Heads up for 1.25 release



  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378

    @Chunkypixels said:
    GS staff constantly tell us to add them as feature requests in the bug database, and that they'll work on the most voted ones as priorities.

    But its complete poppycock... making requests through the official channels doesn't mean ****... and things like the UI get completely ignored over and over, even though they're high up on the votes on the database, or have been requested over and over on the forums.

    I'd not agree with this specifically - we're getting a ton of the highest rated features in 1.25, and in the last few builds. They're definitely paying attention to the feature requests.

    My mild frustration here was specifically due to it being another advertising SDK. But as other have mentioned, I'm sure they have their reasons.

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    @BazookaTime said:
    I think all of these things need to be done but I don't think GS has the staff to do it, maybe I am wrong.

    There are only two people working code. So that would be a yes.

  • ETGgamesETGgames Member, PRO Posts: 190

    @Icebox said:
    were they able to fix the frame rate hitches ?? Any beta testers tried to see android performance ? or is it still in process ? i do know they were on the issue , so just looking for an update if anyone noticed anything.

    Yes, android performance is a lot better.

  • AlchimiaStudiosAlchimiaStudios Member Posts: 1,069
    edited April 2016

    Not really happy about tapdaq getting a ride to the front of the feature list, but if it's done it's done I guess.

    Follow us: Twitter - Website

  • GnarlyGnarly canadaMember Posts: 840

    @Lost_Oasis_Games said:

    @BazookaTime said:
    I think all of these things need to be done but I don't think GS has the staff to do it, maybe I am wrong.

    There are only two people working code. So that would be a yes.

    But UI has been untouched for years............. I think we all appreciate current staff restraints.

    Is it really exspensive to change some UI issues?

  • KnightStarKnightStar Member Posts: 162

    @Lost_Oasis_Games said:

    @BazookaTime said:
    I think all of these things need to be done but I don't think GS has the staff to do it, maybe I am wrong.

    There are only two people working code. So that would be a yes.

    Only two people working code....is it me or does that not strike folks as being a bit concerning?

    I have high hopes and great love for GS but in all honesty, that kinda makes me wonder if the lights are going to be in the morning.. Coupled with the lack of transparency (anyone remember the weekly updates??), I'm starting to think about hedging my development bets..

    -- J

  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274

    @KnightStar said:

    @Lost_Oasis_Games said:

    @BazookaTime said:
    I think all of these things need to be done but I don't think GS has the staff to do it, maybe I am wrong.

    There are only two people working code. So that would be a yes.

    Only two people working code....is it me or does that not strike folks as being a bit concerning?

    I have high hopes and great love for GS but in all honesty, that kinda makes me wonder if the lights are going to be in the morning.. Coupled with the lack of transparency (anyone remember the weekly updates??), I'm starting to think about hedging my development bets..

    -- J

    Yes, that really surprised me.

  • GnarlyGnarly canadaMember Posts: 840
    edited April 2016

    This was disclosed a couple months ago.

    Veterans on the forums have been pitching in by doing game of the month and testing.

  • Hmm.. Just waiting .. Waiting .. Even waiting for update information.. Then I realize it has been 3 months already..

  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274

    @gattoman said:
    This was disclosed a couple months ago.

    Veterans on the forums have been pitching in by doing game of the month and testing.

    But not coding, correct? I guess I missed that there were only two full time coders, that is a little alarming.

  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    edited April 2016

    From what I understand one of those two coders is the CEO... So it's probably not even a full time effort from both coders as one of them has day to day responsibilities of running a company to deal with too.

    Seems strange that Customer Success staff outnumber the full time coders for a company that hinges on providing a software tool/engine. Getting rid of coders that were central to working on the core product, yet keeping other, less pivotal staff, just seems like a strange decision.

    At this point, I think it would be dangerous and foolish to start any new game production thats going to take more than a few months with GameSalad. It's looking less and less likely to be around in the long term.

