@Cutscene Entertainment said: @pHghost was right about this whole thing. It really is unfortunate that things had to turn out like this. However, I recommend @Japster and others should continue to try and hold out at least until the completion of their current projects, making whatever compromises with the faulty software are necessary, just for the sake of getting their games done. I certainly will try. But man does it suck that you have to make such great edits to cope with the software in the first place. Good luck to you all.
@Cutscene Entertainment - Cheers mate, but yeah, as my screenshots for Parcel Monkey / Courier Chaos show, I would have to move DOZENS of items in each scene, to re-jig the locations. So nope, I want a fix, and I want it bloody ASAP.... The fact that I can't even think about releasing until then, and that no-one official's even stuck their head in the forums (well, responded at least) is even more annoying...
...it's like they can just switch off and not even have ANYONE monitor (or even stop by briefly/check in) if all's well in a given week, and that LOTS of people are obviously affected, and not one post/response (yes, even in the holiday period - and to be fair - I did see the 'back in one day' status for ForumNinja from another concerned user's Blue Button message, so surely SOMEONE must have seen some of these posts by now?!) maybe another case of 'ignore it and maybe it will go away / they'll (the users) find (yet another) workaround) really pees me off....
I think that's because of the size of the button. Depends on how close to the edge they are tapping. Only the area close to the edge is affected, not the whole button. Also, maybe it has to do with the buttons eventually disappearing.
So this is only the edge of the button touched AND when it’s placed near the edge of the screen?
What if you made the buttons larger? Extend the border /size but alpha 0. I often due this with my buttons.
Not really a fix plus overlap issues.......especially all japsters buttons.
I think that's because of the size of the button. Depends on how close to the edge they are tapping. Only the area close to the edge is affected, not the whole button. Also, maybe it has to do with the buttons eventually disappearing.
So this is only the edge of the button touched AND when it’s placed near the edge of the screen?
What if you made the buttons larger? Extend the border /size but alpha 0. I often due this with my buttons.
Not really a fix plus overlap issues.......especially all japsters buttons.
@Toque - It's a good idea mate, but won't work I'm afraid :frowning: - it's literally the edge/boundary that's the issue, so any part of any size button, that is closer to the edge of the screen than the 'cutoff' is affected...
Think of it as a thick border around the edge of the device that simply will not register touch on ANY element, unless held down...
@Japster thanks for the tips mate but Im afraid it wont work like that because you cant see the bullets coming when moving the jump button up. Just like you I want a fix quick so I can leave the game as intended.
I got a reaction from Braydon but he thought that I meant it was a High Sierra bug which they have a new build for.
I sent him a message back that he should look into this thread and that it is a serious bug which needs to be fixed quick.
Good news is that they are responding.
I think they are fed up with all the bugs and complaints and thats why the support is so bad.
@Zwire said: @Japster thanks for the tips mate but Im afraid it wont work like that because you cant see the bullets coming when moving the jump button up. Just like you I want a fix quick so I can leave the game as intended.
Yeah, I kinda guessed - it's no fun working around stuff just because it's faulty...
I got a reaction from Braydon but he thought that I meant it was a High Sierra bug which they have a new build for.
I sent him a message back that he should look into this thread and that it is a serious bug which needs to be fixed quick.
Good news is that they are responding.
I think they are fed up with all the bugs and complaints and thats why the support is so bad.
@Zwire - Yeah, unfortunately, that's exactly what normal people can expect when they don't maintain a paid-for product, or touch base with their many affected users regarding a broken product stopping EVERYTHING from going ahead, while still being paid a daily 'sub'. I honestly have NO sympathy - it's a catch-22, 'reap what you sow, look after your product / users or they get p*ssed off' type thing.
I'm assuming you're possibly picking that up from his response mate, but honestly? - If they really are fed up with bugs and the resulting bad feeling, they've only themselves to blame, no-one else, and certainly can't use it as a mitigating factor for NOT fixing stuff or interacting here on the forum.
Lord knows I've tagged them enough times to even post a single line response/update, and they've obviously been online at some point since this whole issue has been raised across multiple threads.
So, as has been shown recently - interaction and engagement, plus some kind of indication that they're aware and working on stuff, buys them a LOT of understanding and goodwill. Ignorance and silence however, will ALWAYS obviously have the polar opposite effect...
All I (and many others) want (and NEED) is a fix, not some indication that they're fed up or huffy about the discontent generated by ignoring this literally showstopping bug for 10 MONTHS...
