That's awesome news!! Congratulations and best of luck in the interview
I'll be looking at all these options to gain funding/support for my next game. Since the app market has matured and you get a few games under your belt you're hit with the realities of just how tough it can be to market, get noticed and have the resources to develop your idea without compromising your vision.
You've done well to get to this stage so hope it all goes well!
I just got home after going through the pitch process selling my self, my skills, my game concept and development so far.
My nerves are still a little on edge, I'm really not built for presenting pitches in front of people.
For anyone interested, here's a run down of how it went:
I was up early this morning, triple checking that I'd packed the essentials (macbook, ipad, chargers, addresses, satnav etc)
Then a 2 hour drive to the venue (left at 7.30am), 10 minutes to pitch, 10 minutes Q&A, 2 hour drive home (via coffee shop).
The venue was a large smart looking office block in Bristol city centre.
There were 5 people on the judging panel. They were all sitting around a table in a large board room with a table at the front for me to pitch from.
It felt like a (slightly) relaxed version of Dragons Den.
There was little old me with my macbook. I eventually plugged it successfully into their big screen via my HDMI adaptor, (as I'd not formatted my USB stick to work with their Windows machine).
Once I was all setup and ready to roll, they each introduced themselves.
Three of them were from the Creative Funding organisation. The other two were from two of Europes biggest games companies, one from Crytek (Developer of games: Crysis, Far Cry etc..). The other judge one of the founders of Rebellion games (Developers of Aliens vs. Predator, Sniper Elite and many more). So no pressure there then !!!
They were friendly and quiet during my ten minute pitch. I nervously talked through my project for the full 10 minutes. Finishing my last slide and explanation about route to market on the dot of ten minutes. (which was purely by chance but pretty cool).
I broke my presentation into sections:
Me, my animation industry experience, last 5 years of part time indie game developing.
45 second video showreel of my 2D/3D animation work.
Game concept
Video showing development work done so far and the current state of the game
Target Audience
Route to market (i.e. Free to play, Adverts, in App purchases, Play store, Apple app store, Amazon etc)
Then came the questions. The majority of which I could answer fine, but a few caught me out.
Some questions over the core gameplay. (they were easy enough to cover)
What is it about the game that would make a player keep coming back to play? (Answered this ok I think, leaderboards, upgrades, rewards, playing against friends etc).
How many languages will I support. ("Just the one, 'English', at launch, it's just me making it but more could be added relatively easily").
What game analytics setup am I using? (This one caught me out a bit, I'd thought about it a little but only as a kind of 'ooh I could do analytics using my server setup' so stumbled through an answer on that).
Question on the very small part of the budget I'd allocated to marketing, with some tips on using it for Facebook ads.
What software are you using to develop it. (I told them how I'm building it with the GameSalad SDK, which they'd never heard of (possibly a saving grace given some peoples views of GameSalad), I also mentioned how at one point I'd made the menu system in Unity but decided to stick with GameSalad for speed).
Overall it went ok, my damn nerves probably got the better of me a little, but I answered everything and covered everything I wanted to. It was worth doing just to get some small amount of feedback from some high profile professionals on my game idea. They had some interesting input on in app purchases, in game hard and soft currency and some ideas on Analytics.
I'll find out how I did in a few days.
@Socks I went for a Coffee before and after... I'll go for the stronger stuff this evening.
Thanks Hopscotch. Fingers crossed. I'm really not that hopeful but we'll see, it was definitely worth doing either way, as it pushed me to think a little further ahead in my project plus do some more work on it building up to the pitch.
In hind sight if I'd remembered your own excellent Analytics setup for GameSalad (as noted in your signature) I would have sounded much more on the ball when answering questions on the subject. Stupid old mind, the information was in there just hiding at the back somewhere when it should have been up the front.
@TheGabfather yep lots to take on, ultimately lots to do on the project either way. Can't wait to get nearer release and talk about the actual game a bit more.
I personally think you deserve it. I really admire that even after your Kick starter attempt your still finding new ways to get projects done. Well done mate.
@Socks is that flour? Time for macarons?
I wish you the best of luck with the interview. You can do it!!
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That's awesome news!! Congratulations and best of luck in the interview
I'll be looking at all these options to gain funding/support for my next game. Since the app market has matured and you get a few games under your belt you're hit with the realities of just how tough it can be to market, get noticed and have the resources to develop your idea without compromising your vision.
You've done well to get to this stage so hope it all goes well!
Well that was intense...
I just got home after going through the pitch process selling my self, my skills, my game concept and development so far.
My nerves are still a little on edge, I'm really not built for presenting pitches in front of people.
