I was looking at the sample pages and saw that you guys had gone all out with the new html5 export's instructions and explanation about inline and iframe and how to load teh game!
@Franto said:
I was looking at the sample pages and saw that you guys had gone all out with the new html5 export's instructions and explanation about inline and iframe and how to load teh game!
Very awesome!
Do you mean, if you just open up the files, there's instructions inside, or is that info published somewhere else?
I wanted to know more about those, but have ignored those files so far.
@Hymloe Yes, when opening sample-index.html, there is an in-depth explanation on how to handle the files, I hadn't noticed before. Here is a small part of it:
This HTML document and related files are a working example of how to embed a
GameSalad HTML5 game into a website. In all, the necessary files include:
A snippet of HTML elements. (see below: "gse-player" element)
Some CSS declarations. (see file: gse-style.css)
The JavaScript engine file. (see below: script tags)
Some ad-hoc JavaScript code to configure and initialize the game. (see below:
script tags)
If I post a link to a build of my HTML5 game here for people to check out, give feedback, etc... how safe is the code behind the game?
In non-technical-specifics, can someone pull the game apart, or decrypt it back into a GS project, for example?
Or do I basically "just have nothing to worry about whatsoever?"
Thanks! Rock on.
adent42Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PROPosts: 3,198
As with all things web, anyone sufficiently clever could download your games and figure out a way to convert them back to an editable format. It's a text format and the images and sounds have to stay unencrypted so that they can be loaded in a timely manner and compatible with browsers.
Basically, you can't just download someone's HTML5 game and then fire up creator and start editing it. You'd have to have a good understanding of our file format to be able to reconstruct something GameSalad could edit.
The data format for the game is much different than what Creator can load and many things are in different places than they would normally be.
I can't guarantee complete safety, but we don't make it easy either.
Thanks! Good to know. I might try to tizz up a build a put it out there for people to see, and critique. FUN to be able to actually do that! So thanks for all the hard work Game Salad team!
adent42Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PROPosts: 3,198
I haven't tested this at all really (other than to make sure that if i return data the callback functions set correctly). The reason this is "Experimental" is because of this lack of testing and because I'm worried about what happens if the table you're loading online is bigger than the one you have stored in your game. Also, I'd eventually like to give users the option to load data via JSONP instead of AJAX so that you don't have to worry about the CORS headers.
So test it out and let me know if it works as expected.
@adent42 said:
Okay all, I decided to make my Friday a quick hack day and I've got experimental support for the two table network behaviors in the HTML5 engine.
To enable it do the following:
Publish with the HTML5 target.
In the js/gse directory you'll see two files: "gse-export.js" and "gse-export-experimental.js"
To try out network behaviors just remove "gse-export.js"
Rename "gse-export-experimental.js" to "gse-export.js".
I haven't tested this at all really (other than to make sure that if i return data the callback functions set correctly). The reason this is "Experimental" is because of this lack of testing and because I'm worried about what happens if the table you're loading online is bigger than the one you have stored in your game. Also, I'd eventually like to give users the option to load data via JSONP instead of AJAX so that you don't have to worry about the CORS headers.
So test it out and let me know if it works as expected.
awesome, I'll try and take a crack at it this week
Oh @adent42, on the topic of publishing to the ARCADE ... there's some issues in HTML5 that are affecting my game. Which of these are also present in the ARCADE platform?
Positional audio doesn't work in HTML5. Plays at full volume everywhere. Is this also the case for ARCADE?
Pitched audio doesn't work in HTML5. Just plays at normal pitch always. Is this also the case for ARCADE?
Car Steering (equations involving Motion.AngularVelocity) come out as a lower number on HTML5, than they do on iOS devices and the Creator Preview - thus the car's steering is totally different.
Display text is sometimes munched (when using fonts at larger sizes!?). Is this also the case for ARCADE?
And specifically for the ARCADE platform... can the ARCADE games be run at any resolution, or only a fixed resolution? Is there a maximum and minimum resolution Arcade supports? Does it need to be set in any special way?
adent42Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PROPosts: 3,198
So arcade uses the same engine as HTML5, so same limitations. You can run at any resolution, you can tweak the embed code.
