@jonmulcahy said:
yea i've found my success with PRMac has gone down. In the beginning I would get a few review requests, but now it's just the people asking me to pay for 'expedited reviews'.
I've started to put together my own press contacts list to send out to, but it's in the early stages.
I think that's a good plan, Jon.
I've been very lucky in that I've got to know some great reviewers, who are interested in my games. It's a privilege to know them as they're fun people.
I mostly follow them on twitter but do occasionally swap emails back and forth too.
If I don't like someone, I won't try and 'be their friend', no matter how useful they'll be. I kinda like to treat people as people, as opposed to a resource, and respect and like those that treat me like a person in return.
Building relationships like that takes time, but it really has enriched my life in that I've met some lovely people.
And I'm happy to say that even though they 'know' me, they also don't forget that its their job to review games and that their customers are the readers. They don't ever let that get in the way of review scores, and I'd expect nothing less.
I always make sure to thank anyone who takes the time to review my games, whether they liked it or not. You can learn a lot from a bad review!
This is the hard road. Build something fun. Be grateful for ANY press/attention you get. Treat people like people.
Yea I tend to agree with you that there is no quick fix. Well other than whatever hack that Mateen guy is pulling off to get into the top so easy. I'm just optimistic that this tool might provide a noticeable edge.
gyroscopeI am here.Member, Sous Chef, PROPosts: 6,598
Btw, was it with Free Release or Extended Release you used with PR that's not given you much success lately?
(Sorry to divert your thread, FallacyStudios )
I always use the extended release (which is the paid option).
I use it because it's relatively cheap and easy and seems like 'the right thing to do' when releasing a game (along with a great game, keywords, good screenshots, good icon, good description etc etc).
Increasingly though, I'm finding that I get more hassle this way from 'service' companies looking for me to pay them for reviews or to make my game free (because that makes sense, right?) and have never had a 'traditional' review site ever contact me because of my press release.
This is all a bit anecdotal though - I'm sure there are plenty of people that have more positive feedback.
The only thing about this is you would have to upload a new binary every time you want to change the Keywords and you can't change Keywords once submitted only before.
gyroscopeI am here.Member, Sous Chef, PROPosts: 6,598
Thanks for feedback, QS... as you insinuate, maybe a part of it is luck... people catching your press release amongst all the others...
I indicated I wanted copies of other press releases a few weeks ago from prMac and was - in the end - fed up with clearing the vast amounts flooding into my inbox... I guess the bubble's burst there as well, with just the sheer number of people using its services.... it's odd, isn't it, a company like that becomes more and more successful, yet the more that happens, because of the sheer amount of people, the press release effect becomes diluted, with less effect for its users.....
It is relatively cheap though, as you say... I guess I'll still go ahead and see what happens, but have your warnings in my mind at the same time, so won't hope for miracles!
I'll add this as a new post as it has soured my perception of PrMac a little, though technically it isn't actually their fault.
I received a little while ago an email from a tv company interested in Air Supply - Infinite.
"Great", I thought, despite the email coming from someone in their marketing department.
I did my research on them - very interesting I thought, some big named games featured by them, all seemed legit.
A Skype convo was set up - we spent the first 10 minutes talking about the game, its features, what made it interesting, how I crafted a solid game experience etc etc - all very fun.
He explained to me that they do 1 minute features on apps, that games were very popular, and that they reach a huge audience.
Then the guy asked the million dollar question:
Guy: What kind of marketing budget do you have?
Sheepy: None.
Guy: What?
Sheepy: I have literally ZERO dollars to spend on marketing.
Guy: How do you let people know about your game?
Sheepy: I have built up a base of lovely people who like my games, and use social media extensively.
Guy: Well, we can help. Our one minute feature only costs $3000 - and we reach a huge audience.
Sheepy: But I have zero dollars. Why are you charging for features anyway?
Guy: Well, there's administrative costs, the cost of filming etc etc.
Sheepy: Tell you what. Give me a feature for free.
Guy: Sorry?
