My iAds experience
Ok the update got approved and now iAds shows but you want to make sure you don't destroy the iAd actor too soon as it makes the ads disappear too fast partially because the ads seem to take about 5 to 8 seconds to show up
You can download the app free here to see how it responds. I have it set to destroy every 7 seconds and spawn the iAd actor every 12 seconds. I'll be updating the destroy and spawn times so it stays longer. Also on the end game scene I have it static at the top and it still takes a few seconds to show so keep that in mind.
You can download the app free here to see how it responds. I have it set to destroy every 7 seconds and spawn the iAd actor every 12 seconds. I'll be updating the destroy and spawn times so it stays longer. Also on the end game scene I have it static at the top and it still takes a few seconds to show so keep that in mind.
Why are you destroying and spawning iads actors?
unfortunately i cant see your ad, iads its no out in germany now.
how many adds do you see in mmmm 10 minutes???
Towards the bottom one of the posters states that the iAds have to be displayed for 30 seconds to count as an impression.
152 requests 77 impressions revenue $8.52 eCPM $110.96
As of this morning and iAds updates the data frequently not daily like sales.
And the stats only started last night from when I posted this thread
Moreover, I fix bug already but i cannot update version on itune.. I have a question about update. do I need to create app name provision again why when I upload it said version key should be more than old version
I hope that helps.
- Yodapollo
I have applied iAds within the GS creator and when i preview it i see the GS iad bar. when i view it on the GSViewer i do NOT see anything to do with iads. i live in Italy (outside the US btw! :P). Is it normal?
Thanks in advance!
Sorry Double POST
"iAd’s ecpm (Effective cost-per-thousand impressions) – which is calculated by dividing total earnings by total number of impressions in thousands"
Thanks sparky
Now I dint have to look it up
@chaser by saying "requests" I assume they are views or downloads of your app. and impressions are people actually clicking on the add?
and to tie this in to what yoda said you will get .006 for each request and then 1.20 for each impression?
I am just wondering how this all works before I put iAds in my game.
I am getting my update ready now should be waiting for review by apple within the hour
i'll be doing the same
If you want the template send me an email don't post it here. I'll send you the project file when I get back in. Or if you can't wait
Create a global attribute interger call it
iAd yes
Create a background
Create 1 actor that is invisible call it
iAd spawner
In this actor rule when overlaps or collides with background
Change attribute game.iAd yes to 1
Also in this actor another rule
When attribute game.iAd yes is 1
Spawn (new actor) iAd display actor at bottom or top of your scene
Third rule for this actor
When attribute game.iAd yes is 1
Timer every 18 seconds spawn actor iAd display at whatever position you decide
For iAd display actor
Rule display iAds top or bottom
Separate function
Timer after 14 seconds destroy this actor
This is what I fixed for the display times which allows for the approximate 6 second delay time to be displayed from apple plus gives the ad 8 seconds to be viewed before it gets destroyed and a new ad invoked by the new spawned actor
Hope this helps
DeMentidApps at
Is there a way to change this so every time I change scene the iads starts right away?