@BigDave@MentalDonkeyGames yes! even though
0.13.33 performance is perfect,but I hope 1.25 as soon as possible release,because 0.13.33 can't use some device function.like device detection language,I use this for localization.
I investigated the last couple days, plenty of hours to spot what could be the issue for the newly appearing problems with updating table values and "display text" them.
My actor even breaks in one scene by simple updating a table value +1 with each touch, saving it and displaying it, the issue appears after 1-2 scene changes and a couple of seconds into the scene.
It just stops showing the effect of the +1.
Which right now leads me to believe that the table value gets corrupted in a transitional scene but doesn't bug first but starts to bug a couple of seconds into the next scene.
And to track down issue that overlap scenes will be a pain in the ass.. Because it could be anything in the other scene and this one is loaded.
The whole issues I encounter I relate to the underlying game salad changes that were made some months ago. It seem to be more critical and not longer support referencing or treating a table as I have done it before.
I will go back to Creator 1.23.1 to update my games before google play removes my apps from sale at the end of the month. But on the long run it would be also nice to have older apps profit from the new features.
Assumption that could have broke it after:
Engine 1.24 Fixes:
Optimization pass done on changing scenes. You should notice scene changes being faster than before.
Engine 1.24 Fixes:
Refactored how we process the main game loop to better handle variable framerates. This should improve physics simulation stability.
Creator 1.24.39
Table import optimization pass. Importing tables is much faster now.
Slight rework done on how game tracks time (this should fix some of the timing/animation issues that have cropped up)
Improved Android performance issues.
Fixed some logic issues that were brought about by the last release (note: if you’re still experiencing weird behaviors with your project that are new with this release, please let us know so we can fix them).
I think those who are testing this are forgetting that we have been left with one of the worst builds ever. All this, it's coming soon, may not mean much to you because you have the latest, but four months of soon , is frustrating to the bone. I understand that this may be the last build that GS releases, but even a quick fix so we can publish to android and IOS would have been welcomed.
I think those who are testing this are forgetting that we have been left with one of the worst builds ever. All this, it's coming soon, may not mean much to you because you have the latest, but four months of soon , is frustrating to the bone. I understand that this may be the last build that GS releases, but even a quick fix so we can publish to android and IOS would have been welcomed.
What makes you think this will be the last build that GS releases ?
@Two.E said:
I think those who are testing this are forgetting that we have been left with one of the worst builds ever. All this, it's coming soon, may not mean much to you because you have the latest, but four months of soon , is frustrating to the bone. I understand that this may be the last build that GS releases, but even a quick fix so we can publish to android and IOS would have been welcomed.
I'm testing the newest build, but I'm still doing 99% of my work using 1.24.42. I don't tend to have much demand for Android, but I have very few problems with iOS. I've worked on small projects with it and huge projects with it. 1.24.42 really isn't as bad as people like to make out. It's not that everyone with 1.25 is there just using 1.25 exclusively, and a lot of the problems with 1.24 are actually non-issues. That's not to say all are, but there are things still getting complained about regularly that were already fixed in 1.24.
@Two.E said:
I think those who are testing this are forgetting that we have been left with one of the worst builds ever. All this, it's coming soon, may not mean much to you because you have the latest [...]
I hear you there. I do understand that for specific projects, 1.24 is a shot through the head.
The fact remains that while 1.25 is really getting there, for the longest of times it was really bug-ridden due to some of the new feature. The problem is that a lot of things are simply linked together, so by updating one thing with Physics (to make it awesome), it causes some issues that need to be fixed.
Yes, the testers might have the 'latest,' though like @Armelline, I think most of us are still on 1.24 for their actual projects, because until things are locked down with 1.25, it's dangerous (and not recommended by the GS team) to try use it for full-on development and publishing -- you might seriously mess up your work.
@Two.E said:
I think those who are testing this are forgetting that we have been left with one of the worst builds ever. All this, it's coming soon, may not mean much to you because you have the latest, but four months of soon , is frustrating to the bone. I understand that this may be the last build that GS releases, but even a quick fix so we can publish to android and IOS would have been welcomed.
