@dhondon, you might want to look a this http://www.keyboard-and-mouse-sharing.com/. I'm using it to share mouse and keyboard between mac and pc, and it works great! You even can drag file between different PCs (Macs). @mynameisace, badass developers work without a mouse and keyboard?
@ebreeze I've got to come back out to california again. Loved san francisco area.
@morphinegameingmachine That is really awesome. Very cool. I like the projector too. I miss mine. I had a 144 inch screen, but now I've got kids and its not very family friendly for long term TV viewing. I had it hooked up with a line doubler to improve resolution before HD was all the rage and I would watch 3D movies on that screen with LCD glasses for your computer, it was sick.
@philie I got used to it and now I can't live with anything smaller. My main workspace is currently in my bedroom and when my gf wants to sleep I sometimes grab my macbook and go elsewhere, but I find it's very hard to see things going from a 55 inch to a 13 inch. Yes, at first it did hurt my neck. I had a 46 inch for a while and got used to that and this 55 inch was just to big at first but now it makes it so much easier to work on so many things at once and still be able to see everything.
Yes it's a little bit outdated. But I've always been like this, I keep the one from the year before until I find a new suitable one. And that could take a while, december 2007 was on my wall for almost two years.
No offense but that seriously looks like your dads desk that he lets you use Way to Lawyer looking to be a Teens desk IMO
It actually is my desk, My father has guests coming round, Thats why its so tidy!, Its normally not! @beefy_clyro Yes ones of young me and the others of even younger me! @themoonwalls (If you're talking about the wallpaper on the walls )I bought the wallpaper in Ikea... I think they have iKea in poland! (If you're talking about my macs desktop wallpaper) Im not sure, Ill see if I can upload it to tiny pic if you want it?
@themoonwalls I love that pineapple! Added it as my wallpaper! If I come across my wallpaper of papayas and grapes Ill let you know! By the way do you have Skype, if so add me! Mines: "ThermoApps" (Without out the inverted commas :P )
@LeonardDeveloper Nah it's one of the later Intel iMacs that had the same the style housing. She's a 2.33 Intel core duo with a 256MB NVIDIA Geforce 7600 GT. Hard to believe that I still crank out what I need on this (even runs Crysis nicely). I gotta newer monster PC for my other needs, but my Mac is my Mac and it still does the trick. It's like a loyal pet. Going to upgrade soon, but I just hate the thought of the computer transition. It always sets me back time-wise.
Portable version.
My workplace on an actual work
Also you might like this
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
"I love those lights above your monitor"
Yes I love them too... They're dimmabke so when I'm looking at the screen they don't strain my eyes!
@mynameisace, badass developers work without a mouse and keyboard?
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
What i hook it up to sometimes.... projector with 101 in screen, image goes 92 inches tho. you can see it mounted on my bed loft
the coolest part of my room is the loft. check this video out... IT MOVES!
Upload the video to youtube and just post the youtube link and it will automatically embed.
Glad to see this thread brought back!
@morphinegameingmachine That is really awesome. Very cool. I like the projector too. I miss mine. I had a 144 inch screen, but now I've got kids and its not very family friendly for long term TV viewing. I had it hooked up with a line doubler to improve resolution before HD was all the rage and I would watch 3D movies on that screen with LCD glasses for your computer, it was sick.
@beefy_clyro Yes ones of young me and the others of even younger me!
(If you're talking about the wallpaper on the walls )I bought the wallpaper in Ikea... I think they have iKea in poland!
(If you're talking about my macs desktop wallpaper) Im not sure, Ill see if I can upload it to tiny pic if you want it?
Just hit me before you posted! :P Edited
So, thank you, but don't waste your time for searching
I love that pineapple!
sounds great!
Watch out, my artistic side kinda blew out and I converted my space into a media-meditation and work room.
Muh, 'Fiss
Typical artist workspace! :P
Is that an iMac G5 i spot?
27inch imac
17inch second display
iPhone 4
iPodTouch 2g
iPhone 3GS
iPad 1
Nah it's one of the later Intel iMacs that had the same the style housing. She's a 2.33 Intel core duo with a 256MB NVIDIA Geforce 7600 GT. Hard to believe that I still crank out what I need on this (even runs Crysis nicely). I gotta newer monster PC for my other needs, but my Mac is my Mac and it still does the trick. It's like a loyal pet.
Going to upgrade soon, but I just hate the thought of the computer transition. It always sets me back time-wise.