i love the new font quality and import method
as well as details such as being able to control frames of animations
But the tapdaq also appeared a bit random to me as chartboost works fine and basically is the same thing or am i missing something? Cross promotion and direct deals can be done through chartboost already. I looked briefly into it but couldn't find a major benefit to switch from chartboost, which always were super friendly and cooperative to work with.
I heard it should make it easier to cross promote gamesald games between each other but i do not know the exact details about that. (As theoretically chartboost can also do this.)
Maybe there are some rumours out there about chartboost i do also not know.
Or its just a general safety move to be more flexible if one of the current 3 is discontinued.
Making some money is important and if it helps someone in a way i am not aware of go for it.
@Two.E said:
Appsolute games publishing requires Tapdaq, it's something some of us have been asking for a while.
That's cool Then people can start publishing via big publishers
Edit: Just realized that this was my 1000th post. Yey!!
Braydon_SFXMember, Sous Chef, Bowlboy SidekickPosts: 9,273
Inside info about Tapdaq - some publishers, Appsolute LLC for example, require games to incorporate Tapdaq before they agree to publish a game. This is why I suggested GS incorporate Tapdaq; it's now going to be easier for GS games to be published by a publisher.
@Braydon_SFX said:
Inside info about Tapdaq - some publishers, Appsolute LLC for example, require games to incorporate Tapdaq before they agree to publish a game. This is why I suggested GS incorporate Tapdaq; it's now going to be easier for GS games to be published by a publisher.
I was wondering if there would ever be a way to make a ketchapp style advertising, I guess tapdaq is the answer. It's just so annoying how you have to manually choose apps to advertise. Chart boost and admob allow you to sit back and watch whatever ads they choose roll in the money.
@Braydon_SFX said:
Inside info about Tapdaq - some publishers, Appsolute LLC for example, require games to incorporate Tapdaq before they agree to publish a game. This is why I suggested GS incorporate Tapdaq; it's now going to be easier for GS games to be published by a publisher.
I was wondering if there would ever be a way to make a ketchapp style advertising, I guess tapdaq is the answer. It's just so annoying how you have to manually choose apps to advertise. Chart boost and admob allow you to sit back and watch whatever ads they choose roll in the money.
Yes. Tapdaq won't be so much a tool for us as much as a tool for publishers. This is good news though; maybe we'll see some GS games published by some good publishers!
Yes. Tapdaq won't be so much a tool for us as much as a tool for publishers. This is good news though; maybe we'll see some GS games published by some good publishers!
Yes. Tapdaq won't be so much a tool for us as much as a tool for publishers. This is good news though; maybe we'll see some GS games published by some good publishers!
That's great. Not something I would use but lots of people seem to want it.
Well done.
Sigh. Another advertising kit that everyone starts clamouring for, distracting from new features in the Creator. However many get added, people still want more
There's no feature request for it, though, so clearly people don't want it that much :P
@Armelline said:
Sigh. Another advertising kit that everyone starts clamouring for, distracting from new features in the Creator. However many get added, people still want more
There's no feature request for it, though, so clearly people don't want it that much :P
It was added in a few months ago. No need for a request.
A lot more goes on behind the scenes. It was requested privately by a few members months ago following some certain events involving some publishers. Turns out it was wasn't too complicated to add in and will benefit a lot of members who have been trying to branch out. It was a nice surprise to see it added so quickly!
were they able to fix the frame rate hitches ?? Any beta testers tried to see android performance ? or is it still in process ? i do know they were on the issue , so just looking for an update if anyone noticed anything.
I can assume many reason why one would be annoyed, but not at a new feature. Don't know what happen behind the scenes as I was not part of it. I am just glad that it is added.
@Two.E said:
I can assume many reason why one would be annoyed, but not at a new feature. Don't know what happen behind the scenes as I was not part of it. I am just glad that it is added.
Well, there are plenty of features people have been waiting 7 years for now that would benefit a whole lot more people. And have feature requests. And some that probably wouldn't take much longer to implement. Add to that the fact that GS have spent the past 7 years adding advertising kit after advertising kit and each one gets swiftly abandoned by the user-base as soon as something "better" comes along and then everyone starts crying out for that one. Then throw in this new educational push and the complete lack of educational SDKs which would benefit at least as many people, and that begins to scratch the surface of my frustration.
y the user-base as soon as something "better" comes along and then everyone starts crying out for that one. Then throw in this new educational push and the complete lack of educational SDKs which would benefit at least as many people, and that begins to scratch the surface of my frustration.
completely agree with you @Armelline. Theres UI features and requests that go back 6-7 years that would benefit every single user that opens and uses GS creator, that completely get ignored time and again.
GS staff constantly tell us to add them as feature requests in the bug database, and that they'll work on the most voted ones as priorities.
But its complete poppycock... making requests through the official channels doesn't mean !@#$%... and things like the UI get completely ignored over and over, even though they're high up on the votes on the database, or have been requested over and over on the forums.
New monetisation/ad kits get added like its the most important thing for creating games, and seem to get added as a favour behind the scenes... and the editor UI that every single user has to deal with every time they use the software gets to fall even further back into the dark ages.
Seriously... where are the priorities... @CodeWizard
I think some features are just more "expensive" in terms of code support than others. We just don't know what the engine looks like under the hood. It seems to me that most feature requests that has to do with editor UI could fall into that category. Also, I'm pretty sure different types of advertising SDK's are created to be easy to implement for a company like GameSalad, so that might be one of the reasons. Another reason could be the fact that it is possible that GameSalad receives a trickle of the advertising revenue earned by GameSalad users. We want them to stay in business, so whatever they need to do to stay afloat is fine by me.
