If Graphene is going to be what Im being told it will be. Then Graphene is exactly what I was hoping Gamesalad could become.
A drag-and-drop tool to quickly turn those creative ideas into a prototype, then being able to extend the good ideas into a final game, with no limitations. Sounds good to me!
will there be a trial and pro version like we have now and if not will it be free for existing pro users (until licence expires) even though it is a different product line:D ?
Im starting to think more and more about this Graphene SDK. At first I was excited...but with so little information available I am starting to assume the worst of a few things.
The marketplace full of bad plugins.
Very expensive plugins.
The Marketplace full of bad templates.
The template makers leaving everything up to the buyer to "just insert your code here" and not knowing it prior to buying them.
Pro version only script or plugin usage only.
An underground of script writers due to forum rules.
More people locked out of forums because of a "pro" forums people cant access.
Maybe most of this is just waiting for the worst to happen...
Ok I feel better now knowing that coding can be done visually with the option of purchasing plugins. However, I think I would like to start learning about lua as well as c+ in my spare time. However, I want to make sure I study at the right place. Is this a good place to learn C+ for gamesalad: http://www.lynda.com/C-training-tutorials/1249-0.html
Are the other recommendations for learning c+ perhaps some FREE resources?
Also I saw that someone put in a link for lua tutorials. I'll assume that's all I need for lua.
I'm really stoked about this new SDK. Especially the Lua scripting and native code capabilities. I imagine it will be significantly faster than GameSalad as well. Hope I make it into the closed beta.
This does not look promising at all. Completely different than gamesalad. Plenty of options for SDKs out there. Why would this be enticing? Disappointed about this. Been a gamesalad dev since Feb 2011, and this is alarming.
@Thunder_Child said:
Im starting to think more and more about this Graphene SDK. At first I was excited...but with so little information available I am starting to assume the worst of a few things.
The marketplace full of bad plugins.
Very expensive plugins.
The Marketplace full of bad templates.
The template makers leaving everything up to the buyer to "just insert your code here" and not knowing it prior to buying them.
Pro version only script or plugin usage only.
An underground of script writers due to forum rules.
More people locked out of forums because of a "pro" forums people cant access.
Maybe most of this is just waiting for the worst to happen...
I would get in your bunker now and lock the door....lol.
At first I am really excited, but not anymore. What really worries me is the fact that most of the most important questions are left unanswered by codewizard.
This is my third year using GS. I invested on a pro member subscription during the first year, to support the development while i'm learning, but as a windows user, I'm extremely disappointed on the progress of GS windows version. It is very annoying to see the mac version already reach 0.12 while the windows GS only 0.10.5. This means monetization for windows users can only been done using illegal ways (hackintosh or virtual box and the like). Unless, of course you are willing to risk using the RC.
After the money and effort I've given to GS without the chance of capitalization, now I must be ready to (MAYBE) repeat the cycle again.
Graphene may well provide the opportunity to reset and restart the software development curve from a stronger stabler foundation that is scalable and extendable - something that GS has struggled to deliver.
I think code wizard or anyone from the GS team should do a video walk through of the software and maybe like a PowerPoint of the plans so everyone's clear?
@Ed_Perkin said:
I think code wizard or anyone from the GS team should do a video walk through of the software and maybe like a PowerPoint of the plans so everyone's clear?
it's not ready for that as it's only an Alpha version you just have to be patient.
Braydon_SFXMember, Sous Chef, Bowlboy SidekickPosts: 9,273
@safran said:
At first I am really excited, but not anymore. What really worries me is the fact that most of the most important questions are left unanswered by codewizard.
You do realize it's the holiday season right? The GS team is techincally off of work until the first week of January, they already posted about that. I'm sure we'll get answers to questions after they return.
