The Hibernate command only worked with Music for my app. I had some narration that used Sound and my app was rejected. @jonmulcahy suggestion about changing the volume should work.
@BobD said:
The Hibernate command only worked with Music for my app. I had some narration that used Sound and my app was rejected. jonmulcahy suggestion about changing the volume should work.
maybe that's what is getting rejected in my game, i do have some sounds playing. Time to adjust the volume
@BlackCloakGS said:
What audio issue do you need assistance with?
one big thing is they are saying the app continues to play music when the app is exited. I'm using the hibernate command which seems to work when i test on my local fireTV. I've added some rules to bring game.Sound.Volume and game.Music.Volume down to 0 when the hibernate command is triggered, so we'll see if that resolves it.
@GSAnimator said:
BlackCloakGS jonmulcahy It still doesn't work. In my game when hibernate is true I set both sound and music volume to 0, but still got rejected.
I converted my long Sound files to Music files using the free app "SoundConverter" available from the Apple App Store for Mac. "SoundConverter" allows you to batch conversions. I then rewrote my code to play Music files instead of the Sound files.
My app finally was accepted by Amazon.
@GSAnimator said:
BlackCloakGS jonmulcahy It still doesn't work. In my game when hibernate is true I set both sound and music volume to 0, but still got rejected.
it works as expected on my FireTV so we shall see what happens. I have code that pauses music and sets both music and sound to 0 on hibernation. I submitted the update today so we'll see how it goes.
@BlackCloakGS said:
GSAnimator can you post what Amazon rejected you for?
This is the message:
Bug description:App continues to play audio after the user has exited the app :
Steps to reproduce:
Install and launch the app using either remote/ Gamepad.
Start the game and enter the game play.
During game play, select Home button and exit to home screen.
Observe app music keeps on playing even after exiting the app.
Bug description:Remote: Audio from app continues after selecting item from microphone search : App fails to lower volume through use of OnAudioFocusChangeListener when performing microphone search :
Steps to reproduce:
Install and launch the app.
Start the game and enter the game play.
During game play, select Microphone search.
Observe app music keeps on playing when performing Microphone search. App music continues to play even after selecting the searched item
I was finally able to reproduce the issue they are seeing! I do think it is a bug with playing sounds. Either the play sound behavior is ignoring the device volume, or it's ignoring the hibernate.
In my game I have two sounds that overlap each other, a 20 min music piece that serves as the level background music, and a 1 min sound file that I loop continuously of someone breathing very faintly. When I exit the game I can still hear the breathing.
I was finally able to reproduce the issue they are seeing! I do think it is a bug with playing sounds. Either the play sound behavior is ignoring the device volume, or it's ignoring the hibernate.
Yes, I agree with this because I have a play sound behavior as well with the loop option checked.
@BlackCloakGS I just submitted a bug report on the issue, along with a sample project I created. In the sample project there is some piano music being played using the play music behavior. there is also some clapping that is played using the play sound behavior, looped.
I also have the hibernate rule as depicted above.
when you load this test project to the fire tv and then exit it, you continue to hear the clapping, but the music is paused.
I fixed the sound issue by temporarily removing the breathing noise and resubmitting, and this morning it failed again!.
They failed the game because they misunderstood how the level select screen works. They confused the stage select numbers with the level select and failed me because it started over every time. Hopefully my explanation on how it worked will get it through. I can understand failing me for a bug, but not on my design.
They also failed me because the app did not run on a samsung device, which was not one of the selected targeted devices... so I'm not sure why they even tested on that.
I resubmitted clarifying how the menu system works (stage numbers on top, levels beneath) and also clarified that this particular build is for the fireTV only, phones and tablets are not supported, nor selected as a compatible device.
Observation:- Feature/ Buttons not responding/working :
Steps to reproduce:
1. Install and launch the app.
2. Navigate to options- Levels, Controls, Credits and select them.
Actual Result: Observe, The buttons do not work at the first press, the buttons response is uneven. Sometimes it works with first press but most of the times it wont work even with multiple presses.
Expected Result: The buttons/Options should work with single press and the response should not be uneven.
I've now submitted the same build 3 times and each time they mark previous non issues as resolved and come out with new ones.
Not only that, but they are testing a kindle fire TV only app on non kindle fire TV devices and using that as a way to block it:
BlackBerry Q10
Observation:- App throws custom error message :
Steps to reproduce:
1. Install and launch the app.
2. Message pop-up "This game is only playable on an Amazon Kindle Fire", tap on "OK".
Actual result: Error "Unexpected error:Unable to pause activity".
