Well, I'm glad everyone agreed with my judging results..whewwwwwwwwwww! I am also willing to customize those particle effects to any shape the person who takes them would like so it fits your game.
Man, this was a difficult decision due to them all being very generous and amazing prizes. Sorry it took me so long to decide but was trying to figure out which one's would be more beneficial. So my finial decisions were: :-?
@ozboybrian - "You also get a choice of having your game listed on www.facebook.com/ListYourTopiPhoneGame" Does the game need to be available for other people to play if it got listed on there or would the video be okay?
I really want to thank EVERYONE! This has all been very exciting and fun and I love being a part of this amazing community with all you amazing people!
@EatingMyHat I do apologize for that inconvenience. For some reason GameSalad likes to put a space in-between the e and the a but I fixed it in the above post. Her it is again but the correct way: theea_ron@yahoo.com Thanks and again sorry about that. #-o
@ozboybrian LOL ) It's okay. Thought so. I will hopefully have it submitted to Apple in 2-3 weeks. Once it is approved and in the app store I will let you know!
Okay and before I post, out of the 7 listed above, should I choose 3 or 4 of them. Just want to make sure before I post.
You also get a choice of having your game listed on www.facebook.com/ListYourTopiPhoneGame
Completely agree with the winners as well - brilliant!
I look forward to the winner(s) getting in touch :-)
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@Motherhoose is offering Art!
@ARandomDay - Offering some amazing art to! You can see it in the thread.
@RKS supplying and art selection to the winner.
@EatingMyHat - Slot Machine template (https://tinypay.me/eatingmyhat)
My email address is theea_ron@yahoo.com
@ozboybrian - "You also get a choice of having your game listed on www.facebook.com/ListYourTopiPhoneGame"
Does the game need to be available for other people to play if it got listed on there or would the video be okay?
I really want to thank EVERYONE! This has all been very exciting and fun and I love being a part of this amazing community with all you amazing people!
email sent and rejected... can you confirm your address again?
Follow Eating My Hat on Facebook and the Blog
Check out my templates in the GS Marketplace or at the store
I do apologize for that inconvenience. For some reason GameSalad likes to put a space in-between the e and the a but I fixed it in the above post. Her it is again but the correct way: theea_ron@yahoo.com
Thanks and again sorry about that. #-o
Congrats again for your win.
Follow Eating My Hat on Facebook and the Blog
Check out my templates in the GS Marketplace or at the store
Again, thank you! I am sure it will be of great help in the near future. Woot Woot!!! :-bd
Yeah does need to be on the app store haha
Also thanks @EatingMyHAt - (please don't eat my hat)
It's okay. Thought so. I will hopefully have it submitted to Apple in 2-3 weeks. Once it is approved and in the app store I will let you know!