been patches, but no major updates to the software in that amount of time (6 months.) Now I'm starting to question the future of this software, now that it is free and has no incentive to upgrade to pro. iAds and URL forwarding as pro feature? Get real.
• Apple basically gave the GameSalad team a blueprint to success.
• YouTube is basically cliff notes for that blueprint.
iAds, in-app purchases, Game Center... these features should not be so difficult to implement.
I love what GS can do, I really do. But I keep getting frustrated about the ""simple"" things it really cant do.
Also... the usual quietness from the team regarding future plans just adds to the frustration.
As for GS being competitive with other SDKs...I'm not convinced that's part of their business model is it?
The remit has always been to make "developing" a game, and getting it to the app store as easy as poss. And on that front, they have always been the leader. It just depends on whether they want to extend into being a leading SDK, or stay as an entry level tool.
Like I say...I'm not convinced that's part of the plan.
Would love to be proved wrong though.
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It's on the mythical "it's being worked on" list.
If releases come as slowly as they have been doing of late, I wouldn't expect it till towards the end of 2011
Nothing has changed, same broken promises. I guess talking is a hard thing to do when you don't have anything to say.
Not sure if it's worrying, or not?
That's why I doubt Yodapolla is working on a roadmap. "It's Coming" he says. I doubt it is.
Maybe they ran away with our money from the express pro and new pro accounts.
Come talk to us Yoda.
We are friendly for the most part
But when we get separated for too long
The mob gets unruly
Over the past few days, sous chefs have confirmed that they are working with the latest beta, 0.91
So far, so good.
Then, the release is delayed because of "show stoppers" aka bugs
Now correct me if I'm wrong but if a release has a bug (or bugs) that justify to use the term "show stopper" than how can they be working happily with it?
I don't know what to make of this?
It's not good enough to release but some are working with it ...
I am confused!
You really all need to lay off them a lot. While it might take in a generic iPhone app to add Game Center 14 minutes or so with a YouTube tutorial, adding functionality suitably for GS and translating into into a method your every day GS user can handle is not an easy task.
Hate to be blunt, but keep cool, hang tight, good things come in time. You all need to be a lot more positive, its a feat that they have made such a tool as it is. If GameSalad wasn't about, would you be making games for the iPhone ever so easily? Nope.
It takes years to become a well seasoned, good programmer so give them a break, they are doing all the hard work for you guys.
If there's anything we can do to help implement this, please tell us GS
@Josh: I agree with you too, and I know things aren't as "easy" to implement as one might think, but it's tough b/c a lot of us are in the dark sometimes as to when these features might be expected.
It really should be a priority for them to give us this, and I think in general, the community has been very supportive and patient with GS. It's time for them to step up now, and give us these features.
But in all seriousness, I understand you too, perhaps if they were a little more vocal of their plans then you might feel inclined to wait. Still stay positive, fight your fight, just don't get nasty (thats generally, not directed at an individual), hehe.
if you are referring to a "re write" that eliminates the memory leak than yes, that would justify the delays and late releases but is it so hard to flip on a video cam and say "hi, I am so and so, we are working on this and that which should be available by Q3 2011"
The new version is not backwards compatible but we will leave as many servers running as it takes to make the transition manageable for everyone. bla bla bla ....
This would go a long way and diminish the posts which now seem the only way to get any response from them
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In the last six months... what changed? This software is using a subscription model. That means it's reasonable to expect timely updates. So, for half of that subscription, basically nothing happened. That's disturbing when something like Game Center shouldn't take longer than a day to add. How much longer should the community wait? A week ...a month ...HALF A YEAR?!
The delay is not acceptable!
Game Center is a big feature that can help the entire community. It can help sell professional subscriptions. It can help GameSalad developers make more entertaining games. It can make the players more happy with GameSalad apps. It can improve the image of the software.
There's no logical reason to delay the launch of Game Center support.
• It's easy
• It's a big feature
• The competitors are out there!
Major errors indicates (usually) a significant rewrite!
I suppose if/when that release surfaces, we might experience better performance ...
one can only hope!
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I just watched the same (I think) video as you.
And yeah, it did seem pretty easy to add the stuff.
I think the main problem with adding it to GS, would be how to keep it clean and tidy and in a workable way with the rules and behaviours we already have.
I can't see it being a quick addition.....then again, who knows how far along they are.
From the last yellow post about it, I got the impression they were still working out how to get it in there, rather then were actively adding it in there right at this moment.
Like I bad as I feel about this....I don't think we will see GC integration until the end of the year at the earliest. (Just a guess though obviously, I have no inside info or anything)