Sheepy: Do it for free. If it's as useful as you say it is, I'll make $3000 easy and pay you then. Deal?
Guy: Well, we have costs.
Sheepy: As do I. And the way this is set up, whether my game does well or not, you get $3000. If my game does well, I make the money back. If not, I'm out $3000 and you're still up $3000.
The conversation kinda stopped after that but it left a bad taste in my mouth, mainly because it was a waste of both our time, but also because I stupidly thought someone might *actually* be seeing me as a game maker, and not just a walking wallet.
So yeah, not exactly PRMac's fault, but it seems the quality of who gets to see my press release has gone down a lot.
@quantumsheep Lol awesome convo. Good reasoning too. :P
@BBEnk From what I have read that is essentially what you are supposed to do. Everytime you update your app, update your keyword list. Look at which ones you are ranking high and which ones you aren't even showing up on. It is something that needs to be updated overtime as the market is constantly changing anyways. Makes sense to me anyhow.
Go to 'track competitors' and a list of apps should magically appear - pick one.
Its details come up and there's a search box top right of the screen that says 'search for other apps'.
Type in one of your apps.
Then when that info comes in, click on the publisher name link at the top under the app details.
That should do it.
Again, I'm dubious about the accuracy of the info on show - when I first went to the site I put in my game name and it scored it as an 'F' for keywords. Today, with no changes at all, it's a D+...
Lol geez I hope it is accurate. I like the number I see on it :P
Well the Keyword thing I'm not entirely surprised it would change from day to day. I mean developers are constantly submitting new apps and old apps with new keywords. So its stats could change from day to day. If you jumped from like an F to a C+ I'd be scratching my head a lot more.
gyroscopeI am here.Member, Sous Chef, PROPosts: 6,598
That's exactly my point earlier that keyword frequency will always be changing.... as I say, for me, it just doesn't add up... (and no way can I see over 20,000 companies using these stats (in any meaningful way), especially as the data are so "volatile"...)
Case in point is what QS is saying about worth of company , if that keeps changing, what criteria are they basing it on?
One last "moan" about this company - which seems a highly polished dodginess to me... how have they access to this info? For instance, how are they allowed to "harvest" Apple keywords when others can't, not to mention write a suitable algorithm to determine the effectiveness of one keyword over another, with so many variables, and difference in quality?
Thanks for more info re: efficiency of prMac, QS, as well as your conversation with someone from an aggressive company who were obviously just out to make money and not really interested in furthering your career/helping to market your apps in a positive way......we all have to be careful, don't we, there are more and more of these types of companies springing up all the time, it seems, trading on people's gullibility and trying to convince them that there are "Magic bullets" when it comes to app marketing/promotion (if you pay them enough...).
@gyroscope I get what you are saying, but stats are always changing. If their results were exactly the same day after day, I would start getting suspicious then. Thus far with keywords, the ones I have tried do change some, but it isn't anything drastic. If it seems to fluctuate within a range that seems reasonable to me.
As for where they get this data. I don't know for certain. I have read in articles that tools like this get it from third party sources like AppStoreHQ, AppESP, Google Trends, and Appolicious. If you have questions about how they get their data and what not, why not just email them.
gyroscopeI am here.Member, Sous Chef, PROPosts: 6,598
edited March 2014
I think I'm beginning to repeat myself, so I'm going to make this my last post in your thread here...
Yes, stats are always changing - that's my point of why it's useless info.....for instance, how often do you change the keywords to somehow improve downloads then? Every day? Every hour? Whenever you change that info, the frequency of your new keywords would have changed again (not to mention that only a small minority of buyers use keywords to find potential purchases anyway)....
Asking about where they get their data from was a rhetorical question (as were the other questions I mentioned)... I'm not interested in contacting this company at all... I think their pricing is ridiculous for such vague, ever-changing data, and there's no real evidence that the data is accurate anyway, or will make the slightest difference to apps sales... steer clear, I'd recommend again; and I personally can't be convinced to think differently about this company now, I'm afraid.
But good on you for posting info on what you thought was real, positive help for devs...