Expected result: App should not give any error message.
You can us the android or kindle target if you are pro and it will work on all android/kindle/firetv devices. The android one will run on all targets you just make sure the game does not quite on back button.
@BlackCloakGS said:
You can us the android or kindle target if you are pro and it will work on all android/kindle/firetv devices. The android one will run on all targets you just make sure the game does not quite on back button.
I'm using the Kindle target, so if I switch it over to android it might theoretically stop that message?
Message pop-up "This game is only playable on an Amazon Kindle Fire", tap on "OK".
Actual result: Error "Unexpected error:Unable to pause activity".
I'm more curious that when my device support only has the FireTV and FireTVStick selected they are testing it on these random android devices. I did notice that once submitted, the device support list in the portal reads this:
Device Support All non-Amazon Android devices based on my manifest, Amazon Fire TV, Amazon Fire TV Stick
Is there something in the manifest that would indicate that other devices would be supported? If I switched to the FireTV option would that make sure that only the FireTV items were supported?
well my preliminary test does seem better. I was using the Kindle project type previously and they were getting this error: This game is only playable on an Amazon Kindle Fire
When I switched to the FireTV app it actually failed with this message: This game is only playable on an Amazon Fire TV.
Hopefully this means they will not test my app on phones/tablets, i imagine that all the free users publishing under this project type would see the same sort of error.
Hey @BlackCloakGS, @dgackey, or anyone else that might know. I noticed that in the attributes keycap that it doesn't allow you to map the left or right triggers that the amazon fire tv controller uses but can call the left and right triggers under devices. Why is that???
Triggers and analog sticks have multiply values which you may want to map to different keys. (For example left stick x: -1 to 0 left 0 to 1 right ) and I have not come up with an easy way to expose that in creator. So i left out the ability to map keys to analog sticks and triggers (trying not to give you half backed features). If you have a good idea of how to do this put in a feature request.
Awesome! Thank you @BlackCloakGS. That's what I had figured was probably the case but just wanted to verify.
I have another question for you @BlackCloakGS or maybe someone else can answer it. I am testing with a PS4 controller as well as the amazon fire tv controller. I have the Left and Right shoulder 1 mapped. The issue is on the PS4 controller, right is right and left is left but on the Amazon controller right is left and left is right. Is it suppose to be like this??? Thank you
When Publishing my app for Fire TV, the Custom Loading Image only allows for a portrait image with sizes 320x480px, 480x800px, 480x854px, 600x1024px, or 800x1280px. Why isn't it asking for landscape images??? It looks bad when app is loading.
@KillerPenguinStudios said:
When Publishing my app for Fire TV, the Custom Loading Image only allows for a portrait image with sizes 320x480px, 480x800px, 480x854px, 600x1024px, or 800x1280px. Why isn't it asking for landscape images??? It looks bad when app is loading.
I haven't messed around with fire tv yet but if its anything like iOS publishing then simply rotate your (1024x600) image 90 degrees clockwise making (600x1024) and will sow up landscape on the device.
@KillerPenguinStudios said:
Awesome! Thank you BlackCloakGS. That's what I had figured was probably the case but just wanted to verify.
I have another question for you BlackCloakGS or maybe someone else can answer it. I >am testing with a PS4 controller as well as the amazon fire tv controller. I have the Left >and Right shoulder 1 mapped. The issue is on the PS4 controller, right is right and left is >left but on the Amazon controller right is left and left is right. Is it suppose to be like >this??? Thank you
Is this on the Mac or the FireTV that the button seem to be switched?
@Lovejoy said:
I haven't messed around with fire tv yet but if its anything like iOS publishing then simply rotate your (1024x600) image 90 degrees clockwise making (600x1024) and will sow up landscape on the device.
I did try that as I thought the same thing but did not work. It kept the custom loading image in portrait and showed it clockwise rather than making it landscape and showing it how it's supposed to be.
@BlackCloakGS said:
Is this on the Mac or the FireTV that the button seem to be switched?
It's on the Mac side that I noticed it. I had the fire TV controller Bluetoothed to my Mac and that's when I noticed it. I did not get a chance to test on the fire TV after I came across it on my Mac. I will be able to test it later this evening and I will give you an update on that.
