★★★ SALE: JetPack JoyRide Template Only £10.50 ★★★



  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
    So, do you think there will be a fix soon? I already started working on my assets.
  • rePlayrePlay Member Posts: 23
    Can we get the intro price AFTER you correct the issue?
  • myspsmysps Member Posts: 4
    Great template, just purchased! I'm pretty new here. Just wondering for your templates do you have a best practice guide? just wondering how to add music and other edits.

    Also, similar to what others are experiencing, I see a bit of jerking as well. I'm on the newest version of GS.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Update just sent out to fix the above issues.

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    We have updated the template to 1.3 and fixed the judder and also the gravity glitch caused by the 0.9.80 update,

    Mails have been sent out to all that purchased and our shopping cart has the new version uploaded and ready to go.

    Thanks for your patience with this it has certainly caused a headache or 2 as we tried to figure out some changes in 0.9.80.

    The previewer doesn't seem 100% to us so please test on your devices.


    Darren & Wayne,

    Available by clicking the banner below for only £15.

  • chaleychaley Member, PRO Posts: 226
    Yup... It works perfectly now, Thanks!
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Thanks chaley :)

  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
    Was there going to be an iPad version of this? I have the iPhone version, and for what i am going for, i think i need the iPad. I was going to start altering all the math etc... to reflect the iPad, but didn't want to do it if you were already in the process.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    @fzeed no iPad for the template although we are doing both iPhone and iPad for a game we're releasing using this template.

  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
    No sweet, i almost have it completely working on iPad. Spent all night coding and adding a ton of new stuff and still running at 60 fps (although i have a ton more stuff to add and pretty sure i will have to start tweaking alot of things to hold at 60 fps)
  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
    One question. Out of the blue all the constrains that handle the hero's X/Y position suddenly went to null. I didn't change anything. So i am setting it back to what it needs to be and i noticed you are constraining the camera to scene.hero.hero.position.x. Why wouldn't you just constrain it to game.heroX? Is there a big advantage?
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    @fzeed...I made the heroX and Y after i did the other code it doesnt matter if you use heroX or scene/layers/hero/position.x

    It could save you 2 constrains if you use scene method but i shown the users how to do it both ways.

  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
    So i can do away with constraining (hero)self.position.x to game.hero.x (and also the Y) and just access it directly through scene/layers/hero?????
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Yes but you will have to check the other actors like missiles ect...if you try and delete HeroX you will get a list of actors thats using it.

  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
    Yeah i know that stuff, i just didn't know you can access the attribute through scene/layers/hero. Thanks for the tip!
  • myspsmysps Member Posts: 4
    can anyone help about added the music? i sent utopian a message but no response. is there support when you purchase templates from sellers in the marketplace?

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    We offer support about the template but don't offer a free service for any extras.

    Sorry i don't check messages on here but do check my email.

    Adding music is very easy.

  • 777ideas.com777ideas.com Member, PRO Posts: 895
    mysps said:
    can anyone help about added the music? i sent utopian a message but no response. is there support when you purchase templates from sellers in the marketplace?


    Adding music to your game is very simple. I offer a very very cheap service that will give you any help you would want, if you want to contact me we can talk better.

    Here's my e-mail vasilioufan@aol.com

  • myspsmysps Member Posts: 4
    ok thanks. i've been checking everywhere on the site for instructions. could some one pass me a link how to add sound to the utopian games? i have the images pretty much figured out and some movements but sound ..no go. thanks
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    You add sound and music to our templates the same way you would any GS project, i have made a quick video below.

  • myspsmysps Member Posts: 4
    thanks a lot Darren!!! much appreciated :)
  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
    Darren, i have the HeroAnimation actor set to detect collision with certain items (i want the HeroAnimation to detect and not the hero) but it doesn't work. I have a couple games published and several in the works but i haven't seen this before!
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    You need to make sure one of the actors that's colliding is movable, i know the animation isn't because its constrained to the hero actor so go in and check movable on animation and you should be fine.

    I always uncheck movable in actors that don't move or are constrained as it saves some juice from GS, it's a good habit to get into if you have a lot of actors in your scene.

  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
    OMG i feel like a newbie!!!! I didn't even think to check that! But yeah, neither of the actors are set to movable so i'm positive thats it!!! Thanks alot!!!!!
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    NP when something doesn't work as expected the 1st thing to look for is the layers as i do a few different layers for items but this was an easy one to fix.

  • samurai2020samurai2020 Member Posts: 32
    Hi Darren
    great template! We just bought it from you. This is our first order from your company and sure we will buy more from you in the future.
    We hope that when we will some problems with template - you can help us with that

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Thanks for the kind words, we offer support for all our templates and pride ourselves with fast customer service.

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Octobers 30% off sale now on so grab it quick.

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