@Ed_Perkin said:
Sorrrry , I mean like has anyone got it From entering on the website link , in otherwords when can I expect to be able to try it , a week or a few months?
From the first post...
sign up for our invite-only beta starting early next year.
Sorrrry , I mean like has anyone got it From entering on the website link , in otherwords when can I expect to be able to try it , a week or a few months?
This is pure conjecture on my part but I wouldn't expect it to be available for general public download/use until at the earliest sometime near the end of next year.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
I would suspect one needs to be competent in GS aka above the average user and be one with a history of bug reporting. After all the aim is to debug the software and that means actively debugging not just getting a look at the software. There is a learning curve here as well. The goal is to provide productive detailed feedback and spot reproducible bugs. In other words, it's work and not some kind of bragging rights deal.
I earned the nighty bug reporting badge "Nightly Warrior", have you?
Braydon_SFXMember, Sous Chef, Bowlboy SidekickPosts: 9,273
edited December 2014
@BBEnk said:
I earned the nighty bug reporting badge "Nightly Warrior", have you?
Let's not stir the pot - this is a good thread with a lot of valid questions. Having a comment war break out wouldn't be too helpful as the GS Team tries to sift through to the important questions.
@Braydon_SFX said:
Let's not stir the pot - this is a good thread with a lot of valid questions. Having a comment war break out wouldn't be too helpful as the GS Team tries to sift through to the important questions.
@gattoman said:
What's the difference of "manual scripting " and "native coding". ??
Manual scripting in Lua probably means you can use the functions provided by the Graphene SDK. Which means it's more limited, but easier than native coding. Native coding allows you to do anything possible on those devices; camera access, gps, etc.
You'll probably spend most of your time coding in Lua, and only add the extra functionality using native languages. So you should learn Lua if you want to program in Graphene.
PhilipCCEncounter Bay, South AustraliaMemberPosts: 1,390
@The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
As code wizard just released no need to wait for features anymore as you can write your own and give it away or sell it on the marketplace as a plug in. You want access to the camera, grab a code snippet and bang you got it. Want to add something in LUA write it in. Want to just use it like creator drag in behaviors. This software is only limited by your imagination and ability.
I hope it writes checks (cheques) and prints money in the correct currency for the Pro users! >:)
@Manto1 said:
You'll probably spend most of your time coding in Lua, and only add the extra functionality using native languages. So you should learn Lua if you want to program in Graphene.
Thanks Manto! Will order a Lua book to read over Xmas. Fun stuff. Can't wait.
@jamie_c said:
colander, I'm reasonably sure that all three options will be incorporated in some way.
neoman, thanks for that link!
No problems @jamie_c. Thanks for all your tutorials ... I agree with Jamie. I think the tool will have the three options. It will be the tool of all tools if it does what it says it does. You will have flexibility to do whatever you want to do and you will not be restricted by the visual behaviours only. Your imagination will be the only limit. I am really excited and can't wait to see it. The best thing about it is if there is a feature you want or an ad network you would like to use which is not available in the visual behaviours you can code it yourself or download the sample code. I am sure a lot of people will code multiple features which you can just add. Imagine the flexibility. There will be no limits to what you can do.
Hmm now that I understand what Graphene is I'm a bit less excited. I use GameSalad because I don't know how to do scripting or code in C+ or other languages. So GameSalad creator was easy for me to get into. Now that I have the option to put in code this doesn't really help me because now I have to put in a lot of time I don't have to learn coding which defeats the purpose of using GameSalad. Truth be told, there are already a few good gamebuilders on the market that do what it sounds like Graphene will be doing. So what's the point then? I was expecting something that would not require me to learn how to code or learn LUA which I still don't know anything about. If Graphene isn't even going to be out until the end of the year, I might as well switch to Buzztouch, Unreal Engine, Unity3D, ect. I mean if I in fact decide to learn to code, I might as well switch to an engine that is already road tested and has most bugs fixed. Am I misunderstanding? If I still code using behaviors, will I have access to the full potential of Graphene or will I need to learn how to code and script so that I can use the LUA and C+ options
@dreichelt You don't have to learn how to code. The visual editor will still be there so you can still do what you are used to doing in addition GS staff will still support creator so you will have the best of two worlds ... You can think of the Graphene SDK as Creator on steroids ... Read CodeWizard's 1st post the original description of the product ...
