My iAds experience

ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Ok the update got approved and now iAds shows but you want to make sure you don't destroy the iAd actor too soon as it makes the ads disappear too fast partially because the ads seem to take about 5 to 8 seconds to show up
You can download the app free here to see how it responds. I have it set to destroy every 7 seconds and spawn the iAd actor every 12 seconds. I'll be updating the destroy and spawn times so it stays longer. Also on the end game scene I have it static at the top and it still takes a few seconds to show so keep that in mind.


  • sebmacflysebmacfly Member Posts: 1,018
    Thank you for the tips ;)
  • mintmomegmintmomeg Member, PRO Posts: 261
    Please help me test iads I cannot see it
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    mintmomeg said:
    Please help me test iads I cannot see it

    Your link doesn't go to your apps but I downloaded the spinner game and haven't seen any ads. Also you have a bug. You need to check the auto rotation on the choose screen. If you turn the phone to landscape it rotates and you can't get it back to see all the choices until you choose one and turn the device to portrait then go back to the home button
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    Why are you destroying and spawning iads actors?
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    p-o-m said:
    Why are you destroying and spawning iads actors?

    It gives more ad requests which means more money also I noticed my static ad on the end page takes forever to change. I just need to fine tune the destroy spawn rate so the ads display a little longer.
  • CodeCodeCodeCode Member Posts: 200
    It is true the you get 0.01 every time an add is deplayed? and 2.00 if someone clicks on it?
    unfortunately i cant see your ad, iads its no out in germany now.
    how many adds do you see in mmmm 10 minutes???
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    Chaser said:
    It gives more ad requests which means more money also I noticed my static ad on the end page takes forever to change. I just need to fine tune the destroy spawn rate so the ads display a little longer.

    Requests are not the same as impressions...

    Towards the bottom one of the posters states that the iAds have to be displayed for 30 seconds to count as an impression.
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    Photics said:
    Requests are not the same as impressions...

    Towards the bottom one of the posters states that the iAds have to be displayed for 30 seconds to count as an impression.

    Doesn't seem correct based on my stats in iAds.
    152 requests 77 impressions revenue $8.52 eCPM $110.96
    As of this morning and iAds updates the data frequently not daily like sales.

    And the stats only started last night from when I posted this thread
  • mintmomegmintmomeg Member, PRO Posts: 261
    @chaser I but iads on actor and add to gamesalad and see it when I test in viewer why I cannot see in app.
    Moreover, I fix bug already but i cannot update version on itune.. I have a question about update. do I need to create app name provision again why when I upload it said version key should be more than old version
  • YodapolloYodapollo Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 447
    Based on our information, the current gross pay rate for iAds is $0.01 USD per view and $2.00 USD per click. However, that is before Apple takes their cut, which is 40%. So, in terms of net revenue off iAds, it would break down as $0.006 USD per view and $1.20 per click.

    I hope that helps.

    - Yodapollo
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    @mintmomeg. You do not need a new profile but check the version info when publishing. If you did that correctly and GS shows in the publishing portion correctly then you are a victim of GS publishing not getting the version right along with iAds. Just keep publishing.
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    Hi everyone... i have a problem..
    I have applied iAds within the GS creator and when i preview it i see the GS iad bar. when i view it on the GSViewer i do NOT see anything to do with iads. i live in Italy (outside the US btw! :P). Is it normal?
    Thanks in advance!
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    you mean @Chaser you've made $110.96 already
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    Chaser said:
    Ok the update got approved and now iAds shows but you want to make sure you don't destroy the iAd actor too soon as it makes the ads disappear too fast partially because the ads seem to take about 5 to 8 seconds to show up
    You can download the app free here to see how it responds. I have it set to destroy every 7 seconds and spawn the iAd actor every 12 seconds. I'll be updating the destroy and spawn times so it stays longer. Also on the end game scene I have it static at the top and it still takes a few seconds to show so keep that in mind.

