★★ GSH7 ★★ Official Contest Thread - Win a Brand New iPod Touch!
Hi everone!
Welcome to GSH7! GSHelper is holding its very first 7 day game jam contest! We are proud to announce that we are holding the contest ourselves and that anybody is free to join! I have all of the rules below for you along with everything else you will need to enter.
Who can join? - Anybody who wants to. This contest will be open to the general public, you just have to email me saying that you will be participating.
Are teams allowed? - Yes, teams will be allowed. If you are on a team then you simply need to email me saying so with all the members of your team listed in the email you need to send to me. Your team can be as big or as small as you would like.
Can we start on the game prior to the contest starting? - No, this is because of two reasons. 1. The theme of the contest will not be announced until the contest actually starts. 2. It would be unfair to others who do not already have a head start and are making the game from scratch at the start.
Do we need to make a custom game? - Yes.
Do we need to make custom graphics? - Yes.
Do we need to make custom music? No.
Do I get to keep my game or do you get it? - You own 100% of your game! All we are doing is trying to help showcase your work in something fun that engages the community.
What do I submit when the contest ends for the judges? - All we need is some screenshots of the game in action and a short video demonstration.
What will the theme be? - We will be announcing the theme when the contest officially starts.
When will the contest begin? - The contest will start on Friday, July 13th at midnight EST.
How long will the contest last? - 7 days. We are making this a one week contest to allow more time to the developers to make better games. All games sent in after one week will not count.
What will the prize be? - We have the first place prize below. If you would like to add any prizes of your own to this list, please contact me with the information I have below before Friday, July 6th.
1st Prize -A Brand New iPod Touch 8GB - Music, games, iMessage, HD video recording, and more. It has fun written all over it.
Team Prize - Are you in a team or do you already have an iPod Touch? For these users we are offering $210 via PayPal instead of the iPod touch. Once you are announced as winner, you have the choice.
2nd Prize - $60 via PayPal and a digital download of Indie Game: The Movie.
3rd Prize - $35 via Paypal.
Contact information for entering the contest or donating a prize.
Email - Support@ventorastudios.com
Cheers and good luck to all who enter!
P.S Just to make this contest a little more interesting, I have a special deal for everyone. For every 10 entries we get to this contest, I will increase each prize by $10. First place will just become the iPod Touch and more PayPal money, second and third place will increase with money and obviously no iPod Touch. So for example, if I get 50 entries, then 2nd place becomes $100 via PayPal, and so on and so forth.
10 people - Done
The contest theme is below, along with a start and end date. Good luck and happy developing!
Theme - Out of this World
Start - July 12th
End - July 20th
Welcome to GSH7! GSHelper is holding its very first 7 day game jam contest! We are proud to announce that we are holding the contest ourselves and that anybody is free to join! I have all of the rules below for you along with everything else you will need to enter.
Who can join? - Anybody who wants to. This contest will be open to the general public, you just have to email me saying that you will be participating.
Are teams allowed? - Yes, teams will be allowed. If you are on a team then you simply need to email me saying so with all the members of your team listed in the email you need to send to me. Your team can be as big or as small as you would like.
Can we start on the game prior to the contest starting? - No, this is because of two reasons. 1. The theme of the contest will not be announced until the contest actually starts. 2. It would be unfair to others who do not already have a head start and are making the game from scratch at the start.
Do we need to make a custom game? - Yes.
Do we need to make custom graphics? - Yes.
Do we need to make custom music? No.
Do I get to keep my game or do you get it? - You own 100% of your game! All we are doing is trying to help showcase your work in something fun that engages the community.
What do I submit when the contest ends for the judges? - All we need is some screenshots of the game in action and a short video demonstration.
What will the theme be? - We will be announcing the theme when the contest officially starts.
When will the contest begin? - The contest will start on Friday, July 13th at midnight EST.
How long will the contest last? - 7 days. We are making this a one week contest to allow more time to the developers to make better games. All games sent in after one week will not count.
What will the prize be? - We have the first place prize below. If you would like to add any prizes of your own to this list, please contact me with the information I have below before Friday, July 6th.
1st Prize -A Brand New iPod Touch 8GB - Music, games, iMessage, HD video recording, and more. It has fun written all over it.
Team Prize - Are you in a team or do you already have an iPod Touch? For these users we are offering $210 via PayPal instead of the iPod touch. Once you are announced as winner, you have the choice.
2nd Prize - $60 via PayPal and a digital download of Indie Game: The Movie.
3rd Prize - $35 via Paypal.
Contact information for entering the contest or donating a prize.
Email - Support@ventorastudios.com
Cheers and good luck to all who enter!
P.S Just to make this contest a little more interesting, I have a special deal for everyone. For every 10 entries we get to this contest, I will increase each prize by $10. First place will just become the iPod Touch and more PayPal money, second and third place will increase with money and obviously no iPod Touch. So for example, if I get 50 entries, then 2nd place becomes $100 via PayPal, and so on and so forth.
10 people - Done
The contest theme is below, along with a start and end date. Good luck and happy developing!
Theme - Out of this World
Start - July 12th
End - July 20th
Will join next one!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Great! You are our first official entry
Just got your email, thanks!
Thanks mate! I cant wait to see what games the community makes!
I think its time we have some people around here who start doing this, its for the good of the community.
Haha cheers man! I am sure you will do fine
Email sent.
Where are you announcing the theme?
Single and Teams with different prizes??
Email sent
Thank you to all who emailed me! I have now responded to each of you and entered you in the contest. I just counted all the entries so far and it looks like we have about eleven competitors, meaning I just added $10 to every prize listed above.
@WTDeveloper - Right now, you are the only team entered, haha. I will keep my eye out for other teams that do enter in case I want to make a slight change.
We do have some entries who have not posted in this thread that they are competing. I will give everyone a final list though on who is in the contest on July 13th. Then, if you plan to make a development thread for the week, make it in the "Announce Your Game! section and make sure to include VS7 in your title. This will allow everyone to follow your work for the week! If you need anything else feel free to email me.
I have not been able to do gamesalad in a long time. I was totally happy to hear about this but I realized I have something going on that week but I am still going to join and try to get something done. I also have forgotten how to use gamesalad because it has been so long but I am still going to try.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
@Braydon_SFX - Yeah we pushed it back because of the holiday weekend! Yay!
@Riffel - Nice, cant wait to see what you make buddy!
@DeadlySeriousMedia - Woo Ho! Hopefully its a good one!
Cheers man! Can't wait to see what everyone makes