Those of us testing are just trying to keep you updated. Actually, in the past is was verboten to talk about beta builds, thanks to the staffs generosity, They are letting us keep you up to date and be specific about things. That being said there are and were bugs in 1.25 and no one is publishing with it that I know of. Most all of the work is testing. I built a pinball game in it to test out pin, com and the physics issues. I can't publish it until all the bugs are fixed so I and the rest of the testers are basically in the same boat as you, except we volunteered to do work for free to help you get a bug free build and to help speed up the process. If people were not testing this it would have been way more time to release. The team is small now and that just is what it is. Nothing anyone can do about that. Unless someone wants to donate $100,000 for GS To hire a new programmer...lol
@saif_shammari said: @gattoman That's true , I just can't wait @Dues I'm really exited , and i know it's worth to wait , hope it will come soon
Yup same here. Everyone has a bug they need squashed. It's been a longer wait. Lots of people are starting to get frustrated.
In life we must learn patience.
I need stutter bug squashed so I can start publishing again. Creator is slowing down. Tables......... Everyone has a bug needing attention.
I think they are working on those things.
The UI DESPERATELY needs love. A slowing creator speed with unproductive UI is going to make me snap. But I appreciate they have more important problems,UI updates will never be done.........
@saif_shammari said:
I have a dream that one day this bugs will be fixed.
Last few releases came out riddled with bugs and the community was not forgiving. GS team took a lot of flack. 1.25 is a bigger update, with a smaller team. They're not going to rush it out the door. People need to pick one:
where can I get older versions of game salad?
My Apps
@BigDave page 3 of this thread. There's a comment by Adent42 with a few links to older versions. Including 0.13.33
Mental Donkey Games
Website - Facebook - Twitter
@BigDave @MentalDonkeyGames yes! even though
0.13.33 performance is perfect,but I hope 1.25 as soon as possible release,because 0.13.33 can't use some device function.like device detection language,I use this for localization.
When I try to open my project in 13.33 it says project is too new, guess that wont work in the meantime.
Dwarf Miner
Remember to make a backup of your project before you do this.
Also, any features added to GS after 0.13.33 won´t work.
Mental Donkey Games
Website - Facebook - Twitter
I investigated the last couple days, plenty of hours to spot what could be the issue for the newly appearing problems with updating table values and "display text" them.
My actor even breaks in one scene by simple updating a table value +1 with each touch, saving it and displaying it, the issue appears after 1-2 scene changes and a couple of seconds into the scene.
It just stops showing the effect of the +1.
Which right now leads me to believe that the table value gets corrupted in a transitional scene but doesn't bug first but starts to bug a couple of seconds into the next scene.
And to track down issue that overlap scenes will be a pain in the ass.. Because it could be anything in the other scene and this one is loaded.
The whole issues I encounter I relate to the underlying game salad changes that were made some months ago. It seem to be more critical and not longer support referencing or treating a table as I have done it before.
I will go back to Creator 1.23.1 to update my games before google play removes my apps from sale at the end of the month. But on the long run it would be also nice to have older apps profit from the new features.
Assumption that could have broke it after:
Engine 1.24 Fixes:
Optimization pass done on changing scenes. You should notice scene changes being faster than before.
Engine 1.24 Fixes:
Refactored how we process the main game loop to better handle variable framerates. This should improve physics simulation stability.
Creator 1.24.39
Table import optimization pass. Importing tables is much faster now.
Slight rework done on how game tracks time (this should fix some of the timing/animation issues that have cropped up)
Improved Android performance issues.
Fixed some logic issues that were brought about by the last release (note: if you’re still experiencing weird behaviors with your project that are new with this release, please let us know so we can fix them).
My Apps
could i have the newest version too?
it might be already solved
i heard rumours
My Apps
pm @ForumNinja
I think those who are testing this are forgetting that we have been left with one of the worst builds ever. All this, it's coming soon, may not mean much to you because you have the latest, but four months of soon , is frustrating to the bone. I understand that this may be the last build that GS releases, but even a quick fix so we can publish to android and IOS would have been welcomed.