@gyroscope said:
Yes, stats are always changing - that's my point of why it's useless info.....for instance, how often do you change the keywords to somehow improve downloads then? Every day? Every hour? Whenever you change that info, the frequency of your new keywords would have changed again....
But good on you for posting info on what you thought was real, positive help for devs...
And to change those keywords you have to submit a new binary every time and maybe even wait for approval before they take effect each time.
@quantumsheep said:
I'll add this as a new post as it has soured my perception of PrMac a little, though technically it isn't actually their fault.
I received a little while ago an email from a tv company interested in Air Supply - Infinite.
heh, i got contacted by the same people twice. once for cat-aclysm and once for a long way home. the first time i did feel lead along until they dropped the bomb that it's basically a paid tv advertisement. the second time I just responded thanks but we've already spoken.
I wish i had enough money where a $3k marketing leap wasn't a big deal, but right now I'll splurge up to $100 if it's an amazing opportunity (haven't done this in years
I do still spend the $20 or so dollars with PRMac most of the time depending on the app. I find education apps is a waste since most of the places it targets are for normal apps.
Someday I'll figure out the whole marketing and stop languishing in obscurity. I'd love to make the jump from 'hobby that brings in some nice money" to "full time job"
@gyroscope and @BBEnk I'm not suggesting you update your keywords on a daily basis lol. I'm simply saying that articles written about this topic suggest updating them when you can to stay ahead of the market. If you update your app once a month, 6 months, a year. Then do it then is what I'm saying. Yes these stats seem to fluctuate, but looking at the same list of keywords I've been looking at since I started this thread that fluctuation is minor. It may go up one day and come back down another. That is reasonable and expected. By your same line of reasoning, you could say SEO is absolutely pointless because peoples search queries change on a daily basis so it is useless to optimize your site for search engines. In which case if you are right there are lots of companies apparently wasting money.
Besides, like I said previously the point of it is to find keywords that receive traffic from users, but that developers rarely write in their keyword list giving you less competition. Its just a tool to help you break out of the lemming pack as far as I'm concerned. Whether it works or not is up in the air. I suppose I'll find out when get around to submitting, so I suppose debating the subject is moot until we have evidence.
Personally, I can see the value of any information, but we're all adults here* and can make our own decisions I guess.
I agree, it's difficult to ascertain if this will be useful or not, if it will make a difference, or if it's worth it. But I found the 'valuations' amusing and could see for the first time what keywords the big boys used in the apps.
I found that useful, but not enough to pay for (also, I hate month by month subs on software - it's a horrible trend that needs to die! growls).
Think of it in the same light as me expressing my concerns about PRMac - I am aware of the downside, but will probably still use them as they're so cheap.
@gyroscope Lol dude calm down. You seem to be getting very pissed off over a discussion. I'll lay it out for you here.
I don't care whether anyone wants to use it free or paid. You do whatever you want.
All I have been doing is just presenting some articles about ASO that I found useful and a tool I came across that seems like it has POTENTIAL. I have no idea whether it works or even makes a difference. I thought others might want to check it out. Form their own opinions or test it out free. Maybe someone gets use out of it.
I have mainly been discussing this back and forth with you because I value your opinion. Thus far though you have only been outright asserting that this is useless, won't work, and a waste. Have you found proof? I'd like to know if I'm wasting my time too. You have just been asserting opinions about it as fact because it appears a certain way to you. That is fine, then don't use it. No one is twisting your arm. If you however found reviews on them being a scam or evidence to your statements please post them. I'd like to know myself. I'm sure others would too.
As I stated before I haven't paid anything yet. I said it allows a free trial to use the keyword search and a few others like some of you have tested out. I created a keyword list to try out on my next game through that trial. If it works, hey great I found something that works. If it doesn't work, no harm no foul. I didn't pay anything yet. If I found that the income earned from it was worth actually investing in buying a month with the software, then heck yea I'd be willing to pay for something I tried and works. If it isn't worth the subscription then I won't buy it and I won't be out any $.