Please be aware that not all part of the world share the same holiday season. Please also check the dates of the comments. Most important questions were asked almost instantaneously, codewizard did reply to some of the technical aspects, maybe it is in his capacity to do so. In term of learning curve and other implications to subscribers maybe other staff can fill in but can't since its already holiday season. On the other hand, making such important announcement during holiday season will lead to this. Please also see the issue not only in the perspective of enthusiastic developer, but also from businessmen who see "investment going bad".
@safran said:
What really worries me is the fact that most of the most important questions are left unanswered by codewizard.
We have to remember that it's christmas days now and that most of the staff probably have holiday themselves. I wouldn´t expect most of the questions to be answered until the next year in January when the whole staff is back.
@safran said:
Please be aware that not all part of the world share the same holiday season.
You are right. But the GS company does. As such they are on vacation and are not monitoring the forums
Graphne has tremendous potential. I think the whole plugin system is going to be like you would find with unity, So that would be a good indicator of pricing.
Just remember what code wizard promised people was a peek or look at what was cooking with the cross platform creator by end of the year. GS is still in competition with other SDKs and you must respect that somethings they will keep secret right now. Would you have rather they not told you anything yet? As I said the software is still in Alpha and many details you are asking are not finalized yet so how can someone answer what isn't yet. They are still working on regular creator and this isn't taking away from that. I would estimate you have a year before you have to decide anything. This isn't happening next week or next month for that matter. You just need to be patient as I've said. Things are stil evolving and you just need to understand that only so much info is going to come out.
@Thunder_Child said:
Im starting to think more and more about this Graphene SDK. At first I was excited...but with so little information available I am starting to assume the worst of a few things.
The marketplace full of bad plugins.
Very expensive plugins.
The Marketplace full of bad templates.
The template makers leaving everything up to the buyer to "just insert your code here" and not knowing it prior to buying them.
Pro version only script or plugin usage only.
An underground of script writers due to forum rules.
More people locked out of forums because of a "pro" forums people cant access.
Maybe most of this is just waiting for the worst to happen...
I think a good way to combat those issues would be to have each item in the marketplace. Have its own review section.
That way the user could quickly get a opinionated feel for the item before purchasing it. Each item has its own lil forum review.
Only those who have purchased it can comment on it. But everyone can read the discussions of the previous buyers of said item.
@The_GameSalad_Guru said "They are still working on regular creator and this isn't taking away from that. I would estimate you have a year before you have to decide anything."
Im not sure how you can even say that.
Its been common knowledge for some time that GameSalad went through a massive round of layoffs at the end of 2013, and have been understaffed and struggling ever since... so to claim that working on a second (new) engine isn't taking efforts and resources away from the current engine, is either arrogance or stupidity. Those efforts and resources have to come from somewhere... and it does explain the awfully slow and buggy updates that the current engine and tools have received this year, whilst continuously being promised a new cross platform creator.
And if your saying at least a year til the new engine is ready, then that means another, new year, with the same issues, as limited resources continue to be split.
Now don't get me wrong for one minute, and think Im just bashing GS for the sake of it... I want an improved GameSalad as much as anyone, if not more. Im just not convinced this is the best way of achieving it.
The cross platform creator was touted as being a long awaited improvement of the current engine/toolset... featuring all the much asked for improvements to the editor like snap to grid, multiple copy and paste, improved layer support etc etc... it started out as that, and at no point in the open forums was it ever mentioned that it had now evolved into an entirely new engine. So... with each of the State of GameSalad updates, and the continuous claims that "good progress" was being made on it, Im pretty sure that most users thought a new update to the Creator was on the way...
Its the "bait and switch" tactic that GameSalad as a company keep using... promising something, then just as people think its about to materialise... they throw a big hook curve right into the proceedings... they've done it before on so many big issues, and it makes it hard to build trust in the company and the software.
Again Im all for improvements... and even switching over to a new engine if its a definite improvement... but I just have to question GameSalads strategy in both how they've handled it so far, and their ongoing plan of creating/support two engines, without compromising both massively.
