I've flicked the switch this morning to make it live where I am and ill quickly be purchasing and then testing out IAPs in the game.
I'll let you know how I get on, but if its bad I see 11.0.10 is now out and I'll probably try that next whilst also letting GS team know. I'll hopefully know either way in the next few hours.
published using GS RC 11.08
Game with iAP got approved few minutes ago today.
Tested it, purchase failed. But payment still goes through. I checked my bank account and I can confirm this.
After 3 weeks of being rejected and resubmitting again and again and finally got it approved today yet this happened.
Where does the fault lie? What can I do about it? I can't ever launch my game proper like this. And here I am going to submit again, this time I will use GS RC 11.10. Will this solve the iAP this time?
Note that I have not released this to the store yet. I am using a promo code to install the game on my iPod touch gen 5.
I tried to purchase again. Failed again. However this time no money is being paid. Looks like the first money transaction was a "test" transaction from Apple to your bank/credit card account.
I'm now wondering, if this "In-App Purchase Error" is because the game is not released yet in the store and I'm attempting to do the iAP.
I've released my game to be able to download it and test purchases this morning and sadly, like @stueynet all IAP payments I tried failed within my game. I've checked my iTunes account and the IAP has been purchased but the game states via a OS popup that the "In-App Purchase Error - The In-App Purchase could not be completed at this time. Please try again later."
I have also tried restore and got the same result.
As it is a recent issue I am sure .10 will not have this fix in, unless @BlackCloakGS can confirm if it does or doesn't. Until then i've frustratingly removed the app from the store and ill post a ticket.
Hi @FatFish thanks for reporting that. I'm really exasperated now.
I did not release mine, I only used a promo code to download. I thought the iAP did not work because it's not released to the store yet.
I don't know if there is an issue with Apple's sandbox servers or our office WiFi here, but using 11.0.10 and testing the same IAPs I get: "You are not authorised to make a purchase of this inApp in Sandbox at this time". This is using the same account I have successfully purchased with in this same app in 11.0.7 and in other apps.
Whilst if I use my restore purchases button, the IAP goes through successfully and unlocks everything previously purchased just fine.
So to me 11.0.10 has issues also in this area? Or Apple's servers is going loco...
@william24 said:
That's good news...could there also be a delay with the IAP? FatFish
OK, scratch that. It was an error on my part as I was using a test account that was assigned to another account (Because we did a transfer to another dev account the other day) Doh! Still, the jury is out if 11.0.10 fixes it on a store release.
I am going to submit using 11.0.10 anyway until I hear any info from the GS team. No harm in putting it in the queue.
@BlackCloakGS I think it is safe to say this is a GS issue now. 3 of us all with the same problem of failed iaps that are still being charged on apps that were approved by Apple. What are the next steps here as I imagine this problem is going to snowball as more people publish their updated games.
I will say that at this time it is only charging once (based on iTunes connect report) so it does recognize that it has already been purchased...they just don't get what they paid for
We found that your app crashed on iPad running iOS 7.1, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Your app crashed when we:
1) start the app on a device
2) select IAP
3) enter credentials and the app crashes here
This occurred when your app was used:
On Wi-Fi
On cellular network
Your app may encounter this issue if it is using too much memory. To learn more about iOS memory usage and how to track memory usage and leaks, please see the Memory Usage Performance Guidelines.For discrete code-level questions, you may wish to consult with Apple Developer Technical Support. When the DTS engineer follows up with you, please be ready to provide:
complete details of your rejection issue(s)
steps to reproduce the issue(s)
symbolicated crash logs - if your issue results in a crash log
If you have difficulty reproducing a reported issue, please try testing the workflow as described in https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1764/Technical Q&A QA1764: How to reproduce a crash or bug that only App Review or users are seeing.
What you guys advise on an already published app if the IAPs to remove ads and gain characters is not working? I mean, game play is unaffected....still waiting for ads to display. Should I stop all sales until a suitable fix is made?
I am still working on the error message after a successful IAP however apple is doing some work on there servers. Once Apple's servers are back up I will continue my work on looking into this bug.
Ok I think i have a fix for the error message after a successful IAP however it looks like we have to submit the app to Apple to verify the fix. In the mean time we will push the fix out with the next RC
@william24 said:
BlackCloakGS Is this also an issue with iAds or is it still the typical wait a day or so after launch to appear in app?
It can help to run your app in one country to kick the iAds into touch before releasing in all countries.
@FuzzBuzz said:
What is that for ? and how do you do that ?
It would just be a case of hitting publish button again whilst using the updated RC build .11/.12 and then go through the publishing motions agin and resubmitting to Apple. Rejecting the binary on iTunes Connect if your app isn't already in review or hasn't gone live on the App Store.
