Some advice for new Gamesalad users.

The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
edited February 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)
I see a large influx of news users here recently so I thought I'd share some healthy advice with you.

Gamesalad is a great tool and is much easier than learning the syntax involved in line coding. With that said logic based coding is still a learning intensive experience. It can still take up to a year, depending on the amount of effort and study, to learn to harness the power of gamesalad. Most people make the mistake of trying right away to build complex stuff and rush into things. It's best to start with small demo projects that advance as you learn. Complex games require a knowledge of vector math and designing proper logic trees.

Many of us veterans in the community have developed a wealth of resources including, free video tutorials and templates. Take the time to watch lots of videos and build little experements to try out the code. Specifically watch the videos that will teach you the fundamentals of the software like, what are attributes, what are actors, what is a prototype actor et... Learning the basics may not seem exciting but it's critical to making a solid game.

Forums. The forums are a great place to get help. Most veterans will tell you we want you to learn. Coming to the forums when you're stuck on a particular issue is what we look for. Please don't come to the forum asking how to build this type of game. That is just way to broad a question to answer on a forum post. Be specific about your issue and what you want to accomplish. Learn the terminology, this is critical to helping you.

Lastly, we are all volunteers and we need you to understand that. Be patient if someone doesn't answer your question right away. Please don't use !!!!! Nothing in game development is life or death. Be patient and someone always answers around here but remember we have life's too. Most of us veterans have made tons of video tutorials as we grow weary of answering the same questions over and over for years on end. Doing the videos and directing you to them affords us the time to answer specifics not covered in a video. A simple google search using the term game salad will reveal hundreds of videos. I have nearly 100 videos on my site alone. Take the time to try figuring things out yourself and search for videos or use the forum search for answers before just running to the forum. Game development is a continually developing technology and learning to be self sufficient will help you grow as a developer.

Good luck!



  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    Dave, great insights and thanks for posting them!

    This should be a sticky.

    New users also should see the FAQs:

    New to GameSalad? (FAQs)   |   Tutorials   |   Templates   |   Greenleaf Games   |   Educator & Certified GameSalad User

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881
    Great post! Perhaps we could start referring users to this whenever anyone gets a little steamed because they aren't getting the answer they want quick enough. Or when they make a demand on the forums that simply isn't reasonable.
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    I see a influx of flappy bird want to beez. I hope most are really interested in the art of game development and not a quick buck.
  • KillerPenguinStudiosKillerPenguinStudios Member Posts: 1,291
    I see a influx of flappy bird want to beez. I hope most are really interested in the art of game development and not a quick buck.
    Im sry @FryingBaconStudios as I am one of those that made one. [-O< PLEASE Don't Hate me or Hate on me for doing so! Gave me a break from my other 3 games I am developing and my websites! HAHAHA!
  • bds62bds62 Member Posts: 31
    FBS, Thank you for this post. I've been into game development for years (very small platform style games for personal fun) through Flash. I haven't done anything in years and I wanted to move on to something different and thought GameSalad would be perfect.

    I can see there's a lot to learn and I've already watched over 2 hours of tutorials and I know that's probably only 0.01% of total time I'll be watching haha.

    Thanks again for this post and taking the time to answer my earlier post.
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    I see a influx of flappy bird want to beez. I hope most are really interested in the art of game development and not a quick buck.

    Im sry @FryingBaconStudios as I am one of those that made one. [-O< PLEASE Don't Hate me or Hate on me for doing so! Gave me a break from my other 3 games I am developing and my websites! HAHAHA!
    Me thinks the horse is already out of the barn. As @RP and I say "once a trend starts you're already late to the party." Although we have a different vision than some, we want to be the trend setters not the followers. We feel it's a greater challenge and therefore worthy of effort.
  • KillerPenguinStudiosKillerPenguinStudios Member Posts: 1,291
    Me thinks the horse is already out of the barn. As @RP and I say "once a trend starts you're already late to the party." Although we have a different vision than some, we want to be the trend setters not the followers. We feel it's a greater challenge and therefore worthy of effort.
    I def understand that and know what you mean!
  • Shadow_DevelopmentShadow_Development Rocklin, CA. United StatesMember Posts: 85

    Thanks for sharing your tips, this post definitely deserves a bookmark. In addition, I agree with you. I made a big mistake thinking GameSalad was going to be an easy drag and drop software, but heck was I wrong. However I'm thankful for it, because now I know what more GameSalad is capable of.

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited March 2014

    @Thunder_Child said:
    so we are allowed to bump?

    @Thunder_Child‌ There isn't a rule that prohibits bumping a thread. We just ask that people not bump frequently as it gets quite annoying and is usually a sign of impatience. If a few days have gone by and you really need an answer to a question, it's acceptable to bump a thread.

    Seeing as how this is a useful informational thread, I don't have a problem with it. Plus, @FryingBaconStudios‌ waited two weeks each time to bump.