I'm sure given a decent enough run with a WORKING incarnation of GS, everything will be rosy (even, yes, for me!), but at present, it's fairly obvious a lot of us have come to the end of our patience and understanding regarding continually paying out and having our plans put on hold / bad user app experience, for a none-working product (or at least in an unacceptable state for it to be realistically viable to release many of our (and in lots of cases, hard-worked on, long-gestation) projects).
Im just as pissed off as you are because there is nothing we can do but wait for them to fix things and we dont know IF they are going to fix it. Thats the most frustrating part.
Them not reacting on the forums and giving updates is also really bad. What company does that?
Are there any legal actions people can take when you invested a lot of time and money but the companys product is broken?
@Zwire said:
Im just as pissed off as you are because there is nothing we can do but wait for them to fix things and we dont know IF they are going to fix it. Thats the most frustrating part.
Them not reacting on the forums and giving updates is also really bad. What company does that?
Are there any legal actions people can take when you invested a lot of time and money but the companys product is broken?
Yup, but hopefully they'll take a look - legal action - tbh, I've never really thought about it, but I honestly WANT them to fix it and shape up, rather than ever take that route, as other ppl would be affected/lose out...
...Of course, there's always the devil's advocate argument that a successful class action WOULD ensure that they were forced to stand up their responsibilities, and look after their paying customers by providing a product that DOES do what the users pay for it to do. Work, and work properly (in general at least, or for X% of the time, ie. similar to ISP's and web hosting)...
tatiangMember, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 11,949
Not a fix by any means, but you might consider both moving the button actors and also making their alpha very low, like this:
Thought I would try and help give some input as to what could be going wrong for the gamesalad team to look into. Though I haven't read every post in this thread so maybe this has been answered.
@japster what project resolution have your tests been done in? I noticed in your convo with forumninja your original project was Iphone5 size.
After reading this and now having an iPhone 7 I went and tested GMOH and it all seemed to be working fine picking up touches close to the edge. I know that I made GMOH with the default resolution being the current iPhone size.
I wonder if the issue is with touches on iPhone 6s and up with projects not being made specifically for that resolution.
@tatiang said:
Not a fix by any means, but you might consider both moving the button actors and also making their alpha very low, like this:
@tatiang - Thanks, but honestly, my testing seems to show that THIS is the case:-
ie. it doesn't matter where you place your buttons, ANY part of it outside the dashed line won't be pressable in the normal sense, so as you can see, hitting most of those buttons in the example would be pretty much hit and miss, unless the player always touches the affected buttons in an area of theirs INSIDE the dotted line.
Honestly, I don't think that there's a way around this without GS stepping up and fixing it mate...
@RossmanBrothersGames - cheers for the input mate - unfortunately, I've just checked, and my Parcel Monkey project is set as default to iPad Landscape. It may be relevant still, just maybe the other way around - so appreciate the input - Also, as I explicitly set the camera and scene 'resolution' to both a huge amount, and a much smaller iPhone4-ish res, at least I know that the camera settings aren't causing it.
Edit - At least I can see that the RAW values are supposed to correspond to the CAMERA SIZE - my scene camera in my game is 1024 x 768, so at least that shows that those figures are correct on desktop, and unset (ever) on the device, ie. it doesn't explain why on the device I get 'Inf' back for both, instead of 1024 and 768 as I do in Creator.
PS - I also built it as a Mac App - and this doesn't suffer from the issue, so it's literally just on devices - BOTH iOS & Android, as I just tested on my Android S7 Edge - strangely on that, HOLDing does NOT work at ALL, but multiple taps on the edge sometimes DO work, PLUS, right on the top edge I have an ABANDON button, which works every single time on a tap. So it's definitely still wrong on Android, albeit in an even more screwed up way...
I also double-checked my logic in BOTH buttons (the working 'ABANDON' one in my game scene, and my none-working DELIVER one on my menu scene - both exactly the same rule (If 'touch' is 'inside'), so definitely something else. One thing that might be relevant is that the ABANDON button is a LOT smaller, so it's definitely COMPLETELY sitting outside of the dashed line area. It may be relevant, but I'd have to make my testing scene buttons smaller around the edge of the screen to ensure than NO part of the ones I can test are inside the okay area, to test out that theory - will try that tomorrow.
It won't be a fix of course, more of a process of elimination to hopefully aid in the finding of the bug...
@Zwire said:
Could it be that the bug is worse on iphone 8 and x than on 6 and 7?
Oh, I'm pretty sure it might well be - seems it could be down to the higher the device res, 3D touch as mentioned by @pHghost I think, and/or possibly none-ipad aspect ratio, might be factors - we never had the issue running on i5, and I never had the issue on an i6, but 6s, 7 are BADLY affected.
@Toque said:
Hmmm. I tested my game where the button is the whole screen on a 6s. It is wonky if touch very close to edge.
Fortunately for me it’s an awkward place for people to touch and most likely never happen during game play.
Yep, it seems it affects everything mate, luckily you're not too affected, but again, users will think your game is iffy/unresponsive each time they hit it near the edge.... :frowning:
To support iPhone X, I've change all my games origin value to x-74 y-97 , after that some buttons started to not work as smoothly as in the previous build(origin 0,0).
tatiangMember, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 11,949
edited December 2017
Sorry, @Japster, I jumped in there without that much knowledge of the problem but I did understand that the edges of the scene were the issue. I was suggesting moving the buttons up and in toward the center but then making them mostly transparent so they were responsive but not blocking too much of the game content.
The image I posted wasn't a suggestion for location... just for transparency. I should have been clearer about that.
@tatiang said:
Sorry, @Japster, I jumped in there without that much knowledge of the problem but I did understand that the edges of the scene were the issue. I was suggesting moving the buttons up and in toward the center but then making them mostly transparent so they were responsive but not blocking too much of the game content.
The image I posted wasn't a suggestion for location... just for transparency. I should have been clearer about that.
@tatiang - Hey, no worries, I really appreciate that you're trying to help mate, and it's a good idea...
...but, the only problem is, visualise that same screenshot with every (even semi-transparent) button squashed into the 'safe' dashed area - I think you'll agree that even in that best-case example (iPad?), with just a few buttons, it'd look pretty ugly, and be completely in the way of gameplay/counter-intuitive, not to mention fingers/hands would constantly obscure the screen, trying to press those centralised buttons!:-
To this:-
Ironically, the screen shown in your example isn't too affected, but it's a small strip of game area, imagine that when back in a more open area, and with stuff extending left / right /up and downwards in the level... and of course, on phones the screen size is even smaller, so the UI really needs to make the best use of that limited space without impacting the action/gameplay area... 99% of the time, a good UI / user experience is about keeping the controls well away from the action, and not obscuring it.... :frowning:
No, I really think this needs fixing urgently by GS mate... :frowning:
tatiangMember, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 11,949
@Twayne2 said:
Is this problem just on ipones? Do y'all have resolution independence enabled?
@Twayne2 - nope, affects both apparently, but worse on iPhone - My current project doesn't have it enabled, but I could test - I seem to recall that there was a very good reason to not use RI though?...
@Twayne2 said:
Is this problem just on ipones? Do y'all have resolution independence enabled?
@Twayne2 - nope, affects both apparently, but worse on iPhone - My current project doesn't have it enabled, but I could test - I seem to recall that there was a very good reason to not use RI though?...
@Twayne2 said:
Is this problem just on ipones? Do y'all have resolution independence enabled?
@Twayne2 - nope, affects both apparently, but worse on iPhone - My current project doesn't have it enabled, but I could test - I seem to recall that there was a very good reason to not use RI though?...
The RI was increasing the package size. (?)
Very few of those older devices are still in use.
There we go - good ol' @Toque - yep, that was it - double gfx, etc...
(Incidentally, it still works fine on an older iPhone 6
It didn't work for me on iPhone 5S too.
it works with mouse position inside behaviour, actors are reacting instantly. Do you have any idea to use it like touch pressed?
@unbeatenpixel - I'm afraid I don't at the moment mate, that's what's so bloody frustrating... There doesn't seem to be a damn thing we can do about it....
@Zwire said: @japster did you contact support about the problem and heard anything from them?
I contacted them but got no response.
I know they were online during the holidays.
@Zwire - Doesn't surprise me at all mate. To be fair, a couple of people have tried using the blue button recently, and one said they'd not heard anything back for 2 weeks...
I agree - yes, agreed - we know they've been online, albeit briefly, and I've tagged them too, so as far as I'm concerned they're just ignorant, or don't G.A.F.F... (or busy working on the bug, we can live in hope, eh?)...
@Zwire said:
I know they were online during the holidays.
@Japster said:
agreed - we know they've been online, albeit briefly
They might have been online only in a personal capacity, from home, not officially working.
They should be back at work today (evening time for us Europeans), unless they got an extended holiday until next Monday (hopefully not, though it wouldn't be unheard of in the US).
I'd suggest renewing a push through the blue button tonight to let them know how pressing this issue is.
