@pinkio75 said:
is possible to add AdMob in html5 games?
If google is correct, it looks like AdMob themselves don't serve ads to websites (only mobile apps). But, given that Game Salad is publishing a stand-alone for you, you could toss the game up on your own website and add ads to the site. This would also open up any possible provider, like Google Ads.
PhilipCCEncounter Bay, South AustraliaMemberPosts: 1,390
edited September 2015
@freneticz said:
Thanks its work but its Little slow and the adress change to
Do i really need a so long adress?
And should the best times really get saved for ever?
Time for bitly.com , go there and paste that long address in and see if they can shorten it.
So since we have html5, I guess that also brings us closer to Wii U releases also (only thing i'm not sure would work is controller support). Since they have the Nintendo Webkit which is similar to node webkit and supports html5/javascript etc. I think I'm going to sign up for the program and see how it all works.
Great! Do you have a sample project with the basic workings of an HTML 5 game available?
Like, I guess I'm just wondering about any HTML5 specific stuff you need to do to make sure it plays correctly from a webpage, etc.
It'd be handy to have a working project, with the HTML5 embed code, and the working game, just to see how it all hooks up. The game itself isn't that important, more the surrounding pieces that need to be put in place.
adent42Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PROPosts: 3,198
@Icebox1910 I'd say the engine is partly at fault, but there's probably stuff you can tune in your game.
Most HTML5 games you see on the web have engines tuned for the games it's built for. Our engine is very general purpose and has a lot of functionality in it that may not be necessary for your game and this can slow it down (for instance, all movement in the engine is processed through Box2D, whereas many games have much more simplified physics models or no real physics at all).
That being said it's also a matter of tuning. Because our engine takes away a lot of the lower level coding, it's easy to build a game that might not be the most optimal. You may need to make the games for a lower resolution with fewer actors and smaller assets to tune your game for the web.
adent42Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PROPosts: 3,198
@Hymloe just hit publish on HTML5 for your game and you'll get a project with instructions in the comments. I'll need to make a pass at documenting everything externally some time, but if you view the source for the sample HTML files that are provided it will go a long way towards explaining how to use the files.
@adent42 said:
Hymloe just hit publish on HTML5 for your game and you'll get a project with instructions in the comments. I'll need to make a pass at documenting everything externally some time, but if you view the source for the sample HTML files that are provided it will go a long way towards explaining how to use the files.
Awesome, thanks! Sounds like its simple and straight forward! Cool.
So you just have to be a pro subscriber to make it?
I assume it doesn't have a GS logo or anything?
I assume it just runs like any HTML5 game would, unlimited, standalone goodness?
adent42Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PROPosts: 3,198
Out of curiosity, while we're waiting for a proper Windows executable target, how would everyone feel if I just threw together a HTML5 Windows EXE target as an "experimental" feature?
@adent42 said:
Out of curiosity, while we're waiting for a proper Windows executable target, how would everyone feel if I just threw together a HTML5 Windows EXE target as an "experimental" feature?
@adent42 said:
Out of curiosity, while we're waiting for a proper Windows executable target, how would everyone feel if I just threw together a HTML5 Windows EXE target as an "experimental" feature?
@adent42 said:
Out of curiosity, while we're waiting for a proper Windows executable target, how would everyone feel if I just threw together a HTML5 Windows EXE target as an "experimental" feature?
@adent42 said:
Out of curiosity, while we're waiting for a proper Windows executable target, how would everyone feel if I just threw together a HTML5 Windows EXE target as an "experimental" feature?
That would be great. I used nwjs to create my exe file and it worked great, but it did require some use of the command prompt which I know scares people
@Moik said:
If google is correct, it looks like AdMob themselves don't serve ads to websites (only mobile apps). But, given that Game Salad is publishing a stand-alone for you, you could toss the game up on your own website and add ads to the site. This would also open up any possible provider, like Google Ads.
Yes is possible, but my games could be embedded to other websites with other advertisement... with losses of revenues...
i mean... is possible to add AdMod inside our html5 games?
@freneticz said:
adent42 And i need a HTML publish guide for dummies
Open the index.html file in a program like text wrangler. There are instructions in there. The idea is to experiment and study on your own. Read about HTML 5 learn about GS. Not everything can be a tutorial as we find ways to do things with stuff even the GS staff don't consider when the make features. Half the fun is the experimenting and learning. Most of the techniques you use now were created by members and not the GS staff. These people don't wait for tutorials they go out and explore and learn and then share it with the community.
I'll do a basic video today as I've been playing with this and can show how to do the basics of getting it on a site.