    New to GameSalad? (FAQs)   |   Tutorials   |   Templates   |   Greenleaf Games   |   Educator & Certified GameSalad User

  • SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603

    Great stuff!
    I can vouch for trying to take too much on at the very beginning. It really does pay off to learn about what you're getting in to fully, before taking the step to actually making a proper game. And once you do, don't expect anything too amazing on your first try!

    • Thomas
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    The only threads I ever bump are ones I provide useful information to the community in such as my threads that contain my videos. When I see the need for that information to be introduced to new users. As mentioned I do not abuse the bumping. I could just keep making new threads but that get's time consuming especially for my video thread. Maybe I need my own video sticky ;)

  • ookami007ookami007 Member Posts: 581

    I saw @The_Gamesalad_Guru make the comment about being coming to make a quick buck. I've seen that sentiment alot but I don't understand it. This isn't directed to GS Guru... just curious about the general sentiment.

    Why would you begrudge someone making a buck (quick or otherwise). Is it jealousy (they're making a buck and you aren't)? The "high" path of "art" of game design?

    Let me just say... world shakers have started off on both paths. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both got into the market originally to capitalize on the PC boom. Both ended up changing the face of computing.

    Classical musicians who were trained in voice and music scoffed at the upstarts like Elvis (or even Michael Jackson for that matter) who completely go against the "art" of music. Yet... everyone knows their names... and most people can't even name one classically trained opera singer.

    My point is, we shouldn't care WHY people come here or why they go started. Only that they are here. And everyone who starts using GameSalad gives the developers more incentive to make it a better platform.

    I welcome the upstarts... I welcome money seekers...

    Bring it!

  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    edited July 2014

    If you re going into game development with the focus of making $$$, then you are not focused on games. That type of developer I would steer far and away from. Usually a road paved with good intentions intersecting many burned bridges.

    As Dick Jones would say " I had a guaranteed military sale with ED209! Renovation program! Spare parts for 25 years! Who cares if it worked or not!".

    Edit* Oh really Gamesalad? The short for Richard is blocked? Get real.

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881
    edited July 2014

    @RP -- I think the blanking of Dick Jones is a vanilla forum filter thing. I don't think anyone deliberately removed it.

    Edit: Yup -- it blanked my post automatically.

  • CodeCellCodeCell Member Posts: 90

    @ookami007 said:
    I saw The_Gamesalad_Guru make the comment about being coming to make a quick buck. I've seen that sentiment alot but I don't understand it. This isn't directed to GS Guru... just curious about the general sentiment.

    Why would you begrudge someone making a buck (quick or otherwise). Is it jealousy (they're making a buck and you aren't)? The "high" path of "art" of game design?

    Let me just say... world shakers have started off on both paths. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both got into the market originally to capitalize on the PC boom. Both ended up changing the face of computing.

    Classical musicians who were trained in voice and music scoffed at the upstarts like Elvis (or even Michael Jackson for that matter) who completely go against the "art" of music. Yet... everyone knows their names... and most people can't even name one classically trained opera singer.

    My point is, we shouldn't care WHY people come here or why they go started. Only that they are here. And everyone who starts using GameSalad gives the developers more incentive to make it a better platform.

    I welcome the upstarts... I welcome money seekers...

    Bring it!

    It's a power game. Some people get their kick from lecturing others. It happens everywhere. It normally comes from a lack of success on their part and therefore feel the need give their advice because they act like they know. That's why you don't see anyone with success still with Gamesalad, let alone making threads about how people should act. However I am obliged to say their are a few exceptions as my definition of success is clearly different to others.

    That being said, it's a good thread, but if members went going to take the time to read the forums rules or the cookbook, why on earth are they going to read this. The only people who seem to read and then comment in how good it is are the people who have already been using GS for a long while and all agree that it will help others. Which is kind of useless when you think about it. How do people know the person giving advice is even creditabke of giving advice. They are new members, and a lot of the are well over the age of 18. They know why they joined Gamesalad and if they are serious they can read the cookbook. The whole situation sort of try's to make the establishment of "were the gods" vs "the new no nothing people".

    The people who care about making a quick buck are the reasons sites like dBa and gshelper have lasted around that long. This is where people start pointing fingers but when you actually state the facts, it's those people pointing fingers that are to blame. They buy a full game template and sell it, there question that they may ask is how to publish. I don't like the fact people can do that, but what I don't like more is people associated with templates are the ones saying making a quick buck is bad. Does that apply to ones self? Plus it comes to back to the fact that people have "morals" and feel they should be creating some unique game. Not sure who your kidding with this statement when you ripping of other games of helping others with templates.

    This whole thread and a lot of the community are not open to the ideas that others have different views and opinions. And of course when someone feels they don't agree they know form the get god they are going to be attacked. And who does, the veterans that claim they rule the forums. This thread is nothing more than the advertisement of 100 videos hidden upon a few words of advice aimed at people are never going to read it only to show off how good someone is and all they have done for the community. Doesn't really warrant a mist read thread. People are hear to make money, that's the end line. There is no such thing as you will not have success because you don't have the same passion as I do curse, from what I have seen it has been the complete opposite, but then again who knows how that success was achieved and how long it will last.

