Just got out of the meetup. The staff would like to tell us more about Graphene, but they cannot for a couple reasons. For example, since it's in development, any current features are viable to change. Also, showing more would result in more freaking out here in the forums, as has been evidenced; they just wanted to mention the existence of Graphene here so people could have something to look forward to. However, they did mention a few things, like I think they said something about being able to create 2D isometric games as well as plain 2D.
Also, regarding code, they said that you will be likely be able to implement your own code (although it is not required to develop a game), but they can't tell us what language yet because they themselves are yet to decide.
And to calm any fears about the split attention, there are separate groups working on GameSalad and Graphene, and they are still making good progress with GS; the current goal is to catch the PC version up to 0.12, which hopefully will be ready around the end of the month.
Another thing to mention is that the last year was mainly spent fixing bugs, and soon the team will be able to start focusing on implementing features. They advised submitting feature requests to Bugzilla, and also said that feature requests for GameSalad can also affect how Graphene turns out.
Just trying to summarize the meetup and hopefully clear a few things up. If I have said anything the staff or someone at the meetup notices was incorrect, please feel free to input.
Can't wait for more awesomeness from the awesome peeps working for GameSalad
Thanks for your patience everyone! We'll be releasing more information soon. And we're definitely listening to your concerns. It bears reinforcement though... we're not going to screw anyone over with Graphene.
From the meeting they weren't actually able to answer much regarding to Graphene.
It seems to still be quite early in development, and as such no firm plans, or pricing structures have been defined. When asked, they couldn't say which programming language people should learn, as they had yet to decide.
From what we were told theres two teams..one for GameSalad, one for Graphene, with programmers moving between the teams as and when required.
It was a little disappointing that no one from the Graphene team was at the meeting to be able to field the questions properly.
I guess for me, the biggest disappointment was confirmation that none of the creator interface updates that have been requested for years, and which spawned the whole cross platform creator thing, have even been started.
Basically the team said they'll look at implementing them later, if they get enough votes in the Bugtracker. So the long awaited creator improvements like snap to grid, multiple copy and paste of actors, improved layer controls etc that many of us were led to believe was the cross platform creator, are still just pie in the sky... and will probably never happen... not in the GameSalad tool at least.
But hey ho.. it is what it is... at least I know that now.
@Chunkypixels said:
From the meeting they weren't actually able to answer much regarding to Graphene.
It seems to still be quite early in development, and as such no firm plans, or pricing structures have been defined. When asked, they couldn't say which programming language people should learn, as they had yet to decide.
From what we were told theres two teams..one for GameSalad, one for Graphene, with programmers moving between the teams as and when required.
It was a little disappointing that no one from the Graphene team was at the meeting to be able to field the questions properly.
I guess for me, the biggest disappointment was confirmation that none of the creator interface updates that have been requested for years, and which spawned the whole cross platform creator thing, have even been started.
Basically the team said they'll look at implementing them later, if they get enough votes in the Bugtracker. So the long awaited creator improvements like snap to grid, multiple copy and paste of actors, improved layer controls etc that many of us were led to believe was the cross platform creator, are still just pie in the sky... and will probably never happen... not in the GameSalad tool at least.
But hey ho.. it is what it is... at least I know that now.
All this time in the monthly updates about GS Creator. This phrase was used alot. " ALot of progress has been made to the Cross Platform Creator". Every month this was said. Then we find out the the CPC has a new name "Graphene"
Dont make me go back and quote all the things that was said about Graphene that sold it as a idea becoming reality. Now its starting to sound like a idea that could become reality..and right now just a bunch of high hopes. How come everyone has been talking about " you should learn LUA" ? And now your telling me the meeting stated they dont even know what language they are gonna use yet?
Not knowing what language your gonna use. Is like having the blueprints to the house. But you still dont know if you are gonna use wood framing studs or metal studs. I hope Graphene is far past deciding what language to use.Hint of Polygon Collisions and Joints and other things coming to Graphene. And now your saying in this meeting that they dont know what features are going to be in Graphene?
@FINNBOGG We're very clear on what language you'll use if you choose to code with Graphene. Which, by the way, is completely optional. Feel free to stick with the visual behavior editor. The lack of specifics during the meetup last night was purposeful. We'll be releasing more details soon. Honest. Don't take our staging of information as a reason to think we don't know what we're doing. Nice shanty house by the way.
Graphene supports three main ways of getting logic into your apps:
Visual behavior & logic editing. This is the easiest way and not dissimilar to how you do things in GameSalad. There are differences in how we solve this problem for Graphene but the goal of easy-as-pie visual behavior and logic editing is primary for Graphene.
Manual Lua scripting. As cool as our visual behavior and logic editing system is (and it's getting better every day), some more advanced concepts will be more easily solved with good old-fashioned Lua scripting. We support this.
Native coding. Both 1 and 2 above deal with Lua scripts. When you use the visual behavior & logic editor, you're actually authoring Lua scripts. The visual tool makes that easier for you. As awesome as Lua is, sometimes it's not enough. Some features require native code access. Examples are accessing native APIs, custom rendering logic, integrating with third party libraries, and features that require more performance than you can squeeze out of Lua. Native coding is in C++ and supports platform-specific languages as well (Java on Android and Objective-C/Swift on iOS).
