It's pretty cool to see how many different people world wide are using GameSalad's engine. thank you guys for the post. It's nice to meet and see the community! ^:)^
Hi, Waymanharris, i meant originally to place an introduction of myself here, but somehow, as i am a newbie to GS and GS forum, just started today on forum, i ended up finding my post somewhere else in a new thread. So, this is just to repeat my post here to want to know you and meet all the other interesting folks who have gathered here in this awesome "who you are , where you are , and how old you are" thread. Well, here you are,, my earlier posting for those who might have missed it ...
"Hi, found this , thought its good to introduce myself. I am new to GS, no programming background, but i played secondlife a bit, so the experience sort of helps to understand GS concept pretty much. I use pc a lot, only now just got a mac air , starting to build a checkers game for hobby and learning,, but found it very difficult, i am also building something like a great men and great women of the world,, with year, place, and pictures,, spanning over lat 60 years,,, if anyone wishes to share the projects i am happy to do together. I am also learning appMakr,, but that is not in the scope here to discuss. I love GS, but within a short period of one month, i realise GS does not affort users interface for players to play the game from different devices. this is sad. Anyone keen to make friend with me? i feel it is hard to do the projects alone,,,, very frustrating.... i have spent a lot of time reading GS tutorials, templates,, youtube,, tshirtbooth is the name which comes to my mind all the time,,, ahahahah.. i thought he sold tshirts at first.. Oh, i do stockbroking for a living.. with a degree in finance. oh,, i am also looking for partners in Singapore , to set up a business to make apps,, i know where to get funds...if this is your first time getting into a business..."
Oh by the way, i am from Singapore,, if anyone of your folks come to Singapore, or want to know things happening here,, omg,, this is really a happening place, a little red hot dot,, hahaha let me know, lets meet up.
Very nice post! And thank you for that invite as well. There is no doubt that you will do well with your healthy set of skills and education. Keep at it, welcome, and thank you for the healthy post. Now we just need a picture. Lol
Shocking! Well for what it's worth; everyone else in the world is here!
Welcome, and thanks for the post!
tatiangMember, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 11,949
Been here for about 6 months so it's probably time I introduce myself. I work as a technology teacher and do IT support for a school north of San Francisco. I teach computer literacy, performance poetry, and game design (for the past year) to 3rd through 8th graders.
GameSalad has been a great avenue to app development for me. Even though I have some limited experience programming (dropped out from a Computer Science degree program to get my bachelor's in Sociology...), I never felt like I could muster up the time it would take to program an app. GameSalad has changed all that, and I'm grateful to the program and to the community here.
I'm always on the lookout for better ways to teach GameSalad and game design in general to students. You can see some of the video tutorials I've made for my students by clicking on the links in my signature.
I'm Freddy from Venezuela, i am 27 years old, actually we are a group of three people but for now i'm the GS guy from the group, so all the silly questions in the forum made under this profile are mine
Nice to meet you all!
@MotherHoose you rocks, and @tshirtbooth thank for all your tutorials, all i know of GS is thank to them, good luck to you all, take care.
Impressive, that is pretty cool to see someone in career mode still making time to pursue a dream; assuming of course building games is also a dream of yours.
@ITopGames You are not alone, I'm pretty sure that over 80-90% of the people here have watched a @tshirtbooth tutorial; after all, you can't search any GS questions on Google without 5 of his videos showing up!
Welcome guys! Thanks for the posts pictures, and best of luck with your games!!
Welcome to the GameSalad community! Pissssss"I Think we're all indie".lol
Thanks for your post And best of luck with your game...
tatiangMember, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 11,949
@waymanharris It's more of a hobby than a dream. Unfortunately, dreams/passions succeed and hobbies are much harder to see through to fruition. I really enjoy teaching and don't think I would ever leave it to do app development full-time.
I actually found GameSalad because I was looking for a tool to use to teach programming and logic concepts to kids. A nice side effect was that I got quickly hooked and decided to make some apps of my own.
But I also like helping people in general, so being a forum member and sous chef are quite rewarding to me.
Impressive, that is pretty cool to see someone in career mode still making time to pursue a dream; assuming of course building games is also a dream of yours.
@ITopGames You are not alone, I'm pretty sure that over 80-90% of the people here have watched a @tshirtbooth tutorial; after all, you can't search any GS questions on Google without 5 of his videos showing up!
Welcome guys! Thanks for the posts pictures, and best of luck with your games!!
@waymanharris That's true man, take care and good luck too bro!
Spencer Porter here! Long time back seat GameSalad user... From Knoxville, TN! Used GameSalad on my Dell Mini 10v Hackintosh for over a year... It was very slow so taught me patience and really helped me learning the program! Now I have a much better computer and able to run and actually have a bigger screen for this awesome program! Be expecting to see lots of games coming at you from this guy I'm 21... Huge avid Runner... Was a top runner in country my Senior year with numerous D1 scholarships but had crazy health complications that came outta no where! So I'm still in my hometown Getting married in Sept to my beautiful Beautician of a fiancé... Umm... Anyone anywhere near my location?? I haven't seen any Tennessee peeps! Can't upload pic on here right now... But ya can check me out on Http:// Thanks guys for reading!