I fear this is going to divide the community further, rather than strengthen it... as yet again, GameSalad have thrown us off balance. The community was led to believe GameSalad was heading in a certain direction, but then told its actually going in a different one. If the current GameSalad engine continues to suffer slow, buggy updates, and the new engine runs the risk of a similar fate, then why should/would developers not just use one of the many other mature engines/toolsets that already offer what the new engine is promising... but already do so and without all the hassles and let downs that GS is known for?
I have 5 years invested in GameSalad... Ive been through it all with the software and the company... so I do have a vested interest in seeing them get it right.
Im just not convinced at the moment that this isn't just the yearly two steps forward, three steps back big announcement.... that further drives more users away.
Well this is getting kinda weird. Please review @Chunkypixels and @Chakku 's comments in page one, and similar comments in other pages.
@Chunkypixels said:
Hmmmm... Ok... So I might as well be the one to break the euphoria...
So if GameSalad already struggles to maintain and update just one engine in a timely fashion, hows it going to be when they have 2 to support?
Their questions were left unanswered. For me, whose currently struggling with year end target and 2015 proposals, I only have the next TWO DAYS to decide whether our company should continue investing money and human resources in GS SDK or switch to another SDK instead.
Graphene is not the problem, I am willing to wait. But what about assurance on quality updates, equal/compatibility, and other things in GS's roadmap promised before? This uncertainty was what kept us from continuing our pro subscription in the second year. Announcement during GS (US) holiday season is very disturbing for me, because it's adding to the uncertainty. GS staffs can have their holidays, but they left me in a difficult position during my hectic two days in 2014. Announcements are made to be followed up, not to rise uncertainty.
If there are only two choices, then I must be stupid - arrogance is not one of my attributes. I don't know if I can learn a programming language, but I'm looking forward to trying.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
I would get in your bunker now and lock the door....lol.
Yea when you say that...I feel I must be on target. Obviously my comments were based on experience here with this creator and forums so I shoukdnt be expecting anything different. Some changes would be nice but would never be a deal breaker with me.
Are you planning on making not templates...but any plugins or providing services?
Is there anyone in this community with experience that possibly plans on providing services for the newbies?
@smalling said:
If there are only two choices, then I must be stupid - arrogance is not one of my attributes. I don't know if I can learn a programming language, but I'm looking forward to trying.
Stupid you need. Stupid I got. Attributes and code. It easily copies and pastes into everything I do.
I said it as a joke because you sound paranoid, like a doomsday preper....lol
Of course I will continue to do what I do, which is make tutorials, including Graphene, and supporting the community with the knowledge I may possess about The software old and new.
tatiangMember, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 11,949
I think it's wise to question the process and be doubtful about an unseen product. I love using GameSalad because it's easy (everything is relative, for sure, but compared to other tools?) and it does what I need. I don't have games waiting in the wings that require joints or advanced coding but... I'm excited to be able to add some of those things in the future once Graphene is released.
I think critical comments are fine as are opposing viewpoints as long as things stay respectful.
I somehow find myself to be on the other side of the barricade.
I did, in all honesty, think that the cross-platform creator would be a slight evolution of the current GameSalad. But secretly, I was hoping it would be a ground-up rewrite, because GameSalad needs it, so Graphene is a pleasant surprise.
Here is an outline why GameSalad needs an complete rewrite, and why everyone should be happy about it happening:
A lot of issues with GameSalad are baked in -- the current creator is made in such a way that makes it virtually impossible to fix certain issues. Several 'bugs,' or feature requests I investigated turned out to sit exactly at that point. If there is any 'advanced' work with text you want to do, you are out of luck. Custom fonts? Direct OS native typing ? Natively rendered and sharp fonts? Dream on. Need to have huge text? Can do, if you know what XML files to edit, though strictly speaking then it's not in the scope of the creator anymore.
