@Ed_Perkin said:
RP aha sorry . However the most important task of a company should be the satisfaction of customers .
Making money is alway top priority It may not be admitted but its the truth.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Braydon_SFXMember, Sous Chef, Bowlboy SidekickPosts: 9,273
If you're trying to figure out whether to stay and wait for Graphene or head to a different engine, I'd say your best bet would be to try the different engine because that's what makes business sense. While Graphene looks extremely impressive, we don't know when it'll be made available. They mentioned beta will begin this year, but I'd rather them really make sure this engine is top notch than push it out to us before it's ready. If you decide to move back and try Graphene later on, great. If not, that's good too. It just depends on what you want for your company.
Satisfaction to customers....what does that have to do with Graphene? We are talking about Graphene still right? Customer Satisfaction matters will only apply to the services and products currently sold and distributed by GS.
So tell me fellas, what part of your terms of service on your current Pro license tells you that you are getting the Graphene engine along status updates. etc. You are tied to a contract for the current GS engine. Boo hoo, GS is trying to make money. That's their job, they are a business and it's your job to make your own money but you should know your GDK and tool limitations and not blame the GDK developer because they are limiting you. The obvious thing is to find a solution not wait for rocks to turn into sand.
People are already making Graphine the solution for all there woes. I have seen some folks be so bold as to say they were not going to release their game until the Graphene engine came out...(:z). If you can't make the games you want (because you are dissatisfied due to limitations) I'd suggest researching a bit more before jumping into a GDK engine. I don't know about you but that's how I and many folks that I have worked with or known have done it. It's pretty simple really and logical.
And folks getting tied up over the cost of a pro license... $299 is a drop in the bucket as far as a one stop 2D GDK goes. If you can't wiggle out 299 per year I can't imagine you're attempting to be serious about it.
I'm just sitting back laughing att all this! Great humor for my morning! Totally with @RP on this one. How can people rate and say their either satisfied or not satisfied with a product that isn't even available yet. I guess people have never seen when a company talks about a product before it is released to give you a sense of what the company is working on, the direction it is going in, and to hype you up. This happens all the time everywhere!
Lets take a product that almost all of you are familiar with, the Apple Watch. They announced it way before it was ready to be given to the public. So now you have people saying, it doesn't meet our customer satisfaction. How can that even be a legit statement. Think before you start typing and posting things. AND STOP ASSUMING THINGS people. No one except the people working on the products know what happens behind the scenes. It only makes you look bad when you assume and I' am sure all of you know what ass-u-me means!
A thought for for those who know Lua: If and when graphene sdk is made available to the public (probably close to at least a year from now) it will definetly not macth the new price of Corona SDK, rather I would expect the price for subscription will bw closer to double of what it is now for Gamesalad. As much as I like using Gamesalad, if I was well versed in lua programming the choice would not be a hard one.
dgackeyAustin, TXInactive, PRO, Chef EmeritusPosts: 699
We don't offer customer support via phone, and in fact, we don't even maintain an active phone in the office for inbound calls. We're a very small company (smaller than many dev teams that focus on building one game at a time as a matter of fact) and many of our employees work virtually and asychronously. Direct phone support is not efficient and is really not something we can afford to offer.
The number that was posted here doesn't even belong to GameSalad, it belongs to the company that provided our HR benefits prior to 2015, and is there for companies seeking to verify the employment of past employees for things like credit checks and job applications. Please don't call them for other reasons.
As for product details about Graphene, the short answer is, many, many things are still being determined, and it would be counterproductive to speculate or comment on things that have not yet been decided. When we are ready to share more details, you can rest assured that right here will be the first place we share them.
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · danm@gamesalad.com
As for product details about Graphene, the short answer is, many, many things are still being determined, and it would be counterproductive to speculate or comment on things that have not yet been decided. When we are ready to share more details, you can rest assured that right here will be the first place we share them.
@RP said:
The obvious thing is to find a solution not wait for rocks to turn into sand.
In business, sometimes waiting can become a solution.
