Anyone ever received a Grant to make a game? ... I just got to the interview stage for one!
I just got some exciting (daunting) news this morning. I'd been looking into what small grants are available for indie game projects. I found one, (which I believe is government backed), where I met all the criteria and applied a couple of weeks ago. I had to write up a description of my game, experience so far, a few visuals, route to market, technical hurdles and a rough budget.
I just found out they liked my application and I'm moving on to stage 2. A real physical interview where I have to pitch my game to a board of judges. ... Sheeeet!!!
Has anyone on here done something similar before?
Any top tips? (Other than drink heavily before hand and play it cool).
Whenever I have an interview I turn to this training manual:
(A tad NSFW at the end.)
But seriously, congrats! Exciting stuff!
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
@Armelline ... he he... have'nt seen that for years. ... that's exactly what I'm imagining it's gonna be like...
Not at all worried :-)
just keep swimming... just keeping swimming.
That's awesome! Good luck
Stormy, have you considered drinking heavily beforehand and playing it cool ?
Good luck! Yeah the UK Government are throwing LOTS of money at business start ups, creative industries etc.
Here in Birmingham however, the Chambers of Commerce are pretty useless and have zero idea of the schemes around. A prime example is the Princes Trust who offer loans up to 5k for young people aged 18-30 and they ALWAYS fail to mention this
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Super @StormyStudio !
Good luck with it. With your systematic and thorough way you will do great.
My tip, when doing your business plan - you are more likely to be denied by asking for too little (showing you underestimate the risk or scope) than asking for too much. Be realistic but not too shy.
Couldn't happen to a more generous bloke. Good luck in your interview @StormyStudio
thats awesome! best of luck!
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That's great, man! Happy for you! Hope it works out!
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I imagine that would be really difficult for GS. I find most developers I meant don't really respect the platform. It's Unity or nothing. Considering GS is made in Unity, I usually just tell them Unity if I'm trying to get funding.
Very cool and interesting! Good luck, let us know how it goes! ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
What? Gamesalad has nothing to do with Unity... ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
I don't have much experience, but I do know that if you want them to want you to succeed you have to get them emotionally invested in the project. They have to have the same passion for it that you do, and that takes a really good presentation.
Gamesalad is made using Unity...but Gamesalad can't so anything 3d whatsoever.
Cheers all for the positive comments...
Main things are gonna be making sure they can see some potential for business growth, potential for employing more people in the area in the distant future and ownership of some IP. Obviously they need to like the game project but also they're investing in a start up as a whole not just a game idea.
Found my motivation:
@StormyStudio , if you think? I don't know what you look like in a leotard.
Omg @gingagaming , worse than I imagined! @StormyStudio , stick to the business plan!
Gearing up for the pitch..
I found out who two of the judges are going to be earlier, and realized I needed to put a bit more effort into my pitch. (founding members of two of the UK/Europes most successful AAA studios). Not sure if my little game will make the cut.
I've got a PowerPoint presentation setup (I really do detest PowerPoint). I've made 5 nice looking slides in Photoshop, and a couple of video previews. One showing my 2D/3D animation work in general and one showing the development of the game so far.
Also got a streamlined (non server connected) version of the game running on an ipad.
Fingers crossed for Thursday
Best of luck to you!
Keynote beats PowerPoint any day... just FYI. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Remember if you are going to drink heavily beforehand, have a couple of mints before you go in and tell them you have 'a bit of a cold', if you are going to drink during the interview try and be subtle about it, every now and then point out the window and shout "Jesus H Christ, look at that !", this will give you enough time for a couple of fast swigs, also a loud cough is usually good enough to disguise the sound of a fresh can being opened.
Jesus H Christ look at that!
... Just practicing . hiccup
Cough!!. . . hiccup
Ive been there several times and alot of my friends too. Not necessary in the gaming environment but in the film/fine art. Mostly its all about passion/potential/quality and one really needs to prepare well for this. Prepare... practice the presentation several times (with and without a timer). Visualize the presentation, make up their potential questions in your head and answer them, try to study it like an outsider to find out unnecessary parts of it. Often time is limited and the questions will be basic ones. Once you feel you got a good presentation try to maximize your ego.. boost it up, especially right before. (I often find myself in a public toilet in front of a mirror - nailing it like five minutes before the actually presentation, then walking to the presentation room with some music in my headphones - music that REALLY boost me. Not a second to early or to late. I hate being to early and then having to stand there waiting and starting to questioning myself/my ideas.
Then... head for the closest bar and congratulate yourself to a hell of a job!
Good Luck
That's awesome man, good luck! Do keep us updated. Do we know what game you are pitching yet or is it a secret?
Good luck, keep us updated.