There are other examples, but to get to the point -- GameSalad as it is is quite messy and even seemingly simple feature requests are often an unbelievably complex task to implement.
A new codebase is a clean slate and if it is put together well, can be a stable foundation for years to come, especially since they are making it extensible by plug-ins. It can mean quick turn-around and snappy reactions to evolving app markets -- new ones emerging or the current ones changing. That is all good and only possible with a brand new start.
This is why we NEED a complete rewrite. For GameSalad (Graphene) to stay relevant, it needs to be in a position where it can move with the market, or perhaps help define it. GameSalad is dragging a lot of its past behind itself, which is slowing it down. To cut that off and use only the important lessons learned is the intelligent thing to do.
Of course it's annoying knowing that GameSalad as we know it is coming to an end and the new engine won't be ready for a some months -- there will be projects people might need to put on hold because of that -- but in the end I believe it will all be for the better.
So here's to Graphene! May it live up to our wishes and become home to many future amazing games!
Wow what a read. There are a lot of jaded users here and who can blame them. I have been here for about 16 months and have experienced a lot of what they are complaining about. For example I have an app I developed sitting on the shelf waiting for a behaviour to import images from a server. I made the silly mistake of thinking it would happen soon for avatars as part of the multiplayer system. I now realise this may happen or it may never happen. They have other things with higher priority plus the continuing changes from the app stores to deal with. So I wait.
The thing I like about Graphene is I can still drag and drop to make my apps but when I hit a road block I can hopefully buy a plugin from the store to move on. Or I can learn how to write one myself, in either case I don't have to wait for GS to get around to it if they ever do. I could even pay someone to write a plugin for a feature I need and maybe even sell it on the store.
I could jump ship now and go to Unity which would be the next logical step from my perspective. A quick look at their pricing and it looks like $4,500 to publish to everything and I would assume some sort of ongoing update cost. I can afford this but I don't have the luxury of time to learn it and it would also take longer to create apps.
If I ever write the next hit and make a fortune I would then have the the time and be gone to Unity in a heartbeat. I would love to delve into that level of programming but in the absence of that unlikely event I will stay with GS.
I accept that things are always changing and in computers it changes at a fast pace. The current version of Creator is not keeping up. All companies are limited by their resources and can only do so much. With software, creativity and progress can be greatly increased beyond this by allowing the users (And who better they know what they need) to program the features they want through plugins and share or sell them to other users.
I would think at some point in the future the current software will be replaced by a basic version of Graphene. That would seem logical why waste resources on two versions. This doesn't concern me if GS doesn't provide the ability to import my current apps someone will using a plugin.
From my perspective first and foremost they must stay in business or everything I have done to date will be wasted. If they'd stayed on the old course I would say that it would be a worring possibility they would cease trading at some point in the future. It doesn't seem like the current software could ever keep up. Five or six years in beta and no sign of it getting out says a lot about that.
All things considered I think it is a very good development.
A drag-and-drop tool to quickly turn those creative ideas into a prototype, then being able to extend the good ideas into a final game, with no limitations. Sounds good to me!
will there be a trial and pro version like we have now and if not will it be free for existing pro users (until licence expires) even though it is a different product line:D ?
Im starting to think more and more about this Graphene SDK. At first I was excited...but with so little information available I am starting to assume the worst of a few things.
The marketplace full of bad plugins.
Very expensive plugins.
The Marketplace full of bad templates.
The template makers leaving everything up to the buyer to "just insert your code here" and not knowing it prior to buying them.
Pro version only script or plugin usage only.
An underground of script writers due to forum rules.
More people locked out of forums because of a "pro" forums people cant access.
Maybe most of this is just waiting for the worst to happen...
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
Ok I feel better now knowing that coding can be done visually with the option of purchasing plugins. However, I think I would like to start learning about lua as well as c+ in my spare time. However, I want to make sure I study at the right place. Is this a good place to learn C+ for gamesalad: http://www.lynda.com/C-training-tutorials/1249-0.html
Are the other recommendations for learning c+ perhaps some FREE resources?
