Whats your workplace like? include Pics

Whats your workplace like? include Pics
It would be interesting to see how people work and what they use
It would be interesting to see how people work and what they use
heres mine:
And the Mac pro is on another
And I recently got a MacBook black
And I love it
iPad 2 is getting announced today!!!
As u can tell I love apple
My setup is so sweet, it requires a steering wheel.
tsb - it took me a bit to digest the TV dimensions because the debth does not show well in the pic so therefore I didn't realize how far behind it is.
Great mic! I use an external one too.
All in all, toooooooo clean! :-)
I like it
Thanks Tenrdrmer
Be sure to read my post down at the very bottom if your having issues
Please note the Ukulele's hanging in the corner... :-)
My new ipad (1st gen)
Mac Pro
Apple Tv in the box (selling it on ebay)
Numerous drives,
3 mugs
27" display from Samsung
Old but still good Sony monitor for checking SD footage.
Sennheizer headphones
There have been reported cases of like 10 tv sets that get an inverted picture (all the colours go blue/green). I've got one of those sets....and Apple are aware of the problem and supposedly are going to fix it...but I've waited a few months and its still buggers up after about 5 minutes of watching anything... so I give up...
Also rentals take too long to download....Literally I can rent a movie on itunes on my macbook and press play within 2 minutes, on my apple tv I press rent and have to wait over 40 minutes before I can start watching it...
Real shame as with the new iOS updates it could really come into its own..
I have that exact same desk!
Nothing else holds as much junk as that model and I am looking for a second one but IKEA doesn't make them anymore (well, they do but the new models sucks)
good stuff and very organized in the cable dept! LOL
Mine are in plastic drawers.
If I wasn't too lazy to dust, I'd take a pic too but then again, let's not and say we did!
(Please note the super tech baby monitor bottom right, and my other ebay item (as well as my Apple Tv) I'm selling my Canon HFS100 full HD awesome video camera, which I'm selling to fund a family holiday...
Well my home setup has improved since I last posted the above pic 4 months ago...
I was quite jealous of some other peoples setup...but now I'm quite happy with my small corner of real estate... (in our spare bedroom)
I now have:
• a corner desk, (2nd hand off ebay £35.00 including the chair)
• 1 extremely fast spinning fake leather chair. (great for work and entertaining an 18 month old)
• a 24" Samsung SyncMaster monitor, (£90.00 off ebay, my animation and video work has no looked so good.
• A Semi-Pro mic setup for doing any tutorials, sound effects in the future
• My old Pevey guitar amp setup as a pre-amp for the mic (boosts recording level, and eases control)
• Cheap fan for those hot days
• A pen pot for...errrr... some pens...
• A wall chart (my wife bought me to make it full more pro, so I can stick dots on deadlines)
• A pin board.... oh yeah thats right... I've got pins with it too...
• Some empty cups, mugs and a plate from lunch.
• A stapler..
• Wireless access to a scanner/printer down stairs...
• My trusty cardboard cut out stormtrooper (Who I've now had for like 8 or 9 years), great for hanging cables on.
Oh and I've got a 'Dad's Den' sign I need to hang on the door...
Not sure why the photo wont show up...triple check its right... ah well...