SlickZeroHouston, TexasMember, Sous ChefPosts: 2,870
I'm from Houston, Texas - born and raised.
Un-interesting facts: Life long musician. Been playing guitar for 33 years, 20 of them professionally. Toured with a Death Metal band throughout the 90's. Can also play keyboards, and basically any stringed instrument. Woopie!
I then worked at an Advertising agency for many years as a Motion Graphic artist/Video and Audio editor before embarking on my own with a lifelong good buddy of mine. Here's some of our work. He's still going strong with it, but I had to move on because of my inner self conflicts. So, once all that ran it's course, I moved to the woods of East Texas for 3 years, and lived in a cabin completely alone, surrounded by snakes, mountain lions, trees and deer and rednecks. All by choice. I was trying to tap into my inner hippie, and "find myself". Once I found myself, I got the hell out of Dodge, and moved back to Houston, and here I've been for the last 2 years.
Been working with GameSalad for a year now.
And since Gyro was kind enough to post an old hippie pic of himself, I figured I'd do the same. This was from the mid 90's while I was touring with that Death Metal band.
Well, thank you for such a nice compliment, Wayman! (That's quite made my day!)
No worries about the snigger at my hippy pic, David! (David_GryphonsRealm) (i guessed someone would...) ;-)
Hi SlickZero, you're looking particularly cool with your hippy pic! A bit of death metal is always good to clear the ears out to...
On the subject of guitar-playing, someone recently said I looked like Joe Satriani... I can see there's a slight resemblance (apart from the fact he's a bit younger than me)... what a good excuse to show one of his videos! Should clear the cobwebs from your brain... Gotta be in the top 5/4/3 top guitarists in the whole world, hasn't he.... (depending on your opinion).
After about 3.5 hours of much needed sleep, I’m back to my daily routine of being a workaholic…
I’m want to see to it that I greet as many post as possible.
@GyroScope checked out the video that you have posted!!! Cool is an understatement. Gifted is more like it. Joe Satriani played like number one in this video… I have always wondered where the inspiration and creativity in musicians like this come from… I assume some where deep. LOL
@imGua. Love the work atmosphere; looks like you have most of our dream job. You definitely have mine. Working for a gaming company. Thank you for making the appearance. -best of luck on all of your games!
@MarkOnTheIron: I’m so jealousy of your hydration tank… Soooo much to choose from. Thanks for the post, and the links as well. -Best of luck on all of your games.
@Slickzero. If your looking to find your inner hippi, @GyroScope may have posted an image that could help with that. LOL But congratulations on your move, it seems your exactly where you want to be now. Loved the hair in the face on the classic shot; you looked like you were in your creative zone!
Thank you for the post. Good luck on all of your games.
@waymanharris, this picture actually taken on a party after Sociality Rocks! Kiev 2011 gamedev conference. Although for somebody it is working place, cause it's the best place to make new connections
Hey ..My name is Jonathan.. and I just spent 12 minutes of my life typing a long intro on a the intro forum posted it... And then saw this... Wow.... I did so good in introducing myself I will not repeat it here) Anyways I am 20 years old and I am a GameDisigner its my Job. If you want to know more! please look at that other post I did.. on top of this one.. I dont want it to go to waste!
your a graphics guy, and id like to say i can throw code together pretty fast, as can you (I've watched some of your game thread for penguin pounce)
Do you want to team up at the global game jam on january 27th?? I live in Plano (at least my siblings and parents do, right by you) so we could to the game jam at Collin College (community college in Plano) or down in Austin at University of Texas! Game Salad headquarters is located pretty close to UT! maybe we could get a sneak peak in there! The global game jam is a "make a game in a weekend" kind of event, free entry!
Email me at even if you can't/dont want to go, it would be nice to chat with a fellow texan!
Hi there, I was born and raised (and still reside) in the great state of you may have been able to tell from my username
I started writing software for the Windows operating system in 2008 using the programming language Visual Basic. After becoming a knowledgable programmer, I decided to start developing applications for my iPhone. After purchasing all the necessities, I joined the GameSalad Community on June 2, 2010. After launching a few iPhone apps, I decided to buy an iPad and develop iPad apps as well. Due to the success of my iOS apps, I formed a company dedicated to developing mobile applications on May 5, 2011. I now have several iPhone and iPad apps (9 to be exact) available on the Apple App Store under my company's name PDL Productions, L.L.C.