For anyone interested, here's a run down of how it went:
I was up early this morning, triple checking that I'd packed the essentials (macbook, ipad, chargers, addresses, satnav etc)
Then a 2 hour drive to the venue (left at 7.30am), 10 minutes to pitch, 10 minutes Q&A, 2 hour drive home (via coffee shop).
The venue was a large smart looking office block in Bristol city centre.
There were 5 people on the judging panel. They were all sitting around a table in a large board room with a table at the front for me to pitch from.
It felt like a (slightly) relaxed version of Dragons Den.
There was little old me with my macbook. I eventually plugged it successfully into their big screen via my HDMI adaptor, (as I'd not formatted my USB stick to work with their Windows machine).
Once I was all setup and ready to roll, they each introduced themselves.
Three of them were from the Creative Funding organisation. The other two were from two of Europes biggest games companies, one from Crytek (Developer of games: Crysis, Far Cry etc..). The other judge one of the founders of Rebellion games (Developers of Aliens vs. Predator, Sniper Elite and many more). So no pressure there then !!!
They were friendly and quiet during my ten minute pitch. I nervously talked through my project for the full 10 minutes. Finishing my last slide and explanation about route to market on the dot of ten minutes. (which was purely by chance but pretty cool).
I broke my presentation into sections:
Me, my animation industry experience, last 5 years of part time indie game developing.
45 second video showreel of my 2D/3D animation work.
Game concept
Video showing development work done so far and the current state of the game
Target Audience
Route to market (i.e. Free to play, Adverts, in App purchases, Play store, Apple app store, Amazon etc)
Then came the questions. The majority of which I could answer fine, but a few caught me out.
Overall it went ok, my damn nerves probably got the better of me a little, but I answered everything and covered everything I wanted to. It was worth doing just to get some small amount of feedback from some high profile professionals on my game idea. They had some interesting input on in app purchases, in game hard and soft currency and some ideas on Analytics.
I'll find out how I did in a few days.
@Socks I went for a Coffee before and after... I'll go for the stronger stuff this evening.
Best of luck, hoping for a positive decision for you @StormyStudio !
Thanks Hopscotch. Fingers crossed. I'm really not that hopeful but we'll see, it was definitely worth doing either way, as it pushed me to think a little further ahead in my project plus do some more work on it building up to the pitch.
In hind sight if I'd remembered your own excellent Analytics setup for GameSalad (as noted in your signature) I would have sounded much more on the ball when answering questions on the subject. Stupid old mind, the information was in there just hiding at the back somewhere when it should have been up the front.
On no don't worry I've got you covered.... Amazon sell beer
Joking obviously... Mmmm beer.
Fingers crossed m8.
Cheers, hoping for the best. Lots to take from the experience so far, I bet.
@TheGabfather yep lots to take on, ultimately lots to do on the project either way. Can't wait to get nearer release and talk about the actual game a bit more.
Good Luck @StormyStudio!!!
If you land the "Grant" I think it would be a huge feather in your cap and also for all of the GS developers!!
Thank you for everything you are doing!
@StormyStudio any updated news?
My Gamesalad Games On App Store:
Greedy Chubby:
No news yet.
Just found out the answer on whether I was successful with the grant :-/
Thanks again for all the encouragement, it was definitely worth a go.
and anyway, I learnt alot from the process.. needless to say
they said...
Holy mother of fishcakes they said YES!!
Now I really need to work out if I'm in a position to do it.
Holy Crabsticks!!
Not sure if I can.. something to think on, until i receive the contract,
CONGRATS!!! Well deserved, @StormyStudio !
Can't wait to see what you come up with!
@StormyStudio, wow that's really fantastic! You must have done a good presentation! I'll be super interested to hear how things progress. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
WooHoo! that's freakin' cool!
Anytime I have doubts about this app industry I read one of your posts and the negative attitude goes out the window full speed...
Congratulations, this is well deserved!!! || appdore twitter || appdore facebook
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Well done @StormyStudio it's nice to see you do well in such a competitive market. I'll be the first to buy you a drink on Saturday night!
gives hope to the rest of us
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I made sure today wasn't April 1st when I read your post...I'm so excited for you, Jon! That's awesome and well deserved!!
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Huge welldone mate! Beers on you!
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Congrats Stormy not an easy thing to get, well done.
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Congrats @StormyStudio and well done. I look forward to seeing your progress ...
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Congrats @StormyStudio ...excellent news!
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I personally think you deserve it. I really admire that even after your Kick starter attempt your still finding new ways to get projects done. Well done mate.