You do realize they just layed off two people right?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I am sure they could take a hit after saving 200k
Lol, tapdaq works fine and all, but heads up, it sucks.
My Games:
Website: https://etggames.com
i love the new font quality and import method
as well as details such as being able to control frames of animations
But the tapdaq also appeared a bit random to me as chartboost works fine and basically is the same thing or am i missing something? Cross promotion and direct deals can be done through chartboost already. I looked briefly into it but couldn't find a major benefit to switch from chartboost, which always were super friendly and cooperative to work with.
I heard it should make it easier to cross promote gamesald games between each other but i do not know the exact details about that. (As theoretically chartboost can also do this.)
Maybe there are some rumours out there about chartboost i do also not know.
Or its just a general safety move to be more flexible if one of the current 3 is discontinued.
Making some money is important and if it helps someone in a way i am not aware of go for it.
My Apps
Appsolute games publishing requires Tapdaq, it's something some of us have been asking for a while.
GSLearn.com | Templates | Free Demos | Udemy Course
That's cool
Then people can start publishing via big publishers 
Edit: Just realized that this was my 1000th post. Yey!!
Inside info about Tapdaq - some publishers, Appsolute LLC for example, require games to incorporate Tapdaq before they agree to publish a game. This is why I suggested GS incorporate Tapdaq; it's now going to be easier for GS games to be published by a publisher.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
I was wondering if there would ever be a way to make a ketchapp style advertising, I guess tapdaq is the answer. It's just so annoying how you have to manually choose apps to advertise. Chart boost and admob allow you to sit back and watch whatever ads they choose roll in the money.
My Games:
Website: https://etggames.com
Yes. Tapdaq won't be so much a tool for us as much as a tool for publishers. This is good news though; maybe we'll see some GS games published by some good publishers!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Cool, good news.
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Oops - didn't see your post! Ha!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
i think it'll be coming soon. the test builds are coming quicker and quicker
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
That's great. Not something I would use but lots of people seem to want it.
Well done.
Sigh. Another advertising kit that everyone starts clamouring for, distracting from new features in the Creator. However many get added, people still want more
There's no feature request for it, though, so clearly people don't want it that much :P
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
It was added in a few months ago. No need for a request.
GSLearn.com | Templates | Free Demos | Udemy Course
I'm confused. What was this in reference to then?
I'm obviously way behind, had my head buried deep into so many projects...
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
A lot more goes on behind the scenes. It was requested privately by a few members months ago following some certain events involving some publishers. Turns out it was wasn't too complicated to add in and will benefit a lot of members who have been trying to branch out. It was a nice surprise to see it added so quickly!
GSLearn.com | Templates | Free Demos | Udemy Course
Well for us plebeians, feature requests are required. Didn't realise!
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Edit: I am just grateful to those how helped get it listed and see it through.
GSLearn.com | Templates | Free Demos | Udemy Course
were they able to fix the frame rate hitches ?? Any beta testers tried to see android performance ? or is it still in process ? i do know they were on the issue , so just looking for an update if anyone noticed anything.
I saw your post pre-edit, and I won't comment directly on it here other than to say I think you wrongly assume what it is that annoyed me about this.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
I can assume many reason why one would be annoyed, but not at a new feature. Don't know what happen behind the scenes as I was not part of it. I am just glad that it is added.
GSLearn.com | Templates | Free Demos | Udemy Course
Well, there are plenty of features people have been waiting 7 years for now that would benefit a whole lot more people. And have feature requests. And some that probably wouldn't take much longer to implement. Add to that the fact that GS have spent the past 7 years adding advertising kit after advertising kit and each one gets swiftly abandoned by the user-base as soon as something "better" comes along and then everyone starts crying out for that one. Then throw in this new educational push and the complete lack of educational SDKs which would benefit at least as many people, and that begins to scratch the surface of my frustration.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
y the user-base as soon as something "better" comes along and then everyone starts crying out for that one. Then throw in this new educational push and the complete lack of educational SDKs which would benefit at least as many people, and that begins to scratch the surface of my frustration.
What would be an example of an educational SDK?
completely agree with you @Armelline. Theres UI features and requests that go back 6-7 years that would benefit every single user that opens and uses GS creator, that completely get ignored time and again.
GS staff constantly tell us to add them as feature requests in the bug database, and that they'll work on the most voted ones as priorities.
But its complete poppycock... making requests through the official channels doesn't mean !@#$%... and things like the UI get completely ignored over and over, even though they're high up on the votes on the database, or have been requested over and over on the forums.
New monetisation/ad kits get added like its the most important thing for creating games, and seem to get added as a favour behind the scenes... and the editor UI that every single user has to deal with every time they use the software gets to fall even further back into the dark ages.
Seriously... where are the priorities... @CodeWizard
I just need a stable build so i can update my Android games before its to late
Homepage: freneticgamez.eu/
I think some features are just more "expensive" in terms of code support than others. We just don't know what the engine looks like under the hood. It seems to me that most feature requests that has to do with editor UI could fall into that category. Also, I'm pretty sure different types of advertising SDK's are created to be easy to implement for a company like GameSalad, so that might be one of the reasons. Another reason could be the fact that it is possible that GameSalad receives a trickle of the advertising revenue earned by GameSalad users. We want them to stay in business, so whatever they need to do to stay afloat is fine by me.
I think all of these things need to be done but I don't think GS has the staff to do it, maybe I am wrong.