@dreichelt said:
Am I misunderstanding? If I still code using behaviors, will I have access to the full potential of Graphene or will I need to learn how to code and script so that I can use the LUA and C+ options
This is how I see it, at its heart you have a GameSalad level environment, drag and drop and all that, no coding required, but even here I'm guessing there will be more features than GameSalad - then if you want you can write simple custom scripts in Lua - or if you want to create a more involved feature you would code it in C++ / Objective C / Java.
But, like yourself, most people gravitate towards GameSalad precisely because they want to get on with the business of designing games rather than learning a coding language so I expect most people won't bother with C++ / Objective C / Java . . . . but there will be people who do, and these are the people who will be making plug-ins, and behaviours and all sorts of new and wonderful devices that plug into Graphene, so unlike GameSalad where it is essentially closed off from the outside world, with Graphene you might wake up to an email from DeepBluePlugins telling you they have a cool new magnet behaviour plug-in or a radial gravity plug-in or a soft body dynamics plug-in . . . and not only will there be a market for extending the capabilities there will of course be loads of free stuff generated by users.
That's the way I see it, a more advanced GameSalad, used as you might use GS right now, but with the option of going a lot deeper - and even if coding is not your thing you still reap the advantages by having access to all the extensions / plug-ins / behaviours (or whatever they will be called) that other people make.
This really got me curious. I admit GS is only used by my 5 years old nephew who prefer creating things rather than just playing. I normally do use other various frameworks, but if what has been hinted is good, then we have really something here.
Being able to use visual coding and complete it with Lua for non high performance tasks, or native language to have access to the full platform, is really a killer combo. From my experience what I really look for is:
easy deployment and testing cycle (gs has it now)
Proper multiplatform! In 2015 I really hope they would cover the major platforms used by indies (win, mac, linux, ios, android) with the system designed to add others too (consoles?) when more mature.
Performance! 2d is more alive than ever and shaders add huge visual appeal to games
Hopefully this and more will be shown in the new year.
All three options will be available. Like @socks said it will still be predominantly drag and drop but now anyone can create more drag and drop features and sell them or give them away. What this means is instead of a handful of GS staff trying to make all the features and you waiting, now it is open for anyone who can code to create it and make it available. Basically it's an open source concept just like linux. This is a huge plus as now the software can be modified by anyone not just GS programmers.
The benefit to seeing the LUA code is that it makes debugging so much easier. LUA code is not hard to read at all. Some basic reading up on LUA or Java structure and you'll be able to clearly read the code in a linear fashion and spot errors and bugs. This also allows for more robust debugging as now error messages can be presented. The concept is this software can be what you want it to be. You want drag and drop, you got it, need a feature gamesalad hasn't added yet, add one from the marketplace and it's there in drag and drop fashion for you. Want to do something complex and slick and custom, code it in yourself as you're not restricted by the limits of drag and drop.
This is no different than say OSX which is basically a GUI on top of Unix. Same concept most people who use the Mac, use the drag and drop GUI but yet you want to do android stuff in OSX download an SDK and open terminal which is the window into Unix and bang you got it. Same principal at play here.
Allow this to play out as things are still developing. Think of the first announcement as a sketch of a painting, it's just a pencil outline with paint and brush yet to be put on the canvas. No need to panic or get in a huff. As things progress more info will be released and as things progress more will be revealed. Trust me when I say the sky is not falling and there is a solid group of longtime GS power users helping shape the software. This by no means a closed development like in the past where GS just did stuff without developer insight and feedback. There are people involved looking out for the best interest of this development community. These are passionate people devoting large swaths of their time to help this become a great mature software package. Have some faith in the process and all will be well.
Cool stuff! I'm sure the GS team have their reasons why the complete revamp and new product. But GS is a business, and more products means more business. Which means better products for us. They can now focus on two different types of game developer. This would be a good thing. This is, Provided they can effectively support both platforms. I'm in! Looking forward to an invite. Thanks
I personally love the idea. It gets more experienced programmers more opportunity to expand their applications, and it give less experienced programmers more coding skills and knowledge. I bet it will also bring in more people!
