@SaladStraightShooter - Noooo stay away! Haha. @butterbean - Thanks! And yep, you pegged it...that light is, in fact, from Ikea. I love it - it's been a constant desk companion for the last 4 years or so.
@Butterbean lol thank you, if I remember rightly you're a bit a retro gamer yourself I have a half-decent Castlevania collection, unfortunately am mostly missing the valuable ones lol
I almost didn't recognize your amazing Sega Saturn collection top left, and well concealed (Euro Saturn boxes I presume?) They look way better than ours did btw!
@ButterBean, lol they do blend into the background well (yep they're PAL). I have build up quite a big collection over they years, my partner keeps bugging me to sell it all, but it's never going to happen
Am so jealous of your WIZ I always wanted one but never got around to buying one lol
Sweet setup! Are those monitors the M-Audio Studiophile's you have up there? They kind of look like them, but I can't quite read the branding on the front :P
Pretty sweet rig you've got there, too. I'm all too familiar with the Digidesign Control 24, it's a pretty great board. Oh.. and nice racks you've got there too. Looks like there's some added cards for A/D alongside what looks like a ginormous Parametric EQ (can't tell) and some other goodies.
Really some stellar stuff on here.
Also, @ImGua : I see you're rocking the old school xbox360, very cool! I'd never get any work done if my xbox was that close to my workstation. :P
Holy crap! Major envy.
@Barrelmaker: Loving the Chrono Trigger toys, and setup! I too had that light you have on your desk, is that from Ikea?
Also enjoying everyone else's, love seeing all the collectors and their desktop toys!
@butterbean - Thanks! And yep, you pegged it...that light is, in fact, from Ikea. I love it - it's been a constant desk companion for the last 4 years or so.
@GoldenMonkeyGames: You have exquisite taste in games! Love that you're proudly displaying Castlevania, and some of GBA's best hits
I have a half-decent Castlevania collection, unfortunately am mostly missing the valuable ones lol
I almost didn't recognize your amazing Sega Saturn collection top left, and well concealed (Euro Saturn boxes I presume?) They look way better than ours did btw!
Am so jealous of your WIZ I always wanted one but never got around to buying one lol
Do I see Sam and Max Freelance Police hiding there in the upper right corner?
Man...I miss that area of adventure games.
I don't even live in this house any more, or use this Mac.
When I get home I will post a new picture.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I collect Coca Cola memorabilia
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
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13" Macbook Pro connected to a 26" HDTV
As you can tell I'm more of an Audio type of guy
And OF COURSE, the most important thing to me in my office is the photo of my wife and I on our Wedding Day
Sweet setup! Are those monitors the M-Audio Studiophile's you have up there? They kind of look like them, but I can't quite read the branding on the front :P
Pretty sweet rig you've got there, too. I'm all too familiar with the Digidesign Control 24, it's a pretty great board. Oh.. and nice racks you've got there too.
Really some stellar stuff on here.
Also, @ImGua : I see you're rocking the old school xbox360, very cool! I'd never get any work done if my xbox was that close to my workstation. :P