Public Bug Database (Updated 5/1/2014)

BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250
edited May 2014 in Tech Support

Here is a complied list of all the bugs we are currently working on in no particular order.

CS-177 Initial Interpolate behavior not occurring

CS-258 Removing images deletes wrong image

CS-219 Camera offset in Preview when resizing iphone 4 to iphone 5

CS-175 android apps do not stop sound when app sleeps - related to CS-171

CS-111 Signing Android apks in Mavericks 10.9

CS-90 Legacy Language Designator

LE-346 Android Open URL crash on device

MAC-155 Signing app should not quit if profile doesn’t match

CS-268 Cannot import CSV unicode data In test

CS-38 Debug prompt does not scroll down with new entries

MAC-162 Bad link in App Signer message

LE-126 PlayHaven “More Games” bar attempts to load in Airplane mode

MAC-338 GateKeeper settings block install of RC/Nightly builds

CS-266 Fix URL for GSIphoneInstructionsPath In test

LE-344 Add Stretch option to Viewer In test

iOS Viewer does not support the iOS Simulator

GSC-1109 Mouse Up is remembered at project load

MAC-353 Creator will crash if user enters preview while previewing in scene editor

LE-202 Recent games list is not sorted like it is in finder

MAC-363 Creator: Attributes deleted from Prototype are not removed from Actor Instances

CS-312 Issue with Chartboost ad causing problem (delay starting interpolate)

CS-308 Bug with deleting an attribute previously used by a now-deleted Rule

CS-140 Images/sounds deleted when saving a project while using FileVault (only occurs in some cases)

MAC-360 Viewer only works properly the first time it is used

CS-263 "White Box" issue with Animation Behavior on iOS Viewer some times

CS-270 Poor Image display in test

CS-281 Actors set to alpha values less then one are showing up darker fixed in 0.11

CS-273 Support Tablet on Google Play Store fixed in 0.11

CS-262 No-ad Android Binaries
fixed in 0.11

CS-287 Calling RevMob ad when device is offline is breaking app fixed in 0.11

MAC-333 Usernames with spaces causes a "Bad URL" error when attempting to sign an app. fixed in

CS-208 Word wrap on android not working with text fixed in

MAC-349 Viewer no longer displays placeholder stubs for Platform and IAP behaviors fixed in

WPUB-175 Punctuation in gameproj filename causing crash fixed in

WPUB-225 Network Behaviors inside of Loop Over Table behavior groups get removed in Android and Kindle apks fixed in

CS-284 Actors using animate behavior trigger "is this a series of images?" popup constantlyfixed in 0.11

CS-278 Pause/unpause behavior breaks gameplayfixed in 0.11

CS-291 Load times are too longfixed in 0.11

MAC-346 Occasional hitch during linear interpolationfixed in 0.11

If you don't find your bug in this list Report It to us!

Please open new threads if you wish to discuss a issue.



  • imGuaimGua Member Posts: 1,089

    I this list I don't see problems that internally was marked as CS-292 and CS-293

  • darrelfdarrelf Member Posts: 243

    Hi @BlackCloakGS
    Is it possible to add the black screen after Revmob ad issue to the list?

    Your reply in the forum said:

    "This has to do with the way android's UI framework works. It creates and destroys the UI every time it changes and the black screen you are seeing the time it is taking to recreate the UI view. This will not be fixed for 11 but we will work to see what we can do to help minimize this issue"

    My open ticket ID is 4502.

  • darrelfdarrelf Member Posts: 243

    CS-278 (Pause/unpause breaking gameplay)

  • darrelfdarrelf Member Posts: 243

    Ticket ID 4451. Memory usage rapidly increasing on my one scene game (much much worse than a previous nightly build)

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    Can we please keep this thread to reporting issues only with reproducible steps. Post like "I have this issue too" with out providing more info on how to reproduce this bug will just clutter up this thread.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    Bug: Images added to projects do not show in image library until GameSalad is restarted.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create project.
    2. Press + to add image(s).
    3. Select desired image(s).
    4. See if bug occurred or not.
  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    @Armelline can you please provide expected results ( what should happen if you follow the steps) and Actual results (what actually happens when you follow the steps)

  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188

    Bug no. CS-278 as submitted by me last week. (Pause/Unpause breaks behaviours)

    This is a showstopper as far as I'm concerned and I'm amazed it's not on your list.

    0.11 cannot ship with this still in IMHO!

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376
    edited April 2014

    @BlackCloakGS said:
    Armelline can you please provide expected results ( what should happen if you follow the steps) and Actual results (what actually happens when you follow the steps)

    As @Socks said, I would expect the selected image to be imported into the library.