I have been reading and talking and listening. If Graphene is going to be what Im being told it will be. Then Graphene is exactly what I was hoping Gamesalad could become. I do look forward to checking out the potential of Graphene. It sounds like The Dev team as started from scratch and has decided to start from the roots and work their way up. KUDOS.
Braydon_SFXMember, Sous Chef, Bowlboy SidekickPosts: 9,273
I have been reading and talking and listening. If Graphene is going to be what Im being told it will be. Then Graphene is exactly what I was hoping Gamesalad could become. I do look forward to checking out the potential of Graphene. It sounds like The Dev team as started from scratch and has decided to start from the roots and work their way up. KUDOS.
From the first post...
Mental Donkey Games
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This is pure conjecture on my part but I wouldn't expect it to be available for general public download/use until at the earliest sometime near the end of next year.
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
My assumption is that no one has it if they are planning to release it over the next few months.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
I earned the nighty bug reporting badge "Nightly Warrior", have you?
Let's not stir the pot - this is a good thread with a lot of valid questions. Having a comment war break out wouldn't be too helpful as the GS Team tries to sift through to the important questions.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
It was joke, you people have no humor.
and he earned it,lol
Thanks for the replys
Manual scripting in Lua probably means you can use the functions provided by the Graphene SDK. Which means it's more limited, but easier than native coding. Native coding allows you to do anything possible on those devices; camera access, gps, etc.
You'll probably spend most of your time coding in Lua, and only add the extra functionality using native languages. So you should learn Lua if you want to program in Graphene.
I hope it writes checks (cheques) and prints money in the correct currency for the Pro users! >:)
Wow! What a lovely read to come back to after a year break using GameSalad.
Maybe I should quickly grab the domain Graphenehelper.com.
Very excited Graphene Staff, Look forward to next years release. (I don't have time to test it unfortunately.
I have most all the badges...lol
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Thanks Manto! Will order a Lua book to read over Xmas. Fun stuff. Can't wait.
I like the name 'Graphene' it is growing on me, certainly sounds more sophisticated than 'GameSalad'.
Graphene is a form of Carbon, the name of my first company was Carbon and I still own the au domain for it.
I read this as only one of these three options will be available. I am hoping and my bet is on option 3.
They have certainly created a some buzz and excitement around Graphene I am really looking forward to this.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
@gattoman No need to order a book knock yourself out for free ... Have fun
Free Mini Games and Demo Templates
@colander, I'm reasonably sure that all three options will be incorporated in some way.
@neoman, thanks for that link!
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
No problems @jamie_c. Thanks for all your tutorials ... I agree with Jamie. I think the tool will have the three options. It will be the tool of all tools if it does what it says it does. You will have flexibility to do whatever you want to do and you will not be restricted by the visual behaviours only. Your imagination will be the only limit. I am really excited and can't wait to see it. The best thing about it is if there is a feature you want or an ad network you would like to use which is not available in the visual behaviours you can code it yourself or download the sample code. I am sure a lot of people will code multiple features which you can just add. Imagine the flexibility. There will be no limits to what you can do.
Free Mini Games and Demo Templates
Agreed, the name's great, a real winner.
I read it as all options are available
Hmm now that I understand what Graphene is I'm a bit less excited. I use GameSalad because I don't know how to do scripting or code in C+ or other languages. So GameSalad creator was easy for me to get into. Now that I have the option to put in code this doesn't really help me because now I have to put in a lot of time I don't have to learn coding which defeats the purpose of using GameSalad. Truth be told, there are already a few good gamebuilders on the market that do what it sounds like Graphene will be doing. So what's the point then? I was expecting something that would not require me to learn how to code or learn LUA which I still don't know anything about. If Graphene isn't even going to be out until the end of the year, I might as well switch to Buzztouch, Unreal Engine, Unity3D, ect. I mean if I in fact decide to learn to code, I might as well switch to an engine that is already road tested and has most bugs fixed. Am I misunderstanding? If I still code using behaviors, will I have access to the full potential of Graphene or will I need to learn how to code and script so that I can use the LUA and C+ options
@dreichelt You don't have to learn how to code. The visual editor will still be there so you can still do what you are used to doing in addition GS staff will still support creator so you will have the best of two worlds ... You can think of the Graphene SDK as Creator on steroids ... Read CodeWizard's 1st post the original description of the product ...