  • gamestudentgamestudent Member Posts: 504

    @RP said:
    If you re going into game development with the focus of making $$$, then you are not focused on games.

    I think that's true, but If your sole focus is Games, then why bother with publishing, advertising, etc? Economic gain is a powerful incentive. However, If you don't have passion for what you do, then you probably won't make much $$$ anyways. All of the best game creators were focused on making games, and the $$$ was the result. While we're on the subject may I point out that currency Is a tool. I mean can you imagine if you had a blank check for your budget? that'd be awesome right? So the unoriginal clone-makers might make a "quik buck" but they'll never make a game that will make real $$$, history, and somthing great.


  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    edited July 2014

    No there is a fine difference. When you make great stuff, people want you to represent. Shoveling out shovelware anywhere/everywhere is like crapping until it does not leave a stain on the carpet with the right demograhic (IF you find them). No thanks.

    And BTW I have a blank check for my project (yet I do it as for little/realistic as possible...hello? are you doing this for real?). That does not mean I cash in quick and make sub-par games for my produers. Then again, this is a different realm than app store shenanigans.

  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    edited July 2014

    @RThurman said:
    RP -- I think the blanking of Dick Jones is a vanilla forum filter thing. I don't think anyone deliberately removed it.

    Edit: Yup -- it blanked my post automatically.

    Lol! You did not call me a D.I.C.K. did you? Or it thinks you literally are/are being... said name... lol!

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    edited July 2014

    I'm not sure how this thread got off track or how anyone who doesn't even know me judge my intentions. Making a diagnosis that I have insecurity issues or a god complex. The first post is simply general advice. How cynical we've become when a person who offers help to others must have an ulterior motive. But I digress, I have no desire nor need to defend myself. A God would never dare do such a thing :#

  • CodeCellCodeCell Member Posts: 90

    Yet someone feels the need to call themselves a guru....

    Then I also assume these threads are all for the benefit of the community and in no way one of many ways to give lectures on how people should be.

    oh this shows some nice things. ..

    another lecture trying to take the mods jobs...

    Oh look. Some more insults and Judge ment .

    What started out as a heart filled apologies quickly became an attention seeking thread.

    Some lovely maturity demonstrated here. ..

    Some nice self credit and compliments.

    I could go on for ages. These are just your own threads that demonstrated your forum behaviour. It seems all your advice and tips and arguments are really things you tell everyone not to do or how to react. I am sorry but what gives you the right to feel fit to sit on top of the throne. Seriously I have had to read and skip your comments for years because you always seem to know what's right. Stop referring to yourself as the higher up member. For someone who has business success I highly doubt PR is your strong suit. This is not a must read. Neither are a lot of your other threads. If your going to give advice at least have the creditability to have some warrant role model behaviour. I am sure your a great guy but your forum post sure says otherwise

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    edited July 2014
  • KillerPenguinStudiosKillerPenguinStudios Member Posts: 1,291

    OMG, this post has gone WAY off topic. I will admit though @The_Gamesalad_Guru‌, @CodeCell's last post cracked me up and had me laughing! I'm sure @RP‌ is laughing as well! :) It seems people can't look at the issues being addressed and why they are issues. All they see is someone trying to lecture them.

    You know what I always say, "The truth hurts!" What it really comes down to is you tell it like it is and people don't like that! Plain and simple. People don't like hearing the truth when it's hard to swallow. That's just how it is unfortunately and those individuals will eventually have a rude awakening and hopefully when that time comes for those individuals it won't be to late.

  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    edited July 2014

    @KillerPenguinStudios said:
    OMG, this post has gone WAY off topic. I will admit though The_Gamesalad_Guru‌, CodeCell's last post cracked me up and had me laughing! I'm sure RP‌ is laughing as well! :) It seems people can't look at the issues being addressed and why they are issues. All they see is someone trying to lecture them.

    You know what I always say, "The truth hurts!" What it really comes down to is you tell it like it is and people don't like that! Plain and simple. People don't like hearing the truth when it's hard to swallow. That's just how it is unfortunately and those individuals will eventually have a rude awakening and hopefully when that time comes for those individuals it won't be to late.


    I gotta wonder how much productivity time was wasted resourcing all that. That's true love right there. ;)

  • natzuurnatzuur Member Posts: 304

    It's a bit of a mix on both sides really. @CodeCell isn't wrong about some points. Neither is @The_Gamesalad_Guru , but I can see where the self-promotion and arrogance comes into play sometimes, no one is perfect.

    That being said, he's not wrong. Learn your tools, use resources, be cautious as a work-for-hire/ freelancer, don't expect everything for free and get upset when you can't comprehend the FREE help you just received, don't blame GS the tool for your lack of knowledge and talent, etc.

    The most important rule for me is this:

    Be humble.

    As much as you know or as talented as you are in an area, someone else is likely even better. And we all started somewhere, being a noob is ok, being an A-hole is not.

    SO let's get along guys, toxicity in the forums is helping no-one.

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