The reason for this three-fold approach is because we're building a marketplace around Graphene that will empower the entire community of Graphene users to push the technology forward. If you're comfortable with just the visual tool and putting logic blocks together, do that. If you're comfortable delving into Lua scripts to add features to your game, do that! If you're comfortable whipping up native engine extensions to unlock awesomesauce for your game, do that too! Exporting and sharing your Graphene creations on the marketplace is a first-level feature. This will allow all of us to benefit from the collective skills of the community.
Just remember that you'll be able to make games all day just living in the visual tool if you want to. Coding is supported but completely optional.
Graphene supports three main ways of getting logic into your apps:
Visual behavior & logic editing. This is the easiest way and not dissimilar to how you do things in GameSalad. There are differences in how we solve this problem for Graphene but the goal of easy-as-pie visual behavior and logic editing is primary for Graphene.
Manual Lua scripting. As cool as our visual behavior and logic editing system is (and it's getting better every day), some more advanced concepts will be more easily solved with good old-fashioned Lua scripting. We support this.
Native coding. Both 1 and 2 above deal with Lua scripts. When you use the visual behavior & logic editor, you're actually authoring Lua scripts. The visual tool makes that easier for you. As awesome as Lua is, sometimes it's not enough. Some features require native code access. Examples are accessing native APIs, custom rendering logic, integrating with third party libraries, and features that require more performance than you can squeeze out of Lua. Native coding is in C++ and supports platform-specific languages as well (Java on Android and Objective-C/Swift on iOS).
The reason for this three-fold approach is because we're building a marketplace around Graphene that will empower the entire community of Graphene users to push the technology forward. If you're comfortable with just the visual tool and putting logic blocks together, do that. If you're comfortable delving into Lua scripts to add features to your game, do that! If you're comfortable whipping up native engine extensions to unlock awesomesauce for your game, do that too! Exporting and sharing your Graphene creations on the marketplace is a first-level feature. This will allow all of us to benefit from the collective skills of the community.
Just remember that you'll be able to make games all day just living in the visual tool if you want to. _Coding is supported but completely optional.
@CodeWizard said:
FINNBOGG We're very clear on what language you'll use if you choose to code with Graphene. Which, by the way, is completely optional. Feel free to stick with the visual behavior editor. The lack of specifics during the meetup last night was purposeful. We'll be releasing more details soon. Honest. Don't take our staging of information as a reason to think we don't know what we're doing. Nice shanty house by the way.
Graphene supports three main ways of getting logic into your apps:
Visual behavior & logic editing. This is the easiest way and not dissimilar to how you do things in GameSalad. There are differences in how we solve this problem for Graphene but the goal of easy-as-pie visual behavior and logic editing is primary for Graphene.
Manual Lua scripting. As cool as our visual behavior and logic editing system is (and it's getting better every day), some more advanced concepts will be more easily solved with good old-fashioned Lua scripting. We support this.
Native coding. Both 1 and 2 above deal with Lua scripts. When you use the visual behavior & logic editor, you're actually authoring Lua scripts. The visual tool makes that easier for you. As awesome as Lua is, sometimes it's not enough. Some features require native code access. Examples are accessing native APIs, custom rendering logic, integrating with third party libraries, and features that require more performance than you can squeeze out of Lua. Native coding is in C++ and supports platform-specific languages as well (Java on Android and Objective-C/Swift on iOS).
The reason for this three-fold approach is because we're building a marketplace around Graphene that will empower the entire community of Graphene users to push the technology forward. If you're comfortable with just the visual tool and putting logic blocks together, do that. If you're comfortable delving into Lua scripts to add features to your game, do that! If you're comfortable whipping up native engine extensions to unlock awesomesauce for your game, do that too! Exporting and sharing your Graphene creations on the marketplace is a first-level feature. This will allow all of us to benefit from the collective skills of the community.
Just remember that you'll be able to make games all day just living in the visual tool if you want to. Coding is supported but completely optional.
Thanks for that info! If this sort of thing was on the landing page for beta sign ups I would be much more willing to spread the word.
PhilipCCEncounter Bay, South AustraliaMemberPosts: 1,390
@CodeWizard A masterful dissertation to quell the rampant imaginations of a few pessimists and to put an end to the rumour mongering.
I agree with @AlchimiaStudios. You should put your summary of Graphene on the landing page of the sign up as well as on the top of this thread because many members would not have seen either yet, and they'll react the same way and create a repeat of questions and speculation.
Well maybe it would have been best for them to have said nothing.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
You have been levitating a bit higher than usual lately, probably best to come back down a little.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
signed up
Just got out of the meetup. The staff would like to tell us more about Graphene, but they cannot for a couple reasons. For example, since it's in development, any current features are viable to change. Also, showing more would result in more freaking out here in the forums, as has been evidenced; they just wanted to mention the existence of Graphene here so people could have something to look forward to. However, they did mention a few things, like I think they said something about being able to create 2D isometric games as well as plain 2D.