The performance of HTML5 is curious. I have a game that really pushes GameSalad to its limits. Dozens of actors on screen at once, all moving and containing extensive logic, hundreds of calculations being done every cycle, lots of continuous spawning and destroying, tons of graphics.
It play great on device, but in Creator preview it's essentially unplayable. There's just too much going on. However, if I use the HTML5 preview, it plays amazingly. So HTML5 can handle A LOT, far more than Creator preview can. If you're having performance issues with it, there's a high chance it's your logic.
That said, I have noticed there are some things HTML5 preview handles badly, and it flat out doesn't work for some of my projects, but I've never found time to troubleshoot why.
@Armelline said:
The performance of HTML5 is curious. I have a game that really pushes GameSalad to its limits. Dozens of actors on screen at once, all moving and containing extensive logic, hundreds of calculations being done every cycle, lots of continuous spawning and destroying, tons of graphics.
It play great on device, but in Creator preview it's essentially unplayable. There's just too much going on. However, if I use the HTML5 preview, it plays amazingly. So HTML5 can handle A LOT, far more than Creator preview can. If you're having performance issues with it, there's a high chance it's your logic.
That said, I have noticed there are some things HTML5 preview handles badly, and it flat out doesn't work for some of my projects, but I've never found time to troubleshoot why.
Yeah i'm seeing about the same. One of my projects handles just fine, about as well as on an actual device vs in the HTML5 preview.
However my largest project literally won't display any images. But all display text and actors without images seem to work fine. Quite strange.
I'm super excited to see how actual .exe works though! And to get more improvements to HTML5.
@DigiChain said:
So would this exe. be suitable for the likes of Steam / GOG.com etc??
i don't see why not, I'm investigating it myself. a native exe would be better, and probably support a lot more features like networking and stuff, but i figured it was a good way to get the ball rolling.
If google is correct, it looks like AdMob themselves don't serve ads to websites (only mobile apps). But, given that Game Salad is publishing a stand-alone for you, you could toss the game up on your own website and add ads to the site. This would also open up any possible provider, like Google Ads.
it works at dropbox
Make sure to set the folder to public and then click on the share button and grab the ID
Then type it in the link below with your ID
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Thanks its work but its Little slow and the adress change to https://cd2ec0c5de964d2e10195c45e712c8fe7719ec19.googledrive.com/secure/AB5fxWBmwrkUKrMHAay1J6V00MneyixmHgvmZJ3w1PAYBGslOCQYibC4vacr5JQtGetB-QmHfQLerG8xKPYQnNZwbTwkmvx0jA8OIRlv1Lbk-znFRRXh9jWq9ZwB38PNRTVvwodH_hHi7SlHAhsQb83PXO39dFNkbl47oe6k-ulqu3zXFdwyF0_9b76qB8ZcBrSWqDQBQhxGTxOaJCeW9w2UBp4VdmUtDudoOaisultXtGqFC2vKrfTXrZe1dKcds8-f8eDjHGSwPK1bH61WQF6K1LpMQeS2lDjNzsOXj0vOErR2unfNrnGcEtWlX03AuDIOxaPK75CpPs3S4Nls3WIULffb07eM6LreX7Khg9Pr11jd2xbivjF-F-auPiPoDdCfbi369CI7elcNXvq4BdhIsjw5ZTW7K8VihE_9apVSpnQGeoqmz37gOIy0sDKKLA3eJzEtO8MfEKS3AXFWPAnvhrbb4X8v6tGNE3ECwBzruaykaC_uEyfXnU5ZVFuB8dpsqM2WkDlMlpGTmuHrTOzCQpTNBugeqXvVIxsNvYKxXDPSJbct7ZGQIDjrm_vXemO1-xYzH2ro/host/0B05oMpxh1-z0N0hTcHZLTHU1TlE/
Do i really need a so long adress?
And should the best times really get saved for ever?
Homepage: freneticgamez.eu/
Time for bitly.com , go there and paste that long address in and see if they can shorten it.
A Little bit shorter
My link stops to work after a while
i must do something wrong , my best times saves , should they really do that
Homepage: freneticgamez.eu/
So since we have html5, I guess that also brings us closer to Wii U releases also (only thing i'm not sure would work is controller support). Since they have the Nintendo Webkit which is similar to node webkit and supports html5/javascript etc. I think I'm going to sign up for the program and see how it all works.
Follow us: Twitter - Website
Daaang. That makes me wonder about Xbox One and PS4 now.
I found this related to Wii U brower/web controls
•A: mouse click or enter/return key equivalent
•B: history.back()
•Y: open bookmarks
•X: toggle TV visibility
•d-pad: arrow keys
•Left stick: pan
•Right stick: zoom
•-: zoom out
•+: zoom in
•L/R: history.back/forward
•LZ/RZ: previous/next tab
So most of it can probably be covered by the Key behavior.