@Zwire said:
I know they were online during the holidays.
@Japster said:
agreed - we know they've been online, albeit briefly
They might have been online only in a personal capacity, from home, not officially working.
They should be back at work today (evening time for us Europeans), unless they got an extended holiday until next Monday (hopefully not, though it wouldn't be unheard of in the US).
I'd suggest renewing a push through the blue button tonight to let them know how pressing this issue is.
Yeah, it's a good point mate, although there have been responses on other posts from them, or from nudges, so considering the gravity of this issue, I found it annoying... and in truth, I'm more professional than that - if I get emailed/asked an urgent question only I can answer (even if I'm off work), if I see it, I'll still do my best to help / set expectations, not ignore them until I'm back in the office...
Like you say though, maybe once they're officially back, although I'm beginning to suspect this lack of input is NOT down to naively thinking they'll ignore it and it'll calm down/go away - it doesn't make sense that anyone would constantly be THAT stupid as to p*ss off the user base constantly by doing so.
So, I'm honestly starting to veer towards the only theory I have left, that makes sense -
that it's somehow possibly giving them some petty satisfaction to do so, to get a little payback for being hassled by the more vocal amongst us, and/or in addition to delaying/avoiding the responsibility that comes with actually FIXING these showstoppers, because they're woefully understaffed to maintain this, after stripping staffing to the bone...
Hey, hopefully I'm wrong, but at present, I'm thinking that makes more sense than constantly shooting yourself in the foot by accidentally appearing stubbornly tight-lipped or ignorant in the forums...
@Cutscene Entertainment - Cheers mate, but yeah, as my screenshots for Parcel Monkey / Courier Chaos show, I would have to move DOZENS of items in each scene, to re-jig the locations. So nope, I want a fix, and I want it bloody ASAP.... The fact that I can't even think about releasing until then, and that no-one official's even stuck their head in the forums (well, responded at least) is even more annoying...
...it's like they can just switch off and not even have ANYONE monitor (or even stop by briefly/check in) if all's well in a given week, and that LOTS of people are obviously affected, and not one post/response (yes, even in the holiday period - and to be fair - I did see the 'back in one day' status for ForumNinja from another concerned user's Blue Button message, so surely SOMEONE must have seen some of these posts by now?!) maybe another case of 'ignore it and maybe it will go away / they'll (the users) find (yet another) workaround) really pees me off....
So this is only the edge of the button touched AND when it’s placed near the edge of the screen?
What if you made the buttons larger? Extend the border /size but alpha 0. I often due this with my buttons.
Not really a fix plus overlap issues.......especially all japsters buttons.
@Toque - It's a good idea mate, but won't work I'm afraid :frowning: - it's literally the edge/boundary that's the issue, so any part of any size button, that is closer to the edge of the screen than the 'cutoff' is affected...
Think of it as a thick border around the edge of the device that simply will not register touch on ANY element, unless held down...
@Japster thanks for the tips mate but Im afraid it wont work like that because you cant see the bullets coming when moving the jump button up. Just like you I want a fix quick so I can leave the game as intended.
I got a reaction from Braydon but he thought that I meant it was a High Sierra bug which they have a new build for.
I sent him a message back that he should look into this thread and that it is a serious bug which needs to be fixed quick.
Good news is that they are responding.
I think they are fed up with all the bugs and complaints and thats why the support is so bad.
Yeah, I kinda guessed - it's no fun working around stuff just because it's faulty...
@Zwire - Yeah, unfortunately, that's exactly what normal people can expect when they don't maintain a paid-for product, or touch base with their many affected users regarding a broken product stopping EVERYTHING from going ahead, while still being paid a daily 'sub'. I honestly have NO sympathy - it's a catch-22, 'reap what you sow, look after your product / users or they get p*ssed off' type thing.
I'm assuming you're possibly picking that up from his response mate, but honestly? - If they really are fed up with bugs and the resulting bad feeling, they've only themselves to blame, no-one else, and certainly can't use it as a mitigating factor for NOT fixing stuff or interacting here on the forum.
Lord knows I've tagged them enough times to even post a single line response/update, and they've obviously been online at some point since this whole issue has been raised across multiple threads.
So, as has been shown recently - interaction and engagement, plus some kind of indication that they're aware and working on stuff, buys them a LOT of understanding and goodwill. Ignorance and silence however, will ALWAYS obviously have the polar opposite effect...
All I (and many others) want (and NEED) is a fix, not some indication that they're fed up or huffy about the discontent generated by ignoring this literally showstopping bug for 10 MONTHS...