Also I saw that someone put in a link for lua tutorials. I'll assume that's all I need for lua.
I'm really stoked about this new SDK. Especially the Lua scripting and native code capabilities.
I imagine it will be significantly faster than GameSalad as well. Hope I make it into the closed beta.
AppTaco LLC
This does not look promising at all. Completely different than gamesalad. Plenty of options for SDKs out there. Why would this be enticing? Disappointed about this. Been a gamesalad dev since Feb 2011, and this is alarming.
I would get in your bunker now and lock the door....lol.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
At first I am really excited, but not anymore. What really worries me is the fact that most of the most important questions are left unanswered by codewizard.
This is my third year using GS. I invested on a pro member subscription during the first year, to support the development while i'm learning, but as a windows user, I'm extremely disappointed on the progress of GS windows version. It is very annoying to see the mac version already reach 0.12 while the windows GS only 0.10.5. This means monetization for windows users can only been done using illegal ways (hackintosh or virtual box and the like). Unless, of course you are willing to risk using the RC.
After the money and effort I've given to GS without the chance of capitalization, now I must be ready to (MAYBE) repeat the cycle again.
Graphene may well provide the opportunity to reset and restart the software development curve from a stronger stabler foundation that is scalable and extendable - something that GS has struggled to deliver.
I think code wizard or anyone from the GS team should do a video walk through of the software and maybe like a PowerPoint of the plans so everyone's clear?
it's not ready for that as it's only an Alpha version you just have to be patient.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
You do realize it's the holiday season right? The GS team is techincally off of work until the first week of January, they already posted about that. I'm sure we'll get answers to questions after they return.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Please be aware that not all part of the world share the same holiday season. Please also check the dates of the comments. Most important questions were asked almost instantaneously, codewizard did reply to some of the technical aspects, maybe it is in his capacity to do so. In term of learning curve and other implications to subscribers maybe other staff can fill in but can't since its already holiday season. On the other hand, making such important announcement during holiday season will lead to this. Please also see the issue not only in the perspective of enthusiastic developer, but also from businessmen who see "investment going bad".
@The_Gamesalad_Guru - Fairs aha
We have to remember that it's christmas days now and that most of the staff probably have holiday themselves. I wouldn´t expect most of the questions to be answered until the next year in January when the whole staff is back.
You are right. But the GS company does. As such they are on vacation and are not monitoring the forums
Graphne has tremendous potential. I think the whole plugin system is going to be like you would find with unity, So that would be a good indicator of pricing.
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Just remember what code wizard promised people was a peek or look at what was cooking with the cross platform creator by end of the year. GS is still in competition with other SDKs and you must respect that somethings they will keep secret right now. Would you have rather they not told you anything yet? As I said the software is still in Alpha and many details you are asking are not finalized yet so how can someone answer what isn't yet. They are still working on regular creator and this isn't taking away from that. I would estimate you have a year before you have to decide anything. This isn't happening next week or next month for that matter. You just need to be patient as I've said. Things are stil evolving and you just need to understand that only so much info is going to come out.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I think a good way to combat those issues would be to have each item in the marketplace. Have its own review section.
That way the user could quickly get a opinionated feel for the item before purchasing it. Each item has its own lil forum review.
Only those who have purchased it can comment on it. But everyone can read the discussions of the previous buyers of said item.
@The_GameSalad_Guru said "They are still working on regular creator and this isn't taking away from that. I would estimate you have a year before you have to decide anything."
Im not sure how you can even say that.
Its been common knowledge for some time that GameSalad went through a massive round of layoffs at the end of 2013, and have been understaffed and struggling ever since... so to claim that working on a second (new) engine isn't taking efforts and resources away from the current engine, is either arrogance or stupidity. Those efforts and resources have to come from somewhere... and it does explain the awfully slow and buggy updates that the current engine and tools have received this year, whilst continuously being promised a new cross platform creator.