No, I mean, @adent42 was suggesting that I might want to share my game with the other devs here, via the ARCADE platform.
So I'm just wondering, why I might want to do that instead of a straight HTML5 version hosted on my own web space, for example.
I'm not asking GS to justify the existence of the ARCADE platform, or anything. I can see there's benefits, like, anyone can share their game their, without needing to host it anywhere on their own dime, etc.
I was asking initially, because I wondered whether maybe the ARCADE platform was more fully featured, and did have proper sound support and things.
And you have it pretty much sussed anyway, if there is a benefit it is that you can press publish and not have to think about much else but as a shop window to your creations it is pretty terrible.
Haha, cheers, yeah, I like having things at my own site, just because it feels more like my own little space.
I've been feeling a bit hesitant to share my game around for feedback, what with the lack of proper sound support in HTML5 - as it makes the game sound kind of horrid, because everything plays un-positionally, and therefore really loudly, and my car sounds don't have any of the engine-revving pitch support that kind of makes them "work". Instead, the cars just sound like a "dumb" constant droning loop. (They should modulate based on the speed of the car).
But I want to share it around to get some feedback from you guys.
I feel quite a disconnect between GS users (or at least between me and other GS users) , because I very rarely see anyone's work... I sometimes wonder if...
There's an ongoing embarrassment about using Game Salad. Not necessarily because it's a non-coding approach to Game Development, but because it's like admitting you go out with a wife that beats you, sometimes. I have had some really painful experiences trying to get my games made... problems with bugs getting fixed that have prevented my games from working for a full year. And there's no good way to talk to your peers about that without looking like you yourself are a fool, going back to this cruel mistress month after month. ... On the bright side, I think this is starting to clear up, as GS is getting cleaned up and stabilised, which is nice for everyone!
And secondly, there's never really been a good way to share our work with each other, in the relative privacy of the Pro forums, besides publishing it to somewhere, which is antithetical to sharing an "in-dev" build!
So now HTML5 makes sharing a build easier than it ever has been before! The users are just a click away from trying it out.
And it'd be nice to be able to share what I'm doing, and maybe, just maybe, have people identify, empathise, and care more directly about what issues I might be having with Game Salad. And at the very least, just be interested to see what I'm doing, and maybe spark off some conversation and ideas. Which is always fun.
HTML5 is also a cool way to be able to showcase a bug, or issue, at the click of a button (rather than having to make a video, or explain things with a complex series of screenshots, diagrams and virtual hand-waving.
HTML 5 has very useful functions. Especially for us who do client work. There is a whole market for creating widgets for people's websites, especially in the corporate product marketing world.
HTML 5 has very useful functions. Especially for us who do client work. There is a whole market for creating widgets for people's websites, especially in the corporate product marketing world.
If you keep mentioning stuff like this i may have to hire someone to silence you >:)
I had many collision bugs on html5 , rules that trigger collision works okay on all devices and on GS Viewer and HTML5 preview , but once i post it on arcade or have an html5 export it just ruins everything , collision rules go on and off they dont work well they glitch sometimes and sometimes they just dont trigger at all. I had to change alot of rules to make it work , but it creates other problems as well , all regarding collision. I thought it was due to interpolate behavior not working well with collisions , but when i changed some rules it worked.
just an example , I used to have it so that when game.attribute is true collide with actor ,otherwise nothing , this never worked , (even though it works everywhere else, so im sure its not a logic problem). When I changed it to , if color alpha = 1 collide , it worked. When I added another collide behavior into the same rule , the second collide behavior doesnt trigger , only the first one does. I really dont know whats causing all of these issues with collision on html5 and arcade only. I am not trying to be negative , but just in case someone else faces the same problems , they try different methods. I hope these issues get fixed soon.
adent42Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PROPosts: 3,198
Yah, sorry about that, please report the bugs at http://bugs.gamesalad.com and we'll try to get to them. The HTML5 / Arcade engines are a different beast than the native engines (what powers preview and mobile apps), so you will see limitations you'll have to adapt to and bugs you'll have to work around. The more detail we get in the bugs database, the faster we can get these bugs knocked out when we get to them.