@waymanharris oh and i will be glad to stay connected to all of you guys, GameSalad community is great community So this is my twitter @iHugoNet Regards
Hello all! I'm Carl, now living in Vancouver, Canada. Originally from Quebec. 20 years old. I found gamesalad a bit over 4 months ago after trying to learn ObjectiveC for a couple months and made the full switch. I am now getting closer every day to releasing my first game and I'm super excited! I absolutely adore making games and love using gamesalad to do so, I plan on making many more games with it after this one!
Here's a picture of me swimming with my lion All that's missing is the Dos Equis :P
Nice pic!
thank you guys for the post.
It's nice to meet and see the community! ^:)^
"Hi, found this , thought its good to introduce myself. I am new to GS, no programming background, but i played secondlife a bit, so the experience sort of helps to understand GS concept pretty much. I use pc a lot, only now just got a mac air , starting to build a checkers game for hobby and learning,, but found it very difficult, i am also building something like a great men and great women of the world,, with year, place, and pictures,, spanning over lat 60 years,,, if anyone wishes to share the projects i am happy to do together. I am also learning appMakr,, but that is not in the scope here to discuss. I love GS, but within a short period of one month, i realise GS does not affort users interface for players to play the game from different devices. this is sad. Anyone keen to make friend with me?
i feel it is hard to do the projects alone,,,, very frustrating....
i have spent a lot of time reading GS tutorials, templates,, youtube,, tshirtbooth is the name which comes to my mind all the time,,, ahahahah.. i thought he sold tshirts at first..
Oh, i do stockbroking for a living.. with a degree in finance.
oh,, i am also looking for partners in Singapore , to set up a business to make apps,, i know where to get funds...if this is your first time getting into a business..."
Oh by the way, i am from Singapore,, if anyone of your folks come to Singapore, or want to know things happening here,, omg,, this is really a happening place, a little red hot dot,, hahaha let me know, lets meet up.
Very nice post! And thank you for that invite as well. There is no doubt that you will do well with your healthy set of skills and education. Keep at it, welcome, and thank you for the healthy post. Now we just need a picture. Lol
Wow, anything else? Just joking, but the more the merrier. Thanks for the post, and best of luck with your games too.
Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Nice to meet you guys!
Shocking! Well for what it's worth; everyone else in the world is here!
Welcome, and thanks for the post!
Been here for about 6 months so it's probably time I introduce myself. I work as a technology teacher and do IT support for a school north of San Francisco. I teach computer literacy, performance poetry, and game design (for the past year) to 3rd through 8th graders.
GameSalad has been a great avenue to app development for me. Even though I have some limited experience programming (dropped out from a Computer Science degree program to get my bachelor's in Sociology...), I never felt like I could muster up the time it would take to program an app. GameSalad has changed all that, and I'm grateful to the program and to the community here.
I'm always on the lookout for better ways to teach GameSalad and game design in general to students. You can see some of the video tutorials I've made for my students by clicking on the links in my signature.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Well my name is Danar but im famous with nickname iHugo
And im and indie dev game
...Nice idea!!
I'm Freddy from Venezuela, i am 27 years old, actually we are a group of three people but for now i'm the GS guy from the group, so all the silly questions in the forum made under this profile are mine
Nice to meet you all!
@MotherHoose you rocks, and @tshirtbooth thank for all your tutorials, all i know of GS is thank to them, good luck to you all, take care.
Impressive, that is pretty cool to see someone in career mode still making time to pursue a dream; assuming of course building games is also a dream of yours.
You are not alone, I'm pretty sure that over 80-90% of the people here have watched a @tshirtbooth tutorial; after all, you can't search any GS questions on Google without 5 of his videos showing up!
Welcome guys! Thanks for the posts pictures, and best of luck with your games!!
Oops, almost missed ya!
Welcome to the GameSalad community!
Pissssss"I Think we're all indie".lol
Thanks for your post And best of luck with your game...
I actually found GameSalad because I was looking for a tool to use to teach programming and logic concepts to kids. A nice side effect was that I got quickly hooked and decided to make some apps of my own.
But I also like helping people in general, so being a forum member and sous chef are quite rewarding to me.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
It's nice to know somebody from down here, maybe there are many others that we don't know.
I hope they post here a comment, maybe Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, etc.
@kkchong Welcome to GS community!
I'm 21... Huge avid Runner... Was a top runner in country my Senior year with numerous D1 scholarships but had crazy health complications that came outta no where! So I'm still in my hometown
Getting married in Sept to my beautiful Beautician of a fiancé... Umm...
Anyone anywhere near my location?? I haven't seen any Tennessee peeps!
Can't upload pic on here right now... But ya can check me out on Http://
Thanks guys for reading!
oh and i will be glad to stay connected to all of you guys, GameSalad community is great community
So this is my twitter @iHugoNet
96% sure I'm following you already. But I'll double check!
Thank you much!
Thank you all for the post! Way to keep this forum alive! =D>
I'm Carl, now living in Vancouver, Canada. Originally from Quebec. 20 years old.
I found gamesalad a bit over 4 months ago after trying to learn ObjectiveC for a couple months and made the full switch. I am now getting closer every day to releasing my first game and I'm super excited! I absolutely adore making games and love using gamesalad to do so, I plan on making many more games with it after this one!
Here's a picture of me swimming with my lion
All that's missing is the Dos Equis :P
been using gamesalad for around 5 months or so love it
New on the forum, just started to learn Gamesalad.
Christian is my name, 29 years old and I'm from Sweden
Birmingham, UK
Studying A-Levels