And if your saying at least a year til the new engine is ready, then that means another, new year, with the same issues, as limited resources continue to be split.
Now don't get me wrong for one minute, and think Im just bashing GS for the sake of it... I want an improved GameSalad as much as anyone, if not more. Im just not convinced this is the best way of achieving it.
The cross platform creator was touted as being a long awaited improvement of the current engine/toolset... featuring all the much asked for improvements to the editor like snap to grid, multiple copy and paste, improved layer support etc etc... it started out as that, and at no point in the open forums was it ever mentioned that it had now evolved into an entirely new engine. So... with each of the State of GameSalad updates, and the continuous claims that "good progress" was being made on it, Im pretty sure that most users thought a new update to the Creator was on the way...
Its the "bait and switch" tactic that GameSalad as a company keep using... promising something, then just as people think its about to materialise... they throw a big hook curve right into the proceedings... they've done it before on so many big issues, and it makes it hard to build trust in the company and the software.
Again Im all for improvements... and even switching over to a new engine if its a definite improvement... but I just have to question GameSalads strategy in both how they've handled it so far, and their ongoing plan of creating/support two engines, without compromising both massively.
I fear this is going to divide the community further, rather than strengthen it... as yet again, GameSalad have thrown us off balance. The community was led to believe GameSalad was heading in a certain direction, but then told its actually going in a different one. If the current GameSalad engine continues to suffer slow, buggy updates, and the new engine runs the risk of a similar fate, then why should/would developers not just use one of the many other mature engines/toolsets that already offer what the new engine is promising... but already do so and without all the hassles and let downs that GS is known for?
I have 5 years invested in GameSalad... Ive been through it all with the software and the company... so I do have a vested interest in seeing them get it right.
Im just not convinced at the moment that this isn't just the yearly two steps forward, three steps back big announcement.... that further drives more users away.
This looks awesome, can't wait to take it for a test drive.
Well this is getting kinda weird. Please review @Chunkypixels and @Chakku 's comments in page one, and similar comments in other pages.
Their questions were left unanswered. For me, whose currently struggling with year end target and 2015 proposals, I only have the next TWO DAYS to decide whether our company should continue investing money and human resources in GS SDK or switch to another SDK instead.
Graphene is not the problem, I am willing to wait. But what about assurance on quality updates, equal/compatibility, and other things in GS's roadmap promised before? This uncertainty was what kept us from continuing our pro subscription in the second year. Announcement during GS (US) holiday season is very disturbing for me, because it's adding to the uncertainty. GS staffs can have their holidays, but they left me in a difficult position during my hectic two days in 2014. Announcements are made to be followed up, not to rise uncertainty.
Well @Chunkypixels I would say I'm stupid. I shall leave it to you guys to sort out the rest then.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
If there are only two choices, then I must be stupid - arrogance is not one of my attributes. I don't know if I can learn a programming language, but I'm looking forward to trying.
Yea when you say that...I feel I must be on target. Obviously my comments were based on experience here with this creator and forums so I shoukdnt be expecting anything different. Some changes would be nice but would never be a deal breaker with me.
Are you planning on making not templates...but any plugins or providing services?
Is there anyone in this community with experience that possibly plans on providing services for the newbies?
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
Stupid you need. Stupid I got. Attributes and code. It easily copies and pastes into everything I do.
I said it as a joke because you sound paranoid, like a doomsday preper....lol
Of course I will continue to do what I do, which is make tutorials, including Graphene, and supporting the community with the knowledge I may possess about The software old and new.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I think it's wise to question the process and be doubtful about an unseen product. I love using GameSalad because it's easy (everything is relative, for sure, but compared to other tools?) and it does what I need. I don't have games waiting in the wings that require joints or advanced coding but... I'm excited to be able to add some of those things in the future once Graphene is released.