You claim that you have to get it for a year. I just looked at their price plan again. It is $79 a month on a month to month. Hey I wouldn't want to be locked in on something that didn't work for a year. I probably wouldn't get the year to year. $79 in a given month (IF IT WORKS) is like a marketing budget. If it works and generates enough sales than in my opinion buying it for a month for $79 was reasonable. But to falsely suggest you have to get it for a year is misleading. I'm not advocating buying a subscription just pointing out your outrage at it seems to be based on a lack of information.
I know you don't want to respond. It's fine. Just know I'm not arguing with you whether it works. I have no idea. I'm just trying to figure out why you hate it so much. Like I said, if you found bad reviews or solid information on it being a scam of sorts I want to know too don't hold back. If I didn't know better I'd think hating it is more personal. Like the people behind it jacked your company or your idea or something lol.
@TouchiMedia Hey man I agree. I look forward to seeing if it works too. Would be nice to know. You can try it too and see if it works you know. Better to have multiple tests than just the ones I do. Next time you update a game of yours, just use the free trial and build a keyword list for it. Then we can compare stats and see how effective it is or isn't. Neither of us would be out any $ either :P
I'm curious but almost all the top paid apps are there because of advertising, website reviews, or were featured.
I have my own opinion on the top 10 free games. I've read a couple articles that say 80% of them buy App Store reviews, which in turn get them ranked higher / more visibility.. And all the casuals will just look at top ten and download without thinking since it's free.. Further keeping them in the top slots.
I personally don't think ASO makes a huge difference, but should be smart about it to get a few extra hits.
@TouchiMedia That's all I'm saying. If you use the FREE trial and you generate a bit more traffic, then it was worth the time of optimizing. Atleast I think so. Didn't cost anything using the trail so I can't complain.
gyroscopeI am here.Member, Sous Chef, PROPosts: 6,598
edited March 2014
Good one, @TouchiMedia, or even a link to the 20 or so icons on their home page, at least.... everyone might see me eat my hat then.... (not that I wear a hat....) ...although I seriously doubt that'll ever happen in this case...
I think that's a good plan, Jon.
I've been very lucky in that I've got to know some great reviewers, who are interested in my games. It's a privilege to know them as they're fun people.
I mostly follow them on twitter but do occasionally swap emails back and forth too.
If I don't like someone, I won't try and 'be their friend', no matter how useful they'll be. I kinda like to treat people as people, as opposed to a resource, and respect and like those that treat me like a person in return.
Building relationships like that takes time, but it really has enriched my life in that I've met some lovely people.
And I'm happy to say that even though they 'know' me, they also don't forget that its their job to review games and that their customers are the readers. They don't ever let that get in the way of review scores, and I'd expect nothing less.
I always make sure to thank anyone who takes the time to review my games, whether they liked it or not. You can learn a lot from a bad review!
This is the hard road. Build something fun. Be grateful for ANY press/attention you get. Treat people like people.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Yea I tend to agree with you that there is no quick fix. Well other than whatever hack that Mateen guy is pulling off to get into the top so easy. I'm just optimistic that this tool might provide a noticeable edge.
@quantumsheep @jonmulcahy
Any chance of you adding your observations about prMac to this thread to warn/help other members, cheers.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
@jonmulcahy @ @quantumsheep
Btw, was it with Free Release or Extended Release you used with PR that's not given you much success lately?
(Sorry to divert your thread, @FallacyStudios
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
@gyroscope No prob dude. I'd like to hear about experiences with whatever else people have tried too.
I always use the extended release (which is the paid option).
I use it because it's relatively cheap and easy and seems like 'the right thing to do' when releasing a game (along with a great game, keywords, good screenshots, good icon, good description etc etc).
Increasingly though, I'm finding that I get more hassle this way from 'service' companies looking for me to pay them for reviews or to make my game free (because that makes sense, right?) and have never had a 'traditional' review site ever contact me because of my press release.
This is all a bit anecdotal though - I'm sure there are plenty of people that have more positive feedback.
Hope that helps,
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
The only thing about this is you would have to upload a new binary every time you want to change the Keywords and you can't change Keywords once submitted only before.