In your case @Icebox1910, the fact that your code works in the HTML5 preview but not arcade is strange, as it all uses the same engine. Please include a portfolio link to your project when you submit the bug.
I did save some early files below 22,500 bitrates, they might have been the ones that had the error! Thanks for finding it.
I was looking at the sample pages and saw that you guys had gone all out with the new html5 export's instructions and explanation about inline and iframe and how to load teh game!
Very awesome!
Do you mean, if you just open up the files, there's instructions inside, or is that info published somewhere else?
I wanted to know more about those, but have ignored those files so far.
@Hymloe Yes, when opening sample-index.html, there is an in-depth explanation on how to handle the files, I hadn't noticed before. Here is a small part of it:
Yes I posted the instructions in a thread and also did a video on it.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Could you link to them? Sounds great!
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Hey thanks Dave, I only just realised you'd changed your name, etc. Thanks.
@Lost_Oasis_Games Thanks for the information on html5.
Hi @adent42, I just wanted to clarify...
If I post a link to a build of my HTML5 game here for people to check out, give feedback, etc... how safe is the code behind the game?
In non-technical-specifics, can someone pull the game apart, or decrypt it back into a GS project, for example?
Or do I basically "just have nothing to worry about whatsoever?"
Rock on.
As with all things web, anyone sufficiently clever could download your games and figure out a way to convert them back to an editable format. It's a text format and the images and sounds have to stay unencrypted so that they can be loaded in a timely manner and compatible with browsers.
Basically, you can't just download someone's HTML5 game and then fire up creator and start editing it. You'd have to have a good understanding of our file format to be able to reconstruct something GameSalad could edit.
The data format for the game is much different than what Creator can load and many things are in different places than they would normally be.
I can't guarantee complete safety, but we don't make it easy either.
Thanks! Good to know. I might try to tizz up a build a put it out there for people to see, and critique. FUN to be able to actually do that! So thanks for all the hard work Game Salad team!
@Hymloe also remember, you can always use Arcade!
Okay all, I decided to make my Friday a quick hack day and I've got experimental support for the two table network behaviors in the HTML5 engine.
To enable it do the following:
I haven't tested this at all really (other than to make sure that if i return data the callback functions set correctly). The reason this is "Experimental" is because of this lack of testing and because I'm worried about what happens if the table you're loading online is bigger than the one you have stored in your game. Also, I'd eventually like to give users the option to load data via JSONP instead of AJAX so that you don't have to worry about the CORS headers.
So test it out and let me know if it works as expected.
@adent42 Sounds very handy! Looking forward to getting my teeth into a network game!
Any update on a fix for table references within table references in HTML5? e.g. tableCellValue(table,tableCellValue(table2,1,1),2) etc.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
awesome, I'll try and take a crack at it this week
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Sounds awesome!
I'd love to check out any multiplayer experiments you devs get up to.
@adent42 , nice! Will test it out.
Oh @adent42, on the topic of publishing to the ARCADE ... there's some issues in HTML5 that are affecting my game. Which of these are also present in the ARCADE platform?
Positional audio doesn't work in HTML5. Plays at full volume everywhere. Is this also the case for ARCADE?
Pitched audio doesn't work in HTML5. Just plays at normal pitch always. Is this also the case for ARCADE?
Car Steering (equations involving Motion.AngularVelocity) come out as a lower number on HTML5, than they do on iOS devices and the Creator Preview - thus the car's steering is totally different.
Display text is sometimes munched (when using fonts at larger sizes!?). Is this also the case for ARCADE?
And specifically for the ARCADE platform... can the ARCADE games be run at any resolution, or only a fixed resolution? Is there a maximum and minimum resolution Arcade supports? Does it need to be set in any special way?
So arcade uses the same engine as HTML5, so same limitations. You can run at any resolution, you can tweak the embed code.
So the benefit to using ARCADE is that it's more secure? Or...?
@Hymloe why does there need to be a benefit or even be one assumed ?
No, I mean, @adent42 was suggesting that I might want to share my game with the other devs here, via the ARCADE platform.
