well I thought maybe it would be fixed by morning, but it still shows test ads.
When I click the specific app in the iads section it shows this next to the app id
"Testing: This app is receiving test ads. This app's status is not yet Ready For Sale. You have not configured ad preferences for this app."
The status of the app is ready for sale, and I have attempted to configure preferences, but when I click the "edit" button it takes me to a page and when I set the preferences it seems to change nothing.
I did some research and found out that the "You have not configured preferences for this app" changes to "You have configured preferences for this app" when you add an exclusion and goes right back when original when you remove exclusion, so that is not and issue.
Seems like the issue here is iAds network recognizing that you app has been put up for sale.
I noticed I get a lot of issues with Apple when I try and do things over the weekend, maybe they take a break and we just have to wait till Monday?
Sorry playerE sent you an email but for everyone else. Did you select the option on iTunes connect that says is your target audience 17 and under for iAds
I chose yes for both of my ads. Maybe that's it maybe it's just apple. Problem is if you want to change it to yes you need to submit an update labeled bug fix which takes 2 business days to approve which unfortunately may be faster than apple responding to an email!
I just had the quickest update submit and review of my life took less than 12 hours for my update to go live. This time I changed it so my target audience was under 17, but still showing "test ads" i'm gonna see if I can find a phone number to call apple tomorrow.
@Sparkyidr I know your pain, I have had quite a bit of requests in the past 5 days its almost depressing to sit and think about how much im actually missing out on...
well contacting apple was not much help. I got the run around followed by "sorry they only communicate through email" so I guess it's just sit and wait for someone to reply...
This has probably been addressed somewhere on the forums, but after looking around, I haven't been able to find it, so I'll just go ahead an ask. What are the revenue benefits of incorporating iAds into my apps, and how is my revenue generated? Thanks.
I just want to get down what info I know about iads and how to get them in your game and make sure that it is correct and I am not missing anything that could be causing this.
No specific order
1) Iads network contract: When I view my contract, tax and banking info in itunes connect I see listed under "Contract in effect" the iAds network renewal.
2) iAds network settings: When app status is either "Ready for upload", "Waiting review", or "In review" you must click on the iAds network setting under "manage your apps" and it asks you if your audience is under 17 (yes, no) and then a button to show iads in your game" At first I said no when it asked if my audience was under 17, but after Chaser said he said yes, I submitted an update and change this to show that my audience was under 17. And I clicked the button to enable iAds.
3) make sure in GS you have an actor with the pro behavior "spawn iAds" and choose top or bottom.
This is everything that I did to get iAds in my game, even though it has not worked out so far...
I have one app I submitted over a week ago, was approved last week, and iAds work fine. I have another app (followed same procedure) submitted last week, was approved Saturday night, and iAds are still in "Test mode". iAds were enabled prior to uploading the binary in both cases, both apps are approved Ready for Sale, and iAds says it will switch the app to "Live iAds" once the app is "Ready For Sale" even though it has been for 48 hours.
I have not E-Mailed Apple myself, but from what it sounds like Apple is oblivious to any problem.
Yeah im pretty sure I enabled before I submitted my binary as well.
well, let me know if it works for you. I am going the long and grueling path of contacting apple... for supposedly having the best customer support they seem pretty shitty to me. When I contacted the dev center help hotline they told me my issue was with the iads department and they only contact through email... its just one big mess.
well hopefully we can get this figured out together and then I will actually be getting some revenue for my requests...
Well just checked my iad network out of desperation before going to bed. To my surprise it now states that ads are in my game and I have been getting revenue.
I did not get an email from apple about them doing anything, so idk what the fix was. Maybe apple just resolved the issue for everyone.
I'm also getting this with a game I had accepted yesterday! I followed the same procedure as I did for 2 other games, so hopefully it will also start to work!
That's good to hear Player_E, maybe they're fixing them gradually. Mine is still saying Test Ads. I used the Contact form in iTunes Connect to tell them it's messed up last night. I'd really just like this to be fixed before their vacation but I wont hold out much hope.
And sure enough, I checked iTunes Connect about an hour ago.. posted that last message, then checked it again just now, and iAds now show Live for my app. I'm thinking they had some problem over the weekend and are gradually fixing them. For the record, I DID NOT resubmit the binary, but I did send them a message via the Contact Us form.
However I did get paid for one full ad the other day which was cool...think I got 1.20 off of that hit. At least the ads to seem to be working which is good news.
Reading through thread I noticed Chasers is up over $100
In my first day with actual ads in my game I have gotten over 1,000 impressions, but my eCPM is only $20. Is the eCPM just random? or is there something that actually defines it?
I emailed apple and within in 2 hours had iad's enabled in my game.
The free version of Bounty Hunter (iad's) has gone into review today, I'm hoping it makes it through before the deadline, that way it should be at the top of the new release list over xmas!
When I click the specific app in the iads section it shows this next to the app id
"Testing: This app is receiving test ads. This app's status is not yet Ready For Sale. You have not configured ad preferences for this app."
The status of the app is ready for sale, and I have attempted to configure preferences, but when I click the "edit" button it takes me to a page and when I set the preferences it seems to change nothing.
On the main iAds dash it shows 0 requests for that app.
when I click through to edit that app, it shows 580 requests, but 0 impressions.
Not sure if it's just an iAds glitch or not. I have emailed iTunes connect support (but they sometimes take up to a week to get back)
Pretty annoying, as I'm not sure that app is actually getting ads or not.
I did some research and found out that the "You have not configured preferences for this app" changes to "You have configured preferences for this app" when you add an exclusion and goes right back when original when you remove exclusion, so that is not and issue.
Seems like the issue here is iAds network recognizing that you app has been put up for sale.
I noticed I get a lot of issues with Apple when I try and do things over the weekend, maybe they take a break and we just have to wait till Monday?
Edit maybe they don't have ads for 18+ yet
@Sparkyidr I know your pain, I have had quite a bit of requests in the past 5 days its almost depressing to sit and think about how much im actually missing out on...
So hopefully will go through pretty quick.
Let us know if you have any joy contacting them
so I guess it's just sit and wait for someone to reply...
- Alex
We see that you have enabled iAd after uploading a binary.
In order to see iAds on your app, you will need to enable iAd in iTunes Connect and upload a new binary before you resubmit your app for review.
Am pretty sure I didn't do that... but who knows.
I have an update that I submitted last night, so let's see if they go active once that's approved.
No specific order
1) Iads network contract: When I view my contract, tax and banking info in itunes connect I see listed under "Contract in effect" the iAds network renewal.
2) iAds network settings: When app status is either "Ready for upload", "Waiting review", or "In review" you must click on the iAds network setting under "manage your apps" and it asks you if your audience is under 17 (yes, no) and then a button to show iads in your game" At first I said no when it asked if my audience was under 17, but after Chaser said he said yes, I submitted an update and change this to show that my audience was under 17. And I clicked the button to enable iAds.
3) make sure in GS you have an actor with the pro behavior "spawn iAds" and choose top or bottom.
This is everything that I did to get iAds in my game, even though it has not worked out so far...
Am I missing anything?
If that theory is indeed correct, then I assume it should go live once it's approved.
Fingers crossed.
I have one app I submitted over a week ago, was approved last week, and iAds work fine. I have another app (followed same procedure) submitted last week, was approved Saturday night, and iAds are still in "Test mode". iAds were enabled prior to uploading the binary in both cases, both apps are approved Ready for Sale, and iAds says it will switch the app to "Live iAds" once the app is "Ready For Sale" even though it has been for 48 hours.
I have not E-Mailed Apple myself, but from what it sounds like Apple is oblivious to any problem.
well, let me know if it works for you. I am going the long and grueling path of contacting apple... for supposedly having the best customer support they seem pretty shitty to me. When I contacted the dev center help hotline they told me my issue was with the iads department and they only contact through email... its just one big mess.
well hopefully we can get this figured out together and then I will actually be getting some revenue for my requests...
I did not get an email from apple about them doing anything, so idk what the fix was. Maybe apple just resolved the issue for everyone.
However I did get paid for one full ad the other day which was cool...think I got 1.20 off of that hit. At least the ads to seem to be working which is good news.
That strange...
Reading through thread I noticed Chasers is up over $100
In my first day with actual ads in my game I have gotten over 1,000 impressions, but my eCPM is only $20.
Is the eCPM just random? or is there something that actually defines it?
------------ x 1000= eCPM
Cheers, Weswog
The free version of Bounty Hunter (iad's) has gone into review today, I'm hoping it makes it through before the deadline, that way it should be at the top of the new release list over xmas!