You know that feeling when...
... you think "Ok this game is nearly done and it's gonna be great!"
Then you send it out for more testing. And you realise "Ok, maybe it's not done yet. Better change some stuff."
And you repeat this process for a couple months...
When will it finally end?!?
Then you send it out for more testing. And you realise "Ok, maybe it's not done yet. Better change some stuff."
And you repeat this process for a couple months...
When will it finally end?!?

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Never, the game will eventually subsume your life, it will be subtle at first, unshaven and half dressed you will work late into the night, forgoing food and hygiene, you will shut out your friends and family, you will start to obsessively dream about your game, rambling incoherently to whoever will listen about your self-correcting table based attribute management system, as time goes on you will board up the doors and windows to shut out the light (because that's how "they" try and get into your brain and steal your ideas using special 'light probes'), at this stage your only source of food will be the cat, some tap water and the curtains (surpassingly nutritional) and you will start believe that GameSalad is talking to you, reading your thoughts, and planning to kill/eat/attack you (delete as applicable), you will cry uncontrollably when something goes wrong, a wrongly deleted asset or an overlooked 'otherwise' rule, and laugh manically as you watch previews on your filthy dirt and blood caked iPad1, eventually you will go mad and end up in the app developer's wing of your local mental asylum.
(I'd give you more info but I have to go, I can hear the nurse coming, she doesn't know I've got an internet connection.)
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Over two years later, I'm still working on it...
2 - GameSalad doesn't export to Flash (Not a requirement, but it's nice!)
3 - GameSalad doesn't allow two-way communication with a web server
4 -
5 - BOT was partially broken by recent GameSalad updates
It would have been nice to build up the Photics Arcade game library with GameSalad, as I already have a bunch of games to use. But unfortunately, I'm not seeing the growth. The hiring of @CodeWizard does make me wonder if GameSalad will finally get on the right/fast track... ...but I'm skeptical. Why should I wait for features that I have access to right now?
I like GameSalad. I like when they add great features. There are some really nice things about GameSalad...
1 - Particle effects are sweet!
2 - Tables are awesome. It makes game design so much easier.
3 - GameSalad sound options give more control over a sound file.
4 - RGBA color mode is easier to work with. I hate working with Atlases too.
5 - GameSalad is in High School math mode. I don't have to think backwards.
If I got a message from GameSalad that says something like...
"Hey Mike, we read your post. We agree that the problems you presented are issues. We're changing the tracking to include opt-out. We're also adding new HTML5 export options by the end of May 2013." ...then I think I would likely stop working on the port of BOT immediately. I have plenty of other things to do.
But since I doubt that's going to happen, I'm doing what I think is best for my projects. GameSalad is great software, but it's not the right tool what I'm trying build. Also, I don't want to give up on a game I worked so hard on. I'm trying to bring it back — better than it was before — better — stronger — faster.