My iAds experience



  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    @weswog that is not correct because eCPM is estimated revenue per 1,000 impressions.

    according to you my revenue would look like this
    1,000 (impressions) x 1,000 (eCPM) = 1,000,000

    When in reality the formula is this
    Revenue earned / Impressions = revenue per impression
    Revenue per impression x 1,000 = eCPM

    well take chaser 1st set of numbers on the front page as example.

    he had 77 impressions with revenue earned of 8.52 and eCPM of 110.65
    so math looks like this

    8.52 (revenue earned) / 77 (impressions) = 0.11 (revenue per impression)

    .11 (revenue per impression) x 1,000 = 110.65 (eCPM)

    I guess doing this kinda answers my own question about where eCPM comes from, but I guess what im trying to figure out here is why are some eCPM in the 100's and others like mine are in the 20's?
  • BarkBarkCoBarkBarkCo Member Posts: 1,400
    Your's is in the 20's because fewer people are clicking the ads when they load in your apps. You get a much larger take on actual clicks versus just viewing the banner.
  • xarmianxarmian Member Posts: 124
    To expand on BarkBarkCo, I'm finding an impression is worth about half a cent, while a click thru is worth about 50 cents to a dollar each.. it just depends on the contract the advertiser made with Apple. What's annoying is that Apple's statistics for iAds don't tell you the number of clickthrus, you have to calculate it based on the click thru percentage.
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    to my knowledge eCPM is revenue per thousand "views". I don't think it involves click through, but I could be wrong.
  • gazjmgazjm Member Posts: 578
    Just had the email through saying the iad enabled free version of my game has been approved! Just in time! I'm hoping the release date list doesn't get updated again for over xmas as it will be near the top.
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    does anyone have an ipad with the 4.2 software installed that can test my iads
  • scrapee_netscrapee_net Member Posts: 424
    I have. But as i live in brazil, no iAds.
    Im almost sure gamesalad doesnt add iads to ipad. I cant see the test ad even using the gamesalad preview when it is an ipad game. When it is an iphone game. The test iad appears...

    Id be happy to publish my future game for ipad with iads.
  • adrianeraldoadrianeraldo Member Posts: 9
    I have a 4.2 Ipad, I'm in Canada, how can I help u?
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    I need you to test one of my iAds game so I can see if It has iAds in it.

    Heres my e-mail,,

    just e-mail me your email so I can send you a promo code.

  • MogosMogos Member Posts: 63
    Hello guys.

    Any news on the open question if iAds show up on iPad apps?
    Did the test resulted positive or negative ?

  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    Going through the same iads problem...

    My game was submitted, with iads and iads approved for app in place.

    But it still says test ads in itunes connect...I've uploaded a new update and done all the steps again. So hopefully once thats approved the ads will spring to life...annoying as I can see the 'requests' numbers but as the ads are still in 'test' mode I'm getting no revenue.

    Either the update will fix it, or maybe after 24 / 48 hours it will spring to life...
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