It would br really nice if we could hear something about how 0.9.1 is coming along from the GS Team that's different from the usual "it's in QA's hands and it's up to them". No one here is asking for anything outrageous, just some communication to let everyone know what's going on so threads like this never happen.
In my opinion, the awful customer service/communication and the horrible productivity of GameSalad REALLY takes away from the awesome tool that it is. People on the forums try and sugar coat and say "Oh don't get me wrong GS is super duper" but seriously lets be real. I'm sure there are PLENTY of people on here who could make their games much better with all the features requested.
It is ONLY good for like puzzle games and !@#$% and that just restricts peoples creativity. I for one have many games sitting in my back pocket waiting for GS and the !@#$% is getting ridiculous. I'm sure somebody is gonna respond with a "Oh look at the success stories"... -_-. Honestly just imagine where they would be with real features.
We could say that GS is great and simple and blah blah for non coders (like myself), but seriously that !@#$% isn't gonna cut it in the competitive App Store of 2011. I'm pretttttty sure people on here are trying to make some real money let alone some real games and GS is enough to make a.... decent game. When I first started using GS I was like why the hell would people code? NOW I SEE WHY! We compare GS to Corona and stuff and for real Corona is light years ahead of us just off the features. No game is gonna be taken seriously if its restricted to the phone of the user who downloads it. Its 2011 not 2005...
Really I just see things from a GAMERS point of view and not a DEVELOPERS. GS games look handicapped compared to other games on the App Store because it lacks the basic things like integrating social networks and GameCenter (you know the list). I hate to be repetitive and I kno there have been plenty of rants like this but the worst part of this whole thing is that
EDIT: PS I'm beginning to believe GS knows they have us whipped because we don't want to learn how to code. But really GS should be a tool that would be PREFERRED over coding even if we KNEW HOW TO CODE! It shouldn't just be the saving grace for the dumb dumbs like us who don't have the proper background to write words and make magic come out.
GS team should came out another software like corona or something like that. And those two software can view by each other. So you can still work on non coding, but if there is something that you can't do with non coding software, you can jump to the other software to do it
By not offering features that other engines offer, GS is not just hurting the developer but there hurting themselves. I realize they are hiring new employees right now and that's taking up some time, but simple communication does not take long at all. It defiantly speaks volumes about GameSalad if they don't respond to this thread.
We've been in crunch mode here at the office trying to get 0.9.1 out the door. We sent a release candidate to Sous-Chefs on Friday and a couple of bugs popped up as a result. Those bugs are being closed up as we speak and we're aiming to have 0.9.1 for you in a matter of hours. Could be two. Could be eight. We're staying late at the office, trying to get it out.
Trying to get more specific info on GameCenter for you. I will post as soon as I get the info.
We've been in crunch mode here at the office trying to get 0.9.1 out the door. We sent a release candidate to Sous-Chefs on Friday and a couple of bugs popped up as a result. Those bugs are being closed up as we speak and we're aiming to have 0.9.1 for you in a matter of hours. Could be two. Could be eight. We're staying late at the office, trying to get it out.
Trying to get more specific info on GameCenter for you. I will post as soon as I get the info.
-- Yodapollo
THANK YOU. THE FORCE IS STRONG WITH YOU YODA (unless your... bluffing) But we still believe, just slighttttly ticked.
We've been in crunch mode here at the office trying to get 0.9.1 out the door. We sent a release candidate to Sous-Chefs on Friday and a couple of bugs popped up as a result. Those bugs are being closed up as we speak and we're aiming to have 0.9.1 for you in a matter of hours. Could be two. Could be eight. We're staying late at the office, trying to get it out.
Trying to get more specific info on GameCenter for you. I will post as soon as I get the info.
-- Yodapollo
trust me, if the bug I found was a real bug, you'll be very happy they took the time to fix it before releasing it. I do think that GS has in the past few months really stepped up their QAing of releases.
jonmulcahy said: trust me, if the bug I found was a real bug, you'll be very happy they took the time to fix it before releasing it. I do think that GS has in the past few months really stepped up their QAing of releases.
I agree with everyone here, GameCenter is a must... not because I personally think it's more important than say mac store support or in-app purchases but because people buying apps do.
iMuse said: I agree with everyone here, GameCenter is a must... not because I personally think it's more important than say mac store support or in-app purchases but because people buying apps do.
1Billion% correct sir!
JGary321 said: GC is very important true, but I still vote arrays as # 1 priority... Just my opinion...
Respectfully, we can make good enough games right now without arrays.
They'd be better for our players with social features.
Then we hit 'em with the array powered games *and* social features all at once!
2-8 hours? I'm not buying it. Yoda said the same thing about the "Big Picture" and it didn't happen. The "Big Picture" was even the same information we already knew about.....
- Alex
It is ONLY good for like puzzle games and !@#$% and that just restricts peoples creativity. I for one have many games sitting in my back pocket waiting for GS and the !@#$% is getting ridiculous. I'm sure somebody is gonna respond with a "Oh look at the success stories"... -_-. Honestly just imagine where they would be with real features.
We could say that GS is great and simple and blah blah for non coders (like myself), but seriously that !@#$% isn't gonna cut it in the competitive App Store of 2011. I'm pretttttty sure people on here are trying to make some real money let alone some real games and GS is enough to make a.... decent game. When I first started using GS I was like why the hell would people code? NOW I SEE WHY! We compare GS to Corona and stuff and for real Corona is light years ahead of us just off the features. No game is gonna be taken seriously if its restricted to the phone of the user who downloads it. Its 2011 not 2005...
Really I just see things from a GAMERS point of view and not a DEVELOPERS. GS games look handicapped compared to other games on the App Store because it lacks the basic things like integrating social networks and GameCenter (you know the list). I hate to be repetitive and I kno there have been plenty of rants like this but the worst part of this whole thing is that
EDIT: PS I'm beginning to believe GS knows they have us whipped because we don't want to learn how to code. But really GS should be a tool that would be PREFERRED over coding even if we KNEW HOW TO CODE! It shouldn't just be the saving grace for the dumb dumbs like us who don't have the proper background to write words and make magic come out.
- Alex
We've been in crunch mode here at the office trying to get 0.9.1 out the door. We sent a release candidate to Sous-Chefs on Friday and a couple of bugs popped up as a result. Those bugs are being closed up as we speak and we're aiming to have 0.9.1 for you in a matter of hours. Could be two. Could be eight. We're staying late at the office, trying to get it out.
Trying to get more specific info on GameCenter for you. I will post as soon as I get the info.
-- Yodapollo
- Alex
- Alex
Thanks for chipping inwith some info
It really IS much appreciated...even if it always feels like we have to badger you for some input ;o)
I'm sure pretty much all of us here understand how mad things get when everyone is in crunch mode.
Kind of highlights the need for a full time community manager type when you obviously have other duties that you need to be involved with.
Looking forward to hearing some concrete info on GameCentre.
>>>t is ONLY good for like puzzle games and !@#$% and that just restricts peoples creativity
I have to disagree a little with you.
With a bit of work, you can get it to do so much more (I stress, with a bit of work!).
You only need to see some of the tech demos on the web games section (and even my own 8bit 3d engine stuff) to see that.
- Alex
Three years after buying one, I now know! Thanks!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
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Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
- Alex
They'd be better for our players with social features.
Then we hit 'em with the array powered games *and* social features all at once!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...