I'm sure given a decent enough run with a WORKING incarnation of GS, everything will be rosy (even, yes, for me!), but at present, it's fairly obvious a lot of us have come to the end of our patience and understanding regarding continually paying out and having our plans put on hold / bad user app experience, for a none-working product (or at least in an unacceptable state for it to be realistically viable to release many of our (and in lots of cases, hard-worked on, long-gestation) projects).
Im just as pissed off as you are because there is nothing we can do but wait for them to fix things and we dont know IF they are going to fix it. Thats the most frustrating part.
Them not reacting on the forums and giving updates is also really bad. What company does that?
Are there any legal actions people can take when you invested a lot of time and money but the companys product is broken?
Yup, but hopefully they'll take a look - legal action - tbh, I've never really thought about it, but I honestly WANT them to fix it and shape up, rather than ever take that route, as other ppl would be affected/lose out...
...Of course, there's always the devil's advocate argument that a successful class action WOULD ensure that they were forced to stand up their responsibilities, and look after their paying customers by providing a product that DOES do what the users pay for it to do. Work, and work properly (in general at least, or for X% of the time, ie. similar to ISP's and web hosting)...
Not a fix by any means, but you might consider both moving the button actors and also making their alpha very low, like this:
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Thought I would try and help give some input as to what could be going wrong for the gamesalad team to look into. Though I haven't read every post in this thread so maybe this has been answered.
@japster what project resolution have your tests been done in? I noticed in your convo with forumninja your original project was Iphone5 size.
After reading this and now having an iPhone 7 I went and tested GMOH and it all seemed to be working fine picking up touches close to the edge. I know that I made GMOH with the default resolution being the current iPhone size.
I wonder if the issue is with touches on iPhone 6s and up with projects not being made specifically for that resolution.
@tatiang - Thanks, but honestly, my testing seems to show that THIS is the case:-
ie. it doesn't matter where you place your buttons, ANY part of it outside the dashed line won't be pressable in the normal sense, so as you can see, hitting most of those buttons in the example would be pretty much hit and miss, unless the player always touches the affected buttons in an area of theirs INSIDE the dotted line.
Honestly, I don't think that there's a way around this without GS stepping up and fixing it mate...
@RossmanBrothersGames - cheers for the input mate - unfortunately, I've just checked, and my Parcel Monkey project is set as default to iPad Landscape. It may be relevant still, just maybe the other way around - so appreciate the input - Also, as I explicitly set the camera and scene 'resolution' to both a huge amount, and a much smaller iPhone4-ish res, at least I know that the camera settings aren't causing it.
Edit - At least I can see that the RAW values are supposed to correspond to the CAMERA SIZE - my scene camera in my game is 1024 x 768, so at least that shows that those figures are correct on desktop, and unset (ever) on the device, ie. it doesn't explain why on the device I get 'Inf' back for both, instead of 1024 and 768 as I do in Creator.
PS - I also built it as a Mac App - and this doesn't suffer from the issue, so it's literally just on devices - BOTH iOS & Android, as I just tested on my Android S7 Edge - strangely on that, HOLDing does NOT work at ALL, but multiple taps on the edge sometimes DO work, PLUS, right on the top edge I have an ABANDON button, which works every single time on a tap. So it's definitely still wrong on Android, albeit in an even more screwed up way...
I also double-checked my logic in BOTH buttons (the working 'ABANDON' one in my game scene, and my none-working DELIVER one on my menu scene - both exactly the same rule (If 'touch' is 'inside'), so definitely something else. One thing that might be relevant is that the ABANDON button is a LOT smaller, so it's definitely COMPLETELY sitting outside of the dashed line area. It may be relevant, but I'd have to make my testing scene buttons smaller around the edge of the screen to ensure than NO part of the ones I can test are inside the okay area, to test out that theory - will try that tomorrow.
It won't be a fix of course, more of a process of elimination to hopefully aid in the finding of the bug...
Could it be that the bug is worse on iphone 8 and x than on 6 and 7?
Oh, I'm pretty sure it might well be - seems it could be down to the higher the device res, 3D touch as mentioned by @pHghost I think, and/or possibly none-ipad aspect ratio, might be factors - we never had the issue running on i5, and I never had the issue on an i6, but 6s, 7 are BADLY affected.
Hmmm. I tested my game where the button is the whole screen on a 6s. It is wonky if touch very close to edge.
Fortunately for me it’s an awkward place for people to touch and most likely never happen during game play.