    If the lights do go out, I just hope they do the right thing by the community, and release the tool and engine as Open Source, so that it doesn't leave the loyal community completely up !@#$% creek. Either that, or someone with deeper pockets buys it out and brings new life into what is, at it's core, a superb tool and engine, that's just been abused and mis-managed over the years.

    I might sound negative... But I still pay my Pro Subs each month... So I do love the software, and still hope that at some point GameSalad as a company manages to finally get it right, and turn the ship around before completely sinking it... :)

  • IceboxIcebox Member Posts: 1,485

    They are working hard to get this release , having 2 coders now doesn't mean they will have 2 coders for the next 10 years , there were changes made and they told us what they are , I don't think repeating the same issue will give us any solution. GS team and Beta testers are doing their best to get this done , once its released everything will be normal again, if you read through out this thread they never claimed that GS is sinking, but its us that are coming up with these assumptions. I am frustrated from waiting but i know that GS is doing their best , we even got an update that they want it out more than anyone else. Bugs are bugs so all we can do is hope that they nail them as quick as possible.

  • KevinCrossKevinCross London, UKMember Posts: 1,894

    @Chunkypixels said:
    GS staff constantly tell us to add them as feature requests in the bug database, and that they'll work on the most voted ones as priorities.

    But its complete poppycock... making requests through the official channels doesn't mean ****... and things like the UI get completely ignored over and over, even though they're high up on the votes on the database, or have been requested over and over on the forums.

    Not every paying customer can vote anyway!

    Anyone want to join a sweepstake on guessing how long that bug will exist?!

  • iKandyiKandy Imagineer of Crazy Shit New York CityMember Posts: 310

    OH NO...
    This thread is beginning to morph
    "when is the update coming out?"
    "When is GameSalad going out of business?"

  • iamcarteziamcartez Houston, TexasMember Posts: 648

    @iKandy said:
    OH NO...
    This thread is beginning to morph
    "when is the update coming out?"
    "When is GameSalad going out of business?"

    Seems to happen everytime. :(

  • HopscotchHopscotch Member, PRO Posts: 2,782

    @iamcartez said:
    Seems to happen everytime. :(

    Yep, yet GS is still here, some doomsday prophet developers on the other hand... :)

  • FrantoFranto Member Posts: 779

    Hopefully they will be able to turn the tide with this upcoming update. They are making good progress despite only having 2 coders. That's pretty impressive when compared to other companies who have dozens and dozens of coders.

  • I hope it will out this month..as I need to release my fully finished game (which was set to release on January :neutral: ).. Well just waiting for the performance fix.. If only they had released 1.24.performance-fix-version :(..

  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207

    I'd buy this company in a heartbeat if I have the cash =)

  • BigDaveBigDave Member Posts: 2,239

    though the same about supporting them.

    It would still be awesome if I could buy membership upfront.

    Like buying the monthly membership for the next 4 years in one shot.
    That would be $1200 for them and If enough people here do it it could sum up.

    We would be investors to back up our engine with the funds to keep running.

    But I am still think we are speculating just because people left that doesn't mean its money related.

  • ClockClock Member Posts: 308

    i really want to know the status of the company. is it running well or bad?

  • adriangomezadriangomez Member, PRO Posts: 440

    For those complaining about adding ad networks: although I don't know if that is the case here, many provide a percentage of revenue back to the platform that integrated the ad network.

  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598

    @Clock said:
    i really want to know the status of the company. is it running well or bad?

    Who could really say except the people in charge. The fact is they are still going and have not given up yet - someone has serious faith (passion) in the product as it has fought through many challenges.
    There is a real market demand for a product like GS out there, of that there is no argument but to run a business to take advantage of that demand is not easy.
    I just wish them the best and hope things can only get better. Maybe 1.25 will be a major milestone?

  • iamcarteziamcartez Houston, TexasMember Posts: 648
    edited April 2016

    I hope they call 1.25, GameSalad 2.00 and do this huge marketing blitz.