@RP said:
If you can't make the games you want (because you are dissatisfied due to limitations) I'd suggest researching a bit more before jumping into a GDK engine. I don't know about you but that's how I and many folks that I have worked with or known have done it. It's pretty simple really and logical.
Well, most questions asked in this thread are for RESEARCH.
@RP said:
And folks getting tied up over the cost of a pro license... $299 is a drop in the bucket as far as a one stop 2D GDK goes. If you can't wiggle out 299 per year I can't imagine you're attempting to be serious about it.
We should be serious about it, even if its free. Especially now when Unreal and Corona SDK become free and currently available. It is not the amount of money that we spend, but what we get from that is what matters most.
I guess you do realized that even the negative feedback in this thread is due to enthusiasm towards Graphene. A little demo, like in previous posts could calm the audience.
PhilipCCEncounter Bay, South AustraliaMemberPosts: 1,390
@safran said:
A little demo, like in previous posts could calm the audience.
I've read all 18 pages of this thread, several times in fact, and it is pretty obvious that there is nothing to demo yet!
Not sure why it only quoted the last line but oh well.
You are so off the mark.
...That is sarcasm.
Research is fine, if there is something that is available for research. If it's not available, it's not really an option. If you are waiting on something, then great. If you are producing right now, that's a different deal and you need something now.
If you in the business of making games and you are waiting for an engine to come out before you make a game, then you are really not in the business of making games.
@RP said:
Research is fine, if there is something that is available for research. If it's not available, it's not really an option. If you are waiting on something, then great. If you are producing right now, that's a different deal and you need something now.
Companies do sometime halt the production of their software due to waiting for future technology. Especially when they are producing more than 1 software at a time. It is a normal business decision.
@RP said:
If you in the business of making games and you are waiting for an engine to come out before you make a game, then you are really not in the business of making games.
Err, I already made 9 games. 1 already published, 2 under development, 2 in debugging phase, 2 halted due to engine limitation, 2 halted due to waiting for investment.
I encountered some problems with gamesalad, eventhough I'm able to solve them, the solutions are either temporary, not effective, or not to my liking. Take custom fonts for example.
I heard about graphene, and decided to halt the development of 2 games, eventhough I finished all of the gameplay mechanics, actors, and storyline. Since they'll gonna be big but won't be efficient if I continue developing them with gamesalad. Exploring options (current and future), such as Gamesalad, Graphene, Corona, and Cocos 2D, is simply logical. For me, I considered Graphene an option based on my experience using gamesalad and information in this thread. Of course, I have a time limit.
@dgackey said:
We don't offer customer support via phone, and in fact, we don't even maintain an active phone in the office for inbound calls. We're a very small company (smaller than many dev teams that focus on building one game at a time as a matter of fact) and many of our employees work virtually and asychronously. Direct phone support is not efficient and is really not something we can afford to offer.
The number that was posted here doesn't even belong to GameSalad, it belongs to the company that provided our HR benefits prior to 2015, and is there for companies seeking to verify the employment of past employees for things like credit checks and job applications. Please don't call them for other reasons.
As for product details about Graphene, the short answer is, many, many things are still being determined, and it would be counterproductive to speculate or comment on things that have not yet been decided. When we are ready to share more details, you can rest assured that right here will be the first place we share them.
Thanks, Dan. I'm the person who posted about trying to call the company. I hear everything you're saying, and my questions have basically been answered in this thread.
For the record, I wasn't attempting a support call. I called that number because I couldn't find a better one online, and I was just calling with a few general questions about the Graphene roadmap and to get a feel for the company. I wanted to talk to a real, live person on the phone, in other words.
I totally understand the rationale against taking those kinds of phone calls, especially for small outfits with limited resources.
Thank you, and keep up the good work.
PhilipCCEncounter Bay, South AustraliaMemberPosts: 1,390
Udder Destruction was not made with GS, or Graphene which doesn't even exist yet!
As generous and helpful as Dave is to this community he is not one of the Graphene Development Team (as far as I know), so I think you misunderstood that post.
@PhilipCC said:
That hint from the The_Gamesalad_Guru was purely speculation.