Free Mini Games and Demo Templates
This is how I see it, at its heart you have a GameSalad level environment, drag and drop and all that, no coding required, but even here I'm guessing there will be more features than GameSalad - then if you want you can write simple custom scripts in Lua - or if you want to create a more involved feature you would code it in C++ / Objective C / Java.
But, like yourself, most people gravitate towards GameSalad precisely because they want to get on with the business of designing games rather than learning a coding language so I expect most people won't bother with C++ / Objective C / Java . . . . but there will be people who do, and these are the people who will be making plug-ins, and behaviours and all sorts of new and wonderful devices that plug into Graphene, so unlike GameSalad where it is essentially closed off from the outside world, with Graphene you might wake up to an email from DeepBluePlugins telling you they have a cool new magnet behaviour plug-in or a radial gravity plug-in or a soft body dynamics plug-in . . . and not only will there be a market for extending the capabilities there will of course be loads of free stuff generated by users.
That's the way I see it, a more advanced GameSalad, used as you might use GS right now, but with the option of going a lot deeper - and even if coding is not your thing you still reap the advantages by having access to all the extensions / plug-ins / behaviours (or whatever they will be called) that other people make.
@lycettebros said:
After reading it again you are correct
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
This really got me curious. I admit GS is only used by my 5 years old nephew who prefer creating things rather than just playing. I normally do use other various frameworks, but if what has been hinted is good, then we have really something here.
Being able to use visual coding and complete it with Lua for non high performance tasks, or native language to have access to the full platform, is really a killer combo. From my experience what I really look for is:
Hopefully this and more will be shown in the new year.
PS: UI looks super sexy!
All three options will be available. Like @socks said it will still be predominantly drag and drop but now anyone can create more drag and drop features and sell them or give them away. What this means is instead of a handful of GS staff trying to make all the features and you waiting, now it is open for anyone who can code to create it and make it available. Basically it's an open source concept just like linux. This is a huge plus as now the software can be modified by anyone not just GS programmers.
The benefit to seeing the LUA code is that it makes debugging so much easier. LUA code is not hard to read at all. Some basic reading up on LUA or Java structure and you'll be able to clearly read the code in a linear fashion and spot errors and bugs. This also allows for more robust debugging as now error messages can be presented. The concept is this software can be what you want it to be. You want drag and drop, you got it, need a feature gamesalad hasn't added yet, add one from the marketplace and it's there in drag and drop fashion for you. Want to do something complex and slick and custom, code it in yourself as you're not restricted by the limits of drag and drop.
This is no different than say OSX which is basically a GUI on top of Unix. Same concept most people who use the Mac, use the drag and drop GUI but yet you want to do android stuff in OSX download an SDK and open terminal which is the window into Unix and bang you got it. Same principal at play here.
Allow this to play out as things are still developing. Think of the first announcement as a sketch of a painting, it's just a pencil outline with paint and brush yet to be put on the canvas. No need to panic or get in a huff. As things progress more info will be released and as things progress more will be revealed. Trust me when I say the sky is not falling and there is a solid group of longtime GS power users helping shape the software. This by no means a closed development like in the past where GS just did stuff without developer insight and feedback. There are people involved looking out for the best interest of this development community. These are passionate people devoting large swaths of their time to help this become a great mature software package. Have some faith in the process and all will be well.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Cool stuff! I'm sure the GS team have their reasons why the complete revamp and new product. But GS is a business, and more products means more business. Which means better products for us. They can now focus on two different types of game developer. This would be a good thing. This is, Provided they can effectively support both platforms. I'm in! Looking forward to an invite. Thanks
My hope is this new platform will support C#, that will pair it nicely with Unity. Just got through the thread, and see its LUA and C++..
I personally love the idea. It gets more experienced programmers more opportunity to expand their applications, and it give less experienced programmers more coding skills and knowledge. I bet it will also bring in more people!
Keep up the great work! Can't wait to try it out!
I have been reading and talking and listening. If Graphene is going to be what Im being told it will be. Then Graphene is exactly what I was hoping Gamesalad could become. I do look forward to checking out the potential of Graphene. It sounds like The Dev team as started from scratch and has decided to start from the roots and work their way up. KUDOS.
Glad to see you say that.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx