@yasoofx if you are talking about GameCenter for Mac OS X. We do not support GameCenter for Mac OS X at this time. Only for iOS. If you are having issues with GameCenter for iOS please submit a support ticket.
Lol... so few changes made in Mavericks, I hardly see why something like GS would have any problems. I most likely won't update this go round, there's just no reason too. - Thomas
so anyone upgrade yet? I'm taking an image (using Carbon Copy Cloner for those of you who don't know about it) of my macbook right now, once that's done I'll be running the upgrade.
best part is, if something breaks I can boot from the USB drive if i need to.
I am starting this thread as a place to post issues you guys are having with GameSalad and Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks
@jonmulcahy Thanks for volunteering, looking forward to what issues you'll find if any. I'm also set to upgrade but not if anything affects the GS experience.
upgraded this morning, everything seems ok. I opened a few projects in both the daily and 0.10.4. still need to run some more tests, but everything played as expected. didn't try publishing yet.
I think I found a bug with android publishing, and the only thing that makes sense is my recent upgrade to OS X Mavericks. I'm not sure if it's even with GS, but just in case.
3. Go to install generated APK on Kindle Fire (1st and 2nd gen), it fails with 'application not installed'.
I spent the past few hours troubleshooting: 1. Used an older keystore (I was previously generating one per app). (worked) 2. Made sure I updated my android dev enviroment and JDK 7.0 (failed) 3. regenerated the keystore 10 times (Failed every time) 4. tried signing old project (Failed)
I finally just generated the keystore on my iMac which is still running 10.8, and that worked. That has not been updated in about 9 mths as far as android/jdk goes.
So, either gamesalad is having trouble singing keystores generated with 10.9, or the android keystore generate doesn't work in 10.9. I'm not sure which, I lack the tools to really take this further.
@BlackCloakGS and @jonmulcahy Any update on weather it is safe to upgrade to OS X Mavericks yet ??? I am keen to update but don't want to break GS Creator / App publishing as I only got one machine ... Is the Android publishing issue reported by @jonmulcahy sorted ? An update would be great ... Thank you in advance ... Cheers ;-)
@BlackCloakGS and @jonmulcahy Any update on weather it is safe to upgrade to OS X Mavericks yet ??? I am keen to update but don't want to break GS Creator / App publishing as I only got one machine ... Is the Android publishing issue reported by @jonmulcahy sorted ? An update would be great ... Thank you in advance ... Cheers ;-)
you can always (and i suggest you do), download parallels and keep a virtual of 10.8, that way you have a older machine you can rely on.
yeah @jonmulcahy totally agree but I am just lazy ... ha ha Will bite the bullet and do it but it is not a major issue for me atm ... Thanks for your testing by the way that is much appreciated as it saves a lot of time .. Cheers ;-)
I upgraded to Mavericks last night and then upgraded to GS Everything seems to be running as before. I haven't noticed anything different yet. Will keep an eye out though.
I upgraded to Mavericks last night and then upgraded to GS Everything seems to be running as before. I haven't noticed anything different yet. Will keep an eye out though.
Things seem to be running smoothly for me also with Mavericks
Have you guys published apps after the upgrade to Mavericks ??? Cheers
I upgraded to Mavericks last night and then upgraded to GS Everything seems to be running as before. I haven't noticed anything different yet. Will keep an eye out though.
Things seem to be running smoothly for me also with Mavericks
Have you guys published apps after the upgrade to Mavericks ??? Cheers
yes i've published a few OS and Kindle builds. I've been running mavericks since early October. there are some issues I posted about earlier however.
I published a project to my iPod this morning on Mavericks with the latest nightly build and it all seemed ok. It was only a test project to see what the new social share feature was like so not sure what a published version for Apple would be like (problems wise)
@jonmulcahy I was just curious to see if @clee2005 and @uptimistik where having the same issue as you with Android publishing ... @KevinCross I believe publishing to IOS is ok @jonmulcahy only had a problem signing Android apps ...
@jonmulcahy I was just curious to see if @clee2005 and @uptimistik where having the same issue as you with Android publishing ... @KevinCross I believe publishing to IOS is ok @jonmulcahy only had a problem signing Android apps ...
well the problem was not with singing android apps, it was with creating the keystore you use to sign apps.
- Thomas
:-t blasphemy!
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best part is, if something breaks I can boot from the USB drive if i need to.
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Thanks for volunteering, looking forward to what issues you'll find if any. I'm also set to upgrade but not if anything affects the GS experience.
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please stay on topic, you should post in the roadmap sticky about development stuff. this thread is for OS X Mavericks compatibility.
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Great to see you guys are giving it a good testing though. Good to hear it's all working for you, Mr Mulcahy.
I think I found a bug with android publishing, and the only thing that makes sense is my recent upgrade to OS X Mavericks. I'm not sure if it's even with GS, but just in case.
1. generate keystore
keytool -genkey -v -keystore whatever.keystore -alias whatever-keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
2. download and sign APK using above keystore
3. Go to install generated APK on Kindle Fire (1st and 2nd gen), it fails with 'application not installed'.
I spent the past few hours troubleshooting:
1. Used an older keystore (I was previously generating one per app). (worked)
2. Made sure I updated my android dev enviroment and JDK 7.0 (failed)
3. regenerated the keystore 10 times (Failed every time)
4. tried signing old project (Failed)
I finally just generated the keystore on my iMac which is still running 10.8, and that worked. That has not been updated in about 9 mths as far as android/jdk goes.
So, either gamesalad is having trouble singing keystores generated with 10.9, or the android keystore generate doesn't work in 10.9. I'm not sure which, I lack the tools to really take this further.
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