Udder Destruction was not made with GS, or Graphene which doesn't even exist yet!
As generous and helpful as Dave is to this community he is not one of the Graphene Development Team (as far as I know), so I think you misunderstood that post.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru was showing an example of the types of games ghaphene will be able to make since that game was made with the same engine graphene is based off of. Also the guru is part of the alpha testers for graphene.
I think is was CodeWizard who first mentioned Udder Destruction along with a couple of other games that were made with the game engine they are using to make Graphine.
@colander said:
I think is was CodeWizard who first mentioned Udder Destruction along with a couple of other games that were made with the game engine they are using to make Graphine.
Yes is on the opening post.
What is it?
Graphene is like GameSalad on steroids. We took everything we learned building GameSalad Creator and blended it with over 60 years of professional game development experience to create a fantastic tool for building games. It’s got a new engine, new interface, powerful coding features, native plugin support, and more! The new engine is the same one used to build games like Draw Something, Udder Destruction, and Jangle. It’s fast, flexible, and battle-tested.
Making money is alway top priority
It may not be admitted but its the truth.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
If you're trying to figure out whether to stay and wait for Graphene or head to a different engine, I'd say your best bet would be to try the different engine because that's what makes business sense. While Graphene looks extremely impressive, we don't know when it'll be made available. They mentioned beta will begin this year, but I'd rather them really make sure this engine is top notch than push it out to us before it's ready. If you decide to move back and try Graphene later on, great. If not, that's good too. It just depends on what you want for your company.
Just my two cents.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Satisfaction to customers....what does that have to do with Graphene? We are talking about Graphene still right? Customer Satisfaction matters will only apply to the services and products currently sold and distributed by GS.
So tell me fellas, what part of your terms of service on your current Pro license tells you that you are getting the Graphene engine along status updates. etc. You are tied to a contract for the current GS engine. Boo hoo, GS is trying to make money. That's their job, they are a business and it's your job to make your own money but you should know your GDK and tool limitations and not blame the GDK developer because they are limiting you. The obvious thing is to find a solution not wait for rocks to turn into sand.
People are already making Graphine the solution for all there woes. I have seen some folks be so bold as to say they were not going to release their game until the Graphene engine came out...(:z). If you can't make the games you want (because you are dissatisfied due to limitations) I'd suggest researching a bit more before jumping into a GDK engine. I don't know about you but that's how I and many folks that I have worked with or known have done it. It's pretty simple really and logical.
And folks getting tied up over the cost of a pro license... $299 is a drop in the bucket as far as a one stop 2D GDK goes. If you can't wiggle out 299 per year I can't imagine you're attempting to be serious about it.
I'm just sitting back laughing att all this! Great humor for my morning! Totally with @RP on this one. How can people rate and say their either satisfied or not satisfied with a product that isn't even available yet. I guess people have never seen when a company talks about a product before it is released to give you a sense of what the company is working on, the direction it is going in, and to hype you up. This happens all the time everywhere!
Lets take a product that almost all of you are familiar with, the Apple Watch. They announced it way before it was ready to be given to the public. So now you have people saying, it doesn't meet our customer satisfaction. How can that even be a legit statement. Think before you start typing and posting things. AND STOP ASSUMING THINGS people. No one except the people working on the products know what happens behind the scenes. It only makes you look bad when you assume and I' am sure all of you know what ass-u-me means!
Here we go again...
A thought for for those who know Lua: If and when graphene sdk is made available to the public (probably close to at least a year from now) it will definetly not macth the new price of Corona SDK, rather I would expect the price for subscription will bw closer to double of what it is now for Gamesalad. As much as I like using Gamesalad, if I was well versed in lua programming the choice would not be a hard one.
We don't offer customer support via phone, and in fact, we don't even maintain an active phone in the office for inbound calls. We're a very small company (smaller than many dev teams that focus on building one game at a time as a matter of fact) and many of our employees work virtually and asychronously. Direct phone support is not efficient and is really not something we can afford to offer.