So I'm just wondering, why I might want to do that instead of a straight HTML5 version hosted on my own web space, for example.
I'm not asking GS to justify the existence of the ARCADE platform, or anything. I can see there's benefits, like, anyone can share their game their, without needing to host it anywhere on their own dime, etc.
I was asking initially, because I wondered whether maybe the ARCADE platform was more fully featured, and did have proper sound support and things.
Just looking for info.
No worries
I think I was being an arse.
And you have it pretty much sussed anyway, if there is a benefit it is that you can press publish and not have to think about much else but as a shop window to your creations it is pretty terrible.
Haha, cheers, yeah, I like having things at my own site, just because it feels more like my own little space.
I've been feeling a bit hesitant to share my game around for feedback, what with the lack of proper sound support in HTML5 - as it makes the game sound kind of horrid, because everything plays un-positionally, and therefore really loudly, and my car sounds don't have any of the engine-revving pitch support that kind of makes them "work". Instead, the cars just sound like a "dumb" constant droning loop. (They should modulate based on the speed of the car).
But I want to share it around to get some feedback from you guys.
I feel quite a disconnect between GS users (or at least between me and other GS users) , because I very rarely see anyone's work... I sometimes wonder if...
There's an ongoing embarrassment about using Game Salad. Not necessarily because it's a non-coding approach to Game Development, but because it's like admitting you go out with a wife that beats you, sometimes. I have had some really painful experiences trying to get my games made... problems with bugs getting fixed that have prevented my games from working for a full year. And there's no good way to talk to your peers about that without looking like you yourself are a fool, going back to this cruel mistress month after month. ... On the bright side, I think this is starting to clear up, as GS is getting cleaned up and stabilised, which is nice for everyone!
And secondly, there's never really been a good way to share our work with each other, in the relative privacy of the Pro forums, besides publishing it to somewhere, which is antithetical to sharing an "in-dev" build!
So now HTML5 makes sharing a build easier than it ever has been before! The users are just a click away from trying it out.
And it'd be nice to be able to share what I'm doing, and maybe, just maybe, have people identify, empathise, and care more directly about what issues I might be having with Game Salad. And at the very least, just be interested to see what I'm doing, and maybe spark off some conversation and ideas. Which is always fun.
HTML5 is also a cool way to be able to showcase a bug, or issue, at the click of a button (rather than having to make a video, or explain things with a complex series of screenshots, diagrams and virtual hand-waving.
HTML 5 has very useful functions. Especially for us who do client work. There is a whole market for creating widgets for people's websites, especially in the corporate product marketing world.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@Lost_Oasis_Games said:
If you keep mentioning stuff like this i may have to hire someone to silence you >:)
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
You can steal my ideas but you can never steal my talent...
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I had many collision bugs on html5 , rules that trigger collision works okay on all devices and on GS Viewer and HTML5 preview , but once i post it on arcade or have an html5 export it just ruins everything , collision rules go on and off they dont work well they glitch sometimes and sometimes they just dont trigger at all. I had to change alot of rules to make it work , but it creates other problems as well , all regarding collision. I thought it was due to interpolate behavior not working well with collisions , but when i changed some rules it worked.
just an example , I used to have it so that when game.attribute is true collide with actor ,otherwise nothing , this never worked , (even though it works everywhere else, so im sure its not a logic problem). When I changed it to , if color alpha = 1 collide , it worked. When I added another collide behavior into the same rule , the second collide behavior doesnt trigger , only the first one does. I really dont know whats causing all of these issues with collision on html5 and arcade only. I am not trying to be negative , but just in case someone else faces the same problems , they try different methods. I hope these issues get fixed soon.
Yah, sorry about that, please report the bugs at http://bugs.gamesalad.com and we'll try to get to them. The HTML5 / Arcade engines are a different beast than the native engines (what powers preview and mobile apps), so you will see limitations you'll have to adapt to and bugs you'll have to work around. The more detail we get in the bugs database, the faster we can get these bugs knocked out when we get to them.
In your case @Icebox1910, the fact that your code works in the HTML5 preview but not arcade is strange, as it all uses the same engine. Please include a portfolio link to your project when you submit the bug.