Hope that helps.
Good to see another RC. I'll pull my .10 build and try this new one with Apple.
In response to your finding below that customers are purchasing what appears to be “consumable” items, but are not getting the iterms unlocked - there is one common reason for this problem - let me first speculate - since the customers are being charged, that means that the updatedTransaction delegate method is being called with the SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased indication. If the product is not being unloacked then there is some issue following the notification of the successful purchase. The common reason for such failure is a receipt validation error. The issue here is that App Review reviews that application in the sandbox so the receipt must be validated against the sandbox server. Once the application is approved, the application operates in the production environment and must now validate the receipt in the production enviroment. This validation process must be handled dynamically. It cannot be handled using a compile time option.
FAQ 16 - How do I verify my receipt (iOS)?
Always verify your receipt first with the production URL; proceed to verify with the sandbox URL if you receive a 21007 status code.
Following this approach ensures that you do not have to switch between URLs while your application is being tested or reviewed in the sandbox or is live in the App Store.
Note: The 21007 status code indicates that this receipt is a sandbox receipt, but it was sent to the production service for verification.
The proper algorithm is described above. When you get the response from the validation server, access the "status" code first, specifically in the case that the production validation server was accessed first.
There is no public API to call to distinguish the production and sandbox environments so that you can preflight which server to use ahead of time.
I suspect that you have hardcoded the use of the sanbox receipt validation server. A last thought - if you have implemented the receipt validation process as recommended, which is to have the app send the receipt to your server, which in turn handles the receipt validation, the simple solution is to implement the fix on your server. However, if the receipt validation process is implemented on the app itself, you will need to update the application. The reason that receipt validation in the app is not recommended is that the address for the receipt validation server is well known and leaves the app open to a man-in-the-middle attack. Something to consider if your app is doing this.
So, the payments are going completely through on Apple's end for these failed transactions? Damn....I had several people do in app purchases yesterday. Was hoping the credit card transaction would ultimately be cancelled.
@FatFish said:
That's right. Whether 11.0.11 fixes the production side of IAPs is still in the air until someone confirms it does.
I have an 11.0.11 build in there now waiting for review. I have requested an expedited review again although they granted it on the last one so I doubt they will do it again.
@stueynet said:
I have an 11.0.11 build in there now waiting for review. I have requested an expedited review again although they granted it on the last one so I doubt they will do it again.
Cool. Fingers crossed for you, otherwise I think the GS Team are first in the queue to finding out if 11.0.11 fixes things
@FatFish said:
Cool. Fingers crossed for you, otherwise I think the GS Team are first in the queue to finding out if 11.0.11 fixes things
When i look in " About Game Salad " It tell's me that my version is Beta and you guys are talking about 11.0.11 so i'm getting a little bit worried. And when I try to update it they tell me that i've got the latest version...
I've flicked the switch this morning to make it live where I am and ill quickly be purchasing and then testing out IAPs in the game.
I'll let you know how I get on, but if its bad I see 11.0.10 is now out and I'll probably try that next whilst also letting GS team know. I'll hopefully know either way in the next few hours.
published using GS RC 11.08
Game with iAP got approved few minutes ago today.
Tested it, purchase failed. But payment still goes through. I checked my bank account and I can confirm this.
After 3 weeks of being rejected and resubmitting again and again and finally got it approved today yet this happened.
Where does the fault lie? What can I do about it? I can't ever launch my game proper like this. And here I am going to submit again, this time I will use GS RC 11.10. Will this solve the iAP this time?
Note that I have not released this to the store yet. I am using a promo code to install the game on my iPod touch gen 5.
I tried to purchase again. Failed again. However this time no money is being paid. Looks like the first money transaction was a "test" transaction from Apple to your bank/credit card account.
I'm now wondering, if this "In-App Purchase Error" is because the game is not released yet in the store and I'm attempting to do the iAP.
All my games on Google Play
Just to update you all...
I've released my game to be able to download it and test purchases this morning and sadly, like @stueynet all IAP payments I tried failed within my game. I've checked my iTunes account and the IAP has been purchased but the game states via a OS popup that the "In-App Purchase Error - The In-App Purchase could not be completed at this time. Please try again later."
I have also tried restore and got the same result.
As it is a recent issue I am sure .10 will not have this fix in, unless @BlackCloakGS can confirm if it does or doesn't. Until then i've frustratingly removed the app from the store and ill post a ticket.
Hi @FatFish thanks for reporting that. I'm really exasperated now.
I did not release mine, I only used a promo code to download. I thought the iAP did not work because it's not released to the store yet.
All my games on Google Play
I don't know if there is an issue with Apple's sandbox servers or our office WiFi here, but using 11.0.10 and testing the same IAPs I get: "You are not authorised to make a purchase of this inApp in Sandbox at this time". This is using the same account I have successfully purchased with in this same app in 11.0.7 and in other apps.
Whilst if I use my restore purchases button, the IAP goes through successfully and unlocks everything previously purchased just fine.
So to me 11.0.10 has issues also in this area? Or Apple's servers is going loco...
That's good news...could there also be a delay with the IAP? @FatFish
I can tell through iTunes connect that the IAPs were purchases though...
OK, scratch that. It was an error on my part as I was using a test account that was assigned to another account (Because we did a transfer to another dev account the other day) Doh!
Still, the jury is out if 11.0.10 fixes it on a store release.
I am going to submit using 11.0.10 anyway until I hear any info from the GS team. No harm in putting it in the queue.
So are you saying that it is a bug and I should resend? @FatFish
@BlackCloakGS I think it is safe to say this is a GS issue now. 3 of us all with the same problem of failed iaps that are still being charged on apps that were approved by Apple. What are the next steps here as I imagine this problem is going to snowball as more people publish their updated games.
My Latest GS Game - Tiny Spirit
My First GS Game - Dashing Ralph
I will say that at this time it is only charging once (based on iTunes connect report) so it does recognize that it has already been purchased...they just don't get what they paid for
We are looking into the issue
Just for fun, I tried an in-app purchase again today from my live app. Same results.
This is not good.İ'm watching this thread,my new game almost finish with iap but if it doesnt't fix, I will not publish apple app store.
Really big problem first time than, customer bought item but they do not get it.I hope,this will fix quickly.
Check out my games on the App Store!
Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
Got this back from Apple today.
We found that your app crashed on iPad running iOS 7.1, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Your app crashed when we:
1) start the app on a device
2) select IAP
3) enter credentials and the app crashes here
This occurred when your app was used:
Your app may encounter this issue if it is using too much memory. To learn more about iOS memory usage and how to track memory usage and leaks, please see the Memory Usage Performance Guidelines.For discrete code-level questions, you may wish to consult with Apple Developer Technical Support. When the DTS engineer follows up with you, please be ready to provide:
If you have difficulty reproducing a reported issue, please try testing the workflow as described in https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1764/Technical Q&A QA1764: How to reproduce a crash or bug that only App Review or users are seeing.
What you guys advise on an already published app if the IAPs to remove ads and gain characters is not working? I mean, game play is unaffected....still waiting for ads to display. Should I stop all sales until a suitable fix is made?
I am still working on the error message after a successful IAP however apple is doing some work on there servers. Once Apple's servers are back up I will continue my work on looking into this bug.
Ok I think i have a fix for the error message after a successful IAP however it looks like we have to submit the app to Apple to verify the fix. In the mean time we will push the fix out with the next RC
Cool. So, pending the results, I would just need to recompile using .12 and re-submit?
@Fetaboy yes
@BlackCloakGS Is this also an issue with iAds or is it still the typical wait a day or so after launch to appear in app?
What is that for ? and how do you do that ?
It can help to run your app in one country to kick the iAds into touch before releasing in all countries.
It would just be a case of hitting publish button again whilst using the updated RC build .11/.12 and then go through the publishing motions agin and resubmitting to Apple. Rejecting the binary on iTunes Connect if your app isn't already in review or hasn't gone live on the App Store.
Hope that helps.
Good to see another RC. I'll pull my .10 build and try this new one with Apple.
how do i get this fix> @FatFish said:
oh ok ! Thanks FatFish
So if I Understand correctly it will work if i do that ?
Here is the update from Apple Dev Tech Support:
My Latest GS Game - Tiny Spirit
My First GS Game - Dashing Ralph
So, the payments are going completely through on Apple's end for these failed transactions? Damn....I had several people do in app purchases yesterday. Was hoping the credit card transaction would ultimately be cancelled.
That's right. Whether 11.0.11 fixes the production side of IAPs is still in the air until someone confirms it does.
I have an 11.0.11 build in there now waiting for review. I have requested an expedited review again although they granted it on the last one so I doubt they will do it again.
My Latest GS Game - Tiny Spirit
My First GS Game - Dashing Ralph
Cool. Fingers crossed for you, otherwise I think the GS Team are first in the queue to finding out if 11.0.11 fixes things
When i look in " About Game Salad " It tell's me that my version is Beta and you guys are talking about 11.0.11 so i'm getting a little bit worried. And when I try to update it they tell me that i've got the latest version...