This looks like fun, so I'll join in My name is Henry and I am born, raised and live in Ann Arbor, Michigan (some say it's a lot like Austin, TX.) Like @bluebyu25 I'm a youngster so I don't have any retro/hippy pictures to show, my apologies I've been using GameSalad for a while now and absolutely love this software (however at times I get upset, go into my room, turn the lights off and stay there for a week and a half...)
Anywho it's been great to get to know you all and I hope to see you around the forums!
Thank you guys for keeping this forum alive. I love this opportunity to meet and get a closer look at the diverse group of game salad members around the world. Everyone here is awesome. @redsku @osucowboy18 @TWEAmazingApps @morphinegamingengine @Bluebyu_SFX Thank you guys for the post, and I wish you all the best of luck with your games.
@imGua: well that would explain the large group of people in the picture. Thanx =D>
Hey all , Im Roy , from Israel , I'm 24 years old and making IOS games has been my "Job" for the past 2 years Currently Im a student in the Technion in Haifa. Most of you probably know me as this : But actually this is me
Its very nice to connect a face to the nicknames/company names feels more personal now (in a good way)
I'm Dane, originally from California (still my home in many ways). I have moved a LOT. The Navy ensured I would keep on the move and even afterwards, I seem to have been bit by some bug as I just moved back from Switzerland a few years ago and have moved to two different states since then! Yikes! Currently in Connecticut.
I used to work for Apple in Austin, that's where I got bit by another bug. I decided to take what I had learned from Apple and went to work for myself. Still am! Now concentrating on iOS games.
Big lover of video games, game design, arcades (what's left of them) and all interactive multimedia. Love theme parks too. Weee!
He's me with my girls and father in-law while chowing down on the island of Tenerife (canary islands).
@mynameisace That sounds great! The video is really clean and original! "Great work." Its becoming really clear that there are many multi-talented developers surrounding the application development market. best of luck to all of use, and nice to meet you guys!
Hey guys, this is Taj from 'the land down under'. I'm glad that GS for Windows beta is live and I have a bunch of ideas in my books. Was about to invest in a Macbook but no more (Windows guy here :P). Anyways looking for a fun ride with GS and will be hopping on the forums regularly for questions. Just waiting for GS windows beta invitation.
Un-interesting facts: Life long musician. Been playing guitar for 33 years, 20 of them professionally. Toured with a Death Metal band throughout the 90's. Can also play keyboards, and basically any stringed instrument. Woopie!
I then worked at an Advertising agency for many years as a Motion Graphic artist/Video and Audio editor before embarking on my own with a lifelong good buddy of mine. Here's some of our work. He's still going strong with it, but I had to move on because of my inner self conflicts. So, once all that ran it's course, I moved to the woods of East Texas for 3 years, and lived in a cabin completely alone, surrounded by snakes, mountain lions, trees and deer and rednecks. All by choice. I was trying to tap into my inner hippie, and "find myself". Once I found myself, I got the hell out of Dodge, and moved back to Houston, and here I've been for the last 2 years.
Been working with GameSalad for a year now.
And since Gyro was kind enough to post an old hippie pic of himself, I figured I'd do the same. This was from the mid 90's while I was touring with that Death Metal band.
Well, thank you for such a nice compliment, Wayman! (That's quite made my day!)
No worries about the snigger at my hippy pic, David! (David_GryphonsRealm) (i guessed someone would...) ;-)
Hi SlickZero, you're looking particularly cool with your hippy pic! A bit of death metal is always good to clear the ears out to...
On the subject of guitar-playing, someone recently said I looked like Joe Satriani... I can see there's a slight resemblance (apart from the fact he's a bit younger than me)... what a good excuse to show one of his videos! Should clear the cobwebs from your brain... Gotta be in the top 5/4/3 top guitarists in the whole world, hasn't he.... (depending on your opinion).
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I’m want to see to it that I greet as many post as possible.
checked out the video that you have posted!!! Cool is an understatement. Gifted is more like it. Joe Satriani played like number one in this video… I have always wondered where the inspiration and creativity in musicians like this come from… I assume some where deep.
Love the work atmosphere; looks like you have most of our dream job. You definitely have mine. Working for a gaming company.
Thank you for making the appearance.
-best of luck on all of your games!
I’m so jealousy of your hydration tank… Soooo much to choose from.
Thanks for the post, and the links as well.
-Best of luck on all of your games.
If your looking to find your inner hippi, @GyroScope may have posted an image that could help with that. LOL
But congratulations on your move, it seems your exactly where you want to be now.
Loved the hair in the face on the classic shot; you looked like you were in your creative zone!
Thank you for the post.
Good luck on all of your games.
Keep the good stuff coming. >:/
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
Anyways I am 20 years old and I am a GameDisigner its my Job. If you want to know more! please look at that other post I did.. on top of this one.. I dont want it to go to waste!
Hi and bye!
...yeah, it took me awhile before I had a girlfriend lol.
your a graphics guy, and id like to say i can throw code together pretty fast, as can you (I've watched some of your game thread for penguin pounce)
Do you want to team up at the global game jam on january 27th?? I live in Plano (at least my siblings and parents do, right by you) so we could to the game jam at Collin College (community college in Plano) or down in Austin at University of Texas! Game Salad headquarters is located pretty close to UT! maybe we could get a sneak peak in there! The global game jam is a "make a game in a weekend" kind of event, free entry!
Email me at
even if you can't/dont want to go, it would be nice to chat with a fellow texan!
And @bluebyu25 !! Nice!! Lol.
I started writing software for the Windows operating system in 2008 using the programming language Visual Basic. After becoming a knowledgable programmer, I decided to start developing applications for my iPhone. After purchasing all the necessities, I joined the GameSalad Community on June 2, 2010. After launching a few iPhone apps, I decided to buy an iPad and develop iPad apps as well. Due to the success of my iOS apps, I formed a company dedicated to developing mobile applications on May 5, 2011. I now have several iPhone and iPad apps (9 to be exact) available on the Apple App Store under my company's name PDL Productions, L.L.C.
- Alex
My name is Henry and I am born, raised and live in Ann Arbor, Michigan (some say it's a lot like Austin, TX.) Like @bluebyu25 I'm a youngster so I don't have any retro/hippy pictures to show, my apologies
Anywho it's been great to get to know you all and I hope to see you around the forums!
Everyone here is awesome.
Thank you guys for the post, and I wish you all the best of luck with your games.
@imGua: well that would explain the large group of people in the picture. Thanx
14.5 Years old.
This is what i looked like one year ago -
And i took this one of me yesterday -
A lot can change in one year...
Im Roy , from Israel , I'm 24 years old and making IOS games has been my "Job" for the past 2 years
Currently Im a student in the Technion in Haifa.
Most of you probably know me as this :
But actually this is me
Its very nice to connect a face to the nicknames/company names
I'm Dane, originally from California (still my home in many ways). I have moved a LOT.
The Navy ensured I would keep on the move and even afterwards, I seem to have been bit by some bug as
I just moved back from Switzerland a few years ago and have moved to two different states since then! Yikes!
Currently in Connecticut.
I used to work for Apple in Austin, that's where I got bit by another bug.
I decided to take what I had learned from Apple and went to work for myself. Still am!
Now concentrating on iOS games.
Big lover of video games, game design, arcades (what's left of them) and all interactive multimedia.
Love theme parks too. Weee!
He's me with my girls and father in-law while chowing down on the island of Tenerife (canary islands).
At everyone, Thanks!!
I'm also a musician type - I play on nerves :P
That sounds great! The video is really clean and original! "Great work." Its becoming really clear that there are many multi-talented developers surrounding the application development market.
best of luck to all of use, and nice to meet you guys!
great to hear you do music too. :P
Only in my car, where nobody hears me :P
Haaaaaaa :-\"