Yep, it seems it affects everything mate, luckily you're not too affected, but again, users will think your game is iffy/unresponsive each time they hit it near the edge.... :frowning:
Same issue and definitely related to the camera.
To support iPhone X, I've change all my games origin value to x-74 y-97 , after that some buttons started to not work as smoothly as in the previous build(origin 0,0).
on iPad, there is no issue.
Check out my games on the App Store!
Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
Sorry, @Japster, I jumped in there without that much knowledge of the problem but I did understand that the edges of the scene were the issue. I was suggesting moving the buttons up and in toward the center but then making them mostly transparent so they were responsive but not blocking too much of the game content.
The image I posted wasn't a suggestion for location... just for transparency. I should have been clearer about that.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
@tatiang - Hey, no worries, I really appreciate that you're trying to help mate, and it's a good idea...
...but, the only problem is, visualise that same screenshot with every (even semi-transparent) button squashed into the 'safe' dashed area - I think you'll agree that even in that best-case example (iPad?), with just a few buttons, it'd look pretty ugly, and be completely in the way of gameplay/counter-intuitive, not to mention fingers/hands would constantly obscure the screen, trying to press those centralised buttons!:-
To this:-
Ironically, the screen shown in your example isn't too affected, but it's a small strip of game area, imagine that when back in a more open area, and with stuff extending left / right /up and downwards in the level... and of course, on phones the screen size is even smaller, so the UI really needs to make the best use of that limited space without impacting the action/gameplay area... 99% of the time, a good UI / user experience is about keeping the controls well away from the action, and not obscuring it.... :frowning:
No, I really think this needs fixing urgently by GS mate... :frowning:
I'm all in agreement!
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Is this problem just on ipones? Do y'all have resolution independence enabled?
@Twayne2 - nope, affects both apparently, but worse on iPhone - My current project doesn't have it enabled, but I could test - I seem to recall that there was a very good reason to not use RI though?...
The RI was increasing the package size. (?)
Very few of those older devices are still in use.
There we go - good ol' @Toque - yep, that was it - double gfx, etc...
On my samsung s6 edge plus the buttons work well and no bug....
But now the ads dont work half of the time pfffffffffff...
It didn't work for me on iPhone 5S too.
Check out my games on the App Store!
Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
@unbeatenpixel - I'm afraid I don't at the moment mate, that's what's so bloody frustrating... There doesn't seem to be a damn thing we can do about it....
@japster did you contact support about the problem and heard anything from them?
I contacted them but got no response.
I know they were online during the holidays.
@Zwire - Doesn't surprise me at all mate. To be fair, a couple of people have tried using the blue button recently, and one said they'd not heard anything back for 2 weeks...
I agree - yes, agreed - we know they've been online, albeit briefly, and I've tagged them too, so as far as I'm concerned they're just ignorant, or don't G.A.F.F... (or busy working on the bug, we can live in hope, eh?)...
They might have been online only in a personal capacity, from home, not officially working.
They should be back at work today (evening time for us Europeans), unless they got an extended holiday until next Monday (hopefully not, though it wouldn't be unheard of in the US).
I'd suggest renewing a push through the blue button tonight to let them know how pressing this issue is.
Yeah, it's a good point mate, although there have been responses on other posts from them, or from nudges, so considering the gravity of this issue, I found it annoying... and in truth, I'm more professional than that - if I get emailed/asked an urgent question only I can answer (even if I'm off work), if I see it, I'll still do my best to help / set expectations, not ignore them until I'm back in the office...
Like you say though, maybe once they're officially back, although I'm beginning to suspect this lack of input is NOT down to naively thinking they'll ignore it and it'll calm down/go away - it doesn't make sense that anyone would constantly be THAT stupid as to p*ss off the user base constantly by doing so.
So, I'm honestly starting to veer towards the only theory I have left, that makes sense -
that it's somehow possibly giving them some petty satisfaction to do so, to get a little payback for being hassled by the more vocal amongst us, and/or in addition to delaying/avoiding the responsibility that comes with actually FIXING these showstoppers, because they're woefully understaffed to maintain this, after stripping staffing to the bone...
Hey, hopefully I'm wrong, but at present, I'm thinking that makes more sense than constantly shooting yourself in the foot by accidentally appearing stubbornly tight-lipped or ignorant in the forums...
I too think that they're ignoring it. Maybe they already know what the issue is and they dont want to or cant fix it.
Its so unprofessional to not answer customers about really big problems which can cause your beloved app to fail in the app stores.