Thanks for feedback, QS... as you insinuate, maybe a part of it is luck... people catching your press release amongst all the others...
I indicated I wanted copies of other press releases a few weeks ago from prMac and was - in the end - fed up with clearing the vast amounts flooding into my inbox... I guess the bubble's burst there as well, with just the sheer number of people using its services.... it's odd, isn't it, a company like that becomes more and more successful, yet the more that happens, because of the sheer amount of people, the press release effect becomes diluted, with less effect for its users.....
It is relatively cheap though, as you say... I guess I'll still go ahead and see what happens, but have your warnings in my mind at the same time, so won't hope for miracles!
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
I'll add this as a new post as it has soured my perception of PrMac a little, though technically it isn't actually their fault.
I received a little while ago an email from a tv company interested in Air Supply - Infinite.
"Great", I thought, despite the email coming from someone in their marketing department.
I did my research on them - very interesting I thought, some big named games featured by them, all seemed legit.
A Skype convo was set up - we spent the first 10 minutes talking about the game, its features, what made it interesting, how I crafted a solid game experience etc etc - all very fun.
He explained to me that they do 1 minute features on apps, that games were very popular, and that they reach a huge audience.
Then the guy asked the million dollar question:
Guy: What kind of marketing budget do you have?
Sheepy: None.
Guy: What?
Sheepy: I have literally ZERO dollars to spend on marketing.
Guy: How do you let people know about your game?
Sheepy: I have built up a base of lovely people who like my games, and use social media extensively.
Guy: Well, we can help. Our one minute feature only costs $3000 - and we reach a huge audience.
Sheepy: But I have zero dollars. Why are you charging for features anyway?
Guy: Well, there's administrative costs, the cost of filming etc etc.
Sheepy: Tell you what. Give me a feature for free.
Guy: Sorry?
Sheepy: Do it for free. If it's as useful as you say it is, I'll make $3000 easy and pay you then. Deal?
Guy: Well, we have costs.
Sheepy: As do I. And the way this is set up, whether my game does well or not, you get $3000. If my game does well, I make the money back. If not, I'm out $3000 and you're still up $3000.
The conversation kinda stopped after that but it left a bad taste in my mouth, mainly because it was a waste of both our time, but also because I stupidly thought someone might *actually* be seeing me as a game maker, and not just a walking wallet.
So yeah, not exactly PRMac's fault, but it seems the quality of who gets to see my press release has gone down a lot.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
@quantumsheep Lol awesome convo. Good reasoning too. :P
@BBEnk From what I have read that is essentially what you are supposed to do. Everytime you update your app, update your keyword list. Look at which ones you are ranking high and which ones you aren't even showing up on. It is something that needs to be updated overtime as the market is constantly changing anyways. Makes sense to me anyhow.
Going back to sensor tower, I discovered it 'values' your company.
I have no idea how it arrives at a figure, but I couldn't resist and looked me up.
First QS was worth about 36k
Then about an hour later, about 45k
Now it's at 42k
Why there's a variance over such a small period of time I have no idea, but it's interesting to check other companies out and:
It's all interesting, even if debatably useful!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
@quantumsheep Interesting I didn't know they had that. Lol now I'm curious. Yea I wonder why it would vary so often.
The variance does make me question how accurate the info is. I don't think I'm worth nearly that much at all!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
@quantumsheep What was the tool called that you used to look up your worth?
Go to 'track competitors' and a list of apps should magically appear - pick one.
Its details come up and there's a search box top right of the screen that says 'search for other apps'.
Type in one of your apps.
Then when that info comes in, click on the publisher name link at the top under the app details.
That should do it.
Again, I'm dubious about the accuracy of the info on show - when I first went to the site I put in my game name and it scored it as an 'F' for keywords. Today, with no changes at all, it's a D+...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
@quantumsheep Thanks.
Lol geez I hope it is accurate. I like the number I see on it :P
Well the Keyword thing I'm not entirely surprised it would change from day to day. I mean developers are constantly submitting new apps and old apps with new keywords. So its stats could change from day to day. If you jumped from like an F to a C+ I'd be scratching my head a lot more.