GSLearn.com | Templates | Free Demos | Udemy Course
@Two.E said:
What makes you think this will be the last build that GS releases ?
I'm testing the newest build, but I'm still doing 99% of my work using 1.24.42. I don't tend to have much demand for Android, but I have very few problems with iOS. I've worked on small projects with it and huge projects with it. 1.24.42 really isn't as bad as people like to make out. It's not that everyone with 1.25 is there just using 1.25 exclusively, and a lot of the problems with 1.24 are actually non-issues. That's not to say all are, but there are things still getting complained about regularly that were already fixed in 1.24.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
@socks that's a typo, meant to say best.
Different style of games for different people, just wanted to voice concerns. Nothing more. Would be nice to release on Android though.
GSLearn.com | Templates | Free Demos | Udemy Course
Lol !
I hear you there. I do understand that for specific projects, 1.24 is a shot through the head.
The fact remains that while 1.25 is really getting there, for the longest of times it was really bug-ridden due to some of the new feature. The problem is that a lot of things are simply linked together, so by updating one thing with Physics (to make it awesome), it causes some issues that need to be fixed.
Yes, the testers might have the 'latest,' though like @Armelline, I think most of us are still on 1.24 for their actual projects, because until things are locked down with 1.25, it's dangerous (and not recommended by the GS team) to try use it for full-on development and publishing -- you might seriously mess up your work.
Those of us testing are just trying to keep you updated. Actually, in the past is was verboten to talk about beta builds, thanks to the staffs generosity, They are letting us keep you up to date and be specific about things. That being said there are and were bugs in 1.25 and no one is publishing with it that I know of. Most all of the work is testing. I built a pinball game in it to test out pin, com and the physics issues. I can't publish it until all the bugs are fixed so I and the rest of the testers are basically in the same boat as you, except we volunteered to do work for free to help you get a bug free build and to help speed up the process. If people were not testing this it would have been way more time to release. The team is small now and that just is what it is. Nothing anyone can do about that. Unless someone wants to donate $100,000 for GS To hire a new programmer...lol
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
no april fools joke today?
I miss when @SaladStraightShooter was around to come up with great April Fools jokes. sigh
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Now is April,this month whether it is possible to get 1.25?
Anyone have any news?
A few new bugs have been found and are being fixed. This will delay the release a tad. We want to get things perfect.
My Games:
Website: https://etggames.com
I have a dream that one day this bugs will be fixed.
I have a dream that one day on this forums we will see 1.25 alive.
I have a dream that one day even the developer at the end of the world will makes a great games.
I have a dream that all little children will play and enjoy in the games we make.
I have a dream today!!!
Your dream will come true. It's a big update. It's taking more time than we were thinking.
Pushing out an update with bugs isn't the answer.
There is only a few workers working their work day........
@saif_shammari 1.25 will be worth the wait. And as @gattoman said, no one will benefit from a update full of bugs.
@gattoman That's true , I just can't wait
, hope it will come soon 
@Dues I'm really exited , and i know it's worth to wait
Yup same here. Everyone has a bug they need squashed. It's been a longer wait. Lots of people are starting to get frustrated.
In life we must learn patience.
I need stutter bug squashed so I can start publishing again. Creator is slowing down. Tables......... Everyone has a bug needing attention.
I think they are working on those things.
The UI DESPERATELY needs love. A slowing creator speed with unproductive UI is going to make me snap. But I appreciate they have more important problems,UI updates will never be done.........
Last few releases came out riddled with bugs and the community was not forgiving. GS team took a lot of flack. 1.25 is a bigger update, with a smaller team. They're not going to rush it out the door. People need to pick one:
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
@gattoman UI is really need many improvement
But i hope it will be done soon
@Armelline I pick : Fast stable release
Or stable release
I bet 600,000$ has gone into this update......
I don't think this has been mentioned, but Tapdaq is a new advertising service that can be used in 1.25
My Games:
Website: https://etggames.com
Any year now....
Maybe game salad team could extend people's pro membership by a month or two? ;-)