    Actual result is that 95% of the time the image will be added. Occasionally, though, the window will remain blank, no images will be displayed.

    I can add some clarification: When this bug occurs, the image will not show in the image library, but is added to the project. Attempting to replace the image will offer the replace dialog, though the replaced image will not show either. The image can be used in the project with a change image/change attribute behaviour, but cannot be directly selected by the user in any way.

    (Also, I rarely find myself using image sequences, so I've noticed this bug almost exclusively when importing a single image, but occasionally when importing a group of images.)

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    @Armelline thanks

  • RainbrosRainbros Member Posts: 124

    I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but I have noticed a lot of layering issues. Unfortunately I don't have time at the moment to give any specific steps, but in numerous projects I have had weird things happening with layer order. For instance, an actor whose x position was constrained to a global attribute would not move at all, even though the attribute was in fact changing. I had another instance of the same actor constrained to a different attribute and that one would move just fine. The weird thing is, when I merely rearranged the order of the actors in the layer, the roles switched: the first actor moved and the second didn't. Eventually I got both to work, but I'm not really sure what actually solved the problem.

    I have also noticed that layer order can result in jerky movements. An actor that is simply moving across the screen (via linear velocity) will move smoothly most of the time, but once a second or so it will lag behind ever so slightly (but it is very noticeable). Then if I simply move (or spawn) the actor up or down one spot in the layer, the movement will be completely smooth. Like I said, I have noticed these problems in multiple projects. (I am using 10.4.1 but I recently tested it in the RC and the problem existed there also.)

    Maybe someone else has had this problem, or could look into it?

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited April 2014

    The World Famous Interpolate Glitch™

    Bug: The interpolation algorithm truncates the last 10% of the last whole number.

    This bug is universal (rather than intermittent), it shows itself with every use of the interpolate behaviour, but obviously on something like an interpolation from x.position 100 to x.position 200 over 1 seconds you are not going to notice that the actor arrived at its destination 1/10th of second early.

    Where it shows itself is in situations where you tend to interpolate over a small value range, so things like sound volume, music volume, pitch, R, G and B colour channels, and alpha values - in these situations where an interpolation range of 1 is common having the last 10% of the interpolation chopped off is very noticeable / audible, you can see a little 'pop' or glitch when fading scenes to black or fading actors from invisible to visible - or you can hear the glitch when you try to fade a piece of audio in smoothly. This is another of those bugs that have been in GameSalad for years.

    Expected results: For the interpolation to run from its starting value to its destination value in a consistent way.

    The way I would expect an interpolation from 0 to 1 to work would be like this (reduced to two decimal places to save me a lot of typing . . . )
















    . . . . snip . . . .
























    Actual results: The last 10% of the last whole number is missing from the move from the starting value to the destination value.

    So, it actually goes like this:
















    . . . . snip . . . .














    - - -

    - - -

    - - -

    - - -

    - - -

    - - -

    - - -

    - - -

    - - -


    It jumps straight from 0.90 to 1.00, missing out all the values in between.

    Steps to reproduce the bug.

    Interpolate over any small value range, like a colour channel or alpha from 0 to 1 or 1 or 0 or ramp in a piece of audio from 0 to 1.

    Here in the first GIF I have interpolated an attribute from 0 to 1 over 20 seconds, notice that all goes well up until 9.00, then it skips to 1 (I chopped off the start so you don't have to sit through all the lead up).

    In the second GIF I have 'zoomed in' on the problem area, an interpolation behaviour is driving an attribute from 0 to 1, this attribute is then multiplied and used to drive the actor's X and Y position equally (the red line) - this is not a real world situation as obviously there are better ways to do this, its just designed to illustrate the issue.

    The yellow line is what the interpolate should do, go from 0 in the bottom left corner to 1 in the upper right, the red line is what it actually does.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited April 2014

    The Colour Wheel of Mystery.

    Bug: The colour selection wheel crashes GameSalad when attempting to change an actor from a non-white colour to white. This bug is inconsistent / intermittent - and has existed in GameSalad for as long as I've used it, at least for the past 4 years.

    The sheer length of time it's been around has effectively eliminated the possibility that it's an issue with my system - as this has been a problem on every version of GameSalad I've used, across 2 iMacs, a Retina MacBook Pro and an old G5 system, and across Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion OS's.

    Expected results: Changing an actor's colour to white from a non-white colour doesn't crash GameSalad.