Great! Do you have a sample project with the basic workings of an HTML 5 game available?
Like, I guess I'm just wondering about any HTML5 specific stuff you need to do to make sure it plays correctly from a webpage, etc.
It'd be handy to have a working project, with the HTML5 embed code, and the working game, just to see how it all hooks up. The game itself isn't that important, more the surrounding pieces that need to be put in place.
@Icebox1910 I'd say the engine is partly at fault, but there's probably stuff you can tune in your game.
Most HTML5 games you see on the web have engines tuned for the games it's built for. Our engine is very general purpose and has a lot of functionality in it that may not be necessary for your game and this can slow it down (for instance, all movement in the engine is processed through Box2D, whereas many games have much more simplified physics models or no real physics at all).
That being said it's also a matter of tuning. Because our engine takes away a lot of the lower level coding, it's easy to build a game that might not be the most optimal. You may need to make the games for a lower resolution with fewer actors and smaller assets to tune your game for the web.
@Hymloe just hit publish on HTML5 for your game and you'll get a project with instructions in the comments. I'll need to make a pass at documenting everything externally some time, but if you view the source for the sample HTML files that are provided it will go a long way towards explaining how to use the files.
Awesome, thanks! Sounds like its simple and straight forward! Cool.
So you just have to be a pro subscriber to make it?
I assume it doesn't have a GS logo or anything?
I assume it just runs like any HTML5 game would, unlimited, standalone goodness?
Out of curiosity, while we're waiting for a proper Windows executable target, how would everyone feel if I just threw together a HTML5 Windows EXE target as an "experimental" feature?
Love it!
@adent42 And i need a HTML publish guide for dummies
Homepage: freneticgamez.eu/
That would be very cool ...
Free Mini Games and Demo Templates
so we can submit to windows 10 phones also ?
That would be great. I used nwjs to create my exe file and it worked great, but it did require some use of the command prompt which I know scares people
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Yes is possible, but my games could be embedded to other websites with other advertisement... with losses of revenues...
i mean... is possible to add AdMod inside our html5 games?
About .EXE that would be very great feature!
✮My Web Site✮ ✮My Full Games On Sale✮ ✮Follow Me✮ ✮My Video Channel✮ ✮Contact Me To Buy My GS Games✮
Open the index.html file in a program like text wrangler. There are instructions in there. The idea is to experiment and study on your own. Read about HTML 5 learn about GS. Not everything can be a tutorial as we find ways to do things with stuff even the GS staff don't consider when the make features. Half the fun is the experimenting and learning. Most of the techniques you use now were created by members and not the GS staff. These people don't wait for tutorials they go out and explore and learn and then share it with the community.
I'll do a basic video today as I've been playing with this and can show how to do the basics of getting it on a site.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
inside the game, no.
but you could wrap the game in a web view and tack admob on top of it... but since GS already supports admob, why bother?
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
The performance of HTML5 is curious. I have a game that really pushes GameSalad to its limits. Dozens of actors on screen at once, all moving and containing extensive logic, hundreds of calculations being done every cycle, lots of continuous spawning and destroying, tons of graphics.
It play great on device, but in Creator preview it's essentially unplayable. There's just too much going on. However, if I use the HTML5 preview, it plays amazingly. So HTML5 can handle A LOT, far more than Creator preview can. If you're having performance issues with it, there's a high chance it's your logic.
That said, I have noticed there are some things HTML5 preview handles badly, and it flat out doesn't work for some of my projects, but I've never found time to troubleshoot why.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Yeah i'm seeing about the same. One of my projects handles just fine, about as well as on an actual device vs in the HTML5 preview.
However my largest project literally won't display any images. But all display text and actors without images seem to work fine. Quite strange.
I'm super excited to see how actual .exe works though! And to get more improvements to HTML5.
Follow us: Twitter - Website
@Hymloe yes, unlimited standalone goodness, no branding (except I think the actual engine file has our copyright info on it, which needs to be there).
Cool! Sounds promising. I'll have to check out a build of my game in HTML5 some time!
Great stuff!
I just published my Kim Kardashian "Tower of Booty" game in HTML5 and it works well.
[Here's the Link.](http://www.ikandygames.com/towerofbooty/ ")
When you publish the games on the web does that mean anyone can steal the source code?
@jonmulcahy - great stuff!
So would this exe. be suitable for the likes of Steam / GOG.com etc??
i don't see why not, I'm investigating it myself. a native exe would be better, and probably support a lot more features like networking and stuff, but i figured it was a good way to get the ball rolling.
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
Looks like Steam has got my dollar then...