Also, regarding code, they said that you will be likely be able to implement your own code (although it is not required to develop a game), but they can't tell us what language yet because they themselves are yet to decide.
And to calm any fears about the split attention, there are separate groups working on GameSalad and Graphene, and they are still making good progress with GS; the current goal is to catch the PC version up to 0.12, which hopefully will be ready around the end of the month.
Another thing to mention is that the last year was mainly spent fixing bugs, and soon the team will be able to start focusing on implementing features. They advised submitting feature requests to Bugzilla, and also said that feature requests for GameSalad can also affect how Graphene turns out.
Just trying to summarize the meetup and hopefully clear a few things up. If I have said anything the staff or someone at the meetup notices was incorrect, please feel free to input.
Can't wait for more awesomeness from the awesome peeps working for GameSalad
Thanks @wcsd9739 for that much appreciated.
I like what I hear - good luck to both the GS and Gr teams!
Thanks for your patience everyone! We'll be releasing more information soon. And we're definitely listening to your concerns. It bears reinforcement though... we're not going to screw anyone over with Graphene.
From the meeting they weren't actually able to answer much regarding to Graphene.
It seems to still be quite early in development, and as such no firm plans, or pricing structures have been defined. When asked, they couldn't say which programming language people should learn, as they had yet to decide.
From what we were told theres two teams..one for GameSalad, one for Graphene, with programmers moving between the teams as and when required.
It was a little disappointing that no one from the Graphene team was at the meeting to be able to field the questions properly.
I guess for me, the biggest disappointment was confirmation that none of the creator interface updates that have been requested for years, and which spawned the whole cross platform creator thing, have even been started.
Basically the team said they'll look at implementing them later, if they get enough votes in the Bugtracker. So the long awaited creator improvements like snap to grid, multiple copy and paste of actors, improved layer controls etc that many of us were led to believe was the cross platform creator, are still just pie in the sky... and will probably never happen... not in the GameSalad tool at least.
But hey ho.. it is what it is... at least I know that now.
Sorry for the lack of specific information. The ambiguity is purposeful at this point. More news soon!
I am still happily drinking the Kool-Aid!
What did you say? I'm having trouble hearing you from way up here.lol
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
All this time in the monthly updates about GS Creator. This phrase was used alot. " ALot of progress has been made to the Cross Platform Creator". Every month this was said. Then we find out the the CPC has a new name "Graphene"
Dont make me go back and quote all the things that was said about Graphene that sold it as a idea becoming reality. Now its starting to sound like a idea that could become reality..and right now just a bunch of high hopes. How come everyone has been talking about " you should learn LUA" ? And now your telling me the meeting stated they dont even know what language they are gonna use yet?
Not knowing what language your gonna use. Is like having the blueprints to the house. But you still dont know if you are gonna use wood framing studs or metal studs. I hope Graphene is far past deciding what language to use.Hint of Polygon Collisions and Joints and other things coming to Graphene. And now your saying in this meeting that they dont know what features are going to be in Graphene?
OK the Old Finnbogg is back.
I'm excited and still plenty happy to use Creator. Good job folks.
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@FINNBOGG We're very clear on what language you'll use if you choose to code with Graphene. Which, by the way, is completely optional. Feel free to stick with the visual behavior editor. The lack of specifics during the meetup last night was purposeful. We'll be releasing more details soon. Honest. Don't take our staging of information as a reason to think we don't know what we're doing. Nice shanty house by the way.
Graphene supports three main ways of getting logic into your apps:
The reason for this three-fold approach is because we're building a marketplace around Graphene that will empower the entire community of Graphene users to push the technology forward. If you're comfortable with just the visual tool and putting logic blocks together, do that. If you're comfortable delving into Lua scripts to add features to your game, do that! If you're comfortable whipping up native engine extensions to unlock awesomesauce for your game, do that too! Exporting and sharing your Graphene creations on the marketplace is a first-level feature. This will allow all of us to benefit from the collective skills of the community.
Just remember that you'll be able to make games all day just living in the visual tool if you want to. Coding is supported but completely optional.
@CodeWizard. Ahh, it's so refreshing to get official information and not more speculation! Awesome!
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Awesome. can't wait for it's release.
Faith restored.
Haha! Much better
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Awesome, @CodeWizard !
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Thanks for that info! If this sort of thing was on the landing page for beta sign ups I would be much more willing to spread the word.
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Great News! Thanks @CodeWizard.
Nix the Cat: Jump Adventure * Twitter * Facebook
Good to hear. Thanks @CodeWizard
@CodeWizard A masterful dissertation to quell the rampant imaginations of a few pessimists and to put an end to the rumour mongering.
I agree with @AlchimiaStudios. You should put your summary of Graphene on the landing page of the sign up as well as on the top of this thread because many members would not have seen either yet, and they'll react the same way and create a repeat of questions and speculation.
Sweet update @CodeWizard. Thanks ... Awesome stuff.
Free Mini Games and Demo Templates
I didn't read through the entire thread... but is Graphene Mac only?
No. Mac and windows.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
is it mac and windows... or like game salad is mac and windows... lol. one pretty far behind etc...
Same versions running across both platforms. So when they update, the update is sent to all users at the same time.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx