I posted the title killer penguins is the overall winner you two can add the points sheet to announce the rest and put the prizes together my work here is done and will package my prize and deliver it to it's winner.
I guessed I missed the music part of the scoring system (I thought it was 10 for art, 15 for playability, 15 for gameplay, 20 for overall functionality, 20 for insanity).
In any case, congrats to @Killerpenguins and great job by all. I guess I will need to win some of @ARandomDay time and art some other random day...
@eatingmyhat love your game and I could only go by the sheet they gave me. It was painful to have to put that zero in, trust me! I wanted you to win! I would love to work on a game with you in the Monty Python fashion!
To all the judges! I just want to thank you for taking the time to look at my game and everyone else's. I have done judging for other things in the past an I for one know how tough it is. Everyone who posted there games did an amazing job. There was some difficult competition and I know we all had a blast seeing what we could do and come up with in this 24 hour period. @FryingBaconStudios "We are the knights who say Nee!" LOL ) I know exactly what you mean about @EatingMyHat games. That is the first thing I thought of then I pulled out the movie, "Monty Python And The Holy Grail" and watched it! One of the best movies ever! I was not looking at this to win or a challenge for what it was but rather a challenge for myself to see what I could do and am capable of in a short, crunched time and aside from me surprising myself, I was surprised by everyone who submitted stuff. Just want all of you to know that the only way I was able to accomplish this was dedication, a passion for this, a great community here at GS and most of all a loss of a LOT of sleep. LOL Again I want to thank everyone, the judges, everyone who participated and anyone else. You are all GREAT and I look forward to doing more things in the future with everyone. Keep up the great work everyone!
That's up to oz and thermo and I think they passed out of exhaustion...lol I was the only judge they could get as they did ask others who declined and I must say it was a great burden as I know how much work you all put in! They have my scores on a spreadsheet so it's up to them if they would like to post it. I felt it important to explain my view of each and every entrant as to show my logic based on the sheet they gave me on what to score and how much. I wish others would have judged as I wouldn't have had all the pressure on me...lol but I agreed to do it so I felt I owed it to you all to honor your hard work and take any lumps that might come my way...lol
@fryingbaconstudios As me and Brian both entered "I" personally suggest that it wouldn't be fair to break your scores into prizes so that I thought it would be easier if you broke up the prizes in any order I suppose... Broken into 3 groups.... First, second, and best use of music and graphics I'm heading in to bed now! but I'll be on Skype in my morning.... Let me know if you have any problems... And also refer to Brian for his opinion on the matter...
Just a note the order I posted the game reviews is not how they placed. That will be up to Leonard and Brian to post as it's a total score on the sheet. And as each score is separate, art, sound, gameplay they can see the scores and tell who won each category. As to the prizes I would suggest letting the winner pick which one he wants and so forth as you guys determined the categories and I have no idea about it. I did my part and now the rest is up to you guys. This is you and brian's contest not mine. I agreed to judge and give a prize and I have completed what I promised. It up to you two to finish what you started.
Ok ok.... Well since your a judge can you at least tell us what you think should win each category? Btw I won't release my view on it till I have conferred with brian, Talk in the morning... Jack
First place is Killerpenguin with a total of 74 points Second place is a tie between Tshirtbooth and Ozboybrian at 71 points (Since Tshirtbooth won an outright category and Ozboybrian did not, as Judge I declare Tshirtbooth as second place by tie breaker).
Best Art goes to EatMyHat with 20 points Best Gameplay to Tshirtbooth at 25 points Best Menu System goes to Killerpenguin at 10 points Best Sound goes to Killerpeguin at 15 points Originality goes to Unicorninvasion at 15 points
(I'll only make a recommendation as to giving out the prizes. This is the order of things as was given to me on the sheet and since no one knew then who would win I say go down the order and let people choose what works for them. There are enough prizes to do each one. Now I have completed my task above and beyond the call of duty. Whew...never again..lol).
@UnicornInvasion - Thanks and I loved your stuff. That was awesome that you got 2 done. Keep up the great work my friend! @FryingBaconStudios - LMAO ) that is to funny. If you need someone to vent to, know that I am here for ya! :-bd
@unicorninvasion that is correct. Somehow this became my contest so I want everyone who worked hard to have results as I respect all your hard work very much. If it's one thing people know about me is I have the most respect for hard work! So I didn't feel right leaving people uninformed, even if it meant me working harder to deliver that. Although, I also think it's important people learn to start what they finish..lol
I will organise the prizes shortly, if the prize offerers and winners want to email me their contact details I will collaborate between you all. Unless the winners just wanna put their emails down.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
In any case, congrats to @Killerpenguins and great job by all. I guess I will need to win some of @ARandomDay time and art some other random day...
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Check out my templates in the GS Marketplace or at the store
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
And even though I only had a tiny part in Brian's game, it was very fun to join this event.
Let's do that again some time
With a direct link to here too of course.
Again, good job everyone *thumbs up*
Follow Eating My Hat on Facebook and the Blog
Check out my templates in the GS Marketplace or at the store
@-) killerpenguins =D>
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
You are truly a great man of genius! Thanks again and I know it was difficult for you.
As me and Brian both entered "I" personally suggest that it wouldn't be fair to break your scores into prizes so that I thought it would be easier if you broke up the prizes in any order I suppose...
Broken into 3 groups.... First, second, and best use of music and graphics
I'm heading in to bed now!
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Talk in the morning...
First place is Killerpenguin with a total of 74 points
Second place is a tie between Tshirtbooth and Ozboybrian at 71 points (Since Tshirtbooth won an outright category and Ozboybrian did not, as Judge I declare Tshirtbooth as second place by tie breaker).
Best Art goes to EatMyHat with 20 points
Best Gameplay to Tshirtbooth at 25 points
Best Menu System goes to Killerpenguin at 10 points
Best Sound goes to Killerpeguin at 15 points
Originality goes to Unicorninvasion at 15 points
(I'll only make a recommendation as to giving out the prizes. This is the order of things as was given to me on the sheet and since no one knew then who would win I say go down the order and let people choose what works for them. There are enough prizes to do each one. Now I have completed my task above and beyond the call of duty. Whew...never again..lol).
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
1st @killerpenguins
2nd @Tshirtbooth
3rd @ozboybrian
Is that correct?
@FryingBaconStudios - LMAO
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Unless the winners just wanna put their emails down.
Mine is my GSusername@hotmail.com
@Motherhoose is offering Art!
@ARandomDay - Offering some amazing art to! You can see it in the thread.
@RKS supplying and art selection to the winner.
@EatingMyHat - Slot Machine template (https://tinypay.me/eatingmyhat)
@UnicornInvasion - giving a Nature Menu Template and a five pack of sfx!
@fryingbaconstudios - is giving a particle package to the winner.
When do you send the prizes out?
Follow Eating My Hat on Facebook and the Blog
Check out my templates in the GS Marketplace or at the store
are you giving the template to all the participants? And again I enjoyed your game. It totally brought back some memories
@RKS I would love to hear that all prizes go to everyone, but I didn't see anything like that and the prize owners need to agree.
I will sort it out after that.
Just let me know when and what I need to let you know, if that even makes since. LOL!