As always, if you have specific concerns and require customer support, the place to go is http://www.gamesalad.com/support.
The number that was posted here doesn't even belong to GameSalad, it belongs to the company that provided our HR benefits prior to 2015, and is there for companies seeking to verify the employment of past employees for things like credit checks and job applications. Please don't call them for other reasons.
As for product details about Graphene, the short answer is, many, many things are still being determined, and it would be counterproductive to speculate or comment on things that have not yet been decided. When we are ready to share more details, you can rest assured that right here will be the first place we share them.
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · danm@gamesalad.com
It will, however, rock.
n roll, hopefully. Bring it back from the dead.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Like rock solid!
In business, sometimes waiting can become a solution.
Well, most questions asked in this thread are for RESEARCH.
We should be serious about it, even if its free. Especially now when Unreal and Corona SDK become free and currently available. It is not the amount of money that we spend, but what we get from that is what matters most.
I guess you do realized that even the negative feedback in this thread is due to enthusiasm towards Graphene. A little demo, like in previous posts could calm the audience.
I've read all 18 pages of this thread, several times in fact, and it is pretty obvious that there is nothing to demo yet!
Not sure why it only quoted the last line but oh well.
You are so off the mark.
...That is sarcasm.
Research is fine, if there is something that is available for research. If it's not available, it's not really an option. If you are waiting on something, then great. If you are producing right now, that's a different deal and you need something now.
If you in the business of making games and you are waiting for an engine to come out before you make a game, then you are really not in the business of making games.
Companies do sometime halt the production of their software due to waiting for future technology. Especially when they are producing more than 1 software at a time. It is a normal business decision.
Err, I already made 9 games. 1 already published, 2 under development, 2 in debugging phase, 2 halted due to engine limitation, 2 halted due to waiting for investment.
I encountered some problems with gamesalad, eventhough I'm able to solve them, the solutions are either temporary, not effective, or not to my liking. Take custom fonts for example.
I heard about graphene, and decided to halt the development of 2 games, eventhough I finished all of the gameplay mechanics, actors, and storyline. Since they'll gonna be big but won't be efficient if I continue developing them with gamesalad. Exploring options (current and future), such as Gamesalad, Graphene, Corona, and Cocos 2D, is simply logical. For me, I considered Graphene an option based on my experience using gamesalad and information in this thread. Of course, I have a time limit.
Thanks, Dan. I'm the person who posted about trying to call the company. I hear everything you're saying, and my questions have basically been answered in this thread.
For the record, I wasn't attempting a support call. I called that number because I couldn't find a better one online, and I was just calling with a few general questions about the Graphene roadmap and to get a feel for the company. I wanted to talk to a real, live person on the phone, in other words.
I totally understand the rationale against taking those kinds of phone calls, especially for small outfits with limited resources.
Thank you, and keep up the good work.
That hint from the @The_Gamesalad_Guru was purely speculation.
Udder Destruction was not made with GS, or Graphene which doesn't even exist yet!
As generous and helpful as Dave is to this community he is not one of the Graphene Development Team (as far as I know), so I think you misunderstood that post.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru was showing an example of the types of games ghaphene will be able to make since that game was made with the same engine graphene is based off of. Also the guru is part of the alpha testers for graphene.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I think is was CodeWizard who first mentioned Udder Destruction along with a couple of other games that were made with the game engine they are using to make Graphine.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
Yes is on the opening post.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Thanks @Lovejoy and @colander for the explanation.
@PhilipCC my point is, the demo of udder destruction had calmed the audience before. Maybe we can have another one?
Yeesh! Give us something already to stop this from hurting my brain!
Yep. You guys are right, I stand corrected.
Sounds good to me, but built with what? >:)
Look, it's another screenshot!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Looking good! Willing to share any new news
Now everyone should be calm and simply stare at the that beautiful picture for 900 hours.
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Hahaha.if an alpha tester exist,than...
The palette, the palette, ... holy ...
Awww and that cute little HACK button...
Hey, that's a Windows screenshot!
I want to see a Mac one! 
That is windows but the Mac look almost the same.