That's exactly my point earlier that keyword frequency will always be changing.... as I say, for me, it just doesn't add up... (and no way can I see over 20,000 companies using these stats (in any meaningful way), especially as the data are so "volatile"...)
Case in point is what QS is saying about worth of company , if that keeps changing, what criteria are they basing it on?
One last "moan" about this company - which seems a highly polished dodginess to me... how have they access to this info? For instance, how are they allowed to "harvest" Apple keywords when others can't, not to mention write a suitable algorithm to determine the effectiveness of one keyword over another, with so many variables, and difference in quality?
Thanks for more info re: efficiency of prMac, QS, as well as your conversation with someone from an aggressive company who were obviously just out to make money and not really interested in furthering your career/helping to market your apps in a positive way......we all have to be careful, don't we, there are more and more of these types of companies springing up all the time, it seems, trading on people's gullibility and trying to convince them that there are "Magic bullets" when it comes to app marketing/promotion (if you pay them enough...).

""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
@gyroscope I get what you are saying, but stats are always changing. If their results were exactly the same day after day, I would start getting suspicious then. Thus far with keywords, the ones I have tried do change some, but it isn't anything drastic. If it seems to fluctuate within a range that seems reasonable to me.
As for where they get this data. I don't know for certain. I have read in articles that tools like this get it from third party sources like AppStoreHQ, AppESP, Google Trends, and Appolicious. If you have questions about how they get their data and what not, why not just email them.
I think I'm beginning to repeat myself, so I'm going to make this my last post in your thread here...
Yes, stats are always changing - that's my point of why it's useless info.....for instance, how often do you change the keywords to somehow improve downloads then? Every day? Every hour? Whenever you change that info, the frequency of your new keywords would have changed again (not to mention that only a small minority of buyers use keywords to find potential purchases anyway)....
Asking about where they get their data from was a rhetorical question (as were the other questions I mentioned)... I'm not interested in contacting this company at all... I think their pricing is ridiculous for such vague, ever-changing data, and there's no real evidence that the data is accurate anyway, or will make the slightest difference to apps sales... steer clear, I'd recommend again; and I personally can't be convinced to think differently about this company now, I'm afraid.
But good on you for posting info on what you thought was real, positive help for devs...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
And to change those keywords you have to submit a new binary every time and maybe even wait for approval before they take effect each time.
heh, i got contacted by the same people twice. once for cat-aclysm and once for a long way home. the first time i did feel lead along until they dropped the bomb that it's basically a paid tv advertisement. the second time I just responded thanks but we've already spoken.
I wish i had enough money where a $3k marketing leap wasn't a big deal, but right now I'll splurge up to $100 if it's an amazing opportunity (haven't done this in years
I do still spend the $20 or so dollars with PRMac most of the time depending on the app. I find education apps is a waste since most of the places it targets are for normal apps.
Someday I'll figure out the whole marketing and stop languishing in obscurity. I'd love to make the jump from 'hobby that brings in some nice money" to "full time job"
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@gyroscope and @BBEnk I'm not suggesting you update your keywords on a daily basis lol. I'm simply saying that articles written about this topic suggest updating them when you can to stay ahead of the market. If you update your app once a month, 6 months, a year. Then do it then is what I'm saying. Yes these stats seem to fluctuate, but looking at the same list of keywords I've been looking at since I started this thread that fluctuation is minor. It may go up one day and come back down another. That is reasonable and expected. By your same line of reasoning, you could say SEO is absolutely pointless because peoples search queries change on a daily basis so it is useless to optimize your site for search engines. In which case if you are right there are lots of companies apparently wasting money.
Besides, like I said previously the point of it is to find keywords that receive traffic from users, but that developers rarely write in their keyword list giving you less competition. Its just a tool to help you break out of the lemming pack as far as I'm concerned. Whether it works or not is up in the air. I suppose I'll find out when get around to submitting, so I suppose debating the subject is moot until we have evidence.
