@GreekSalad : Naw they're the Alesis M1 Active 520. I really LOVE the Alesis Brand !! But yea thats my humble home studio, I get great work outta of it though
@greeksalad I noticed that control surface in your picture, I have control surface envy as in studio I only use an M-Audio icontrol for Gband but for most of my work I use Sound Track Pro. My studio specs. 10 channel Beringer Eurorack (Very clean board) Hafler trans nova 1600 studio amp (stellar amp designed by Hafler himself) and Tannoy Reveal nearfield monitors (very flat response) I run all my line level devices through a Akai cross switcher which allow me to pair in's and out's with any of the attached devices with a turn of the switch. The room you see is lined with sound dampening wall structures so I have zero refections in the environment, which means I need no outboard EQ. I have 1950s ribbon mic and for general use I use a Blue Snowball for folly work and video voiceover work. If I need a more sophisticated setup I go to my buddy Joe's studio in the youtube video I posted he has all the toys!!!!
@David_GryphonsRealm Verrrry nice. I hadn't done a lot of work with Alesis monitors.. But I've certainly heard a lot of good things!
@FryingBaconStudios Thank you for the kind words (of envy! ^_^) But it's just a 003 Factory Console.. It's not too shabby and it definitely helps the fine tuning of mixes in Pro Tools.. But I'd like to trade it in for a rack interface sometime, so I can minimize the largeness of my gear and fit it in a road case for maximized mobility! That really is quite the collection of gear you have. I haven't done a lot of work with Behringer, but I know they just recently (in the last couple of years) bought out Midas, which has to say something! Perhaps we can (if there isn't one already) create a separate topic related to audio workstations, gear, past/present projects, and the like. As not to stray too far from the workplace pictures (etc.) of this thread. @StraightSaladShooter would probably have my head if I were apart of the digression of the OP. But I'd definitely love to hear more about the gear and how some of you all use it in your games/apps with GameSalad.
@ImGua : Dangerous! Luckily for me.. my Mac is my main workstation. Unluckily for me.. Team Fortress 2 is OSX available. - well.. not unluckily.. but it certainly doesn't help productivity. :P
Wow, you all have such neat and tidy workspaces! Quite minimalist!
Mine is quite orderly, but densely packed!
Now that it's getting into Winter here in Melbourne, Australia, I'm working upstairs on the mezzanine level that I built with my dad and brother, with my heater on downstairs to bring the warmth! Working on my old 2008 MacBook Pro. Would love a new 27" iMac.
My old iMac is downstairs, which I bought from a friend to start using Game Salad. Now I'm a total Mac convert! And I have Game Salad to thank for that. Downstairs is littered with guitars, a piano, various keyboards and organs! You can also see my 20 year old Lord of the Rings poster, and a more recently discovered record from 1972, "Music Inspired by Lord of the Rings" by the Swede Bo Hansson. Excellent album! Check it out!
@GreekSalad I like your Rokit's! I have the 6" model myself.
just incase some people may be interested i have made this thread to show my life of a gamesalad user 'not my actual life" you will find screen shots of how i draw my actors and edit them also my work station feel free to post your work stations and how you work with gamesalad! Current application : Spacerage
Please do feel free to post yours! its good to see behind the scenes of peoples work
@RP hahaha that's exactly what its for! Notice the little hole on the wall underneath the desk? I caught the lil bastard chewing the wall lol I was so pissed
@RP hahaha that's exactly what its for! Notice the little hole on the wall underneath the desk? I caught the lil bastard chewing the wall lol I was so pissed
lol I hear that. I recall my old college roommate's dog eating my mouse cord in the middle of a C&C Red Alert match. I almost ate the dog in retaliation, but he was too cute. Darn it.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
@FryingBaconStudios Thank you for the kind words (of envy! ^_^) But it's just a 003 Factory Console.. It's not too shabby and it definitely helps the fine tuning of mixes in Pro Tools.. But I'd like to trade it in for a rack interface sometime, so I can minimize the largeness of my gear and fit it in a road case for maximized mobility! That really is quite the collection of gear you have. I haven't done a lot of work with Behringer, but I know they just recently (in the last couple of years) bought out Midas, which has to say something!
@ImGua : Dangerous! Luckily for me.. my Mac is my main workstation. Unluckily for me.. Team Fortress 2 is OSX available.
and then there's the ipod touch 4 i took the picture with
DDr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
@quantumsheep which one is you or were you taking the picture
Mine is quite orderly, but densely packed!
Now that it's getting into Winter here in Melbourne, Australia, I'm working upstairs on the mezzanine level that I built with my dad and brother, with my heater on downstairs to bring the warmth! Working on my old 2008 MacBook Pro. Would love a new 27" iMac.
My old iMac is downstairs, which I bought from a friend to start using Game Salad. Now I'm a total Mac convert! And I have Game Salad to thank for that. Downstairs is littered with guitars, a piano, various keyboards and organs! You can also see my 20 year old Lord of the Rings poster, and a more recently discovered record from 1972, "Music Inspired by Lord of the Rings" by the Swede Bo Hansson. Excellent album! Check it out!
@GreekSalad I like your Rokit's! I have the 6" model myself.
All the best, guys.
- Murray
Concept room
Development Room
Toys Room
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
just incase some people may be interested i have made this thread to show my life of a gamesalad user 'not my actual life"
you will find screen shots of how i draw my actors and edit them also my work station feel free to post your work stations and how you work with gamesalad! Current application : Spacerage
Please do feel free to post yours! its good to see behind the scenes of peoples work
Here's where I spend my days:
And now you can see how my sweet organizational skills up close and personal!