I think critical comments are fine as are opposing viewpoints as long as things stay respectful.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
I somehow find myself to be on the other side of the barricade.
I did, in all honesty, think that the cross-platform creator would be a slight evolution of the current GameSalad. But secretly, I was hoping it would be a ground-up rewrite, because GameSalad needs it, so Graphene is a pleasant surprise.
Here is an outline why GameSalad needs an complete rewrite, and why everyone should be happy about it happening:
A lot of issues with GameSalad are baked in -- the current creator is made in such a way that makes it virtually impossible to fix certain issues. Several 'bugs,' or feature requests I investigated turned out to sit exactly at that point. If there is any 'advanced' work with text you want to do, you are out of luck. Custom fonts? Direct OS native typing ? Natively rendered and sharp fonts? Dream on. Need to have huge text? Can do, if you know what XML files to edit, though strictly speaking then it's not in the scope of the creator anymore.
There are other examples, but to get to the point -- GameSalad as it is is quite messy and even seemingly simple feature requests are often an unbelievably complex task to implement.
A new codebase is a clean slate and if it is put together well, can be a stable foundation for years to come, especially since they are making it extensible by plug-ins. It can mean quick turn-around and snappy reactions to evolving app markets -- new ones emerging or the current ones changing. That is all good and only possible with a brand new start.
This is why we NEED a complete rewrite. For GameSalad (Graphene) to stay relevant, it needs to be in a position where it can move with the market, or perhaps help define it. GameSalad is dragging a lot of its past behind itself, which is slowing it down. To cut that off and use only the important lessons learned is the intelligent thing to do.
Of course it's annoying knowing that GameSalad as we know it is coming to an end and the new engine won't be ready for a some months -- there will be projects people might need to put on hold because of that -- but in the end I believe it will all be for the better.
So here's to Graphene! May it live up to our wishes and become home to many future amazing games!
I agree but it is way too early to man any barricades.
Wow what a read. There are a lot of jaded users here and who can blame them. I have been here for about 16 months and have experienced a lot of what they are complaining about. For example I have an app I developed sitting on the shelf waiting for a behaviour to import images from a server. I made the silly mistake of thinking it would happen soon for avatars as part of the multiplayer system. I now realise this may happen or it may never happen. They have other things with higher priority plus the continuing changes from the app stores to deal with. So I wait.
The thing I like about Graphene is I can still drag and drop to make my apps but when I hit a road block I can hopefully buy a plugin from the store to move on. Or I can learn how to write one myself, in either case I don't have to wait for GS to get around to it if they ever do. I could even pay someone to write a plugin for a feature I need and maybe even sell it on the store.
I could jump ship now and go to Unity which would be the next logical step from my perspective. A quick look at their pricing and it looks like $4,500 to publish to everything and I would assume some sort of ongoing update cost. I can afford this but I don't have the luxury of time to learn it and it would also take longer to create apps.
If I ever write the next hit and make a fortune I would then have the the time and be gone to Unity in a heartbeat. I would love to delve into that level of programming but in the absence of that unlikely event I will stay with GS.
I accept that things are always changing and in computers it changes at a fast pace. The current version of Creator is not keeping up. All companies are limited by their resources and can only do so much. With software, creativity and progress can be greatly increased beyond this by allowing the users (And who better they know what they need) to program the features they want through plugins and share or sell them to other users.
I would think at some point in the future the current software will be replaced by a basic version of Graphene. That would seem logical why waste resources on two versions. This doesn't concern me if GS doesn't provide the ability to import my current apps someone will using a plugin.
From my perspective first and foremost they must stay in business or everything I have done to date will be wasted. If they'd stayed on the old course I would say that it would be a worring possibility they would cease trading at some point in the future. It doesn't seem like the current software could ever keep up. Five or six years in beta and no sign of it getting out says a lot about that.
All things considered I think it is a very good development.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template