Also, not sure if you happen to see my above post in regards to the custom loading image that you upload during publishing. it only giving you the option to upload a portrait version and even trying to upload a image that I had turned clockwise to be portrait but show as landscape does not work either. hopefully someone has come across this issue.
Hi I submitted my app last night but amazon rejected it because gamecircle is not working, instead of taking the user to the gamecircle page, the game is showing a black square, I think this is because I am not a Pro user. My question is, Can I submit my app to amazon's app store with out the gamecircle feature?
Also, not sure if you happen to see my above post in regards to the custom loading image that you upload during publishing. it only giving you the option to upload a portrait version and even trying to upload a image that I had turned clockwise to be portrait but show as landscape does not work either. hopefully someone has come across this issue.
i think i submitted a bug on this, what it's doing is taking the portrait image and then zooming in on it until it fits the width of the screen. You'll have to play around with a portrait image with your pslash screen centered on it.
Also, not sure if you happen to see my above post in regards to the custom loading image that you upload during publishing. it only giving you the option to upload a portrait version and even trying to upload a image that I had turned clockwise to be portrait but show as landscape does not work either. hopefully someone has come across this issue.
i think i submitted a bug on this, what it's doing is taking the portrait image and then zooming in on it until it fits the width of the screen. You'll have to play around with a portrait image with your pslash screen centered on it.
I just made a custom loading page that works in all directions that is themed after amazon fire its in a circular formation.
The Hibernate command only worked with Music for my app. I had some narration that used Sound and my app was rejected. @jonmulcahy suggestion about changing the volume should work.
maybe that's what is getting rejected in my game, i do have some sounds playing. Time to adjust the volume
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one big thing is they are saying the app continues to play music when the app is exited. I'm using the hibernate command which seems to work when i test on my local fireTV. I've added some rules to bring game.Sound.Volume and game.Music.Volume down to 0 when the hibernate command is triggered, so we'll see if that resolves it.
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ok. Let me know if there is still an issue we need to address
@BlackCloakGS @jonmulcahy It still doesn't work. In my game when hibernate is true I set both sound and music volume to 0, but still got rejected.
I converted my long Sound files to Music files using the free app "SoundConverter" available from the Apple App Store for Mac. "SoundConverter" allows you to batch conversions. I then rewrote my code to play Music files instead of the Sound files.
My app finally was accepted by Amazon.
@GSAnimator can you post what Amazon rejected you for?
it works as expected on my FireTV so we shall see what happens. I have code that pauses music and sets both music and sound to 0 on hibernation. I submitted the update today so we'll see how it goes.
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This is the message:
Bug description:App continues to play audio after the user has exited the app :
Steps to reproduce:
Bug description:Remote: Audio from app continues after selecting item from microphone search : App fails to lower volume through use of OnAudioFocusChangeListener when performing microphone search :
Steps to reproduce:
I was finally able to reproduce the issue they are seeing! I do think it is a bug with playing sounds. Either the play sound behavior is ignoring the device volume, or it's ignoring the hibernate.
In my game I have two sounds that overlap each other, a 20 min music piece that serves as the level background music, and a 1 min sound file that I loop continuously of someone breathing very faintly. When I exit the game I can still hear the breathing.
This is the hibernate rule I have:

and the play sound behavior:

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Yes, I agree with this because I have a play sound behavior as well with the loop option checked.
@BlackCloakGS I just submitted a bug report on the issue, along with a sample project I created. In the sample project there is some piano music being played using the play music behavior. there is also some clapping that is played using the play sound behavior, looped.
I also have the hibernate rule as depicted above.
when you load this test project to the fire tv and then exit it, you continue to hear the clapping, but the music is paused.
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ok we will look at it first thing tomorrow.
I fixed the sound issue by temporarily removing the breathing noise and resubmitting, and this morning it failed again!.
They failed the game because they misunderstood how the level select screen works. They confused the stage select numbers with the level select and failed me because it started over every time. Hopefully my explanation on how it worked will get it through. I can understand failing me for a bug, but not on my design.
They also failed me because the app did not run on a samsung device, which was not one of the selected targeted devices... so I'm not sure why they even tested on that.
I resubmitted clarifying how the menu system works (stage numbers on top, levels beneath) and also clarified that this particular build is for the fireTV only, phones and tablets are not supported, nor selected as a compatible device.
let's see what they come back with next.
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this is just rediculious, another failure:
I've now submitted the same build 3 times and each time they mark previous non issues as resolved and come out with new ones.