    I played your game with the iads, I like the way you spawned the iads ,, can you upload a demo of how you did that.
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    Chaser said:
    Ok the update got approved and now iAds shows but you want to make sure you don't destroy the iAd actor too soon as it makes the ads disappear too fast partially because the ads seem to take about 5 to 8 seconds to show up
    You can download the app free here to see how it responds. I have it set to destroy every 7 seconds and spawn the iAd actor every 12 seconds. I'll be updating the destroy and spawn times so it stays longer. Also on the end game scene I have it static at the top and it still takes a few seconds to show so keep that in mind.

    I played your game with the iads, I like the way you spawned the iads ,, can you upload a demo of how you did that.

    Sorry Double POST
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    kirk1234 said:
    you mean @Chaser you've made $110.96 already

    Please answer this. Are you saying you made $110.96 since last night?
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    If he did that would be Fantastic
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    no.. he's made $8.52

    "iAd’s ecpm (Effective cost-per-thousand impressions) – which is calculated by dividing total earnings by total number of impressions in thousands"
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    I'll get a quick demo up later once I play with the timing. As far as the eCPM $110 it's now at around $127 but I'm thinking that is not my revenue just some kind of estimate of clicks per minute value or something I'll look into it. Otherwise revenue is at $12

    Thanks sparky
    Now I dint have to look it up
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    so just to get a better idea I want to clear up some wording.

    @chaser by saying "requests" I assume they are views or downloads of your app. and impressions are people actually clicking on the add?

    and to tie this in to what yoda said you will get .006 for each request and then 1.20 for each impression?

    I am just wondering how this all works before I put iAds in my game.
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    Requests are when my spawned and destroyed then respawned iAd actor is asking for an ad. wheather or not one gets displayed I think is the impression then you have the actual clickthrough by touching the ad. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    i will also do a test with my games maybe we can get both ends of the spectrum here. Since you are spawning and destroying your add, I will just spawn the add and leave it and see how things turn out.

    I am getting my update ready now should be waiting for review by apple within the hour
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    Also if you wouldn't mind chaser, could you post your downloads and then the figures for iAds?
    i'll be doing the same
  • gazjmgazjm Member Posts: 578
    I have also just submitted 2 apps with iads. Although I have gone down the respawn technique, my destroys and respawns are about half as often (destroy 15, spawn 20-25). I'll post my findings when the apps are accepted!
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    Just uploaded my iAds spawner template to the web but I can't see it in the creator recents or on my profile for others to download, guess that feature isn't working either.
    If you want the template send me an email don't post it here. I'll send you the project file when I get back in. Or if you can't wait
    Create a global attribute interger call it
    iAd yes

    Create a background

    Create 1 actor that is invisible call it
    iAd spawner
    In this actor rule when overlaps or collides with background
    Change attribute game.iAd yes to 1
    Also in this actor another rule
    When attribute game.iAd yes is 1
    Spawn (new actor) iAd display actor at bottom or top of your scene
    Third rule for this actor
    When attribute game.iAd yes is 1
    Timer every 18 seconds spawn actor iAd display at whatever position you decide

    For iAd display actor
    Rule display iAds top or bottom

    Separate function
    Timer after 14 seconds destroy this actor

    This is what I fixed for the display times which allows for the approximate 6 second delay time to be displayed from apple plus gives the ad 8 seconds to be viewed before it gets destroyed and a new ad invoked by the new spawned actor
    Hope this helps
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    My email
    DeMentidApps at
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    e-mail sent
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    Email sent
  • LordTarantorLordTarantor Member, PRO Posts: 890
    I have a situation here. Let say that I am on a scene and the iads just pop up. If I change scene, it is like I have to wait for the 14 seconds of the other scene iads to be over and wait for the relaunch in order to see the iads on the next scene. I tried unchecking the run to completion on the timers and also tried a change attribute iadsyes to 0 on the change scene button actors.
    Is there a way to change this so every time I change scene the iads starts right away?
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