    Actual results: Sometimes changing an actor's colour from non-white to white crashes GameSalad !

    Steps to reproduce the bug: Make an actor, click on the coloured square in its attributes to open the colour wheel, change the colour to any non-white colour, close the colour wheel.

    Then open the colour wheel again, when you select any non-white colour it will immediately be reflected in the large actor preview at the top of the actor's attributes - change it as many times as you like, green, yellow, purple, red . . . every time you select a colour, either from the wheel or from your stored colours in the palette below, the actor preview will immediately update.

    But when you select pure white the actor preview doesn't update - and if you close the colour wheel at this stage the newly chosen white will be lost and the colour will remain on the last non-white colour chosen.

    So don't close the colour wheel, instead after having chosen pure white you can force the actor (and preview) to recognise your new colour by wiggling either the brightness or the opacity sliders about - this can often crash GameSalad - sometimes it just makes the opacity slider 'stick' (only the opacity slider, and not the brightness slider), i.e. it's hard to drag it around it just 'locks' at certain values.

    Like any inconsistent / intermittent bug it can sometimes be hard to reproduce, but that's kind of the issue, it can often catch me off guard - I know the answer is to deal with colours through the R, G and B attributes, but I use the colour wheel everywhere else (like Photoshop) and force of habit means I keep getting caught out by this sneaky little bug.

  • GameLabs222GameLabs222 Member Posts: 197
    edited April 2014

    @Trunks said:
    I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but I have noticed a lot of layering issues. Unfortunately I don't have time at the moment to give any specific steps, but in numerous projects I have had weird things happening with layer order. For instance, an actor whose x position was constrained to a global attribute would not move at all, even though the attribute was in fact changing. I had another instance of the same actor constrained to a different attribute and that one would move just fine. The weird thing is, when I merely rearranged the order of the actors in the layer, the roles switched: the first actor moved and the second didn't. Eventually I got both to work, but I'm not really sure what actually solved the problem.

    I have also noticed that layer order can result in jerky movements. An actor that is simply moving across the screen (via linear velocity) will move smoothly most of the time, but once a second or so it will lag behind ever so slightly (but it is very noticeable). Then if I simply move (or spawn) the actor up or down one spot in the layer, the movement will be completely smooth. Like I said, I have noticed these problems in multiple projects. (I am using 10.4.1 but I recently tested it in the RC and the problem existed there also.)

    Maybe someone else has had this problem, or could look into it?

    I noticed this as well.

    For me I had a crown constrained to the head of my character behind the character layer originally. The expected result is that it would constrain with its movement, and stay on his head. The actual result is that it was slightly delayed and was basically floating behind the character wherever he went.

    Simply rearranging the crown layer in front fixed the issue and behaved as expected. I assume this has to do with the way GameSalad prioritizes commands based on layers?

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    edited April 2014

    Ok looks like its cleaning time. Im not sure whats so hard to understand here but,

    This is not for forum Errors,
    General Gripes about how GameSalad handles bugs
    Or anything else that does not fall into bug reporting

    If you see you post gone. this is why^^^^^^


  • dvdkingdvdking Member Posts: 10

    In the Windows nightly build on Windows 8.1, when I enter the previewer, I get the first scene and nothing more. Trying to go to another scene does nothing. Anyone else have this happen? Please no comments about switching to a Mac.

  • TaoOfSaladTaoOfSalad Member, Chef Emeritus Posts: 83

    The interpolate issue is MAC-346. The fix might miss the next RC but it will be in soon.

  • TaoOfSaladTaoOfSalad Member, Chef Emeritus Posts: 83

    The layering/constrain coordinates issue is a known concern. I don't think it will be treated as a bug for now. Basically, Constrain Attribute just reads and write the attribute once per frame and follows the same ordering as other behaviors. Actors are updated back to front. So when the actor with the constrain is updated, it calculates the expression at that moment and assigns that value. If other actors higher up on the layering later change something that would change the value of the constrain expression, the constrain doesn't realize the change until the next frame. Hence the lower constrain actor appears to lag behind by a frame.

    It would break too many things if we changed how this works, so we hesitate to act on it anytime soon. If you are cautious about how actors and behaviors are ordered, then you can still get the desired effect. Off the top of my head, a common practice is to have an invisible actor underneath that handles the position and physics, then constrain other actors above it so they all get the same position.

    The community might have some other clever methods. Let's discuss those in other threads.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited April 2014

    @TaoOfSalad said:
    The interpolate issue is MAC-346. The fix might miss the next RC but it will be in soon.