I can't wait for this evidence
You sound stressed, @gyroscope
offers you a jellybaby and a cup of tea
Personally, I can see the value of any information, but we're all adults here* and can make our own decisions I guess.
I agree, it's difficult to ascertain if this will be useful or not, if it will make a difference, or if it's worth it. But I found the 'valuations' amusing and could see for the first time what keywords the big boys used in the apps.
I found that useful, but not enough to pay for (also, I hate month by month subs on software - it's a horrible trend that needs to die! growls).
Think of it in the same light as me expressing my concerns about PRMac - I am aware of the downside, but will probably still use them as they're so cheap.
Be well!
*blatant lie
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
@gyroscope Lol dude calm down. You seem to be getting very pissed off over a discussion. I'll lay it out for you here.
I don't care whether anyone wants to use it free or paid. You do whatever you want.
All I have been doing is just presenting some articles about ASO that I found useful and a tool I came across that seems like it has POTENTIAL. I have no idea whether it works or even makes a difference. I thought others might want to check it out. Form their own opinions or test it out free. Maybe someone gets use out of it.
I have mainly been discussing this back and forth with you because I value your opinion. Thus far though you have only been outright asserting that this is useless, won't work, and a waste. Have you found proof? I'd like to know if I'm wasting my time too. You have just been asserting opinions about it as fact because it appears a certain way to you. That is fine, then don't use it. No one is twisting your arm. If you however found reviews on them being a scam or evidence to your statements please post them. I'd like to know myself. I'm sure others would too.
As I stated before I haven't paid anything yet. I said it allows a free trial to use the keyword search and a few others like some of you have tested out. I created a keyword list to try out on my next game through that trial. If it works, hey great I found something that works. If it doesn't work, no harm no foul. I didn't pay anything yet. If I found that the income earned from it was worth actually investing in buying a month with the software, then heck yea I'd be willing to pay for something I tried and works. If it isn't worth the subscription then I won't buy it and I won't be out any $.
You claim that you have to get it for a year. I just looked at their price plan again. It is $79 a month on a month to month. Hey I wouldn't want to be locked in on something that didn't work for a year. I probably wouldn't get the year to year. $79 in a given month (IF IT WORKS) is like a marketing budget. If it works and generates enough sales than in my opinion buying it for a month for $79 was reasonable. But to falsely suggest you have to get it for a year is misleading. I'm not advocating buying a subscription just pointing out your outrage at it seems to be based on a lack of information.
I know you don't want to respond. It's fine. Just know I'm not arguing with you whether it works. I have no idea. I'm just trying to figure out why you hate it so much. Like I said, if you found bad reviews or solid information on it being a scam of sorts I want to know too don't hold back. If I didn't know better I'd think hating it is more personal. Like the people behind it jacked your company or your idea or something lol.
@TouchiMedia Hey man I agree. I look forward to seeing if it works too. Would be nice to know. You can try it too and see if it works you know. Better to have multiple tests than just the ones I do. Next time you update a game of yours, just use the free trial and build a keyword list for it. Then we can compare stats and see how effective it is or isn't. Neither of us would be out any $ either :P
I'm curious but almost all the top paid apps are there because of advertising, website reviews, or were featured.
I have my own opinion on the top 10 free games. I've read a couple articles that say 80% of them buy App Store reviews, which in turn get them ranked higher / more visibility.. And all the casuals will just look at top ten and download without thinking since it's free.. Further keeping them in the top slots.
I personally don't think ASO makes a huge difference, but should be smart about it to get a few extra hits.
@TouchiMedia That's all I'm saying. If you use the FREE trial and you generate a bit more traffic, then it was worth the time of optimizing. Atleast I think so. Didn't cost anything using the trail so I can't complain.
We should ask to see those 25,000 companies..
Good one, @TouchiMedia, or even a link to the 20 or so icons on their home page, at least.... everyone might see me eat my hat then.... (not that I wear a hat....) ...although I seriously doubt that'll ever happen in this case...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
@uptimistik Thank you.