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390

    @Hopscotch said:

    @iamcartez said:
    Seems to happen everytime. :(

    Yep, yet GS is still here, some doomsday prophet developers on the other hand... :)

    I agree. The natives get restless as soon as the spectre of imminent demise is raised by just one pessimist.

    @lycettebros said:
    I just wish them the best and hope things can only get better. Maybe 1.25 will be a major milestone?

    I concur.

    @GeorgeGS Maybe you could give some fatherly reassurance weekly that, "everything will be okay". o:) It might minimise the fear and negativity that spreads through the community so rapidly.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited April 2016

    @PhilipCC said:
    . . . . It might minimise the fear and negativity that spreads through the community so rapidly.


    . . . and this negativity is on display for every potential new user who visits the forums to see if GS is for them, potentially sending these customers elsewhere . . . . people new to GS who don't know where GS is at right now, or won't be aware that the GS team are busily working away on the latest update, will probably just see a bunch of "She's going down ! Abandon ship ! Abandon ship !" posts and note that GS staff aren't particularly active or around on the forums (understanably) and - without giving it any more thought - carry on with their "how to make apps" search elsewhere.

    And this can potentially have an actual real world impact on GS's bottom line, if these kinds of rumours keep getting spread, month after month, every time there is radio silence from GS, then GS could start to get a name for itself as being a platform with an uncertain future - promulgating these rumours has real potential for creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274

    @Socks said:

    @PhilipCC said:
    . . . . It might minimise the fear and negativity that spreads through the community so rapidly.


    . . . and this negativity is on display for every potential new user who visits the forums to see if GS is for them, potentially sending these customers elsewhere . . . . people new to GS who don't know where GS is at right now, or won't be aware that the GS team are busily working away on the latest update, will probably just see a bunch of "She's going down ! Abandon ship ! Abandon ship !" posts and note that GS staff aren't particularly active or around on the forums (understanably) and - without giving it any more thought - carry on with their "how to make apps" search elsewhere.

    I don't really find the silence to be understandable, especially considering how this 20 plus thread started off with promised release dates after promised release dates. Sure if you dig around midway through this thread you will find some basic information as to what is going on but you will also see some long time members making comments mentioning the same concerns that are being mentioned now.

    Unlike the old days the majority of people here are paying members now, yet the information flow is incredibly poor compared to what it use to be. I have been here five years, this is the worst I can remember.

    I think a company has to communicate on a regular basis with its customers, this wouldn't be acceptable in very many businesses. Why not hire some of the experts here to help relay information, code or whatever else needs to be done. I can easily think of a bunch of people (a lot of them are testing) that could help GameSalad out.

    I pay every month, so that is my expectation.

  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207

    I've had vision for this product, to turn it into the killer app it's destined to be for sometime, and reached out to the GS team, but it was a different team back then. It's just kind of frustrating to always wait for updates. But always have my hopes up that one day, the idea bulb would light up in the house of GS =)

  • jay2dxjay2dx Member Posts: 611

    Everyone here who is worried about GS silence! Well I just want to say their busy doing their job, I'm sure they don't have time to issue an update every week to just say "we're still coding and bug fixing" what's the point! They've told us that's what their doing, Everyone calm down and let them get on with their jobs! It will be done when it's done, please chill :) and as for them having 2 coders! So what! There only working on one product!

    I've just renewed my pro subscription this month, I have faith in the product, it's awesome.

    I would love to see the people complaining post their games to the forums to see what it is they need to release so badly! Then we can see if their moaning is justified! With the exception of turtle roll of cause :)


  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    I'm not one who is worried at all. The team is focused on getting out 1.25. Us beta testers, who do have contact with the team have been updating you on the progress. The kind of info that we are giving out has never been allowed before. How can you say they are holding back info when we are giving out more info than ever before about a beta product. We beta testers are giving out the info so they don't have to take time away from their work. We veterans have stepped up to fill some of the gaps to keep the community going. Instead of complaining why not try helping? @Braydon_SFX can use people to help with the GOTM stuff every month. People need help with questions answered on the forum et....

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