    Great stuff ! :)

    Just to clarify the issue is not an "Occasional hitch during linear interpolation" (as it's listed in the database), it's universal (all the time rather than occasional) and effects all interpolations, not just linear.

  • TaoOfSaladTaoOfSalad Member, Chef Emeritus Posts: 83

    @Socks said:

    Yes, agreed that the title there doesn't capture the totality of the bug. Those titles often come from user reports. It's really "when the interpolation is within 0.1 of the final value, it skips to the final value." As you described, it's more noticeable when the interpolation range is small like color but less so for something like x,y. It always happens but the noticeability of it varies, which might makes it seem random.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited April 2014

    @TaoOfSalad said:
    It's really "when the interpolation is within 0.1 of the final value, it skips to the final value."

    No big deal, but after the best part of half a decade of reporting and discussing and sharing workarounds I didn't want it to be traduced in any way. It's my pet bug. I like to watch out for it :)

  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610

    @TaoOfSalad and @Socks this is also a big problem when zooming the buttons and actors jump around unevenly and it looks terrible.

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934

    @colander‌ if you have a bug to report then please be descriptive and explain the bug. Otherwise please discus issues in a new thread. This one is for specific bug reports only.


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited April 2014

    The banded colours from hell.

    There is a bug where 24 bit images in GameSalad are read as 8 bit on iOS devices, I don't know the mechanics of it - as far as I know images are held in 24 bit / 32 bit colour space on iOS devices so I'm not sure where the problem arises, the iOS end or the GameSalad end.

    @CodeWizard mentioned something about addressing this a long time ago, when he was a fresh-faced wizard, without a care in the world, but I guess he, along with the whole GameSalad team have been swamped with stuff over the past few months.

    Bug: As far as I can work out - after a fair bit of testing - all 24bit images from GameSalad are displayed on iOS devices as 8 bit images (or at least their colour palette is quantised to 8 bit at some stage between GS and iOS - even if they are then held in 24 bit colour space).

    Where you see it most clearly - and where it comes up on the forums most often - is when someone has a nice smooth gradient in their GameSalad project, that when transferred to, for example, an iPad, becomes very stepped / banded. But in reality all 24 bit images passed from GS to iOS devices are having their colour palette reduced to 8 bit somewhere in the process, it's just that the quality drop is most noticeable on gradients which really suffer.

    Here's an example - I've simply made a gradient in Photoshop, stuck it into GameSalad at a 1:1 pixel ratio on a Retina (RI) project and passed it to an iPad, the lower image is the banded result (screenshot taken on the iPad).

    The workaround is to do the following - go back to Photoshop or whatever image editor you are using, make the 24bit file a 'layer' (in photoshop), which effectively gives it an alpha channel / makes it 32 bit, then you must force GS/iOS to recognise this alpha channel by introducing some (any) transparency, you only need make a single pixel 99% opaque (select a single pixel, set the eraser tool to 1% and erase) and that's enough for the file to then be read as 24 bit / 32 bit on the iOS device and display exactly the same as it does in GameSalad, smooth gradients and all.

    I'd do a screen capture of the fixed image - using the method above - on an iPad too, but it's perfectly identical to the original (albeit with a single minimally transparent pixel somewhere in the image)

  • TaoOfSaladTaoOfSalad Member, Chef Emeritus Posts: 83
    edited April 2014

    @Socks Interesting. A lot has changed and is still changing with image processing now that we are in the post-gsimage world. There's a fair chance the presentation of this bug may change as a result, for better or worse. We will follow up on it.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @TaoOfSalad said:
    Socks Interesting. A lot has changed and is still changing with image processing now that we are in the post-gsimage world. There's a fair chance the presentation of this bug may change as a result, for better or worse. We will follow up on it.

    Cheers for the reply, as the workaround is fairly straightforward I imagine it shouldn't be too difficult to resolve (??)

  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273

    Importing more than one image in the latest RC causes Creator to crash.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @Braydon_SFX said:
    Importing more than one image in the latest RC causes Creator to crash.

    I can import more than one image ok, no crashes - I'm using 10.0.10.

  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273

    @Socks said:
    I can import more than one image ok, no crashes - I'm using 10.0.10.

    Whatchu have? Magic?

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @Braydon_SFX said:
    Whatchu have? Magic?

    Just your regular everyday RC 10.0.10 . . . . . just loaded in a 400 frame animation sequence, worked just fine, maybe time to do the obvious stuff, throw your RC in the bin, restart, re-download and all that stuff . . . ?

This discussion has been closed.