Not only that, but they are testing a kindle fire TV only app on non kindle fire TV devices and using that as a way to block it:
@dgackey @BlackCloakGS are we supposed to do anything special here?
Time to resubmit again
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You can us the android or kindle target if you are pro and it will work on all android/kindle/firetv devices. The android one will run on all targets you just make sure the game does not quite on back button.
I'm using the Kindle target, so if I switch it over to android it might theoretically stop that message?
I'm more curious that when my device support only has the FireTV and FireTVStick selected they are testing it on these random android devices. I did notice that once submitted, the device support list in the portal reads this:
Is there something in the manifest that would indicate that other devices would be supported? If I switched to the FireTV option would that make sure that only the FireTV items were supported?
Time to give it a try i guess
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well my preliminary test does seem better. I was using the Kindle project type previously and they were getting this error: This game is only playable on an Amazon Kindle Fire
When I switched to the FireTV app it actually failed with this message: This game is only playable on an Amazon Fire TV.
Hopefully this means they will not test my app on phones/tablets, i imagine that all the free users publishing under this project type would see the same sort of error.
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Hey @BlackCloakGS, @dgackey, or anyone else that might know. I noticed that in the attributes keycap that it doesn't allow you to map the left or right triggers that the amazon fire tv controller uses but can call the left and right triggers under devices. Why is that???
Triggers and analog sticks have multiply values which you may want to map to different keys. (For example left stick x: -1 to 0 left 0 to 1 right ) and I have not come up with an easy way to expose that in creator. So i left out the ability to map keys to analog sticks and triggers (trying not to give you half backed features). If you have a good idea of how to do this put in a feature request.
I found the issue with the sound in loop not pausing. Looks to be on our side I am working on a fix hope to have a release out to you next week.
For now i would suggest working around it.
Awesome! Thank you @BlackCloakGS. That's what I had figured was probably the case but just wanted to verify.
I have another question for you @BlackCloakGS or maybe someone else can answer it. I am testing with a PS4 controller as well as the amazon fire tv controller. I have the Left and Right shoulder 1 mapped. The issue is on the PS4 controller, right is right and left is left but on the Amazon controller right is left and left is right. Is it suppose to be like this??? Thank you
When Publishing my app for Fire TV, the Custom Loading Image only allows for a portrait image with sizes 320x480px, 480x800px, 480x854px, 600x1024px, or 800x1280px. Why isn't it asking for landscape images??? It looks bad when app is loading.
I haven't messed around with fire tv yet but if its anything like iOS publishing then simply rotate your (1024x600) image 90 degrees clockwise making (600x1024) and will sow up landscape on the device.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Is this on the Mac or the FireTV that the button seem to be switched?
Hey @Lovejoy,
I did try that as I thought the same thing but did not work. It kept the custom loading image in portrait and showed it clockwise rather than making it landscape and showing it how it's supposed to be.
It's on the Mac side that I noticed it. I had the fire TV controller Bluetoothed to my Mac and that's when I noticed it. I did not get a chance to test on the fire TV after I came across it on my Mac. I will be able to test it later this evening and I will give you an update on that.
Also, not sure if you happen to see my above post in regards to the custom loading image that you upload during publishing. it only giving you the option to upload a portrait version and even trying to upload a image that I had turned clockwise to be portrait but show as landscape does not work either. hopefully someone has come across this issue.
Hi I submitted my app last night but amazon rejected it because gamecircle is not working, instead of taking the user to the gamecircle page, the game is showing a black square, I think this is because I am not a Pro user. My question is, Can I submit my app to amazon's app store with out the gamecircle feature?
Thank you
I s> @KillerPenguinStudios said:
i think i submitted a bug on this, what it's doing is taking the portrait image and then zooming in on it until it fits the width of the screen. You'll have to play around with a portrait image with your pslash screen centered on it.
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
I s> @KillerPenguinStudios said:
Also, not sure if you happen to see my above post in regards to the custom loading image that you upload during publishing. it only giving you the option to upload a portrait version and even trying to upload a image that I had turned clockwise to be portrait but show as landscape does not work either. hopefully someone has come across this issue.
i think i submitted a bug on this, what it's doing is taking the portrait image and then zooming in on it until it fits the width of the screen. You'll have to play around with a portrait image with your pslash screen centered on it.
I just made a custom loading page that works in all directions that is themed after amazon fire its in a circular formation.