A Big GameSalad global community project... ( any way of making it happen? )
Good morning from sunny England...
Just been thinking... before I jump back to work on 'Escape Artist'.
Off the back of the 'Perfect Game Formula discussion'. http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=21573&page=2
It would be so great, if there was a fair and safe way to allow a group of forum members to throw ideas around to create a great game.
With everyone feeding back with honest ideas, submitting artwork and sound... A 'Big GameSalad Game' if you will.
It would have a better chance of becoming a great game if everyone could see some potential money being made at the end, so a shared account would need to be setup etc etc...
Be amazing to have enough people scattered around the globe so a project is being worked on 24/7 until its perfect.
Dishing out duties for GameSalad rule creation, character artwork, backgrounds, animation, sound effects, music, design, storyline, production management, advertising, promo trailers, press packs.... etc etc.
I can' think how it would be done, but it would be nice.
Has anyone ever setup a shared developer account before?,
Written up a legal contract so revenue is shared fairly?
Worked on a shared project using DropBox?
Just been thinking... before I jump back to work on 'Escape Artist'.
Off the back of the 'Perfect Game Formula discussion'. http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=21573&page=2
It would be so great, if there was a fair and safe way to allow a group of forum members to throw ideas around to create a great game.
With everyone feeding back with honest ideas, submitting artwork and sound... A 'Big GameSalad Game' if you will.
It would have a better chance of becoming a great game if everyone could see some potential money being made at the end, so a shared account would need to be setup etc etc...
Be amazing to have enough people scattered around the globe so a project is being worked on 24/7 until its perfect.
Dishing out duties for GameSalad rule creation, character artwork, backgrounds, animation, sound effects, music, design, storyline, production management, advertising, promo trailers, press packs.... etc etc.
I can' think how it would be done, but it would be nice.
Has anyone ever setup a shared developer account before?,
Written up a legal contract so revenue is shared fairly?
Worked on a shared project using DropBox?
count me in too!!
make a web
and there will be project
everyone who join this can download
and when you do something, upload it and everyone will see if it is better
if it is, then we will have un upgrade version, and so on
If too many people join it will me hard to keep track of who's doing what, and I don't even know if this is what Stormy had in mind.
Any more ideas on how it could work.
I think a smallish group would be best.
The game idea once agreed by the group could be broken down into individual jobs,
Create level select menu using placeholder graphics, create intro sequence, create version 1 of level layout and physics etc etc
The list could be emailed out to the group and people offer up there services for different jobs.
Still not sure how revenue sharing would work.
Just an idea to discuss at the moment, but could be amazing and could also be a badly organised argumentative nightmare.
Essentially all of those involved would need to basically form a business entity in itself with a partnership agreement and Articles of Organization with clearly defines percentages that each individual or company involved is entitled to.
Otherwise it would all have to be done under one developers name and then individual rev share agreements would be made with everyone involved.
Sounds like some lawyer talking to is definitely needed. This is risky business but could produce some very nice returns.
I'm definitely Game if it gets worked out right. would love to contribute to a massive community project.
An free one online is Wridea -- http://wridea.com/
But the boss of them all is Basecamp (which is a subscription service) -- http://basecamphq.com/
I would join.
I was thinking of a poll system for each part of the game.
As for revenue I thought make the game free with iads for the main developer and links to everyone's own game that helped out.
Nevertheless (and in the interests only of humour and in no way whatsoever trying to be foreboding or pessimistic):
1. I'm reminded of one of my favourite sayings: "To get anything done, a committee must consist of no more than three people, two of whom should be absent."
2. Anticipating some of the long, angry discussions about minor points, perhaps the game should be called, "Stormy in a Tea Cup"!
Maybe instead of one giant community made game, one developer or even GameSalad publishes a single app with 10 community made games inside. I mean think about it. How many times have you though maybe you had a game that wasn't really worth 99¢ but you also thought is better than a free game. So smash 10 of those games into one app and sell it for 99¢ or $1.99 and then each dev makes 10¢-20¢ per download. And they can link to another one of their other games.
Something that somewhat comes to mind is the ThinkOutside the box contest. Stormy did. Imagine if all of those apps where submitted as one single app under stormy's name and the real reward then is everyone gets sales based off each other submissions. maybe everyone wouldn't be game for something like that. but I bet you could get some pretty good games to go in under a deal like that. Say you either have to have an endless game or 20+ levels to make a submission and the stormy has to play and decide what he will push into the final app and what doesn't make it. You could even have some artists on board who get a cut and they make art for everyones games.
That would be a pretty cool thing too if you ask me.